JSB Match Diabolo Exact Jumbo Monster .22 Cal, 25.39 Grains, Domed, 200ct
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- .22 caliber
- 25.39 grains
- Domed
- 200 pellets
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10 of 175 JSB Match Diabolo Exact Jumbo .22 (5.5mm) Cal Reviews
They shoot great
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThey are made with quality.
25.39 Grains Design of the pellet container.
Things I Would Have ChangedOrder the redesigned pellets
What Others Should KnowAfter many shots going from the short range to my standard distance, I decided to take a different approach.
Starting over I found a sweet spot
20 yards nailed it
30 yards nailed it
40 yards just 3 of 10 pellets hit an 8" target.
I was immediately an unhappy camper.
If you shoot only 20 or 30 yards then it is fine but if you are like me 40 yards is a good all round beginning point
I'll dedicate these pellets to a gun zeroed for 20 yards and the occasional close up shots
very accurate hard hitting pellets the gray squirrels here in missouri and devastated by them. My hastan 95 22 cal loves these pellets and shoot very accurate out to 50yds.
Things I Would Have ChangedMore pellets for the price would be great
they fit most magazines and pack a punch in my kral knight at 860 fps they will fully penetrate a 2x4 and keep going!
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowthey won't fit small magazines such as Diana Bandit or the Ataman AP16
I tried these in my Gamo Swarm Fusion gas piston air rifle with great success. They loaded well in the Gamo 10 X mags and I remember the first shot was a bullseye at 40 yards. Knock down power was amazing and I call these "Thuds" because of the sound they made dispensing pests.
Things I Would Have ChangedWish they were 300 count for the price.
Accurate in all my springers. Benji Prowler 21 ftlbs. Beeman Mach 12.5 30 ftlbs . RS-2 Beeman x2 17ftlbs. I use treated 2x6 backstop pine. Pellet penetrates to cover the skirt in all gun(10meters). Knockdown is impressive on jackrabbit..and foxes. Higher velocity than Rabbit Mag IIs..more accurate...less hard alloy though....(I have do more test before head-shot pigs...although at 10 meters an eye shot is assured 100 percent.) I only use the Mach on pigs. All guns .22 cal. Rs 2 can convert to .177..but too accurate to mess with that. You get .25 cal. Results at this weight.knockdown. with.flatter trajectory.cost. variety of pellets. Availability.etc.
Things I Would Have ChangedIf it remained accurate...maybe offer a HARDER LEAD ALLOY version specifically for hardtarget penetration...bone smashing. Our possums are HUGE!!! due to favorable climate last couple years ALL game teeming in west Texas.
What Others Should KnowSince I use springer/gas piston guns only..I limit my use of heavier pellets to extend gun life.The Mach 12.5 max out at 27 gr.hn slugs.217s 30 ftlbs...but is optimized for 18-21gr.weights. The benji@ 16 gr. Rs 2 16 gr. The weaker guns give good performance with this heavy and can be replaced..but not the Mach! try and find one.
Accurate in all my springers. Benji Prowler 21 ftlbs. Beeman Mach 12.5 30 ftlbs . RS-2 Beeman x2 17ftlbs. I use treated 2x6 backstop pine. Pellet penetrates to cover the skirt in all gun(10meters). Knockdown is impressive on jackrabbit..and foxes. Higher velocity than Rabbit Mag IIs..more accurate...less hard alloy though....(I have do more test before head-shot pigs...although at 10 meters an eye shot is assured 100 percent.) I only use the Mach on pigs. All guns .22 cal. Rs 2 can convert to .177..but too accurate to mess with that. You get .25 cal. Results at this weight.knockdown. with.flatter trajectory.cost. variety of pellets. Availability.etc.
Things I Would Have ChangedIf it remained accurate...maybe offer a HARDER LEAD ALLOY version specifically for hardtarget penetration...bone smashing. Our possums are HUGE!!! due to favorable climate last couple years ALL game teeming in west Texas.
What Others Should KnowSince I use springer/gas piston guns only..I limit my use of heavier pellets to extend gun life.The Mach 12.5 max out at 27 gr.hn slugs.217s 30 ftlbs...but is optimized for 18-21gr.weights. The benji@ 16 gr. Rs 2 16 gr. The weaker guns give good performance with this heavy and can be replaced..but not the Mach! try and find one.
product is great
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowCost of shipping and delivery is out of control it takes a couple weeks sometimes and sometimes it takes longer to get your product
Excellent heavy weight pellet. Hit with a lot of force. Flatten out on impact. Shoot perfect from my Diana Bandit and my Benjamin Titan. Will hit a target at 100 yards with a rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedWould not change a thing.
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Mar 19, 2024
By Eduardo
These are all very uniform and clean! I'm pleasantly surprised with the superb accuracy bench rested 1/4" @ 32 yards. .22 cal. AGT Vulcan 3-700 - @ 997 fps= 56 ft/lbs of muzzle energy! I will be further testing at much longer ranges to see how they hold upto 100 yards.
Things I Would Have ChangedAbsolutely nothing! They shoot with superb accuracy out of my Vulcan 3-700.
What Others Should KnowI recommend shooting these with a minimum of 40/ft/lbs. They're meant for higher powered pcp's!