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Benefits of CO2 Pistols

The ammunition used in CO2 pistols is typically BBs or pellets, or sometimes both. CO2 as a power source is unique in that it provides remarkably consistent velocities as long as some liquid CO2 remains in the cartridge and the temperature doesn't get too low. These co2 guns fall broadly across 3 categories - historic replica pistols, replicas of modern pistols, and air pistols that are original designs.

If you're a fan of military and western history, you'll enjoy replicas of some of the most famous pistols and revolvers of all time. Western fans can round up dozens of western-themed single-action revolvers, with working actions, pellet/BB shells, and polished metal finishes.

With 1:1 replicas, master your techniques without the cost of traditional ammunition. You can find a co2 air pistol that replicates the functions and controls of its real steel counterpart. Our most popular co2 pistols include the Smith & Wesson's M&P series, Walter, Sig Sauer's P320, and Beretta 92 variants. If a wheel-gun is more your style, we have an impressive selection of co2 revolvers that includes legendary guns such as the Colt Python, Dan Wesson revolvers, or the Smith & Wesson 586.

In addition to these replicas, some of the top manufacturers have produced hundreds of original designs. Many of these CO2 air pistols are similar to actual pistols but are not limited by the specifications for replicas. Freed from these limitations, these guns are ideal for fun backyard plinking or tactical training.

CO2 is a compressed gas that expands when released. When used in CO2 pistols, the gas produces up to five times more energy than an equal volume of butane or propane can, and they leave no residue behind. Two sizes of CO2 cartridges include 8 gram and 12 gram. Depending on the size of the cartridge, CO2 guns can deliver as few as 30 shots to as many as 200 shots before you have to replace the cartridge. This makes most CO2 air pistols affordable to shoot.

The best CO2 powered air guns can last for decades, and many CO2 air pistols are built to incredibly tough standards of quality and precision. With a little care, your CO2 gun will provide years of reliable service.

CO2 delivers an extremely realistic experience in a low-power package to ensure the user's safety. CO2 pistols are ultra-quiet, so you can shoot indoors without making too much commotion.

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