Seneca .22 Cal,, Image 1
Seneca .22 Cal,, Image 1
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Seneca .22 Cal, 32.4 Grains, Pointed, 110ct

4.0106 reviews
2 answered questions


$0.064 / Rd

Caliber:.22 (5.5mm)

.22 (5.5mm)
.25 (6.35mm)


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These .22 caliber pellets from Seneca deliver the performance required for small game hunting or target practice.  Each domed round weighs in at a heavy 32.4gr.  110 pellets per package.

Seneca .22 Cal, 32.4 Grains, Pointed, 110ct

  • .22 caliber
  • 32.4 grains
  • Pointed
  • 110 per tin
  • Use only in Seneca, Airforce, Evanix, and other high power air rifles
  • Use only in the guns listed above; these will NOT perform well in spring- or gas-piston guns, CO2 guns, single-stroke pneumatics or multi-pump pneumatics
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.22 (5.5mm)
Ammo Type
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Projectile Weight
Ammo Shape
Price per Round

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10 of 106 Seneca .22 Cal, 32.4 Grains Reviews

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These pellets shot accurately in my Gamo Swarm Magnum, but I had to single load as they were a bit long to fit in the Gen3i 10 shot magazine. Only issue I had.

Maybe shorten the pellet a bit.

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A good, heavy, hard-hitting pellet. I got excellent grouping with these out of my Hatsan Vectis using iron sights.

The tin that Seneca pellets come in. Takes some work to remove the lid. But at least it's secure! Better than a tin that the lid just falls right off of. A screw on lid would be much better. It would also be nice to have larger packs available, like 200 or 250 per tin. But keep the smaller tins available... better to pay $8 for 110 and find out you don't like them, than to pay $20 for 250, and find out you don't like them. And with buy 3, get one free, I guess the small tins aren't all that bad.

These pellets are quite long. They probably won't fit in any magazine, so make sure you have a single shot tray.

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Very heavy pellet when pushed fast

The sizeing a bit over size

Yes I found on line pellet sizers got me two one in 4.5 and one in 5.5 size two that go in guns much much better

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The weight and the design

More per can & Pellets look homemade, but fire just fine!

I have a Hatsan .22 SpeedFire with a 10 Shot speedloader...this loader will only take one of these pellets and will not rotate due to being too long, but it will still load one for a single shot. So overall, I'd still purchase these again!

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Works great in my Air Venturi Avenger! Since the bolt probe is off center, (normal for this rifle) it can tend to push pellets in slanted. But this pellet has enough length to go in straight regardless. 2600psi on regulator with 5 turns on hammer, 25/55yrd zero, 1 mil drop at 75yrds@half inch groups. 2 3/4 mil drop at 100@1in group.

More in a can.

I do not know velocity. but chairgun app values manually input to get correct ballistics out to 130yrds are as follows...
BC=0.0275, Velocity=1075, Far Zero=55, and I believe using 22lr Drag Law. Workin' good for me.

Donald May 16, 2022

They work fine in my AEA Challenger Standard, .22 cal. They are tight, but feed and fire and shoot decently @50 yds., 974 fps for 68.2 fpe. w/ power set at 10 O'clock position.

Robert May 06, 2022

Hi Folks... Bought these for my AEA Challenger Standard .22cal... Heed the warnings about spring loaders. Even though the Challenger Standard is a higher-power PCP, these do not work. The skirts are to broad for the breach... and these pellets jam up as soon as they're loaded. I was surprised and disappointed, but will keep them for use down the road. I think Pyramid air should provide a more definitive list of incompatible brands to save people time and money. Just putting that out there... Otherwise - I shop your site all the time and am a big fan. Thank you, Robert Volpe

james Apr 04, 2022

If that is the 22 cal, that's 83 fpe really ?

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The weight and shape.


Out of the 200 in the tin, about 14 were usable. The rest were damaged beyond repair.

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Nice shape, large head diameter, works very well with Benjamin 392 rifles. With a factory original 392, 10 pumps and this pellet make 465fps and 15.5 ft/lbs. With my Steroid tuned 392 and 10 pumps this pellet made 545fps and 21.30 ft/lbs. not bad for some pump guns.


These do not work well in spring guns, however if you have a 392 steroid or regular, these pellets are very accurate, and slide right through unopened quart cans of pumpkin. I have no doubt or questioning in these pellets and there ability to pass through game.

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They had a consistent groups.

Both the Seneca .22 Cal, 32.4 Grains, Pointed and Seneca .22 Cal, 28.5 Grains, Domed I had great difficulty in getting them to chamber. Too large for my Gamo Swarm Magnum 10x Gen2 and Hatsan Flash Pup QE .22. Makes them super difficult to chamber (close the breach). Even caused my Gamo auto feed system to come apart.

Make sure they chamber in your gun before buying in quantity.

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The weight. Accuracy. My Mach 12.5. .22 .25 cal. Performance at 28 foot pounds! At around 650-660 fps thumps very hard at close range..point-of-impact change negligible at 10 meters. It works well in all my springers down to 17 flbs. Rabbit usual " elephant medicine. " have company now!

The round head version is supposed to be more accurate. I doubt it. Hollow point it like Crow Magnum???? Big dish up front...or Crow mag to this weight? Humane- er? Lethal. What it cost to fill groove with lube wax? Sell them to me at half - price? Ha ha.

The multi-groove DOES aide velocity. The long skirt obturates well..altogether ..less ' blow-by' i.e. super air-tight fit ..more power...Your sub-17 ftlb springer will NOT make you happy with these. TOO HEAVY!
RWS350 MAG. HATSAN 125..class springer can chunk em. Ok.. ( Mach 12.5 superior with heavy pellets due to very heavy tophat.)

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Bought to test max weight pellet for 3 springers: Mach 12.5 Beeman 28 ft.lbs Benji Prowler 20 ft lbs. Hatsan Edge spring. All .22. At 10 meters all are effective. Accurate. Penetration in treated 2x6 excellent at 28 ft lbs. At 20 ft lbs... Bunny rabbit lethal for sure. But waste at this price. Reserved for Mach(along with Rabbit mag 2s) as "elephant" ammo! More than accurate for its uses. Pig.raccoon..feral goat.etc. 30 yards or so. Obturate very well at 20 foot pounds and up!

They will never be cheap.

17 foot pound minimum for hunting. The tin ...although undamaged is not opening-friendly....
The tins were packed like nuclear weapons! Thanks PA.

Will Sep 17, 2022

Ok. I said above that they would never be cheap. Well they are a little cheaper( for now). I am ordering more.

Will May 02, 2021

Used in my newly purchased Hatsan 125..Great!!!! This thing make POWER! MY Mach 12.5 STILL makes full 27-28 ftlbs. Over 1000 plus mostly 16 and up gr. Pells.But this pellet in this particular 125 is significantly better now..gun is acting broke-in already ..these give a shotgun-like PUSH to shoulder..very taming. I COULD do tons of trick plinkiing with this combo..IF I was filthy rich. Oh well. I notice that even if I force jimmyup the still perform.The long tail? ring grooves?? The gun? Prayer? Good thing they pricey...I would spray them all over the place.

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