Walkers Razor Slim Electronic Muff Leopard Print
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The Walkers Razor Slim Electronic Muff features advanced sound-activated compression technology, effectively reducing harmful noises like gunshots and loud machinery to safe levels, while still allowing you to hear important ambient sounds. With a noise reduction rating (NRR) of 23 dB, these earmuffs provide exceptional protection in even the loudest environments, ensuring your hearing stays safeguarded. Say goodbye to muffled sounds and distorted frequencies. The built-in high-definition speakers of the Razor Slim Electronic Muff deliver clear, amplified audio directly to your ears. Whether youre at the range, communicating with your hunting buddy, or at the job site, you can enjoy crisp, natural sound quality without compromising your safety.
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10 of 41 Walkers Razor Slim Electronic Muff Reviews

These work as they are described. If your care about your hearing, or lack of being able to hear…these are the exception. I have owned a pair of Walker’s for sound suppression, as well as being able to pick up distant sound. I recommend these and will buy again. Tried and true.

I have never been more impressed for hearing protection that when I shot with these.

Have 3 sets. Love them. Great for my son as well..

There are a lot of mixed reviews on these Muffs, I would like to let you know from a person who has used them for years not only on the range but at home and in the industrial environment. I come from a Military roll then into Law enforcement and then into the Automotive manufacturing sector, so I have used them in a lot of different conditions. They do a great job at allowing you to carry on a conversation at the range and still get total hearing protection from the report of weapons. I have one pair that is probably 15 years old now and still works great so longevity is not an issue as long as you take proper care of them. I.E. don't throw them on the table, floor, ground etc. and when you store them keep them in a case, clean and dry. (I had one pair that I forgot and tossed it in my range bag and drove around for a few weeks with all the other gear beating against them and they did get problems with the speakers not working properly...... Any speaker is a fragile object and needs protection.) The oldest pair has a small tear on the cable shielding at the top of the muffs, but no function issues. Also with almost any earmuffs I have tried over the decades the pads need to be changed regularly. the foam gets compressed and the plastic gets hardened, there is no real way to avoid this. you can get the replacement pads from another vendor that are memory foam and they have a much softer feel to them, last a lot longer and the deformation is almost non-existent. they make a huge difference in feel when you need to wear them all the time. I wear them at work too and I sometimes am in them for 8-12 hours a day 5 days a week. My work pair is three years old, I have changed the pads only once it took about 6 months to wear out the original ones, but the replacement memory foam ones are still good 2.5 years down the road, lasts a lot longer. I also use these for chainsaw and mower work and with the same results. even having tree limbs falling on my helmet and banging into the muffs from the outside has never been a problem for the speakers. they are only prone to damage from the inside. I have also had these worn when we are on the range and it is poring the rain down without any issues. Just wipe them dry before storage, including the batteries and battery compartment.

Perfect tool to go shooting with people about noises and able to chat with them

Cancels noise very effectively while still allowing for normal voice conversation

With the simple twist of a dial, I can not only hear my buddy’s talk next to me, but at the same time these game ears drown out loud percussive noises. If you value your hearing, this is an excellent product to have on the range or in the field!

I bought 2 pairs and the comms to mount onto them and I love them me and my buddies only run walkers the only issue I had was when we have a 4hr range day the ear muff we’re uncomfortable but found a quick solution by just purchasing the gel muffs only question I have is if they are water proof or should I not wear them in the rain ?

I got these last year and enjoyed using them with shooting, could hear things really well while wearing them. I then got a job working around running helicopters and I decided to use them. They ended up working out perfectly
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Jan 21, 2025
By barh63
Very happy with them. Still work flawlessly after several years