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Education / Training Chinese B3 underlever: Part 2

Chinese B3 underlever: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

The B3 underlever from China.

Part 1

A history of airguns

  • Condition
  • Velocity test
  • Hobbys
  • What would you do?
  • Seal crumbles
  • Beartrap!
  • Safety first
  • Next time

Here we go! Today is the day we find out the health of that rusty old B3 underlever I found in a local pawn shop several weeks ago.


I’ll start with a description of the condition of the rifle. It’s rusty all over and looks like every Chinese B3 I ever saw. When the rifle is cocked and the sliding compression chamber is pulled back, you can see the breech seal. On this rifle, it looks bad, actually destroyed. So the velocity testing that we’re doing today will be very interesting.

B3 breech seal
The breech seal is toast!

B3-1 breech seal
This is what a B3 breech seal should look like.

Velocity test

Let’s see what this old girl can do. Compasseco used to advertise these as shooting over 800 f.p.s. I put some oil in mine last time and shot it through the chronograph before and after for you. Before, it shot an RWS Hobby pellet at 370 f.p.s. After 10 drops of Crosman Pellgunoil it shot 609 f.p.s. I figured that was about what the rifle should be doing, so I reckoned it was back to full power. That was a mistake, and we are going to have some fun because of it.


Here is a string I shot with RWS Hobby pellets.


I don’t need to test any farther. Clearly the velocity is falling off and I don’t think any further testing will see an improvement. When I saw the first two shots I thought the rifle needed to “wake up”. If I had been right, shot 3 would have been in the 600s, but as you see, it wasn’t. And the velocity tapers off from there. I think it’s clear this old girl is sick.

Normally, this is where I would grit my teeth and work up the courage to take this gun apart. I have disassembled a TS45 sidelever, but I’ve never been inside a B3. However, I thought it would be fun just once to not do the usual thing. After all, this is a B3, and I already have a B3-1 that I bought new, so I can play with this one if I want to.

[The following text is for information only. Pyramyd AIR does not recommend making unauthorized repairs to airguns, and owners should know these are both unsafe and will void any warranty.]

That is the warning from Pyramyd AIR. Now, I will add my own warning. The B3 rifle has a reputation for slipping off the sear and injuring people when the sliding compression chamber snaps shut. What I am about to do will be done with safety at the forefront. This is NOT something I can recommend to anyone, and it is NOT the correct way to repair this air rifle!

What would you do?

What I did was search the internet for B3 seals. Instead of finding them, I found an excellent short video on You Tube about a guy who used a faucet washer to replace his B3 seal. I think one or more readers actually mentioned this video to me in the last report.

In the video, his rifle was the same model as mine and the condition of his breech seal was the same. He says he dug it out with a screwdriver! No disassembly of the rifle is required. After considering that a few minutes, I got out my screwdriver and went to town.

Seal crumbles

The old seal in my rifle had hardened into a solid mass of varnish. When I picked at it, it crumbled into small pieces. Since the sliding compression chamber was all the way back against the piston while I did this, the piston seal closed off the other end of the air transfer port (inside the chamber), and very little of the bad stuff could find its way through the transfer port and into the compression chamber.

B3 breech seal crumbled
The breech seal crumbled into small pieces.

It took me about 15 minutes of careful digging with a screwdriver and a makeshift dental pick (one I made — not a real one) to remove most of the stuff in the cavity where the breech seal goes.

B3 breech seal cavity
Here is the breech seal cavity with the seal mostly gone. I need to clean this more, but this was done in just 15 minutes.


When I finished I had to shoot the rifle, because it was cocked. The anti-beartrap device prevents uncocking it any other way. I just put a pellet in the breech and fired. As far as I could tell, it came out with about the same force as before. I didn’t chronograph it, nor do I intend to.

Safety first

Now I want to talk about safety. As I have mentioned repeatedly, the B3 has a reputation for slipping off its sear and cutting off fingers that may be in the way of the sliding compression chamber closing. I held the underlever the entire time I did this work, to prevent an accident. The man in the video does not do this and it’s dangerous.

I do not recommend any of you doing what I have done. This is a redneck repair. However, it is shown on You Tube, and I thought it would be interesting to:

1. See how easy it is, and
2. See what affect it has on the rifle’s velocity.

The Chinese breech seals for air rifles with sliding compression chambers are little more than faucet washers anyhow. They are soft synthetics that don’t last that long.

Could this be considered a legitimate fix? No. I am not recommending that anyone fix an air rifle this way.

Next time

I will show you the rest of the repair, which should take me only a few more minutes once I have the part, then I will test the rifle’s velocity once again. We have a good baseline from my previous tests of the B3-1 ( Hobbys average 636 f.p.s.). Following that I plan to continue the test as usual.

Will I tear into this B3 and do the job right? That all depends on how accurate it is when I get it running again. If it’s accurate, I will consider spending the time to give it a real tune.

P.S. It does work!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

113 thoughts on “Chinese B3 underlever: Part 2”

  1. B.B.

    Would it be possible to rig up a “slide compression chamber” block/stop? Where by you could physically block its path?

    Would this be a good gun to start learning airgunsmithing on?


    • Yogi,

      It should be easy to use a piece of good size dowel, a bolt, etc. to use as a block, most especially since the transfer port is offset. Good thinking there.

      This may be good to learn airgunsmithing on because it is cheap. It is also a little more complicated than most break barrels. Finding parts is a major issue with these. If you have a high mechanical aptitude, are willing to invest in the proper tools and are not afraid of messing up an expensive, finely made air rifle, go for it.

    • P.S.

      Airguns of all types can be very dangerous to disassemble and assemble, most especially sproingers. Do not ever take it for granted that you know what you are doing. That is when it will get you.

      • RR,

        And,.. if you do manage to get it all back together (minus any trips to the E.R.),.. it can still be questionable as to if it is safe or not. Being (well) armed with knowledge “going in” is your best bet. Well,.. that, and some common sense. And some descent tools. Perhaps most of all, some mechanical aptitude (which generally comes from tearing into stuff with your own two hands, aka: experience).

        Some people can be a virtual rocket scientist within their education and profession,.. but have no business anywhere near a tool.

        Good Day to you and to all,… Chris

        • Chris,

          “Some people can be a virtual rocket scientist within their education and profession,.. but have no business anywhere near a tool.”

          Yup, met many of these.

          Over the years I have had the pleasure to work with some truly talented individuals. Manfred is one of those awesome guys, he can design, make, repair, anything electrical, electronic, mechanical, pneumatic. He is equally comfortable working on cars and motorcycles as he is doing plumbing or building a house.

          Haven’t talked to him for a couple of years, will make a point of giving him a call. I am sure that he would be interested in precision air rifles.

          Happy Friday!

  2. BB,

    A pox on you!

    I have never in my life been the least bit interested in owning one of these and now between you and Yogi I am wanting to get one just so I can take it apart and see what makes it tick. You are indeed an enabler.

  3. B.B.,

    After seeing the video all I can say is WOW! Definitely an accident waiting to happen. Something akin to putting your head between a lion’s jaws. I don’t know if I’m lucky or not having those things are unavailable despite our geographical proximity to China.


      • B.B.,

        I would say not really considering that air rifles were once equated to firearms and were strictly controlled as such some 45 years ago I’m not surprised. Only by the fact that MSP and CO2 rifles were “classified” as “toys” were some of the law-abiding population able to have some form of projectile weapons. Thankfully the rules have been further relaxed but importation is still subject to rather draconian laws and taxes.


        • Siraniko,

          I’m aware of what happened during the Marcos administration and his vision of Bagong Lipunan (New Society). Many Americans think such things can’t happen here, but you know different! We have some leftist politicos using Marcos-like language right now and people think it’s fine. They will think so right up to the point when they have no more money or freedom to make basic life decisions for themselves.

          I’m glad to hear your laws have relaxed a bit. Once a law is on the books it’s very difficult to remove.


          • B.B.,

            Thanks for understanding. Although some wish for the “Good Old Days”, they don’t seem to get the context on how those days were achieved. Anyway off the politics and back to airguns! Thankfully there are improvements in manufacturing with some makers moving out of the two car garage and shifting to getting parts made by CNC under contract. Prices and quality last time I looked were looking better for everybody.


              • B.B.,

                Our local shooters are getting more discerning regarding quality. Serious ones insist on Lothar Walther barrels for use in competition. The price of a complete unit compares favorably against an imported unit which will cost 2 and a half times the original price (think of the Discovery being sold at the price of a Marauder). Only a few have turned to CNC but I think that trend is here to stay.


  4. I was just picking up the “workshop” and ran across a couple of still mounted 100 yard targets from the .25 M-rod shooting 33.95 JSB’s. This was from 10-21-2017.

    8/8 = 3 5/8″
    7/8 = 4″ with 8/8 at 5 1/8″

    I have no idea of what the conditions were at the time, but given the time of year, was probably not ideal. It is not’s it’s best, nor mine, but hey,….. it sure did make me anxious to get out and shoot some long range. 20 F here now. 🙁

    • Chris
      Got our gun out yesterday after work. Informal plinking nailed my vertical spinner first shot at fifty yards then had a bobble head of Phil from duck dynasty out there and exploded it second shot. This gun is just so inherently accurate it makes me look real good which is great testament to the TX200. Anyways I ordered my .22 pellet gauge last night and I’m stocked up on 18.13 JSBs so I’m ready to get serious. Hopefully Sunday I can do some quality shooting.

        • GF1
          That’s a question I’m looking to answer myself, although it’s gonna be the TX for accuracy but that 50 is so much lighter and handier I think its gonna be a matter of what the days shooting consisted of.

          • Coduece
            Ok now that you said that. From what you seen shooting both guns. What is making the Tx more accurate when you shoot the two guns?

            Easier to hold on the bench, the heavier weight of the Tx, less transfered shot cycle compared to the HW50s?

            • GF1
              Embarrassed to say I haven’t put one pellet through the 50 since October. Hopefully Sunday will be favorable for shooting. I went straight from 7 12s to the peak of choir season for my daughter, but that wraps up on Saturday and from here on out things should be more open for shooting.

              • Coduece
                I thought you was going to say from buisy making all those targets your selling. 😉

                But I would like to know what you think about the difference of the two guns when you get back into your shooting.

                • GF1
                  My daughter is a senior in hs she’s very involved in after school activities which means I am too. I’m wrapping up my last year millwrighting so temporarily the targets have been put on the back burner, as has shooting, but things are a changing. I’ve invested in equipment and quality shooting gear and plan to get back on track soon.

                  • Coduece
                    Know what you mean. Oldest daughter graduated a couple years ago and youngest daughter is a junior. Both always into some kind of activities that I get involved with.

                    Well I guess you should be good and ready to shoot by now. And cool with the equipment.

      • Carl,

        That is great news! I had been wondering how you were getting along. I know that you work a lot and how that can wear a person down. You sound as if you are doing better than I did with it!!!! 😉 Thank you for the update. I am honestly thrilled for you.

            • Chris
              Yes 50 yds not great but it was a pretty short session. I’m going to work on keeping better notes this year. Yes I’m super happy with this gun. Did you ever shoot barracuda match pellets? When I have time for a longer session I have all three sizes to try. I’m thinking they might be too heavy.

              • Carl,

                I have a can, so the answer would be yes. 21.14 grain. You should have some notes/targets on them. They would be earlier and most likely in the 25 yard records. As you have seen, most of my data is in millimeters. The summary charts might have some Barracuda Match pellet data. Today Is still use 25 and 30 to test pellets unless I have 2 or more real close over and over, in which case I will move out more.

                All of my shooting was done on some solid wood blocks with a piece of gasket on top. Off hand on block and barrel a bit. Light to moderate hold on grip. I never did like the artillery hold. It was uncomfortable for my wrist/arm. I just used what was comfortable for me, but something else may have yielded better results.

      • GF1
        Chris does keep notes, big time and I’m reaping the rewards. Hey I was wanting to ask about blog reader Reb where’s he been I was thinking you were in touch with him I miss his colorful posts.

        • Coduece
          I know he does. But he forgot or something this time. And those are the kind of targets that need the most notes. That helps the next time out if the same conditions happen.

      • GF1,

        Not everyone here shoots as much as you. I would venture to say that you are safely in the top 1%. That extra shooting alone makes a huge difference.

        I will try to keep better notes in the future. Bad me!,… bad me,…… 😉

        • Chris
          The whole point about my comment about you and notes is that you always do.

          And then this time when the group’s are different than the normal you have nothing written.

          Maybe you thought since they weren’t going good you figured you wouldn’t write anything about them?

          Just found it odd you didn’t that paticular time.

          And what’s that got to do with me shooting anyway. Good or bad I just wanted to know why you thought you didn’t need notes on those paticular groups.

          • GF1,

            Nothing pointed towards you, (other) than that you shoot (a lot) and (that) has it’s advantages. You shoot more,.. and thus should be better. I think most people would feel lucky to even hit 12″ at 100 yards with a pellet gun on 8 shots. As for the notes,…… ?,…….. not as much as you think. I DO NOT like to add notes that can not be (quantified) in some manner. That is where the wind flags, ( Vana2 ) style, will at least give me some sort of measurable gauge. Since they do not spit out an instant digital readout, there will be a bit of a learning curve. Better than nothing.

            What good is it to aim at the bull,… see the shot,… and then gauge the hold off,… if 10 seconds later,… the wind changes direction? I like to put facts to paper, if I can. If not,… it is speculation.

            My shooting time is often limited in some fashion and I do not plan to get super-over-anal on taking notes. I will continue to take notes, but I have my limits. My loss, I suppose.

            • Chris
              Maybe that’s how that saying came about. “It’s a crap shot if it works”.

              Either way you look at it with watching wind socks for a shot then shoot 10 seconds later and the flags will be different or watching what happens with point of impact and correcting hold 10 seconds later. It’s a crap shot. In otherwards there will be no repeatability from shot to shot when wind is a concern. You can try to figure your next shot out and probably not be right. And of course as distance increases the more of a guess it will be.

              If someone can give me a procedure to follow to repeat shots in windy conditions I’m all ears. Well. 🙂

  5. BB—I took my B3, out of the basement. After removing the spiderwebs and the kitty litter dust, I discovered that I had drilled 2 opposing holes in the receiver wall , just in front of the sliding chamber. I put a long wire pin through both holes when the rifle was cocked. That would prevent the chamber from moving forward when loading or replacing the faucet washer seal. The pin has a loop in one end for the string that is tied to the trigger guard to prevent loosing the pin. The other B3 has a wood block for the same purpose. Shooting the B3 with the pin always reminded me of a grenade, because I had to pull the pin before I could fire it. I had forgotten this safety mod. —-Ed

  6. I have been into the guts of all my several B-x “fifles” (as the instructions labeled them!), and agree: those sproingers have a LOT of power to lop off appendages from the unwary. Turns out, my most accurate, a B3-3 I think, gave me a 0.37″ 5-grp at 50 ft. NOT the norm, but better than is average of ~1.8″ 5-grp. And: THE ARTY HOLD IS NECESSARY to get this!

  7. Mr, Gaylord:
    I’ll admit that today’s blog post is interesting in an intellectual sort of way. But other than, for the fun of it (part 1)“, is a B3 underlever so unique or historically significant that it warrants the time, effort, energy and expense of being repaired?
    Old air rifles are just so far outside my experience that I’m both fascinated and befuddled by your stories of restoring an old “pawn shop” finds to shooting condition.
    As you recount the technical details of your restoration efforts, could you please say a few additional words about why you undertook this project?
    Thank you
    William Schooley
    Rifle Coach
    Venture Crew 357
    Chelsea, MI

    • William,

      The fascination and befuddlement are the reasons I write these reports. Is a B3 a worthy airgun? Not really. Does it fascinate a lot of people? Yes — and not always for reasons of power or accuracy. Sometimes people just want to see how bad something can be and still work.

      People will spend hours listening to TV broadcasts about how aliens shaped this world, yet next to no solid evidence is given. Why is that? Because, like cats, people are curious.

      I’m just channeling your curiosity along airgun and shooting pathways.

      The Great Enabler, AKA B.B. Pelletier

      • Thanks.
        And please continue to enable away.
        Your insights and articles will continue to show me the depths of things in the air gun world that I don’t know.
        William Schooley

        • William,

          I have four antique air rifles, the oldest made in 1906 and the youngest made in the 40’s. The quality of these air rifles are exceptional. I have seen other antique air rifles that I turned down as the quality is not so good, this being a prime example. Much has been learned throughout the years with more to still be learned.

          He is indeed “The Great Enabler”. He has been enabling me for many years now.

          • RR
            Ok buddy just bought my first vintage air gun. A Crossman 101 bought online using B.B.’s proven method of searching for misspellings. I think I paid what it’s worth maybe a slight deal but it looks good and just has a small problem holding air.

              • B.B.
                I’m pretty excited about this it’s going to look great with my eb22. I’ve been looking for deals on airguns online, when the other day I remembered what you said about searching for misspelled ad postings. Well first time out with Crossman this is what I got. It wasn’t an auction just a buy now I thought 150.00 seemed reasonable. So here I am impatiently waiting for my new friend to arrive probably on tues.

            • Coduece,

              Very nice. If you are going to start collecting vintage air rifles,.. I (highly) recommend The Blue Book. There is a lot a variants of the 101. Congratulations. 🙂

              • Chris
                Thanks, we’ll see how I did when I get the gun, it looks good in the pics but it’s still a pig in a poke at this point. I don’t know about collecting but I have an eb22 that uses the same type cocking mechanism and while not of the same era I think they will look nice together.

                  • Chris
                    It’s a co2 Benjamin pistol with a pull back cocking knob. I got mine new around 2000 but I think they discontinued them a few years ago they’re kinda retro looking like something from the forties.

                    • Carl,

                      Thank you. I looked it up in the Blue Book and there was the usual description and specs., but no picture. The Book is (loaded) with pictures. My 11th edition is 8 1/2″ x 11″, 1 1/2″ thick and has 736 pages. Plus there is tons of other info. in there too like company histories, who bought who way back when, cross reference charts on who made what and what other names the same rifle was sold under and (so) much more. From the very old to stuff to the very new stuff that was produced the year before the book was published.

                      I like it just for entertainment, learning and of course looking something up that someone brings up on the blog. Plus, B.B. is part of the crew that helps make it all happen (the book).

            • Carl,

              Our comments about resealing have apparently disappeared, but that is a pretty good deal on a reseal job, most especially since you do not intend to refinish it. I did not pay that much for my 101 and I am refinishing mine. The collectors will not be happy, but I will.

              • RR
                Yes I thought the price was right for the reseal job. I’m going to have 50.00 + more than the gun is worth with shipping and all, but I didn’t buy it for an investment more for a trip down memory lane, that and it’s going to be a great companion piece for my eb22. I will be shipping it tomorrow and will keep you posted when I get it back. I’m still waiting on my back ordered Sportsmatch rings can’t wait. After reading the blog on centering the retical I might rethink springing for the fully adjustable mounts.

  8. Just wondering does anyone have an actual injury report on this model air rifle? Any air rifle wether it be an under lever, break barrel or sidecocker can snap shut and hurt you . I have been looking on line for the past hour or so and can’t find anything.

    • Mike,

      I’m sure there is information, but it happened in the 1970s or early 1980s, which was before the internet became so popular. I talked with the late Michol Ann Munson, the founder and one of the owners of Compasseco, and she told me a few details — mostly that it didn’t happen to one of her customers, but it still affected the way they advertised and sold airguns.


  9. An off topic:

    I am looking at buying a first break barrel (spring or nitro) air gun since I currently only have single and multi pumps. I did some research in the $100 range and found two that get decent reviews: Crosman Vantage & Stoeger Arms X20S2.

    I realize the Crosman is nitro piston and the Stoeger is a springer and that there are differences in recoil.

    I would be using it for plinking and target shooting at 25 – 35 feet. I am looking for the best bang for my buck at this price range. I would like some thoughts – good or bad about these two, and any other recommendations.


  10. B.B.

    I have one of these and really enjoy shooting it – it is surprisingly accurate. As usual, when I post here, I am wrestling with confusion.
    My model is the B3-2 which does not come with a safety. It does have the anti-beartrap mechanism, so you clarify what exactly an anti-beartrap device does? What’s the point if it doesn’t prevent you from losing a finger tip?
    I also have a Beeman SR-1 that would not allow the sear to engage until I took the safety out. Now, it works great but is never cocked without the barrel being firmly and constantly held. I fully expect that someday the thin Chinese hardening of the sear will wear thru it will no longer hold – I treat it like that whenever I shoot it.
    So, I guess my question is what does an anti-beartrap device do if you don’t have a safety? I know what will happen if my SR-1 slips the sear but what happens (mechanically) if an anti-beartrap fails? Is the anti-beartrap device in the B3 the reason that cases of amputated fingers have dropped off – even without a safety?
    Thanks for all your hard work on this blog.

    Larry from Algona

    • Larry,

      An anti-beartrap device is supposed to prevent the gun firing unexpectedly, but the same folks who made it made the gun that did fire when it wasn’t supposed to. Trust, but verify — and never trust a spring airgun.

      What happens next is exactly what you imagine.

      As I understand it, the B3 (s) that failed didn’t have anti-beartraps, so when the sear failed they fired.


      • B.B.
        Thanks for your reply.
        I understand that the A-BT is there to prevent the gun from firing, but so is the safety. If a gun is supplied with a safety, then what does the A-BT do? I’m starting to think that a safety only keeps the trigger from moving which is why I’m not a big fan – I NEVER touch a trigger unless I’m ready to fire. In the same sense, I am very careful about holding on to the barrel or cocking lever when loading a pellet.
        Since you are already planning on showing us the guts, can you please point out how the A-BT is affecting the whole shebang? Thanks for your time.

  11. Hi Tom,

    Looks like you were correct about the release of the Umarex Legends Cowboy Lever Action CO2 BB Air Rifle: July it is, on the 31st. Any idea when we can expect a carbine version?

    Joe B back on Maui

  12. OK, hate to keep harping on this, but any idea when Umarex will offer us a 4 3/4″ barrel Colt SAA? I notice others are interested too.

    Joe B on Maui

  13. Also, on the Umarex Legends Cowboy Lever Action CO2 BB Air Rifle…will it use the Colt SAA cartridges or a shorter cartridge—like the .44-40 firearm cartridge—since it says it holds 10 of them?


      • Hi Tom,
        Guess I was thinking of the .44 cartridge that could be used in both a Colt SAA and a Winchester rifle as well. Or did I dream this? :^>
        Joe on Maui

      • B.B.
        I’m with Joe on this. IIRC, the .44-40’s claim to fame was that you could buy one box of ammo and use them in both. The .44 Russian was noted for extreme accuracy, right?
        LMo from Algona

          • Answering my own question, I searched “famous shooters of .44 Russian” and the first thing to pop up was a Mike Venturino article from 2013. Here’s one paragraph:

            “This handgun cartridge has received little notice in western mythology although many .44 S&W Russian handguns have been documented in Old West gunplay. Infamous Texas killer John Wesley Hardin used an early 1st Model .44 Russian in at least one of his many shootings. And when the James gang was shot to pieces during the bank robbery attempt at Northfield, Minnesota in August 1876 several .44 Russian revolvers were taken from wounded or dead gang members. Jesse James himself was killed in 1882 by Bob Ford with an S&W New Model .44 Russian. According to Smith & Wesson historian Roy Jinks all No. 3 Smith & Wesson frames were built prior to 1898 even though the company still cataloged New Model No. 3s until 1912.”

            Ah, the marvels of modern tech.

  14. B.B.,

    You called your plan to replace the breech seal a “redneck repair.” I would argue that such a repair is appropriate for a “redneck air rifle.” Yes, it is Chinese, not made in Jeff Foxworthy’s neck of the woods. But how else should one describe an air rifle with a stock made from pallet wood covered with thick poly? And what other description should one use for an air rifle that left the factory lubricated with lard?

    Despite being made in a factory, the B3 has “hillbilly homebrew” written all over it.


  15. Doc,

    I saw that,… though thanks for the extra details. That must be new as I was just there this AM. Either that guy is really small,.. or that gun looks really big! (and heavy?) Good stuff. Multiple reports on the big show over in Germany. Some real interesting stuff is happening. How much we will ever see,… we’ll see,… but at least it keeps you in the “loop” as to what is happening and what “may” be coming down the road.

  16. B.B.,

    Anything in the pipeline on further testing of the frangible Dust Devils bb’s? I do not see them listed yet on the PA site. You probably said (estimated) when they would be out, but I forget now without going back and looking.


  17. is it okay to mount a bugbuster scope with one ring on a Benjamin Maximus? the ring is a Leopold vertical split. The alternative is to use the rings that came with it, and get a dovetail to Picatinny cantilever adapter.

  18. John,

    Even though the Maximus doesn’t have any recoil to speak of, I would not be comfortable with only one ring holding the scope. I don’t think it would have enough rigidity and the scope may not hold zero.

    Check out the pictures of my Gamo Urban with a compact UTG scope. I had the same issue as you apparently are having…not able to get adequate eye relief. My scope has a 30mm tube and came with picatinny rings which would require adding a dovetail to picatinny adapter. I didn’t want the extra weight and hardware so I opted to buy a set of UTG 30mm dovetail rings. The scope mounted fine but I could not move it back far enough to get the needed eye relief. I chose to send the UTG rings back and bought a set of BKL offset rings which resolved my problem totally. The BKL offset rings are a little pricy at $49.95 but they are nice and do the job…once and done 🙂


      • B.B.

        This surprises me. I never would have thought this to be acceptable. I have never seen this done before. Gee, if had know about using just one ring maybe I could have forgone the purchase of those expensive BKL offset rings for my compact UTG scope on the Urban.


          • B.B.

            I think I’ll pass on the single ring mounting. I’m pretty happy with the BKL offset rings. They are solid and I’m not concerned so much about the scope moving around if bumped, even though I’m very careful about not bumping my scope 🙂

            I enjoyed today’s blog on the accuracy of the TexanSS at 50 yards. Very interesting bullet designs as well. Look forward to your tests at 100 yards.

            I have to say that I addicted to this blog now. I am spending WAY too much time reading all the comments and making replies. I am really enjoying the time spent here though. Thank you 🙂


            • Geo 791

              Thanks for the heads up on your mag. They are simpler than I thought. I’d have to hold one in my hand to see how they index. Glad its working for you.

  19. BB

    One ring mount! Never expected this. This opens up possibilities for some fine oldies with short dovetail rails. This is one reason I read this blog everyday.


  20. Geo 791

    Thanks for the heads up on your mag. They are simpler than I thought. I’d have to hold one in my hand to see how they index. Glad its working for you.

  21. BB and others,
    There was an Airgun club in West Texas that had a B3 contest. Each member bought a B3 and they did different modifications and were judged on aesthetics, smoothness, power, and accuracy. It was interesting reading what different guys did to there guns and to see how they performed.
    David Enoch

  22. One of the best definitions of these I have seen is “An assembled collection of unfinished parts.”
    Friend of mine bought 2 off of a “truck” sale. Had to go through many boxes (irritating the seller most thoroughly) before he found a couple that looked decent. Decent as in wood with no visible cracks, no rattles, no sharp metal edges. front sight vertical to barrel, mostly blued metal (mostly), looked complete, and such.
    Found out after getting it home that rifle was kinda accurate with the provided iron sights. Decided to put on a scope and found out the barrel was not in perfect alignment with the receiver. This or the scope rails were not in line with the barrel. Ended up being a rifle that would hit a target decent at 1 distance. Any others it would be off to the left in increasingly large numbers. His age and eyes are not working well to iron sights any more. So, the rifle is now collecting dust.
    This might not be what all are like. But, did turn him and myself off most thoroughly to these and other “cheap” rifles.

    Silver Eagle

  23. I have the same gun as you show here..had the same breech seal issue after sitting in my moms closet for 30 years…I cleaned it up the best I could, installed a proper size faucet washer and now it shoots, OK…Next step is to oil the chamber a bit and see if that adds any pop..I would assume a leather piston seal? Pellgun oil ok?

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