Walkers Ultimate Power Muff Quads, Black
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ENHANCED HEARING With the 2 Hi Gain Omni Directional Microphones, these hunting earmuffs amplify important sounds with up to 9 times the power, achieving a 50 dB rating; Enjoy better hearing and ear protection with these 26dB NRR range shooting earmuffs. DYNAMIC PROTECTION The Sound Activated Compression circuit reacts within 0.02 seconds to safeguard your hearing from loud sounds; Encased in a sound-dampening composite housing, these earmuffs feature recessed volume control knobs for easy adjustments. ADJUSTABLE FREQUENCY TUNING The innovative Adjustable Frequency Tuning (AFT) feature allows you to customize the unit's frequency response; Tune your shooting earmuffs to the frequency response that best matches your hearing for crystal clear reception. SPECS 2 Microphones; 9x Hearing Enhancement; Power: 50db; Adjustable Frequency Tuning; 2 Independent Volume Controls; Noise Reduction Rating (NRR): 27dB; Compact Folding Design; Hygenic Ear Pads; Power Source 2 Energize AAA Batteries (Included) 27 dB noise reduction rating Four Hi Gain Omni Directional Microphones Adjustable Frequency Tuning AFT Sound-activated compression (SAC) 9x Hearing Enhancement Power 50dB 2 independent volume controls Compact folding design Anti-Microbial Ear Pads Power source 2 AAA batteries (included)
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3 of 3 Walkers Ultimate Power Muff Quads Reviews

I love the Ultimate Power Muff Quads! I am hearing sounds that I have never heard before on the range. I use these when instructing students on the range and I am able to hear every sound and every question. My students all want a pair, after hearing through mine. Win-Win

As a sufferer of tinnitus I’m familiar with hearing issues and the results from it. After 40+ years of sound exposure I honestly can say I found one of the best hearing protectors available at this time. GWP-XPMQ-BT is not only 27 nrr but has BT to boot. Yes you can listen to music or radio through your phone and talk on the phone while wearing the Walkers. I even use mine when walking the dog for better situational awareness of what’s behind me or around a corner. I bought it mainly for hunting and range time but found that it has more uses than that. The only down side that I found is if you have the speakers turned up and sound happens close you might jump not realizing the sound is over 50 yards away. Can’t wait to use it on the boat. Con: not cheap but what is your hearing worth, you can hear what others (wife) are talking about but you do have volume control. And I have recommended to several friends.
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Sep 22, 2021
By Yojimbo813
Great sound suppression and comfort. Volume controls easy to use and work well. Perfect for handgun shooting. The ear cups are too big for shooting sporting clays, but I didn't try on any rifles