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Education / Training 2016 SHOT Show: Day 3

2016 SHOT Show: Day 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Shot Show Media Day
Shot Show Day 1
Shot Show Day 2

This report covers:

  • Not just airguns
  • Galahad
  • RWS USA (Umarex USA)
  • Beautiful breakbarrel
  • Walther Maximathor and Rotek
  • Brodax
  • AirForce Airguns
  • Crosman
  • More to come

Not just airguns

SHOT is a trade show, but that’s not all. It’s also a place where old friends get to meet and chat at least one time each year. Some of these folks only see each other at SHOT. I was walking up an aisle on day three and someone called my name. Now, I have visual agnosia, which means I can’t recognize faces. I even couldn’t recognize my wife unless I knew what clothes she was wearing that day. Sounds funny, but it’s not when you live it.

So this tall gentleman calls my name and steps up to shake my hand like we were old friends. After I saw his nametag (thank the Lord for them!), I knew that we were. It was Wes Richardson — the guy who developed the Walther Dominator field target rifle with me back in the 1990s. He had been seriously ill and it showed, but he was upright and taking nutrition, as they say, so the news was good. Meeting old friends is a big part of attending the SHOT Show.


Now we’re back in the Air Venturi booth on day 3 of the SHOT Show. Air Venturi has several U.S. brand exclusives, including Air Arms, who had display space in their booth.

The airgun I want you to see is the new Air Arms Galahad bullpup PCP carbine. They are calling it a sport pup in their literature. It’s based on an S410/510 action and magazine that has been compacted into a bullpup configuration. The cocking lever is placed forward, to make it easier to cock the gun while it’s still mounted on your shoulder.

The carbine shown will be available in both 12 foot-pound and full power configurations, in calibers .177 and .22. Full power in .22 is 28 foot-pounds. There is either a synthetic or a beech stock and walnut is an option.

Air Arms Galahad
Air Arms Galahad bullpup carbine comes in wood (this is beech or poplar) or synthetic.

The Galahad also comes in a longer-barreled rifle version that is also a bullpup. With the Russian Ataman rifles and the Galahad, Pyramyd AIR is going to keep me busy testing airguns this year!

RWS USA (Umarex USA)

People have called Diana airguns RWS for years, because RWS USA imports them into the U.S. This year they are making it official and removing the Diana name from the U.S. guns altogether. Naturally that will take some time to take effect as existing supplies of guns are sold.

In the N-TEC line (their line of gas spring guns that they call gas pistons) I saw several new models. There is an underlever with a thumbhole stock called the 470TH. I can guess that it’s based on the current RWS 460 Magnum underlever we have already evaluated. Will a gas piston change things? Who knows?

Another new N-TEC rifle will be the RWS 56TH — a model 52 sidelever fitted with Diana’s gas piston. This is something airgunners have been requesting for 20 years! Both rifles will come in .177 and .22 calibers. I believe I must test one or both of these new models as soon as they become available.

The new RWS 470TH is made from the RWS 460 Magnum that’s been modified to accept an N-TEC gas piston.

The RWS 56TH is an RWS sidelever with an N-TEC gas piston installed. People have asked for this!

Beautiful breakbarrel

I also saw a drop-dead gorgeous model 340 N-TEC Luxus, which is a breakbarrel version of the model 34 with the N-TEC gas piston. I don’t need to test that one because I already tested the RWS 340 N-TEC rifle for you, but the Luxus, with its shapely walnut stock, is so very gorgeous that I wish I could invent a reason to try one. Maybe American Airgunner will test it on the show and I’ll get to shoot it.

RWS 340 Luxus
The RWS 340 Luxus has an N-TEC piston is a gorgeous package. This one on display at the show was in a walnut stock.

Walther Maximathor and Rotek

Umarex USA is a large and diverse airgun distributor, and there was a lot to see in their huge booth. There are two new Wather precharged rifles this year — the Rotek and the Maximathor. They look similar, but the Rotek (.177 and .22) has an integrated tank (an air bottle) with a manometer (pressure gauge), while the Maximathor (.22 and .25) has a more conventional-looking reservoir. I like the look of the more powerful Maximathor. Another rifle I just have to test this year!

Walther Maxamathor
The Maximathor is a powerful new PCP offering from Walther.


The last airgun I want to show you in the Umarex USA booth is the Brodax BB revolver. Umarex says it is not a replica of any particular gun, but more like what you would see in a video game. It reminds me a lot of the Chiappa Rhino revolver that lowered the .357 barrel to reduce the recoil flip. I have been intrigued with that revolver since Chiappa introduced it, and that interest transfers to the Brodax. It also looks like the ‘toon gun used in Who Framed Roger Rabbit, or even Hellboy’s revolver. Yes it’s a BB revolver and yes, I have to test it. It’s biological — I can’t explain it. Just gotta do it.

Umarex Brodax
The Umarex Brodax is the physical incarnation of a ‘toon gun, and I have to test it! Hopefully it doesn’t come with Dum-Dums!

AirForce Airguns

I stopped by the AirForce booth again on day three and saw something their operations manager,Yvette Hicks, told me about. It’s a new type of bipod that suspends the rifle instead of propping it up from underneath. AirForce rifles are often mounted with large heavy scopes that make them top-heavy. They tend to flop over if they aren’t supported. This new bipod borrows an idea from snipers who have the same problems with their rifles.

By hanging the rifle, it becomes stable and stays where it is put. The really good news is the new bipod will cost the same as the one they have been selling for years! And, because it is an AirForce bipod, it has additional mounting points for gear like flashlights, lasers and night vision devices.

AirForce bipod
An AirForce rifle stands suspended by the new bipod. A large heavy scope won’t make it flop over.


I was asked by Crosman before the show to come to their booth at a certain time to receive something from them. I had no idea what it was going to be. When I got there, I was wired for sound because American Airgunner television filmed the presentation.

Crosman awarded me the William McLean award for 2016. William McLean designed the first airgun that the Crosman Brothers Seed Company agreed to manufacture in 1923. Crosman has named the award after McLean, who created their first product and started their company in airguns.

They will give the award each year to the person they feel has contributed the most to airgunning. Chip Hunnicutt who presented the award to me told me beforehand that Crosman was also making a donation to medical research in the name of my late wife, Edith. When he said that I broke down, because I wasn’t prepared for it. So I missed most of what he said during the actual presentation, but I’m sure it was very kind.

The plaque is a Crosman 760 that has been bronzed and mounted on a walnut board. It’s a very beautiful award. I plan to find the perfect place for it, and, since Edith was included in the presentation, I will consider it hers, as well.

I receive the 2016 William McLean award from Crosman — presented by Chip Hunnicutt.

More to come

Yes, there is still more to come from the 2016 SHOT Show, so there will be a Part 4 to this report. For the sake of the readers who want to see other things, I will present it next week.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

82 thoughts on “2016 SHOT Show: Day 3”

  1. Nothing could be more satisfying to see an industry you have devoted your life to also recognize the love of your life as well. While she was taken too soon, the world that surrounds you recognizes
    her importance. Congratulations on the both of you, for making our world a better place. God bless you both.

  2. Wow that award from Crosman is something else.
    And I’m sure Edith is proud of you right now.

    And the show. First the Diana under and side lever gas piston is something I have asked about for a long time. I really hope they do a sidelever version thats based on the 54 air Kings slide system. If that was so I would be all over one. Can’t wait to read more about them both though.

    And the bi-pod that mounts on the he AirForce guns top rail is way cool. I do believe my Talon SS will see one. Hope you will be testing one soon.

    And darn I thought you were going to surprise us with a 760 from Crosman that we could call a self contained $100 pcp. But glad the surprise was the award. Happy for ya BB.

    • GF1,

      I hadn’t thought to actually test the new bipod, but while I was in their booth at the show John McCaslin took that rifle and tilted it partly to the side, so the scope was over-center. The rifle just stayed in place that way when he took his hands away. I think they are onto something.


      • Congrats to you and Edith on the award, BB.

        I too like that bipod, as it looks like a more secure mounting method than a sling screw. I don’t own a rifle that has a rail on the forestock, but do have one that the sling screw worked out of when I was hiking ‘away back in the woods on a hunting trip. So, I don’t trust sling screws anymore.

        Also, the new FX Wildcat has no sling screw on the base either, so the rail mounted bipod might work.

      • BB
        I hope that you do test the bi pod.

        When we was kids and I finally started using a scope. We use to tie a rope across 2 trees. Then take and put the rope inbetween the barrel and front bell on the scope. Then have the scope 1″ diameter tube by the front ring rest on the rope. It is very stable that way.

        I believe that bi-pod AirForce has is a winner.

  3. Very nice!

    The RWS’s are nice. The unusually thick butt pads makes me wonder if there is adjustment there?

    The Walther Maxmathor. Talk about curves,.. that has it. The first thing that hit me was that the rotary clip feeds out the top and not the bottom. No clip sticking above the breech to force a high scope mount. The top side has the profile of a springer. Very nice design. If other rifles have this feature, I missed it.

    The Brodax is interesting in that it is not trying to copy a real fire arm. Some of us readers were talking a short while back about a revolver that did just that and took the best of the best concepts and rolled them into one. I look forward to seeing if there is any new design features hidden in there.

    The bi-pod was interesting. I see what looks to be a 11mm. rail extending way out onto the barrel. I do not recall seeing that on any air rifle. If so, I missed it. Very nice that we are seeing the firearm world crossing once again into the airgun world in a practical improvement sense.

    Looking forward to more follow up reports. Any idea on how many and how far you can stretch it?

    Finally,….Congratulations on the award! I can think of no one more deserving.

    • Chris,

      Those butt pads do appear adjustable. I just checked their catalog and they don’t mention that the pads move, but these catalogs are often written before the companies have the actual guns in their hands, so they may just have left it out.

      With the material I have left to show you I think there will be just one more report.


      • B.B.,

        Thank you for the reply. I’ll look forward to the last report. As for new models, one I looked up had 0 fps listed. So yea, getting all the facts right does take time, even for P.A.. Pretty sure it was on the new products page.

        Most of all,.. Thank You for getting out there and doing the “foot work” for the rest of us. I imagine that it is fun and exhilarating, but at the same time,…takes it’s toll with money, energy and time away from home and the Kitties.

        And,… “Hat’s Off” for taking a look at the new products from the start up companies. More than a few here,.. could be there. A blog from you would do miracles for something like that. Thanks for looking out for the “little guy” too,… along with all the big boys.

        Thanks again, Chris

    • Chris USA
      Those top rails that extend out on the barrel are on the AirForce guns. Plus there is also a rail under the barrel that extends to the front from the trigger gaurd.

      What is nice about the top rail is you can put accessories there like a laser and not be in the way of the scope and still have room to mount the bi-pod BB just told about. And still have a spot below the barrel to put a flash light or such.

      The AirForce guns are cool. Did you know they also have interchangeable Lothar Walther barrels that come in different legnths and in .177, .20, .22 and .25 caliber. The barrels seriously only take like 5 minutes to swap out. Plus they have different air resivoir tanks with different valves for air flow. In other words you can put a tank on that is a low flow tank for shot count with a lower velocity. All the way up to a high flow tank that don’t get quite as many shots but makes a lot of power.

      I like my Talon SS. It’s in .22 caliber and its the only gun that will come close to trying to shoot out at the longer distances like my .25 Marauder. Cool guns.

    • Chris USA
      Got something for you to try since your always out to shoot the best you can.

      Kind of rediscovered something when BB brought up the top mounted bi-pod.

      I remember shooting my dad’s rifle at coffee cans with him at long distances out on the farm with a scope on the gun. We was bench resting I guess you call it. Basically setting the gun on a fallen tree and sitting crossed legged on the ground. I couldn’t hit the can for nothing. Even when I used the Kentucky windage my dad said to use. Then he said set my forearm hand on the top of the front of the scope and try a shot. I hit then. I found myself to be more steady.

      Just tryed it. And yes I’m off today. Went and had my taxes done today. And happy about that. Getting money back and don’t even have to pay the this year. Woo hoo a see a new air gun in my radar screen. 🙂

      But any how tryed it on my Tx, Talon SS and .25 Marauder. Guess what. For sure a improvement in my shooting. I can even stiil see right with both eyes open with my hand up on the scope. It’s like my front hand is a ghost image. I can see right through it. Unbelievably more stable. And if you think your gun is a smooth tuned shooter wait till you put your hand up there. Oh and that’s why I didn’t say the 300’s. Can’t do it because of the recoil system.

      Try when you get a chance and let me know what your group’s look like. And let me know if your scope wiggle goes away. Don’t worry about point of impact though because you will probably have to resight the gun.

      Interested in what happens. Let me know if you try.

      • GF1,

        Thanks for the 2 replies. The AF guns I looked up,…I can see that top and bottom rail. I learned something. They might be a go if not for the pull , cheek and butt adj..

        Notes made on the new hold. It makes sense. Will try. I could use all the help in that dept. that I can get. Some days good and some not so good. A lot of that is me just not spending enough time shooting. My bad, no excuse.

        As for you shooting a lot,….I gave that much thought. I used to work 2nd. 30 years ago and worked harder before I went to work,.. then I did at work. Plus the breeze way. But, that was 30 years ago. Still, it makes sense with all you got going that you can do it.

        Thanks again, Chris

        • Chris USA
          The butt of the AirForce gun that is mounted on the tank is very adjustable.

          The only thing that is tuff to get balanced out on the AirForce guns is scope height. It’s cheek placement for line of sight verses scope height for zeroing to get the gun to shoot in a given kill zone without useing to much hold over or under. In other words you have to have a high mounted scope to get the gun ergonomic correct.

          It’s just more to be aware of when your making your choice for your first pcp. Got to find the right gun that works for you, you know.

  4. BB,

    I am so glad that Crosman recognizes your efforts to further airgunning and also recognize it has been a team effort. She is missed by many, including myself.

    I have been wondering if AirForce would ever get around to redoing their bipod. Quite a few of us have modified our AF bipods to that configuration. It is definitely the way to go with one of their rifles.

  5. B.B.

    Congratulations on your award. Richly deserved!!!! I hope you realise how much joy and entertainment you bring to your regular readers! We thank you.

    I agree than the 340 N-Tec Lexus is gorgeous. Now if only they would fix the trigger. I assume that the newer models have the same trigger? Any word on the rumoured 350 N-Tec, magnum?

    Any word on what Walther is doing with the LGV? Will that be included in Part 4?

    Thanks again for writing your blog!


    • Yogi,

      I’m afraid I can’t respond to any of the rumors. As for the LGV, I didn’t examine it at SHOT because it isn’t a new model. I see hundreds of guns every year that get upgraded, but I only pay attention if the change is significant in my eyes. Too many times I’ve reported on something that never came to pass.


    • Yogi

      The LGV is still going to be made but it will only be available in the synthetic stock. The wood stock versions are being discontinued. An Umarex rep confirmed this for me at SHOT.


        • B.B.,

          While synthetic stocks have caught my interest for their lighter weight and durability, I think that not offering wood is a step in the wrong direction. Even if it was offered as a 100~150$ upgrade, as it was.

          It is what it is, but I hope that I do not see that trend continuing across the board. Options are good, even at an elevated cost.


      • Bummer. I for one do not like the looks of that new stock. It will have to have a very generous size pistol grip to fit anyone with large hands. That is a major issue with the Trail line from Crosman.

        • R.R.,

          Thanks for that tip. I have large hands and not something I have given much thought on. Notes made and will keep in mind as I shop for the 1st. PCP. I have never shot a pistol gripped rifle or a thumb-hole model, but I see this as an area that would be an instant,…..darn,…wish that grip was a bit fatter (palm swell ?)

  6. Pretty cool award, I just wish she was there to accept it with you. I get bummed out every time I think about it, but I know it’s just the way life is and we all have to bear it.

    The one thing I didn’t care for in the report was RWS dropping the Diana name and logo; call me old school, but that move seems rather pretentious to me.

  7. Congratulations on your William McLean award, B.B. It is very fitting. And kudos to Crosman for recognizing all you’ve done for us.

    Now, when can we expect a multi-part review on that bronzed 760? 😉


  8. Congratulations on your award. It was very appropriate. It shows the human, caring side of Crosman and the individuals there who knew and appreciated Edith.


  9. I too was moved by the gesture by Crosman in giving both you and Edie such a nice award and recognition. Well deserved by both of you since you were such a wonderful team for the hobby. BTW, you looked good in the photograph. Glad to see it.


    • Bob,

      Thanks. I’m glad you saw this because you can appreciate how this industry respected Edie. It was shocking to me because I wasn’t expecting it that day, but also very reassuring that they remembered her.

      As for how I look, I have lost 31 pounds since last July. I’m doing my daily yoga with more reps and it’s beginning to show.


  10. Hi BB,
    I have been enjoying your coverage of the show.
    I am proud to know you and Edith and I cannot think of people more deserving of the award. Congratulations!

    I would enjoy hearing about “your” SHOT Show. How many appointments and meeting you have to make? How do you manage to see everything you need to see for this blog? Do you slip away for some self indulgence into things that will not make the blog?

    David Enoch

    • David,

      I have a list of regular booths that I always visit. Some I make formal appointments with and others I just drop in. The list grows by a couple vendors every year.

      Then there are the other commitments like the television show, the Crosman award this year and appointments other businesses have made with me. Those take some time, but it’s not usually a lot.

      I also visit some booths many times, to hear the “dirt” that’s being dished at every individual show. These are like my talk radio stations.

      The rest of the time I cruise the aisles, looking for the products that aren’t being given the limelight. Sometimes they are in the New Products Center, but that costs extra that many of the new businesses don’t have, so I often find things that aren’t well advertised. That was how I bumped into Wes Richardson this year.

      And yes, I do slip away for self-inndulgent purposes. On the last day, for example, I go around to the small private booths and buy gifts to bring home to friends who watch my house, etc.


  11. BB,

    congratulations on your award. I don’t think it could have gone to a more deserving individual and you have plenty of competition. It also shows just how classy a Corporation Crosman is. Well done, Crosman.

    As for how you look, I was also going to comment that you look great from the last time we met. Gives the rest of us something to “shoot” for.

    Fred DPRoNJ

  12. B.B.,

    I am intrigued by two new Umarex developments in particular, the “UX StopShox” recoil absorbing system, and their “Nucleus Integrated Rail Platform.” Please include in your next Shot Show installment an answer to this question: can/will these two systems be offered in the same model air rifle? The combination of these two systems looks to me like they would reduce the recoil felt by the scope, but the UX StopShox alone, like the recoil absorbing systems in the FWB 300s and RWS 54 and 56TH, seems like it would reduce felt recoil to the shooter but not spare the scope from shock. The two systems in tandem, however, looks promising to me.


  13. B.B., I must tell you I wholeheartedly agree with everyone before me. You and Edith are both deserving of recognition and I congratulate you (and the cats who love you).

    I believe hanging the rifle from the bi-pod makes perfect sense. I know it takes resources to turn an idea into a product, but sometimes an idea is simple yet remains unnoticed. In this case, even a modest gain could be worth a great deal if it means greater accuracy downrange.

    I am waiting with baited breath to see the Air Force rifle with a wood stock.


      • B.B., I suppose I will live and die continuing to make assumptions. The AirForce International PCP is likely what you were referring to, but a diligent search reveals you didn’t actually say. Here is the link to the blog:

        and here is the quote found in your relatively long reply to Rco1234:
        “I was at AirForce last week and saw a new PCP that’s going to do very well in the market. Why? Because it offers the same things the Disco and Marauder do — great value and great technical performance at a reasonable price. It’s not a black rifle, either. It has a wood stock and is a repeater. This will be received very well by the marketplace.”


  14. B.B., the Brodax definitely looks like something Hellboy might carry as long as the caliber and power are adequate.

    It was only recently that I was reading about Prosopagnosia, the specific term for the inability to recognize faces. Oliver Sacks has described himself as having moderate Prosopagnosia. That answered my question about whether the condition is all or nothing, or can fall on a continuum.

    For any who may not know, Dr. Sacks is the neurologist Robin Williams portrayed in Awakenings, based on the book of the same name. . Dr. Sacks also wrote the book, “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” and “The Anthropologist from Mars”, both books are about less common neurological conditions.

    An interesting aspect of being human is our ability to compensate for physical and neurological deficits, and even excel in one or more endeavors.


  15. B.B.
    Congratulations to you and Ms. Edith on winning the award. Wish she could have been there too. Feel so sad when I think of how she was taken from us too soon. Also glad to see you looking so trim and fit! Yoga is a great way to stay in perfect balance, keep it up Sir.

    • Reb
      That was my thought too when I read about the Maximus. I think it’s going to be a nice pcp.

      I been trying to think if there is any production pcp’s from the factory that is cheaper than the Maximus.

    • Reb
      Have you ever seen the Benjamin 392 ACP (air conserving pumper) that Steve Woodward made. Search it and read about it.

      That’s what I thought maybe Crosman was going to do with the 760. It would truly be a self contained pcp (pre charged pneumatic) for (under) a hundred dollars.

      I wonder how hard it would be to modify a 760 to work like the 392 he done. Any ideas Reb?

      • I think the 760’s valve is gonna be a little amall to store more than one good shot but the place to start would be to open up the inside of the valve to enable more to be pressurized and increase valve spring tension along with a denounced and that’s about as close as the 760 would get but then the bolt will probably blow open

        • Reb
          I bet that after that first initial pump of ten times. The next shot might need only 5 pumps instead of 10 to get the same velocity shot. It probably won’t do the same velocity on only 2 or 3 pumps. But it would make it a little easier of a gun to shoot. And the bolt can be held closed with your trigger hand thumb. Use to do that with my Discovery.

          But if Crosman would redesign the valve a little and change the bolt latch I bet they could keep the cost under a hundred dollars. We would be one step closer to a bargain priced self contained pcp. Maybe they could even go to something like the rifled 1077 barrel.

          I would by one. How about you?

  16. Congratulations BB! Well deserved! I never got to talk with Edith but the kind and reverent manner that you and everyone else speak with about her lets me realize what I missed .

  17. B.B.,

    Congratulations to both you and Edith on the William McLean award. I certainly can’t think of anyone more deserving. Am I to understand this is the first time for this award? If so, it is especially significant that it went to you.

    That’s unfortunate that the LGV will no longer be made with wood stocks. I would probably have never bought it with a synthetic stock and I still consider it my best shooting springer. The LGU must be outselling it. I’ve never had an opportunity to shoot one of those.


  18. Congratulations BB on the award. You were recognized as the great spokesperson you are for the air gun hobby and industry.
    I like the idea of manufactures bringing out something that is not a replica of a actual firearm . Many air gun pistols have unique designs that rival the beauty of actual fire arms. I love the looks of the Crosman 1377 and 2240.
    The Webley Tempest is another one. Let them design a gun that is engineered for air, and not compromised by style restraints to look like something they are not. Great report BB and thanks

  19. Congratulations on the award, B.B., and very well-deserved as an industry leader. And so nice of Crosman to remember Edith. They have always been a classy company.

    Nutrition talk, eh? I’ve been doing that myself since I found that I have high cholesterol. One response has been to eat almonds for all I’m worth; they’re very good to reduce the bad cholesterol.

    The Walther pcp looks like a Korean big bore, and I had assumed it was that caliber. How did they come up with a name like Maximathor? Maximum Thor?

    Saw Revenant last night which I recommend if you’re up for a bit of gruesomeness. The young lady next to me (no connection) was squealing almost the whole time. The North American wilderness is one miserable place. As a shooter, I took an interest in how the flintlocks seemed to work reliably despite being immersed in water. But you wouldn’t catch me out there with anything less than a portable minigun and that’s on top of the endless guns and knives that come out of pockets. There is a use for them all.

    The title character is one tough guy, and you WILL appreciate the creature comforts after seeing him in action. Also Leonardo Di Caprio is a good actor whatever you might think about him personally. His low opinion of Justin Bieber doesn’t hurt him either.


  20. Congratulations on the well deserved award from Crosman! Very classy of them to give it and nice of them to bame it after Mr. McLean! Too many companies forget their roots. I’m going to buy something Crosman to say thanks.

  21. B.B.

    I’m happy for you for the way Crosman recognized you.Crosman has heart.
    I continue to keep you in my prayers ,when I feel so moved.

    Let me take the time to remind you of the legacy you and Edith have built here ,and that you continue to build.From where I set :it looks nothing short of beautiful.Thank You.

    Also I have a couple of questions.One of the new barrels for the Texan is .308 cal.It seems that the .30 cal.pellets that P.A. offers will be too small for it.What can we shoot in it? Will the 3 barrels be interchangeable by customers?

    -Tin Can Man-

  22. B.B.:

    I wouldn’t expect you to remember, but we sat next to one another at dinner with a group from the Little Rock air gun show about 15 years ago. Point being here, is that your involvement and dedication to the industry goes back many years as I can personally attest. I still have a number of valued copies of Airgun Letter in my files, too!

    It is therefore only fitting that your contributions be acknowledged by Crosman. Please accept my sincere congratulations to you and Edith. Tough to lose those that are so important in our lives, but, as the bards say, better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

    May you have many enjoyable future years doing what you love and excell at! Thank you!

    St. Louis, MO

  23. Congratulations on your award from Crosman, BB. You and Edith were/are tireless proponents of our world of airguns. You are personally responsible for bring a number of models to fruition. Congratulations also to Crosman for making a donation to medical research in Edith’s name. What a classy organization.
    The spring powered Diana models 470TH, and 56TH have been available for a few years now in.177 and. 22 cal. I guess they feel gas ram powered versions will make a bigger splash then the spring powered models did. By the way, the 56TH weighs in at a hefty 11.2 lbs sans scope. Nice looking guns, but quite a handful when your lugging it over a field target coarse.

  24. B,B,, It was 15 years ago and we’re working with a 67-year-old memory here, but as I recall it was at a Mexican restaurant in Little Rock. I remember enjoying great conversation with folks that I could quickly and easily call my friends.

    I wandered out of air gunning for a while about ten years ago. I have interests in bicycling, motorcycles, firearms, photography, kayaks, and such. Never sold my air guns, so I’m having fun re-exploring my Haenels, BSF’S, BSA, Weihrauchs, vintage Crosmans and Benjamin’s and whatnot. Also, just bought my first PCP…a 2nd gen Marauder.

    I’d like to make it to the next air gun show. When / where will it be?


  25. B.B.,
    Congratulations to you and Edith on the award. Very well deserved. You’ve added to my appreciation, understanding and enjoyment of airguns more than anything or anyone else. You have enriched my life. All I can do is join Crosman and many others in saying “Thank you!”

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