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Education / Training Walther Terrus air rifle: Part 1

Walther Terrus air rifle: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

Walther Terrus
Walther’s Terrus rifle with synthetic stock.

This report covers:

  • Quick notes
  • The Terrus
  • The rifle
  • Sights
  • Trigger
  • Stock
  • A threaded muzzle!
  • Overall impression

Quick notes

Thank you for being patient in April. It was a busy month for me!

Now that the last event is over, I’ll get back to accuracy tests for both the Benjamin Bulldog and the Hatsan BT-65. I now have additional bullets for the Bulldog and additional pellets for the Hatsan, so this should be good. I hope to get to the range later this week with both of those rifles.

I finally got my HW 35 at the Malvern airgun show, and it came with a big surprise. The rifle has been tuned! From the feel of it, the tune was a good one; but, of course, I need to test it thoroughly to know for sure. I had plans for tuning the rifle after my basic test, but now those plans will hinge on how well the rifle is already shooting. I may leave it as it is. I hope it’s also accurate.

The Terrus

Today, I am reporting on the Walther Terrus breakbarrel air rifle because Rick Eutsler bragged about it so much when we were filming American Airgunner 2 weeks ago. I shot his Terrus, which has a wood stock, and found it to be very pleasant. It didn’t vibrate, the cocking was easy, the trigger was nice and it seemed to be accurate, though I didn’t have a chance to test it like I’m going to test this one!

One thing I really liked about Rick’s rifle was the thin forearm on the wood stock. It made the rifle feel nice and sleek in my hand — sort of like a Beeman R7, but more powerful — yet not as big and heavy as a Beeman R9. This is the kind of airgun I’ve wanted for many years, and perhaps it has finally been built.

The rifle I’m testing for you today has a black synthetic stock whose forearm is swollen like a pregnant whale. I do not like the feeling, though it’s possible to hold it near the triggerguard, where it’s slender. I wish the designers had left the stock thin when they made the molds. But at least now you know there’s a difference between the wood and synthetic stocks.

Walther Terrus forearm bottom
From underneath you can see how the forearm swells in the middle.

If you like a full beavertail forearm, get the synthetic stock. If you like a slim forearm, get the wood one.

Rick’s rifle, a .22 caliber, was also calm when it fired. This one I’m testing has a slight buzz. It’s not even as much as the FWB Sport, but it’s there. I’m just saying.

Rick’s rifle was easy to cock and so is the one I’m testing. His trigger was very nice and so is the one I’m testing. If the rifle I’m testing is also accurate, this will be the best market value in a breakbarrel spring gun. At $230, it will be an absolute killer of a deal.

The test rifle is also in .22 caliber. It does come in .177, as well. The test gun’s serial number is LG004249; but if it’s accurate, I plan on buying it and tuning it for you.

Here’s the deal — Umarex, are you listening? I had high hopes for the FWB Sport and was very disappointed when the rifle I tested failed to live up to its rich history — meaning the FWB 124. Suddenly, the Walther Terrus bursts on the scene with most of what I was looking for in the FWB. And the price is fantastic! If this rifle is accurate, then I can overlook the very slight buzz in the powerplant until I have the time to tune it out.

In other words, Umarex, the Terrus may be the very spring rifle I have been looking for. All it has to be now is accurate.

The rifle

The Terrus is a medium-sized breakbarrel spring rifle. It’s smaller than an R9 but seems to deliver similar power. It weighs 7.5 lbs. with the synthetic stock and is 44.25 inches long. It’s rated at 800 f.p.s. in .22, and you know I’ll test that for you. I don’t care if it launches medium-weight .22-caliber pellets at 700 f.,p.s., as long as they all go to the same place.


The Terrus has open sights! Yes, Walther saw fit to put adjustable open sights on this rifle — even at this low price point. They’re fiberoptic; but when I complained about fiberoptic sights in a Round Table session on American Airgunner, I found I was alone in my opinion. The other 3 guys seem to like them. Of course, I shoot more at targets than they do, and they use airguns for more practical things such as hunting, so I think that’s the difference. Anyhow, the Terrus has sights, and the rear sight adjusts crisply in both directions.

There are grooves in the front ramp for a hood, but no hood came with the rifle. That red fiberoptic tube is very unprotected.

There are 11mm scope grooves cut into the spring tube. And there’s a single hole for a vertical scope stop pin. So, the Terrus is ready for whatever kind of shooting you intend doing.


The trigger is 2-stage and crisp! Thank you, Walther. There’s an adjustment for the length of the first stage travel, but that’s all — and that’s all you need. This trigger is crisp and delightful. No, it’s not a Rekord trigger, but it’s way more precise and crisper than any trigger found on similarly priced airguns. Only the now-discontinued Bronco trigger was as good.

Walther Terrus trigger
The one trigger adjustment controls the length of the first stage.

The trigger blade is very wide and straight, which will please most shooters. But the blade is plastic, and that will invite some criticism. Actually, this kind of trigger blade isn’t part of the sear mechanism and can be made of plastic without a problem, but the traditionalists will complain.


The synthetic stock has a rough finish in a matte black. It is SOLID! No need for foam. Walther listened to their customers. Both the forearm and pistol grip have generous ares of aggressive stippling that really grips your hand. And, with the safety located in the top center of the pistol grip behind the receiver — shotgun style — this stock and rifle are 100 percent ambidextrous.

The pull is 14.25 inches, which fits most adults. The solid buttpad is a grippy black rubber with a rough surface to grab your shoulder.

A threaded muzzle!

The muzzle has a knurled steel cap that protects 1/2″ x 20 threads for a European silencer. Of course, an airgun like this is already super quiet, so a silencer won’t have much to do. But this is a feature that will play well in the UK, where the Terrus’ over 12 foot-pound power puts it into the firearms certificate (FAC) category.

Walther Terrus threaded muzzle
There it is under the cap — a threaded muzzle. Dream of silent airguns! And, yes, it does look like the front sight comes off for use with a scope.

Overall impression

Can you tell I like this rifle? It’s more than just like — I am thrilled Walther got it so right on the first try. It’s not a gun they’ll make a lot of money with, but it’ll be one that I can get a lot of new shooters to buy because of the price. Most of the features I want are there. There are more of them in this rifle than in any other at this price. I hope it’s accurate! If it is — watch out!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

107 thoughts on “Walther Terrus air rifle: Part 1”

  1. BB,

    You are not alone. I do not like glowy thingy sights either. The only time I can think of that I would prefer glowy thingy sights is in a combat situation where speed, not pinpoint accuracy matters. I guess if I am gut shooting critters they are OK, but that is not my style. I do like the fact that for once someone has made them easily removable. I can either replace them with decent sights or use a scope.

    This is starting to shape up as a real winner.

    • I’m not a big fan of fiber-optic sights either, but I can think of a couple uses where they would probably work better than more traditional open sights. Shotguns come to mind almost immediately since a fiber-optic sight would be easier to see than a traditional bead sight. Another use would be on a defensive pistol where, like you said, precision is less important than quick target acquisition. I guess what I’m getting at is that fiber-optic sights have their uses.

      And at least Walther bothered to put some form of open sights on the Terrus.

      • For what it’s worth, when using a shotgun on moving targets you don’t look at the sight. You look at the target. So, a sight you can see better won’t help. This really works, give it a try the next time you shoot some clay birds.


  2. BB,

    Great, now the terrus is also been tested, please make sure you also get the century. There’s lots of shooters who want to buy an other airgun….. high end quality & accuracy and reasonable priced. Trow all the new quality rifles in the mix, and look who comes out on top.
    Personally im intersted how the hw35 fares aiganst this bunch. I hope a new the out of the box hw35 can hold its own against the new dianas, walthers and AA. It would be a GO-sign to buy the hw35 🙂
    On the other hand…. if these guns out preform the 35 in terms of smoothness and accuracy…. then thats a sign were entering a new era of airgun manufacturing. If we are…. I will most certainly not buy the hw35. Ive never shot the hw35, but im fascinated by its looks, pedigree and its barrel-lock.
    BB, can you give your insights on the next questions:

    1) is the hw35 outdated/outshot by the new dianas, walthers and AA?
    2) hw 30s vs hw35…. which one is more smooth and accurate at 25m?

    • DJ,

      I would be very pleasantly surprised if the HW35 was smoother than the HW30S as the HW35 is considerably more powerful. Now as far as smoothness goes, this one is a used one, probably well broken in and it has apparently been tuned. It is also a short stroke, which will help some also.

      I do not see very many of these things show up on the market. Apparently those who get them do not let them go.

      • Ridgerunner,

        Im not sure at which powerlevel Id buy the 35. Might as well be 7.5 joules (about 6 foot pounds). I prefer accuracy above power. Up to 25/30 meters my 7.5 joules fwb 300s droppes every pest bird with a head shot, it won’t penetrate the chest bone though.
        A 7.5 joule 35 could be a midrangd hunter as well a breakbarrel target shooter for the 10m breakbarrel competition.
        For rabbit and long ranges I always use my hw80 5.5 (beeman r1).

        • DJ,

          Well, as I figure it, I have room for one break barrel sproinger in my closet. I am a bit of a strange bird in that I do not want a large collection of air rifles, or anything else for that matter.

          At the moment I have four air rifles, one, maybe two of which I plan on selling, one BB gun and one air pistol. Each one fills a specific slot for my airgunning, plinking, target shooting, etc. I would like to have a nice break barrel sproinger with enough power for taking small game out to around 50 yards.

          The sproingers that the Europeans have been bringing out in the last couple of years have me all excited. There are a plethora of fine quality, very reasonably price air rifles available.

          I am also not very happy with Crosman. Their marketeers have the company convinced that everybody over here wants a Mattelomatic looking air rifle that hurls a pellet at a gazillion feet per second. Who cares if you cannot hit anything, it makes a sonic crack like a real rifle! Yawn. Wake me when you decide to build something worth owning.

        • Greetings to the Netherlands (I live in the Ruhr Area in Germany) 🙂

          Is pest-control with airguns allowed in NL?

          You don’t have a power limit on freely available airguns, right?

          I have a Diana 31 Panther and I am allowed to keep (and shoot) a 1980 HW35 for somebody else at the moment 🙂
          They are both (F) guns with 7.5 joules.

          They’re both very well-made but the Diana has a front sight that just sucks. It’s made of fragile plastic and the front post is too wide for my taste. Fiber-optics are also a matter of taste I guess. I don’t like them.
          The Weihrauch also has a better butt-cap that’s made of rubber and has more grip.

          The firing behaviour at 7.5 joules is a bit nicer in the Weihrauch rifle. It just has a solid and quiet “thwack”. The Diana has a little bit of vibration and might be a little more hold-sensitive. It’s not objectionable, though.

          In the unlimited version, the Diana is more powerful so they can’t really be compared.

          Accuracy-wise, the Diana seems to be extremely accurate. With a scope, I can put several pellets into the same hole before I do something stupid (which I often do). I think the gun is much more consistent than I am.

          The HW35 also has a reputation for very good accuracy, but it doesn’t have a scope mounted and I’m not good enough with open sights to really make a statement.

          Given that Weihrauch know how to make barrels and the construction and powerplant are very high quality, I’d expect the HW35 to be quite accurate. I’m curious to see what results BB gets 🙂

          If I had to choose right now, I’d probably prefer the HW35 over the Diana because I have no use for magnum power. They’re both very good airguns, though.

          Kind regards,

          • Stephan,

            Hunting with airguns is not allowed in our country. But the government doesnt keep pestpopulations under control either. So, sometimes you gotta take matters in your own hand. Rimfire draws too much attention and isnt save in ereas where theres neighbours. An airgun is perfectly capable doining so.

            Im jealous. ….hahahha….wish I had a 35 lying around!

        • The 7.5 joule 177 35 deserves a nice Diopter and makes a lovely 15m back garden targeteer, the 14 joule one an accurate 30m pest controller,
          It was accurate when it came out in the 50’s and hasn’t suddenly started throwing pellets around randomly since, in fact with the minor refinements of a parachute seal and the K barrel it has become a touch more consistent and efficient
          I think it might be the cheapest in the Weihrauch range now too.
          Given mine has an extreme spread of 7fps over 20 shots, will lay pellet on pellet at 30 yards (if I do my bit) all with unsorted JSB lights
          It’s a good, honest, gun that works in all the right places without ever being a glamour girl.

          • Dom,

            You’re making the right noises 🙂 hahhah thats what I wanted to hear! As I stated….ive never shot a 35 before….that 22 inch long barrel of the E model probably works as a parachute too:) but for some reason I like it. It looks…… wel it somehow looks LONG!! Completely out of proportion. … but I like it. In fact. …I like the retro look, and its the last real classic airgun that is in production.
            But you think the shorter barrel gives more inherent accuracy?

            • I don’t think it helps with accuracy any more than a barrel weight would, the longer sight line would be an advantage with a diopter, especially with the low recoil 7.5 joule ones
              Efficiency is somewhat effected tbh, in power terms, probably less so in 177 though and unimportant in home market models
              Looks great though and often allied to walnut and chequering….bit of a classic 35 all round

            • The HW35E doesn`t have the long barrel anymore. I don`t know when they dropped it.

              I have a 2014 model HW35E that was special ordered for me since the importer only sells the standard HW35 here. The new HW35E`s have the same barrel as the standard HW35. I believe you can also get both with the shorter K barrel (4 inches shorter). And they also make threaded barrels without sights (no holes on the breech block either for the rear sight). I believe all the threaded barrels are the same length as the K-barrel.

              I also like the look of the extra long barrel – it really suits the vintage look of that air rifle. So I think it`s a shame that it`s gone.

              jet1991 – Norway

  3. BB,

    I noticed the information on PA’s site says the trigger is adjustable for length of 1st stage and pull weight. Maybe there is another adjustment screw in there somewhere?

      • That’s it, only first stage travel. We at Walther/Umarex call it XT-Trigger (T for Target), while the Walther LGV, the LGU and also the Century have so called XM-triggers (M for Match), with adjustable stage force and trigger travel.

        I admit by the way that not everyone likes the shape of the polymer forearm design. We specially designed it after a lot of tests with people of different sizes and arm length. It is surely unique, but our designer is both a gunsmith as a specialist for ergonomic design, even it it lookes a bit unusual at first sight.

        The “housewife test” at several gun fairs (“just take that rifle and tell us what you think about”) show that there are many different ways to hold it: some gripit in front of that swell and then draw the rifle back against the shoulder (which is a bit tricky with spring-piston rifles, we all know). Some use the broader swell area, some use the increasing width as a kind of natural stop to slide forward. In summary the forearm stock design is at least in Europe much more popular than the more traditional shaped wooden Terrus WS. But finally one has two versions to choose from, and I’m really looking forward for that shooting results, Tom!

          • No doubt about your honest intention, Tom, I just wanted to add some background info. While I was desperately searching for my posting above (already writing a new one) I’ve checked the manual, which is also available online at the european Umarex website:

            Indeed the genuine (german) text was okay, but somehow in all other languages it was translated however, from the XT-trigger to the better XM-trigger. This only comes with the LGV, LGU and the Walther Century. Which is by the way a seperate model, not the wooden stock Terrus – that is the Terrus WS. Sorry for perhaps confusing with all these new spring-piston rifles…
            Here is an overview over the actual Walther air rifles (and a lot more):

            Anyway, I have already informed my colleagues about this obviously wrong translation – thanks very much for that info, Tom and Edith!

    • RidgeRunner,

      The “Technical Data” section of the owner’s manual states that the trigger also adjusts for pull weight. Apparently, that’s incorrect. I’ve added a disclaimer to the Terrus descriptions and will notify Umarex USA (the importer) that they need to correct this error.


  4. BB,

    By the way, while I have you on the line, YOU DOG! Rubbing my face in it about that HW35!

    I guess the good thing about this is I will have the opportunity to have you give a thorough review of it before I have the chance to buy one.

      • BB,

        Yes we did.

        When you first mentioned that you had acquired one at the show, I immediately demanded that when you were tired of fooling with it, I wanted to buy it from you as it is at the very top of my short list. You informed me that it was already claimed by the person who had declined to purchase it in deference to you as long as it was reserved for him.

        • RR + BB,

          I was at my german gunsmith. He fixed my hw 80. I dont know what he did, but the ftt pellets are now Wayyyyyy too light…….I have to feed it barracuda match (kodiak) to avoid piston slam. And it isnt that silent anymore….. It really cracks now. I guess its detonating left lubricants.

          But what i wanted to say, I handeled a lot of primium springers there, walthers and weihrauchs. One of them was the hw35. The gunsmith told me the -E- from 35e DOES NOT mean Export. What do ya say of that? He says the -E- stands for Extra. Wellll…. There you have it…..we had it wrong all the time.

  5. I’m glad you have one of these, they are getting a decent reputation here in the UK,. The wood stocked version of the Terrus is called the Century in this market, and though their velocity puts ithem firmly in FAC territory here, the version that sells is the restricted 12fpe one, I doubt FAC holders would bother with the export version tbh.
    It’s a nice little competitor for the BSA Lightning and Weihrauch HW99 class of rifles, Umarex are, annoyingly, in the vein of Beeman, a purveyor of smoke and mirrors, but this little gun is a real Walther made BY Walther and is Walthers take on what a budget sporting spring gun should be.

    • Dom,

      Now I am upset with you for rubbing our noses in the fact that we as of yet do not have a source for the HW99!

      Yeah, I am not too much interested in anything with the Umarex name on it, but they are also the major distributer of German air rifles over on this side of the pond.

        • Dom,

          You possibly are indeed back on the list. I had a Gamo CFX as my first air rifle. With the exception of the trigger, which I was able to greatly improve, I liked it very much. Very likely the reason we do not see that over here is the power level is too low for the pellets to break the sound barrier and the price is too high for Wally World to stock it on the shelves.

          • Steyr LG110
            Hammerli AR20 (a real Hammerli, not an Umarex rebadge)
            Google that pair…surely someone is bringing ’em in
            The HW99 and 57 were both released at the same time, similar power and price to address a need for a mid price mid weight, mid price sporter in the range, both had a couple of teething issues, all sorted now, no idea why you get the 99/50 and not the 57
            Not sure why RWS send the Superdome pellets and not the premium Superfields either though.

            • They used to sell the HW57 over here, in fact Pyramyd AIR carried them. I was able to find a safe queen on the used market. My only real complaint is the front sight is not the globe style found on the HW 30/HW50 etc. Otherwise it is excellent. I do plan on giving it a tune at some point.

              • Had a few probs with loading port alignment over here, mind you the HW99/50 had probs with the cocking link
                Look up the “SFS Imp”
                Tony at Sandwell Field Sports sorted the link for Weihrauch.

    • Dom,

      For starters, the safety is pinned so it doesn’t work. Next there is a homemade leather breech seal.

      And the HW35 I used to own was very buzzy. So some of them do buzz when new. This one has been tuned, I am almost certain.


      • Might just be general maintenance, I can understand that safety, if there’s one rifle I forget to click off it’s a Weihrauch….is it a single or double sided safety?….that age would be on the cusp of the change, the single sided one wasn’t that sturdy (early ones eschewed it altogether)….as I recall, some weren’t auto either.
        Looking forwards to the Chrono readings on this……it smells home market to me….the 177 wasn’t all that popular abroad.

        None of my 35’s have ever buzzed notably (fair bit of preload in the non home market ones) but my HW77 is almost comedic….if it didn’t shoot so sweetly I would pull it apart, it actually gets raised eyebrows at the range

      • BB,

        I think the safety thing seems to be a somewhat common condition. I’ve read about it somewhere on the German co2air forums, I believe. I also think it’s supposed to be fairly easy to fix. I can look into it if you like…

        The HW35 I shoot is also really smooth and I don’t really think it has been tuned. Maybe yours is stock afterall. Does it have an F in a pentagon on it? That would make it a 7.5 joule version. I have no experience with the “open” version, so I can’t comment.

        • Stephan,

          No, my 35 doesn’t have the Freimark. It’s a full-power export model.

          But it is very old. 1960s I think. There are only 2 scope stop holes in the end cap.

          I don’t think the safety is jammed. It is deliberately pinned to prevent it from working. I have had Weihrauch apart many times and I know their safeties well.

          But perhaps I will open this one up, just so we will all know for sure.


          • Very glad to see walther is offering this rifle especially for new airgunners.
            I too am jazzed about your recent hw35 aquisition. There is a good deal of info about them on the web,and after tinkering with mine it’s easy to see why they are so endearing. Mine has the f pentagon but with a new Maccari kit it gets over 11 ft lbs. I really like the latch as its easier to break over than a detent. It’s super smooth but it did take some work to prevent galling on the cocking link. We shall all look forward to you posts

  6. BB,

    This is really awesome if you think about it. The European air rifle manufacturers are starting to build air rifles that are competitive price wise with Crosman, but with the European quality that is demanded by the customers over on that side of the pond.

    If this thing will shoot, it will be able to go toe to toe with the venerable 34 at a price that will make Crosman sweat pellets. This thing could be a real winner.

  7. Hello BB and Fellow Airgunners
    Thanks for including this Walther Terrus air rifle into your already busy schedule of tests, new product impressions, and keeping us informed on whether that latest gadget is really genuine, or just some company trying to sell us a better mouse trap. The fact there are so many new products showing up in our on-line store shelves, speaks volumes to the growing popularity of our wonderful sport of airgunning.
    I feel Walther has been a game changer in the way it has marketed the LGV, LGU, and now the relatively inexpensive Terrus line of airguns. Walther is a company with an excellent pedigree of award winning spring piston target rifles dating back over 60 years. I have purposely left out their PCP line of target, and hunting rifles, as I’m sure the Rotex 8 will be featured in a future blog.
    With Walther deciding to showcase their premium LGV line first, it sent a strong message to both consumers, and competitive brands such as Weihrauch, Air Arms, Diana, etc, that they were back in a serious way, with all new technology. A year or so later, the fabulous LGU under leaver became available, and now this Terrus gives hope to those of us who would like a chance to own a premium airgun in .177 or .22 cal with wood, or synthetic stock, for a very affordable price. BB’s first impressions of this gun have given us a hint that this air rifle will be a gun you will be proud to hand down to future generations. If, or when it passes the all important accuracy test, I hope it sends Weihrauch to dust off their old drawing board, and come up with an all new spring piston line of their own. Putting a new stock on the same old power plant over and over, just doesn’t cut it in todays competitive market place.

    • Walther have been a bit lucky, they nearly went the Feinwekbau route by bringing out a breakbarrel and hoping to recoup all development costs in one model…however the lack of volume sales because of this price pretty much dooms this idea to failure (and the LGV is a much more effective unit than the prettier FWB)
      However, with Umarex money backing them up they had the ability to dance lightly and, give out the more complex LGU at a competitive price by producing this range of mid point rifles, based on existing LGV tooling but without some of the more expensive components…rotating piston head, barrel lock…multi adjustable trigger etc.
      It’s good marketing, and shows a spritely company without the arrogance of FWB thinking that nothing more than a name and a good finish will be enough.

  8. BB and Edith,
    This paragraph had me scratching my head for a while:

    Today, I am reporting on the Walther Terrus bearbarrel air rifle because Rick Eutsler bragged about it so much when we were filming…

    I suppose you really mean breakbarrel.

    It looks like Walther is out to capture the market with new products not just rehashing old ones. Hope this reaches our shores with a reasonable price tag.

  9. BB, Your comment on the British market is interesting. Here in Brazil, the current trend is for gas-ram springers, and even those selling coil spring models supply them with a spare gas-ram. The threaded muzzle is totally unnecessary, in my opinion.
    But, talking about the British market, I just bought the latest edition of UK Airgunner magazine, and, with very few exceptions, all they talk about is PCPs. It sounds like the British shooter would buy only one gun, but demand the absolute best quality PCP rifle they can produce, and then only the likes of Air Arms and Daystate counts. Do you think that a springer has a market in the UK?
    Titus Groan mentioned the Walther R8 PCP, but I agree with him, the current springers from Walther are really game changers, as they seem to offer everything the market has been waiting for in affordable packages and with a brand name people will be proud of having. I really hope this Terrus rifle shows good accuracy.

    • Fred,

      My knowledge of the UK market is very dated. I don’t know what they like today. I used to subscribe to what the Brits call the “funny papers (their airgun magazines) but I stopped because there was little of substance in them.


  10. B.B.,

    Like others have written, I look forward to reading your report on the Terrus and HW35.

    You taught me that moderate cocking effort and power are key to making a good springer. Beyond that, I would add that reasonably lightweight rifles have a quality all their own. The HW50, FWB 124 and R7 easily fall into this category. The Terrus and HW35 (and Diana 34 and R9) seem to fall into this range as well, and I look forward to reading more about them.

    Best Wishes to All,


  11. British airgun press are not to be seen as indicitive of what we shoot!….if you took the partisan press here seriously you would think we were all fascinated by Hatsan springers, I see the odd Daystate sure, but they are not commonplace, PCP is about equal with quality springers at the range, most enthusiasts owning one of each, BSA pcp’s Air Arms and HW100’s probably making the lions share, most springers are tuned…whether bought that way (Sandwell Field Sports etc) or home done, AATX200, HW95, HW97, BSA Lightning all being the more popular models with the spring crowd.
    It’s a pragmatic market, and pretty cynical, someone will have to show us the advantage of a gas ram for it to become popular, despite arguably inventing the concept!, Co2 is seen as toy gun propellant, BB’s as inaccurate and possibly dangerous.
    Our press is daft as a brush and really no more than a selection of adverts.

  12. Ok people…

    I figured since “my” HW35 is low-powered and my scope has a single-piece mount, I don’t need a lot of clamping force and thus I can probably mount it without leaving much of a mark.

    The weird thing is that the first shot of a group seems to hit a bit higher than intended and then the rest of the shots group very tightly where I want them to go.

    Must be something with my technique as I sometimes notice something similar with the Diana. I use an old loudspeaker cabinet as an improvised rest and I put the forearm of the rifle on a plastic bag filled with airsoft BB ammunition. I have a light grip on the rifle with my right hand and also touch my shoulder lightly. My face is resting on the butt cheek so I can look straight through the scope.

    It seems the rifle is accurate but I’m doing something wrong…

    Any ideas?


      • Thanks for the info…

        Do I have to put my off hand under the rifle or is it sufficient to rest it on the bag if I use the same position each time?

        I figure the bag of BBs gives me some stability and makes it harder to pull the shot before the pellet leaves the barrel…

    • Stephan:
      1 check your parralax distance
      2 check all the nuts and boots
      3 use exactly the same hold time after time
      4 try different pellets
      If this all wont work …… The seals or spring may be damaged

        • No, it hasn’t. The sophisticated spring-piston-system built in the LGV and LGU with its synthetic piston rings and the whatevertheenglishwordis free rotating piston would be, sorry, too expensive for the Terrus, which is a (we think good) entry-level air rifle “made in Germany”. This rifle has a simple, but reliable spring-piston system. The next step would be the Century, with guide-rings like the LGV/LGV, but without their rotation. The Century also has the LGV-barrel lock and, that’s important, a larger diameter cylinder: 30 instead of the usual 26 mm. Which produces a somehow different “push” when shooting because of the larger amount of air, and a slightly higher muzzle energy (maximum 24 Joule, LGV and LGU max 23 Joule).

          I think by the way that the british airgun market is somehow “double tracked”. Of course they love those PCP rifles, the new Walther Rotex RM8 is very popular over there. But they still use and cultivate their springers, having a British Championship for Spring-piston guns since last year, see http://www.britishrecoilingchampionship.co.uk/ for details (named after the late Paul James). And a lot of former champions, who retired from PCP shooting, are showing up again now.

          • Ulrich Eichstädt,

            Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You said “the LGV-barrel lock and, that’s important,”
            Why is the barrel lock important? does it make the gun more accurate?

      • B.B.

        I received my Terrus .22 two days ago (wooden stock.) I love it, but the more I shoot it, I think on the inside it’s all RWS 34. The guns weigh the same 7.5 lbs. They are both listed at 800 fps airguns. They both have thumb safeties at the end of the receiver. Then of course there is the fact that Umarex/RWS/Walter were all together in business for a long time. Walter comes out with what appears to be a RWS 34 clone at the same time RWS doesn’t know where they are going to be building their guns next year? I hope you tune this gun so we can see if its Walter or RWS on the inside.

  13. RE: Threaded Muzzle

    Don’t discount it here in the U.S. PA has adjustable 1/2 X 20 Hatsan Air Strippers that screw right on. My LGV shoots measurably tighter groups at 25 yards with the stripper in place than without the stripper; after a bit of adjustment.

    Could the difference be extra weight changing barrel harmonics? Maybe. Does the stripper lessen air disturbance as the pellet leaves the muzzle? Possibly. Is it all in my head? Perhaps. All I can say with high confidence is that my Harbor Freight calipers show a positive ten shot group size difference when the stripper is in place and adjusted for the pellet in use.

    Best wishes.

  14. What I would like to see is a new 177 multi-pump with a bigger valve, weaker valve spring (easier pumping)., solid barrel (not a soda straw in a sleeve) that would reach an honest 800 fps with lead pellets and have a flat top receiver that you could mount a scope on. I don’t even care if it was all plastic. I’M TIRED OF THE DAISY 880 RETREADS (think Black Ops) THAT ONLY DO 600 FPS. I think it could be done for a hundred fifty to two hundred dollars if somebody would just think outside the box.

    • Brent,
      have you checked out the Crosman 2100?
      It’s still got the sodastraw barrel but is far from being all plastic like the current 880 & it’s brethren,as a matter of fact you actually get a metal receiver to mount your favorite Optical on and being a Crosman there are plenty of mods.The last time I chronief my Remington Airmaster I was getting770 fps on 14 pumps with 7.9 CPHP


      • Reb,
        I just finished making modifications on a Powermaster 66 I found for cheap. I replace the barrel shroud with half inch aluminum tubing and routed out the barrel hole in the receiver. I used a plastic barrel band from a powermaster 760 to replace flimsy pump attachment to the barrel in the 66. I replace the valve spring with a weaker number 135 spring from Ace Hardware. So far less than quarter inch groups at 6 yards with 15 pumps and guns report is much louder. I’ll have to chrony it and get back with figures. I’m going to try to shoot field target with it, that is, if my arm doesn’t give out pumping it though it’s much easier to pump now 🙂

  15. Mr. Eichstädt

    Please consider the addition of an accessory rail for future iterations of the LGV and LGU. I’ve been optimizing both for 25 meter bench rest competition (we have a separate spring piston class here in the U.S. unlike other world BR organizations). The addition of bench rest adapters under the fore end have been part of the optimization.

    I had to drill holes and bond brass inserts into the LGV stock to screw the adapter into the stock in a fixed position. A friend was able to mill a slot into the LGU stock however, that allowed installation of a standard (although shorter) Anschultz type accessory rail. He was able to mill the slot so that the rail and adapter are both parallel to the barrel. Best of all the rail allows me to experiment with different adapters and different adapter positions as I search for the “best”.

    Note that the rail addition need not be a U.S. only thing. I assume that people involved in FT and other shooting sports could find an accessory rail useful as well.

    Don’t get me wrong. Both the LGV and LGU are great air rifles. Each did however, need some tweaking for bench rest (BR) competition. In fact, each may need some more BR centric tweaks, but I’m not yet ready to discuss any of them.

    Thank you for some great airguns.

  16. Here’s one for the buffs
    I’ve just bought a safe queen Diana 38, in Walnut….with no drillings or grooves for open sights 😉
    Lets see what you can tell me about that…Diana 45 stock with 34 action

  17. I will certainly be following this thread. I am thoroughly confused as to the specs of the Century/Terrus as imported into USA, some specs from UMAREX are for 7.5/16/20 and 24 Joules. I’m sure we’ll get the hi-vel variation but would like to see a mild, easy to cock and 10 Meter friendly Sporter usable with scope and high quality diopter sights. Hopefully with your influence in the industry something in this category will again be available in the US market.

    • Cleanprone,

      Welcome to the blog.

      I hadn’t thought about this rifle for 10-meter shooting, but it might not be a bad idea. The front sight will have to be changed, but how hard will that be? Not for formal matches, but there are thousands of shooters who shoot informally by themselves.

      I do know that Umarex is watching the interest in the Terrus, and they will be listening to everything people are saying.


  18. A low-priced Walther would be something. Generally, the Germans make you pay for their high-quality engineering. But with corporate takeovers, I’m not even sure if Walther is still German.

    B.B., if you are going to take the Marauder backpacking, doesn’t that mean you have to lug the pump around too? No one will be hauling a scuba tank on their hike. I thought the airgun choice for hikers was a springer or multi-pump.

    Mike, you’re probably right about the 6mm PPC AK. On the other hand, the new Galil ACE that sells for $2,000 is supposed to be MOA and at that point the 6mm PPC would start to kick in. I also find that our research on the AK was way behind. It turns out that Kalashnikov went on record to say how much he owed to the M1 Garand design in a book that I am going to start reading. But it gets better than that. It seems that Garand got the idea for a long stroke piston from the BAR, created by none other than John Browning himself. Now that lineage is simply unbeatable: Browning, Garand, Kalashnikov. That makes the arm of John Browning even longer than anyone thought. A design that is so intrinsically good may have all sorts of surprises.

    On that subject, does anyone remember when the 1911 started getting popular among civilians? I seem to remember a time when it was spoken of disparagingly. I think it was around the time off the transition to the Beretta which would place it in the mid-80s. Everyone knew that it was a powerful gun and that it was reliable. But I remember it being called “Old Ugly,” “Old Loudmouth,” and “the slab-sided veteran.” It was seen as an old army fixture. And you didn’t hear about its timeless design or great accuracy.


    • I would say it started in the mid 1970’s. Jeff Cooper was writing about just how effective a properly set up 1911 in .45 ACP was. The sport of practical pistol shooting was starting to really take off and the 1911 was the gun that would win. Things just kept going from there.


    • The Galil ACE looks like a very impressive rifle. 1 MOA with military ammo………..maybe, but I would have to see that to believe it. I see that it is the new issue rifle for the Vietnamese Army! Current calibers are 5.56 NATO, 7.62 NATO and 7.62X39 Russian. I would love to try one.


  19. I’m looking forward to see how this one performs. It looks to be a good balance of price and quality (and something I could actually afford).

    I’m a fan of the Bronco, and looking for an affordable breakbarrel to compliment it.


  20. This rifle looks like it could be a winner. One thing a would change would be to dump the 11 mm groves and go to a picatinny rail. It could also be set up from the factory to compensate for droop if that is an issue.


  21. Who woulda thunk Walther would step up and build the gun that FWB was supposed to be? And at a price that’s competitive.With our homegrown makers!?
    Can’t wait to see how it shoots!
    I’d like to thank them for their contribututionand wish them good luck in it’s debut.


  22. Based on what you posted and the reviews I found on YouTube I ordered one today. I’ve only found one slightly negative review and that was about the trigger. It is on back order at Pyramyd. The price is not bad to begin with and the coupon code makes it even better. I ordered the wood stock version — wood is always my first choice.

  23. Just received my Terrus .22 from that other company PA owns. Just wanted to add that I don’t think this rifle has a anti-bear device because it’s a de-cocker. Take it off safe, hold the barrel tight, and pull the trigger.

  24. Shoots JSB 18.13gr @ 588fps for 13.9 ft-lbs. Shoots Crosman Premiers 14.3gr @ 670fps for 14.3 ft-lbs. Don’t know about accuracy. Haven’t scoped it yet. I’m shooting with the open sights at 10 meters/11 yards indoors straight out of box.

  25. this sounds interesting, I am in the market for a .22 cal air rifle. I own a FWB-124 I have had for many years. I bought it from Beeman when they were located just north of San Francisco. Great rifle, I sent it to them about 10 years ago and had the barrel straitened and new seals installed. It is a awsome air rifle in .177. Thanks for the info………Lynn

  26. An unprotected fiber optic front sight is trouble waiting to happen! You will probably break it whether you use the gun for hunting, target shooting, or just plain store it at home anywhere! Not long ago, I bought a Ruger rifle that had such sights, and soon noticed that somehow the front sight had broken. Naturally, a repair kit cost nearly $20 with shipping, and I had to buy it on line because nobody local carried it – of course! I did a proper repair job and replaced the broken fiber strand. Sure enough, the next day, when I took it out of the soft case that I stored the gun in, the same sight was broken again! After another repair job, I sold the gun to the first guy who came along!
    I’ll NEVER AGAIN buy a gun that is fitted with open fiber optic sights, unless that gun has a hooded protection that won’t allow the front sight to be so easily damaged! That this Walther has a provision for a hood to protect the front sight, speaks volumes about the manufacturer. They evidently know that protection is needed, and made their product in such a way so to protect that fiber optic choice. That they failed to provide the hood tells me that either the failure to install the hood was not intentional and their quality control is poor or lacking, OR that they purposely didn’t include the hood, as a cost saving measure. (Just how much could a hood cost?) In any case, these possibilities are all negative and don’t speak well of Walther.

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