Walkers ATACS Sport, Image 1
Walkers ATACS Sport, Image 1

Walkers ATACS Sport Earbuds Bluetooth

3.53 reviews



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ALL-DAY COMFORT  Soft and flexible ear hooks help to hold the earbuds in place during movement, even when jarred; The ear hooks combined with multi-sized foam ear tips also ensure all-day comfort.

ERGONOMIC  ATACS Sport Earbuds include a behind-the-neck retention strap; In addition to ensuring retention, the retention strap allows you to drop the earbuds around your neck when not in use but keep them readily available.

BLUETOOTH CONNECTIVITY  The ATACS has a focus on sound suppression/enhancement technology and operational control; Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity allows you to pair your ATACS with your phone, via the Walker's LINK app.

LISTENING MODE SETTINGS  The listening mode settings of the ATACS include universal, clear voice, power boost, and high-frequency boost.

RECHARGEABLE BATTERY  The ATACS Sport Earbuds are rechargeable via USB-C for 7.5 hours of battery life per charge; Also, to prevent premature power loss, you can set auto shutoff times via your phone.

The lightweight convenience of traditional earbuds with a flexible around-the-ear hook for added security
Low noise frequency tuned for sound clarity
Digital sound quality
Sound-activated compression (SAC)
Program settings: Universal, Clear voice, Power & Hi frequency boost
Includes 3 different size foam ear tips for optimal fit
Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity compatible with Walkers Link mobile app
7.5 hours of battery life
4 hours auto shut off
USB-C charging cable included
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0.5 lbs
Noise Reduction Rating
24 db

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3 of 3 Walkers ATACS Sport Earbuds Reviews

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Well made. Use for work and yard work. Important feature missing. You can mute whatever you’re Bluetoothing However to change the volume of your connected device, you have to pull your phone out of your pocket to adjust Use these for to range once. Never again without muffs over top. Bought mainly for work anyway. Battery won’t last a shift if used in a lot.

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Very comfortable earbuds, really works, good battery health, but misses a case. Mine break the ear pin, is not replaceable. :/

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I paid for these out of pocket, unlike the genius below this review asking for free ones. Did alot of research before purchasing and Landed on these. I wanted something that would stay attached to my ears better than buds, as well as something I could easily remove without losing it. This was a perfect fit. The audio quality is really good given it's not its main purpose. The fit is comfortable and the noise attenuation works great. Very minimal wind pickup compared to others. I even use these now for cutting the grass and working with power tools. My only change would be to provide multiple sizes for the over-the-ear portion, as they seem a little large for my ears. but not enough to cause issues.

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