VFG Weapon Care .177-Cal Match-Set Pocket Airgun Cleaning Kit
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- Pocket airgun cleaning system
- .177 caliber
- Includes metal case, plastic-covered flexible steel wire, handle (slotted disk), adapter and several cleaning attachments
Handy cleaning kit travels with you without taking up much space. Tuck it into your pocket or slip it into your range bag. Great to have anytime you need to maintain your air gun.
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10 of 10 VFG Weapon Care .177-Cal Match-Set Reviews
Simple to use, easy to carry, effective cleaning of the barrel.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. Great product.
What Others Should KnowIf you own a Bullpup like I do, there is a bit of manipulation when you get back to where the pellet probe pushes a round into the chamber. But nothing that could not be easily overcome.
Portable and easy to use in the field if needed. Pellets stay on adapter well when pulling through the barrell
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowNope, just try it.
compact - takes up little space - I like pull-thru cleaning systems better than cleaning rods.
Things I Would Have Changeddifferent type of lid
What Others Should KnowI use this for cleaning both air rifles and 17HMR rifles
Exactly what I was looking for
Things I Would Have ChangedA screw top tin would be preferable
It works as advertised.
Things I Would Have ChangedCleaning pellets could be less expensive.
What Others Should KnowThis is an easy cleaning solution. It doe's work as advertised. I didn't feel the pellets would stay on the jag as well as they do, I had no problems with them coming off. I still prefer a rod over a cable, but this fits in my range box more easily. I don't believe in intensive cleaning of air gun barrels, so this kit is more than sufficient.
Compact, cleans my barrels extremely well, whats not to like.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowHave fun and be safe by following the safety rules.
Quite handy and easy to use. Just be sure to pull straight.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Small portable size, well made, best .177nbarrel cleaning tool available in my opinion.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
The screw in patches with brass fiber flecks can help you get a clean barrel quickly. You can get several passes with the cleaning patch, so they are economical
Things I Would Have ChangedPut a dab of a light oil in the green cleaning patch, as the cleaner in it is a bit dry. Then pull through a dry white cleaning patch.
What Others Should KnowThe directions say to pull this FROM the muzzle through the breech...Basically, I would NOT recomment this probuse as they use a braided stainless steel wire. This can cut a fine line in your breech face UNLESS YOU ARE VERY CAREFUL. They would be better off to use a piece of heavy gauge nylon filament line as did the old Beeman kits.
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Nov 26, 2020
By Kerry
Easy to clean my FWB 65 from the breech with this kit. Steel cable is coated and felt cleaners stay on well. Best pull-thru I have found.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThe lid is domed. Simply press down on center for easy opening.