Hawke Match Mount 1-Pc Mount 1" Rings, High, 11mm Dovetail
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The hex screws on the base let you adjust the base to fit the different width rails found on airguns. The clamp is made to securely fit a range of dovetail widths.
Rounded edges prevent scope damage.
Helpful resources:
- Tips for picking scope mounts
Hawke Match Mount 1-pc 1" mount
- High profile, 1-piece scope mount
- 1" rings
- Fits 9-11mm dovetail
- Recoil stop pin
- Double hex screws secure the scope
- Reversible dovetail clamp fits 9-11mm and 3/8 inch
- Internal cushion tape prevents scratches
- High-grade anodized aluminum construction
- Ideal for guns that need additional scope elevation
- Height: 2"
- Weight: 5.9 oz
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10 of 11 Hawke Match Mount 1-Pc Mount Reviews
The one piece design is a solid hold on my HW95 .22 and Beeman R9 .177.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI always use blue loctite just for added measure
I have a Beeman R1 that I purchased 20 years ago. I could never keep a scope on it. I used double sided tape in the rings and the scope would still slide thru the rings. I bought this mount and am very happy. Scope hasn't moved since.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowVery sturdy mount for magnum spring piston guns.
Used it on the Hatsan Bullboss to raise the scope view. With the Hawke Mil Dot IR I bought for the gun the standard mount was too low.
Things I Would Have ChangedHawke should make a riser that is approx. 1-1/2" high, it would make it easier to raise the scope.
Strong well made mount that had a stop pin in base.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThis mount replaced BLK mounts on my TX 200 Air Arms rifle that were moving due to recoil.
Perfect Mount for my .22cal Marlin Papoose and Looks Sweet...! Plus Great Value..
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing .. Period
What Others Should KnowGreat for any small rail mount
Worked great, my scope doesnt move.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowFor the price, they are great mounts.
Good, sturdy mounts that work well and no problems.
Things I Would Have ChangedNone
What Others Should KnowNone
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Hawk optics and accessories are the best for air guns!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowHawk optics, git some!!
Very well made. Best bang for the buck mount. Four mounting screws make for a strong connection to rails. Also has a stop pin if needed.
Things I Would Have ChangedNone.
What Others Should KnowThis is the mount I use on every air rifle I can possibly mount to. Works well with 40 or 50mm. Never had a failure.
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Mar 15, 2022
By Jeremiah
This is my third Hawke one piece mount. They work great and don't move once tightened well. Had the lower version on a Diana 430L and a Weihrauch HW97K with no problems. Had to buy the higher mount because the turret area on mt new Burris fullfiend would clear the center area of the low mount as it is bulky.
Things I Would Have ChangedThere is a very small amount of perceivable lean on my mount to one side which could skew the scope paralax causing a pellet to hit left or right by up to maybe a 1/4 inch at varying distances but I'm pretty sure I can work with that.
What Others Should KnowThese are pretty solid mounts for the price.