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Air Guns Diana 240 Classic:Part 4

Diana 240 Classic:Part 4

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Diana 240 Classic
Diana 240 Classic.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

This report covers:

  • The test
  • JSB Exact RS
  • Trigger
  • Tune in a Tube
  • Air Arms Falcon pellets
  • RWS Superdomes
  • Evaluation

Today I’ll shoot the Diana 240 Classic at 25 yards. This is a delightful little air rifle that’s perfect for those who want something lightweight, easy to cock and accurate.

The test

I’m shooting the rifle rested directly on a sandbag at 25 yards, using the open sights that came on it. You might want to read Part 3 again, as I shot 10 shots into a smaller group than 5 shots. That’s a one-in-a-thousand occurrance, but it did happen. And that was how I selected the first pellet to try at 25 yards.

JSB Exact RS

First to be tested was the JSB Exact RS pellet. I got a stunning 0.428-inch ten-shot group at 10 meters last time, so I thought things would continue at 25 yards. Alas, they didn’t. Ten RS pellets went into a very open 1.311-inch group. I was surprised, because I had expected a 0.90-inch group from this pellet.

Diana 240 25 yards RS group
Ten JSB Exact RS pellets went into 1.311-inches at 25 yards from the Diana 240 Classic.


I must comment on the trigger of this rifle. It’s light and crisp. It may not be a Rekord, but it sure is nice!

Tune in a Tube

You may recall in Part 3 I squirted some Tune in a Tube into the mainspring. That calmed a slight buzz and now the 240 feels wonderful. I can’t say enough good things about that product.

Air Arms Falcon pellets

Next I tried some Air Arms Falcon pellets. Falcons are often the best in lower-powered air rifles. This time, though, the results were both stunning and confusing. Ten pellets went into 1.85-inches at 25 yards. That’s hardly encouraging. However, 6 of those pellets are in a tight group that measures 0.383-inches! What’s happening?

This is why I shoot 10-shot groups, rather than 5-shot groups. I have no idea what’s going on with this group, but it sure makes me want to scope this little rifle and try again!

Diana 240 25 yards Falcon group
Ten Air Arms Falcon pellets made this 1.85-inch group at 25 yards. Six shots went into a tight 0.383-inches and I would like to know why.

RWS Superdomes

For the final pellet I tried some RWS Superdomes. Ten went into an open group measuring 1.612-inches between centers. I would normally say it isn’t the pellet for the 240, but I think I’ll wait to see how it does when it’s scoped.

Diana 240 25 yards Superdome group
Ten RWS Superdome pellets went into this open 1.612-inch group at 25 yards.


The Diana 240 Classic is a fun little air rifle to shoot. And, if you were plinking at cans at 25 yards, you probably would have connected with every shot. I don’t think these results are terrible — they just look bad because they are on paper.

I certainly want to scope this rifle and try again at 25 yards. That 6-shot group of Falcons has me intrigued.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

34 thoughts on “Diana 240 Classic:Part 4”

  1. Hmmm…the customer reviews on PA aren’t very positive regarding the accuracy of the gun and this test isn’t encouraging either! I really want to find a good easy to cock rifle that is accurate for a friend of mine who is very slightly built and has rheumatoid arthritis. I thought the Terrus might be it, but she had a difficult time with it.

    • Rambler,

      No offense meant at all, but you left out the most important information. What is this air rifle to be used for? Pest control? Plinking? Target practice?

      If not pest control, then the Hammerli 850, Beeman QB78S, or Winchester M14 would be my CO2 recommendations.

      But if your friend wants power in the Terrus range, then CO2 won’t get her there, and no springer will be easy enough to cock. PCPs that run at 2000 psi (Discovery, Maximus, QB Chief) might still be too difficult for her to pump up.

      That leaves only one, expensive option: a PCP and HPA compressor.


      • You are absolutely right Michael, i should have mentioned that she is just looking for an affordable him to shoot targets with. A lot of power is not necessary, and co2 may be the best option. She likes my Sheridan 2260 and so I am leaning toward the QB78-79s but it seems I have read about inconsistencies in accuracy. The M14 wasn’t on my radar but it looks like a great recommendation. Thanks!

        • Rambler,

          In case she considers them, I would steer clear of the Umarex Fusion because it is known for CO2 seal issues and the Crosman 1077 because the trigger is, well, an acquired taste.

          Among springers I am completely with Siraniko. The Weirauch HW30s is superb and even though a bit pricey, it is so good I consider it an excellent value/bargain regardless. It has the best sporting trigger there is and is very accurate, very well-made, and very designed.


            • Rambler
              I have had several German springers. Including a Tx 200 Mrklll.

              The HW30s I have now is pretty close to the shot cycle of the TX.

              Again I’ll say you would like a 30 if you got one I believe. Very smooth shooting and easy to cock. And accurate.

  2. Rambler,

    Easy to cock and accuracy are available. The question in my mind is how is your friend planning to use the rifle. The HW30s comes to my mind. The report on the Umarex Embark at 25 yards is still the come. If you’re open to a used airgun the FWB 124 is another candidate.


    • The Hw30 is a great recommendation, but a little out of the budget. I assume a used FWB 124 is also–what do they tend to go for? As for the Embark, I am watching B.B.s reports on it with a lot of interest. Thanks for the recommendations!

      • Rambler
        But the point is save up a little longer and get the HW30s. It’s a quality gun that you will be able to pass down to other shooters that will also remember it forever.

  3. BB,

    Perhaps this rifle is a little more hold sensitive than you think? I am certain the glowy thingy sights are not helping. Could the barrel pivot be a little loose? Work with me here. I am trying to find you an excuse. 😉

    It could be that Diana should have invested a little more time and money in it and got it right. Engineering is usually not in charge in most companies. It seems to do decent out to 10 meters, but falls off rapidly after that. Hopefully when you scope it we will see better results.

    • RR,

      I have been meaning to ask,…. Have you tried your new PCP at 100 yards again? Last reported, you got a 1″ group. Please update if there is anything to update.

      • Chris,

        I have not had the opportunity to shoot it for some time now. I have put the UTG level scope on it with Sports Match adjustable mounts, but have not had the chance to zero it in yet. Besides working and caring for my mother, we are in the middle of a major home renovation project. Free time is usually taken up with sleeping.

        • RR,

          I can relate to the aging Parent(s) thing. Luckily we have 5 kids including me and everyone is doing what they can to help out. Keep us posted when you get back out to the 100 yard mark.

  4. RE: your desire to select a spring piston for a person with arthritis. I tried that and was defeated. Cocking was just too much pressure on sensitive hands. I went to a CO2 and solved the problem. The shooter is happy, and I got the cast-off. I may need to change the bolt handle eventually but right now everything is peachy.

      • Rambler
        The HW30s is very easy to cock. I got arthritis. But I shoot. Why cause it’s what I like to do. If you like something enough you tend to override certian things.

        • She does too, and she’s been shooting firearms even after 5 surgeries on one hand! I was just surprised at how hard the Terrus was for her. (Of course, I’m 6’4 and 240#!) The HW30s is sounding great.

  5. I like the rifle and had one in my cart for awhile. The only problem seems to be lack of accuracy. On at least three different forums people are having accuracy issues. Everyone is having results likes yours. I applaud Diana for the effort and price point but I can’t overlook the accuracy.

  6. I finally caved in and dropped the coins for an Air Arms S510 in .22 cal. It arrived about 2 weeks ago.
    It is a beautiful machine! Walnut stock with smooth flowing lines and bluing that shines like a mirror.

    It doesn’t smack targets with the same authority as my .25 Marauder. My chrony tells me that it’s putting out 30 fpe, while the Marauder gets 40 fpe.
    What it does offer is surgical precision. I was shooting from 35 yards at a shoot-and-see target, after 4 shots I decided to walk out and look at the target to see where the last 3 shots landed. I swear, all 4 shots went through the same hole. It couldn’t have been over .25 inch center-to-center. The heck with finishing that 10 shot group, I pulled the target off the trap and it now hangs on my garage wall. I just couldn’t take the chance of making it any bigger.

    I love this gun !


      • Chris USA,

        I don’t post too much on the blog. Only when something gets me excited. I’ve read your posts and have some of the same guns that you have. My first BB gun was a Daisy 1894, I was about 10 years old at the time. Wish I still had it. Don’t know where it disappeared to. I’ve got the TX200 Mk III in .177 and .22, a Marauder .25 and a LGU in .22, and a few others. This is an addictive hobby.


        • Randy,

          I am happy with what I have. Getting back into it, I was trying to spread out the bucks. I am amazed at the variation in the S510 platform. And yes,.. as you mentioned,.. very, very nice lines. That 2 tone stained model is a real eye catcher. Then of course,… the Ultimate Hunter,.. or whatever it is called. I am a big fan of adjustable cheek pieces.

          I am happy for you,.. and yea,… just a “wee” bit jealous too,… 😉 ,…. enjoy! Chris

  7. Rambler—- I was going to agree with Jumpin re the use of a co2 air rifle. I have several co2 pistols , 2 1077,s, a Sheridan 2260MB, etc. I was going to recommend the Sheridan. But then I remembered how hard it was for many of the kids ( in my club,s youth program) to screw the cap hard enough to pierce the co2 seal. I also have arthritis and sometimes have to use a tool ( screwdriver, large washer) to get enough leverage to pierce the seal. This could be a problem if your friend lacks the strength and dexterity needed to charge the rifle. —-Ed

    • Thanks, I also wondered about that, but it seems that if you snug it up and then fire it a couple of times it pierces that way. Or is it hard to even snug it up that far?

  8. B.B.

    Why would a rifle be accurate at 10 yards and disappointing at 25 yards. Is something wrong with the barrel.
    Perhaps you should have it slugged and really get to the bottom of what is going on here?


  9. Rambler—–It can be. It depends on the gun. I keep the screw threads lubricated with a few drops of pell-gun oil. It seems to help. I have 2 S&W 586, Pistols . One is much easier than the other to pierce the seal. Repeated firing to pierce the seal has never worked for me. However , it makes it easier to advance the screw cap a little bit more, until the pin does it,s job. If you could borrow some co2 guns, you could find out if your friend could handle the screw cap. But remember, arthritis can progress, and what your friend can do today, he might not be able to do in the future. ——–Ed

  10. Rambler

    The HW30s may just be the most economical airgun for your needs if accuracy, ease of cocking, the best trigger in sporting guns and quality matter to you. If you want to go down $100-150 in point of sale cost, look at Crosman Custom Shop’s 2400KT. You would want the longest Lothar Walther barrel and the shoulder stock. It is very accurate and gets 40 useful shots from a CO2 cartridge. In my opinion the cartridge can be left installed if you know and practice gun safely.

    Both airguns are more accurate than open sights can do justice to if you are keeping score. You can add a decent scope either now or later for a reasonable price that will do well for your shooting distances.


  11. Rambler——I have some vintage air rifles. My Diana 22 is very east to cock, and very accurate . It has open sights and will keep even cheap Daisy pellets in 3/4 ” at 10 yards. I also have 4 Slavia 618,s. They are easier to find and are a close second to the Diana. I also have a new HW30s and an older Beeman R7. By comparison, they are harder to cock. It takes a person with arthritis or small children to appreciate the difference. I got my vintage air rifles at club flea markets and gun shows. None of them cost more than $40-@. They are adequate for 10 yard shooting. If you are lucky, some Slavia 618,s have a grooved compression cylinder that will allow you to mount a small , compact scope. Perhaps you should contact gun clubs that have youth programs. They might let you and your friend see (or even shoot) the rifles that they use. ——–Ed

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