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Ammo Daisy 880: Part 2

Daisy 880: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Part 1

Daisy 880
The Daisy 880 multi-pump is a classic.

Today, we’ll look at the velocity of the Daisy 880 multi-pump pneumatic. The test didn’t go as I expected it to, so stick around and learn something new with me.

Oil the pump head
Before I started the test, I oiled the 880’s pump head with several drops of Crosman Pellgunoil. I do that whenever I want to get the maximum performance from a multi-pump pneumatic, because the oil seals the pump head, allowing it to build more pressure.

First test — velocity per pump stroke
This is a test I recommend to all multi-pump owners. You test the velocity of your gun with differing pump strokes — from the lowest number recommended in the manual, which is 2 in this case, to the highest number, which is 10. [Note: In part 1, I stated that the minimum number of pumps was 3. It’s actually 2, and the Pyramyd AIR website has been corrected to reflect that.] For this test, I also did 11 and 12 pump strokes to see if the gun had even more velocity.  The results were revealing. I’ll discuss them in a moment.

The pellet I used was the 7.9-grain Crosman Premier dome. Any pellet will do, but it helps if you always pick the same one in case you ever want to compare one gun to another.

Stroke    Velocity
2                332
3                448
4                499
5                530
6                562
7                574
8                595
9                601
10*           616
11*            617
12*           607

* No air remaining in the gun after this shot.

For those who may be new to multi-pumps, notice that as the number of pump strokes increases, the amount of the velocity increase grows smaller. If you were pumping the gun, you would have noticed that after the fourth pump stroke (from 5 strokes on) the pump handle jumped out when I pulled it for the next stroke. Compressed air is remains in front of the pump head and does not enter the gun’s reservoir. As the pressure inside the reservoir builds, it holds the inlet valve closed a little harder each time; so, more compressed air fails to enter the reservoir. This phenomenon is common to all multi-pumps, and many of the more expensive ones have (or used to have) adjustable pump heads that minimize this; but the 880 doesn’t have any adjustment.

Note that there’s no air remaining in the gun after a shot was fired on 10 pumps. That means the gun is able to exhaust all the compressed air. From the velocity chart, we learn there’s no value in pumping the gun more than 10 times.

This is where I learned a couple big lessons about the 880 — or at least about my 880. Normally, a multi-pump is very consistent. The same number of pump strokes will give nearly the same velocity every time, as long as the same pellets are used. I’m used to seeing a velocity variation of about 5-8 f.p.s. over a 10-shot string. But not this time!

The 880 gave an average of 469 f.p.s. for 10 shots with 5 pump strokes. If you look at the string before, however, you’ll see that this velocity is well below what I got with 5 pump strokes (530 f.p.s.) and the very same pellet. Even stranger is the fact that, on this test, the velocity spread went from a low of 441 f.p.s. to a high of 502 f.p.s. That’s a variation of 61 f.p.s. over 10 shots. And not one of those 10 shots went as fast as the same pellet did on 5 pump strokes in the previous test!

The Daisy 880 varies greatly in velocity from test to test. You may think this is because my 880 is an older one. I can’t argue that. If you want to run the same test with a more modern 880 and submit your results, I’d be glad to see them, but please back up any claims you make with chronograph results.

RWS Hobby pellets
Next, I tested the rifle with RWS Hobby pellets fired on 10 pumps. These pellets averaged 600 f.p.s.; but, once again, the spread was very large. The low was 559 f.p.s. while the high was 643 f.p.s. That’s a variation of 86 f.p.s.

How fast will it shoot?
I tried a string of Crosman Super Sonic pellets on 10 pumps. They averaged 690 f.p.s. Again, the spread was very large — from 648 to 722 f.p.s. That’s 74 f.p.s. I only did this to see how fast the gun could shoot. The owner’s manual online says the maximum is 715 f.p.s with pellets, and we saw just a little more. So, that claim is right on.

Daisy BBs
Finally, I tried the rifle with Daisy Premium Grade BBs. On 5 pumps, they averaged 578 f.p.s. with a low of 565 and a high of 586 f.p.s. On 10 pumps, they averaged 644 f.p.s., with a low of 632 and a high of 657 f.p.s. So the gun is much slower than advertised (750 f.p.s.) with BBs, but the velocity spread is a lot less than it is with pellets.

I was surprised by the large velocity variation I saw with the 880. This is not just the largest variation I’ve ever seen with a multi-pump, it’s many times larger than the next largest variation. Multi-pumps are very consistent, in my experience.

Will this large variation have any affect on accuracy? Probably not at 10 meters, but it almost certainly will at 25 yards. I plan to shoot the rifle at both distances, so we shall see.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

181 thoughts on “Daisy 880: Part 2”

  1. Tom,

    I really think something is wrong with the 880 you’re testing. The energy figures are substantially (about a full ft-lb) lower than what I’ve seen from other sources, not the least of which is the old Daisy 880 manual (my copy of which I still haven’t located…). Plus the velocity differences are, as you said, very high.

    Since you asked for proof of the energy levels people get in your blog article (and since I don’t have a chronograph), I’m going to link to some videos on Youtube where a guy in Norway (if I’m remembering this correctly) tested this.

    If I had to guess, I would say something in your gun (probably something rubber) has deteriorated in the 13-14 years since you bought it. It may be worthwhile to have Pyramid Air send you a new 880 for evaluation purposes. Or have their service department go over yours and make sure its up to spec.


      • I really don’t see a problem with the oil. I seem to recall that Daisy recommended 30-weight, non-detergent motor-oil. However Pellgun oil should work fine since it is specifically designed to work with multi-pumps and co2 guns.

  2. BB
    You should try some of these.


    Maybe the pellets are causing the variation in FPS (feet per second) the gun is shooting.

  3. The bolt probes on these guns , and the 853 as well, do not seem to have much of a breech seal. The bolt probe has what looks like an o-ring, but it is just molded in the plastic . Probably leak very badly.


    • That’s a good point, twotalon. Depending on how long it took between pumping the gun and actually shooting it, a significant amount of air may have leaked out. A difference of 5 seconds or 10 seconds between pumping and shooting may have a significant impact on those chrony numbers.

      • I am talking about the breech leaking due to a poor seal . The main firing valve seal appears to be nylon on mine . I left my .22 version pumped for a few days, and the valve stuck closed and would not fire. The valve deforms under pressure and if left too long will do this and then leak when you get it working again.


      • I can leave my 880 pumped for a few hours and still hit my mark at 18 yards. I will once again state how disappointed I am in this review. Using a 14 year old gun and oiling it with the WRONG oil. This review in no way shape or form will reflect what a new 880 oiled with the CORRECT oil can do.

    • On my rebuild of a Crosman 101 recently, I had a worn out stud on the bolt which caused the O-ring less bolt probe design of that gun to not have complete contact with the breech when closed. The difference was almost 200fps. A new stud fixed that. The Daisy 880 has a plastic bolt, as does the Crosman 2100, both suffer from air leaks at the breech. The Daisy 880 also has a cheap valve which does not lend itself to a easy or long lasting rebuild. The entire shot tube and valve assembly has to be changed out on the newer guns. As a side note, I have put a new 880 shot tube assembly into an 1970’s vintage 881 with no issues, in case someone would like to repair their old model. Those parts direct from Daisy cost less than 20 bucks shipped.

      • Robert

        It has been so long since I have shot my Daisy pumpers that I don’t know if they will even hold air . Never did a chrono on any of them except the 853 . Been shooting other things.


        • TT: I got interested in fooling with the Daisy’s because I bought a few parts guns from a vendor at the flea market, then I bought the reseal kits and parts over the rest of a couple summers. It’s been a long winter and it keeps me sane to tinker on those. Never had a 880 or 853 until I bought those.Learned alot , and some kids got some nice airguns to shoot after I was done with them.

    • twotalon, back in early 2012 we both had surgery of one kind or another. I know we are not the only ones before or after, but I was just looking at the posts from “the day after” (I can tell I was still drugged up; “if you love airguns, honk”, and yet everyone was quite gracious about it). How have you fared since that eye surgery? I really must start shooting regularly again.

      • Hi Ken…

        Long time.

        I have been doing fairly well . Slowly getting better in some areas. Getting steadier and getting my trigger finger pretty well under control.
        I can pick up a springer without any warmups or a PCP, or switch back and forth and lay waste to starlings pretty good. Even pumping is easier.

        You getting along better now ? I could tell you were pretty well spaced out a few times. Those of us who have had problems understand.


  4. OK I am 2 sentences into that review and am disgusted. You lubed it with Pengun oil. DAISY CLEARLY STATES TO USE 30 WEIGHT ND ON THEIR AG’S!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it DOES make a difference. My 3 month old 880 would not hold a tight seal and would leak air with Pengun but functions AS IT SHOULD with no leaks with 30 weight ND. The pumps are firmer with 30 wt nd. While I do not have a chrony I’ll tell you the group sizes went from scatter to dime size groups using the correct oil, telling me that the velocity became consistent.

    This review in no way shape or form is going to show what an 880 can do that is sold today. The gun is 14 years old and has the WRONG oil in it. It is really a shame as THIS review will influence SO MANY people. And it simply is not going to fairly show what an 880 is capable of.

    I expected a fair review on the 880. I’m disappointed to say the least.

    • I HAVE to add. I have always held your reviews in high regard. As I know little about most of the AG’s you review. BUT I do know 880’s.

      This review will forever change the high regard I held your reviews in. Sorry, but true.

      • Six of one, half dozen of the other… The last two times i received a parts kit from B&S they supplied a small tube of Daisy oil with the kits. When I recieved a kit for my flea market 880 rebuild I got a tube of Crosman pellgun oil. The only difference is that it was red in color.

    • TB,

      Okay, pardner — calm down. I’ve got this.

      First of all, here, in fact, is the exact statement Daisy makes in the manual that comes with the gun:

      “Use a 10-, 20- or 30-weight non-detergent, automotive motor oil.”

      In the past, they recommended just 20-weight oil. The viscosity doesn’t matter that much, because the guns don’t get warm and the oil doesn’t break down. But 30-weight would seal better than 20 weight at a given temperature.

      Next — Crosman Pellgunoil’s principal ingredient is 20-weight motor oil. What makes it red is an o-ring conditioner additive. It’s not a detergent. So, no harm done.

      Don’t give me group sizes — I want chrono data. That’s what I have given here and it’s the only comparison that makes any sense. When I shoot the rifle for accuracy, then you can give your group sizes.

      Third, you are getting exactly what I see from my airgun. If I were to test a new 880 the results would probably be different — I mentioned that in the report. But would they be that much different? And, if they weren’t, would you then say the new rifle I tested isn’t representative of all Daisy 880s?

      This is what happens when I test airguns that have a loyal following. Their faithful are willing to believe anything good and nothing bad about them.


      • ok, put the oil issue aside. You are testing a 14 year old AG with 14 year old seals. Which has seen little use and therefore little oiling over it’s life. The only FAIR way to compare your old 880 to a new one would be to install new seals.

        These are not my chrony numbers but numbers from a GTA member,


        RWS wadcutter. 7 grain, 10 pumps velocity 699
        RWS superdome 8.3 grain 10 pumps velocity 675
        Crosman Premier ultra mag 10.5 grain, 10 pumps velocity 617

        • All I expected was a FAIR assessment of what a new 880 from the store or here IS. A 14 year old gun with 14 year old seals in no way represents a brand new AG.

          For me it is NOT about brand loyalty, it is about a FAIR assessment of a NEW 880.

          • He told us what he was testing, that it was his 880 and that it was 14 years old. Be glad to get a representative review of the durability of the 880. Your expectations are unreasonable considering we were told ahead of time. I like that this 880 is as old as it is and is still worth testing. Look on the bright side huh?

        • TB,

          Those number sound reasonable. And they are very good.

          But I am going to continue to test the rifle I have. However, maybe you have made a good suggestion. I may reseal my 880 and see what it does then. That would be a fun comparison.


          • That would be fair, IF that review were linked to this one. As people will read this review right here and decide whether or not to buy a NEW 880 based on your review.

            Others on the forum have similar numbers with new 880’s. Yours is not representative of a new AG. A shame really.

            • Cool down. If Tom reseals his 880 and does additional testing, I’m sure he’ll link to the previous reviews. He’s done that with other guns where he’s tweaked something and added information.

      • The loyalty factor is definitely there.lol I have owned probably 8 of these since i was 17 im 55 now, and aside from the changes of metal to plastic, they’ve always shot fairly consistantly. By that Tom i mean in my crude tests.lol. A good 880 can shoot through both sides of two steel bean cans,( i hear you laughing already,), but that’s as scientific as it gets for me. I love accuracy first and foremost, but i dont think relative power should have to be traded for it. I can set up a row of golf tees at 20 yards and mow them over one after another, with open sites,,(the white dot, not the red fiber optic,) i bent sewing needles with it, and even tried the card split set on its end , and cut the flap from a co2 box nearly in two shooting at its edge. And those were all with a 880 at 33 ft using bb,s. Is it too light, yea, is it cheaply constructed, yea, your right when i hear someone talking these guns down it hits a nerve,,lol thanks for the great article on it ,, I now know it alot better.

  5. compare Pengun and 30 wt nd side by side. Pengun is thinner. Much thinner. Flows completely different.

    Even if they were the same thing, which they aren’t it DOES NOT MATTER for a fair review as Daisy CALLS for 30 wt ND to be used. Therefore that is the only oil to use for a FAIR assessment.

    • To each his own… To be, fair BB IS using a cronograph to test his 880, you state you don’t have one ? Actually, that is the only way to determine the health(velocity) of an airgun, not that it shoots “harder” ,or is more “accurate”, or penetrates more soft wood boards. Personally I find the reviews on here to be more than fair . I wouldn’t be suprised if BB did test your suggestion of using only 30Wt ND oil.

      • TB…sorry, I’ve got a burr in by posterior now.
        So…one review that isn’t going your way and you’re acting incredibly aggressive in your posts.
        Here’s a suggestion. B.B. allows anyone who wishes to do a guest blog…why don’t you do a thorough test of your 880 and regale us all with the results.
        Sorry B.B. and Edith, feel free to delete this if you wish.

      • I EXPECT a fair review from this webpage. A 14 year old AG with 14 year old seals is not representative at all of a new out of package AG.
        This webpage is regarded very highly to the standards it holds. Yet this review is of a 14 year old Ag with 14 year old seals.
        It is like reading a review of a 14 year old Chevy pickup and basing that review on a new one.

        I could care less if the review goes the way that my 880 performs. I care that the review is of a 14 year old AG with 14 year old seals. Not a fair assessment. I EXPECT to see fairness on this webpage.

        I am very disappointed. I expected a fair review, not a review of a 14 year old weapon.

        Now most potential buyers are going to read the review and not the comments below it, or the chrony numbers from readers. Just like most people using a search engine don’t go passed page one.

        I expected a fair review of a new 880. Not getting that.

            • TB,

              You have been very vocal this morning about the numbers I reported. Yet you don’t have a chronograph. How does that work?

              Forget the chronograph. Just write a guest blog about your 880 in the ways that you can evaluate it.


              • I have been. Because you are testing a 14 year old AG with 14 year old seals. People hold your reviews in very high regard. They will base buying a new 880 on your review of a 14 year old weapon with 14 year old seals. Even though you were very clear that it is 14 years old.

                I do not see how I can do a comparable review without a chrony. If it ever stops snowing here I’d be happy to do a guest blog. In all fairness from my 1st impression disappointment of my then new 880 to the few very basic things I did to make it a great sub $50 shooter.

                • TB,
                  You made very valid points. I don’t have to summarize them because I’ve already read them several times. To be clear, I agree with you that there are disadvantages to testing BBs 880, but you are beating a dead horse that wants to work! BB also agreed with you, offered you a guest blog, encouraged you (or anyone else) to submit their own numbers, and said he would re-seal his airgun. How about we give him a break and let him finish his testing?

                • TB
                  Most of us read BB’s blog because of his fair and non partial assessment of the products he tests. When he tests a new product, should it be an air gun or a new rest,what have you, he states so at the beginning of the blog. Today he is testing his 14 year old Daisy 880.I fail to see why you are so adamant that BB should be testing a new Daisy 880. I enjoy most air guns reviewed here, including BB’s 14 year old Daisy 880. Do I think it is representative of a brand new model? No chance.
                  Accept the test for what it is. A 14 year old Daisy 880. You may learn how yours will turn out in time. After all, isn’t that the point of BB writing, and us reading? We learn together.

  6. I have an 880 that I believe is even older than yours. It was resealed about a year ago. I’ll run it over the chronograph tonight and see what she does. I’ll post the results.

  7. I still I have my second Bb pellet rifle from my childhood. I lost my first one, # 25 Daisy, but still have my 880, from 1972. Boy did they grow some pretty plastic back then. It still shoots, but 10 pumps gives me maybe what 3-4 pumps will do to a new 880, which I have too. To shoulder that old friend, it is time machine like.

  8. B.B.

    I just got my old 880 out and tried it. The inlet valve was leaking back into the pump. I oiled the crap out of it, and with some pumping and shooting I got it to seal back up.
    I have some CPL left, and would run a comparative 10 shot velocity string for you for comparison if you want. You pick how many pumps . Don’t want to do the whole thing like you did. I am adverse to a lot of pumping.


  9. I am losing posts today, and for the last day or too . Won’t go back to the page after hitting submit either .
    Anyone besides me and Robert having this problem ?


  10. After reading the chrony data revealing the large velocity spreads, I also immediately suspected a fault somewhere with a seal, be it in the valve, pump, or breech. And in some cases, a heavier oil might help compensate, but that is just a band-aid over the fault. I agree that over 14 years, a gun in storage might need some reconditioning to perform optimally again. Collecting chrony data from users with new guns is a good idea for comparison.
    B.B, Just as with your blogs with older springers, where you go through them and show us how to recondition them, you have a cool opportunity to do the same with this type. I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

    I think I used to oil my 880 with 3-in-1 oil from my Dad’s toolbox. Back in the 70’s as a boy, that was all I knew.

    Readers: remember to keep your posts civil and constructive, whether you have a complaint, question, or contribution.

  11. @BB:
    I am guessing there is something seriously wrong with your Daisy 880 to be getting such low FPS with those pellets. Verry verry wrong with your gun. And it should be very consistant (with in 2FPE in my experience).

    Are you pumping slow enough? The only way I could see getting that kind of spread is if you are pumping way to fast and not giving air enough time to enter the pump tube (this could explain the low numbers also).

    You said it is an older gun, that is not often used. As such would you please restart this review with a new Daisy 880. They only cost about $45.

  12. B.B.

    O.K. …..

    Some of the pump strokes did not feel right, so I have a seal problem yet in the pump. The breech seal is definitely leaking, and what I got might be representative of these conditions.

    !0 shots, 10 pumps each…CPL
    ES ….86

    This gun has to be 20 yrs old. It’s working, but not right.


  13. BB,

    I have had an epiphany. Rather than you get a new Daisy and check the velocity versus the number of pumps, why not ask that silver tongued devil, Gene S at PA to grab a new gun and give you/us the velocities? Then we can easily move to the accuracy portion of the testing. Come on, Gene. It’ll be good exercise. 🙂 I even promise to buy a new air rifle from you and PA if you folks show up again at Roanoke.

    Fred DPRoNJ

    • Fred,

      Gene Salvino is busy all day with his job. He doesn’t have time for this.

      And, let’s face it — we are not curing cancer or solving world hunger, here. This is a plastic airgun that is being tested. If the results don’t suit everyone, I doubt the earth’s rotation will be affected.


      • “And, let’s face it — we are not curing cancer or solving world hunger, here. This is a plastic airgun that is being tested.”

        That’s whats wrong with this test. There are plenty of folks who are invested in this review because there are many of us who own one and enjoy it. To be told that our gun doesn’t deserve the same level of review because it is plastic and cheep is a bone-headed move. that attitude would suggest that if a cheep airgun doesn’t work, toss it. We have all seen your blogs about bringing old cheep guns back to life. Is this one too cheep? We all know that quality is a factor of $$$ spent. We also know of bargain products that work very well. that said, it would be a shame if this influenced your objective ability to review a product. And, to be fair, no airgun topic ever is “curing cancer or solving world hunger,” no matter how awesome the TX200 is.

  14. B.B.
    I was given an 880 by my neighbor last September, who said, if I could fix it I could keep it. I never really liked this gun, even as a kid. Being made almost entirely out of plastic, it always felt like it would fold up before you reach the max of 10 pumps. The gun I received had apparently been over pumped, the compression tube had popped off of the valve head. I rounded up some o-rings and installed them. After reassembly the gun was leaking air outta the barrel so I went back in. The exhaust valve on this gun is held open upon firing and stays open until recocked. I spun the valve stem ever so slightly to attempt a better seal, reassembled enough to check (3 attempts) until I got it sealed. On my way back out I noticed that the o-ring on the piston did not completely fill it’s groove and would slide back and forth during pumping, so I compared it to the old one,-Identical! After ‘sleeping on it’ I went with the teflon tape, contoured to hold the o-ring ‘perfectly’ in place. I used 2 part epoxy to help restore rapidly fading plastic threads in the receiver. The gun gives so much more feedback now, both in pumping and firing (no chrony yet). If not for the plastic threads I would be modding this thing all the time. As it stands the gun is pretty accurate getting 5/8″ groups @ 20m, however I would not buy one unless it had a metal receiver. It is a shame that, while the gun is finely engineered, they got WAY too carried away with the resin. The price of the gun is OK, however, so is the construction.

  15. Tom,

    Sorry for kicking off the firestorm in the comments, especially if my comment was what set off a certain other person. That wasn’t the intention. I was simply hoping to point out that the numbers seemed low and back up what I said, like you asked for.

    Your offer of a reseal and retest after the test is finished seems more than fair to me.


  16. So? Was this review intended to be a guide and introduction of the daisy 880 for those who haven’t had one before and want a garage-sale special, or new buyers?

    Why review a 14yo gun that has been mostly unused? Why preface your review today with a disclaimer that: yours is old, and this is what it does, and if we have other numbers, prove it? A little research shows there are plenty of post on the boards showing that they get ~75-100 fps more on their crony’s.

    When you said you would review the Daisy 880, I figured you would do what you usually do with a new gun. When you said “fiber optic front sight,” I started to feel funny (new ones don’t have it). When you said, “I never really went back and used it much,” I heard “uninterested and neglected.” I was excited that we might get a true look into the 880 and find out something about how it truly stacks up to the competition. Many of us read your blog daily ,and save our $$$$ for something we read about here first. For some folks, that could have been the Daisy 880.

    I mean no disrespect, I just don’t think you would pull out a 15yo springer and test it AS IF it represented what the factory currently produces. How about a 15yo PCP? Even if nothing had changed at the design-level, just being assembled for that long can make great differences that can not always be seen or re-sealed away. Even if it is re-sealed, it then represents a re-furb.

    To me this is a review of a very nice garage-sale 880, not a new 880 buyers guide of what to expect from a new gun, or a fair review to base new buying decisions upon, so far. I hope this gets fixed because too many folks will make their decisions about this gun as they consider this blog a long-time trusted source, like i do.

    thanks for your time,

    PS: Gee-wiz, these Daisy guys… muddy-truckers! they must be making up for something else lacking…… 😉

    • Stew,

      Welcome to the blog.

      You are new here, so you aren’t aware that I test decades-old airguns all the time like this. When I tested my old TX200 Mark III, some readers took me to task because the gun was too broken-in and surely must perform better than a new one. So I got a new one and found it performed just the same.

      I used my 15-year-old Whiscombe as a testbed all the time, as I do my old Talon SS. And the $100 PCP is a Crosman 2100 on undetermined age (but it is old).

      I state the condition of the gun in the test, so discerning readers always know what they are reading.


  17. The world of airguns changed when chronographs became affordable.

    Chronographs are a good tool to dial in a pcp and help diagnose when an airgun needs resealed. Beyond that they’re more of a distraction to learning how to shoot your airgun IMHO. In other words, chrony junkies often become agitated and concerned about their airguns rather than enjoy the relaxing outlet that airguns can provide.

    Yes, I have a chronograph (pro chrono) but I’m thinking about throwing it in my lake.


    • You know… given the prices of current “hobby” microcontrollers… I’m beginning to wonder what it would take to build a chronograph from scratch.

      I’d skip the BASIC Stamp, much too slow (given that the “fast” MCU is running an interpreter for a tokenized BASIC) — and, showing their age, the most expensive of the bunch these days (A BS2px — the fast BASIC Stamp — costs around $70 just for the 40-pin module… An Arduino UNO board with connectors can be had for $40).

      Arduino uses C(++) so should run fast enough… But…

      The Parallax Propeller is an “8 core” MCU running at 80MHz. While SPIN programs are tokenized interpreted (and locked to the cyclic access of external memory, which results in a 5MHz SPIN instruction rate) Propeller Assembler runs inside the cores (where the SPIN interpreter is normally loaded). Using PASM in a pair of cores (called cogs in the Propeller) assigned to the just detect the passing of a projectile over a sky screen would give, at the least, 40MHz resolution, if not faster. Driving an LCD display can be given to a third cog, while the main/first cog handles control button presses. Display and buttons can be relegated to SPIN as even 5MHz interpretation is going to be able to respond to user interface fairly fast.

      The only difficult part is the physical sky screen construction — as that needs to be accurately spaced, and have a reasonable detection span (angle of view)…

      • Holy cOw! Im gonna need rosetta stone for this one! Lol, Id love to understand the operation of a chronograph as well as you do, I downloaded the chrony app that analyzes the sounds but couldn’t get it to read, not enough space, then I tried an acoustic analyzer and just record and do the math myself. Still not enough room to get good readings. The best results I’ve gotten was to build a ballistics pendulum, which isn’t as hard as it seems if you take the time to set it up right. My results showed my 1000 fps gun was getting 937 with 9.6gr rockets, 1012 with 7.9 cphp, 1160 with 5.56 gamo lethals and 1180 with pba platinum.. I took my 4 days of learning equations, setting up the pendulum, taking measurements then calculating the energies to determine velocities. Was a very concentrated few days and Im confident my numbers came out accurate. Get a physics book and try it guys if your bored and or don’t have a chrono. That’s how they used to do it.

  18. Wow! What is in the air today?

    BB tests a used gun, tells everyone that he’s testing a “used gun” right up front in the report and it starts off a firestorm of ‘That’s not FAIR! I EXPECTED a test of a NEW GUN!’ comments…

    I don’t see where BB has tried to mislead anyone! Where did these expectations come from? Since when do we dictate what BB tests?


  19. Everyone,

    Reb said it best. The passion runs deep with this one.

    I have seen this before — with Crosman 760s and other similar guns. The owners go nuts if the gun is ever shown in a light that isn’t completely complimentary.

    Well, if airgunners didn’t love their guns I guess I would be out of a job, so let’s get on with it. Pyramyd AIR is sending me a brand-new Daisy 880 that I will test after I finish with this one. Then I think it might be fun to reseal this one and see what we get.

    I do understand the passion.


    • i saw this in 6th grade, i had an AIR-17, one friend had a 880, the other a 2100. mine was single pump and i was out of their class, but i could get off more shots. first they would have a shoot-off, then a fist-fight to determine who’s gun was better…. thanks for stepping in it for science.

      • rob,

        You gave me a good belly laugh! In fact, I’ve had several good ones today. Who knew that a blog about a Daisy 880 could be so entertaining & gosh-darned fiery. Why, it’s almost as if we were discussing politics! 🙂


        • The comments today revive memories of the reasoned and intellectual discussions that my pals and I had growing up regarding the relative merits of Chevys versus Fords. Yikes.

    • I think everyone here would be very interested to see which areas would be most critical from the viewpoint of a trusted veteran such as yourself. Thank you for taking the time to give us a tour of the inner workings of the humble 880. I look forward to your analysis & wish you the best of luck! I hope everyone learns and shares any ideas, both old and new, from aesthetics to performance, and maybe squeeze a few more rounds off before they run out of air.

  20. I’m just going to keep my mouth shut right now. I could get in big trouble here. I don’t want to visit the Principles office again. And another wonderful day at school today. 🙂

    On another note. BB and Wulfraed I left a reply on the “Why does the point of impact shift from one side to the other” topic. Kind of interesting what I found.

      • TT
        Either way. Yes. 🙂

        And don’t know about you but they say we got a couple days of 60 degrees coming just in time for the weekend in my neck of the woods. Already got my shootn’ plans layed out. Hope this spring time weather sticks around for along time.

        • GF1

          Yeah…I want a lot more spring and a lot less winter. Yesterday was a mess.
          I want WARM, NO SNOW, NO WIND, NO RAIN. Not going to happen, but it is what I want.

          Work slow today ?


          • TT
            Always something going on.Thats why it took so long to reply. But I got some laser shooting in relation to scope point of aim planned for the weekend. Kind of excited to see how that goes.

            • GF1

              I guess you will get to find out if it can give you any useful info .

              Got a few more starlings this afternoon. My wife put out some bird feeders and stuck a suet cake in each end of one of them. They went nuts over one of them, but did not touch the other. She does not remember what flavor they are, but found the cash register receipt with the numbers on it. Going to pick up a couple more tomorrow if they are still in stock. One is a darker color than the other.


              • TT
                I feed the song birds with those also. The last ones I got one was mealworms and the other one was peanut butter.

                I havent had the starlings go after them. All the better though. Sometimes that bird food can get a bit costly. Especialy if the starlings want to attack and eat it up.

  21. i am way less concerned by the velocity, but i would like to get a baseline idea.

    i am wondering more, why the huge fps spread?

    is there something in the daisy design that can create inconsistencies? could it be pellets clipping on the bolt side? that can minimized by loading technique. is there a slow leak? different times between last pump and shot would cause different pressures. please consider finding out. you have done something similar before. (see: BSA Meteor: Part 5)

    if you could diagnose the source of the inconsistencies, while you teach us how to do so, you could get on with the accuracy portion without more people making excuses for the gun. i contend that the top velocity matters less. consistent velocity matters more but, i shoot paper and cans and such. I’d rather eat cows.

    i speculate that a new 880, although great, will not last for very many years, maybe 5-7 of regular use, even treated nicely (~25,000 shots/250,000 pumps/50×500 tins). what starts as a great gun slowly dies and is cheep enough to replace when you notice it dropping-off, rather than fix (remember the golden age of $35 VCR’s way back in nineteen-hundred-90-something-or-the-other). maybe this is the golden age of airguns after all.

    thanks for your time and i can’t wait to learn more,

    • “I speculate that a new 880, although great, will not last for very many years, maybe 5-7 of regular use, even treated nicely… what starts as a great gun slowly dies and is cheap enough to replace when you notice it dropping-off, rather than fix…”

      That’s probably a pretty good assessment for the life-cycle of a Daisy 880. Though I think you may be a bit generous when it comes to how long an 880 lasts before it starts wearing out. I suppose a lot would depend on what you mean by regular use.

      As for replacing instead of fixing… Depends on how mechanically gifted you are. If you’re like some of the readers on the blog, you may be able to reseal the gun when it finally stops holding air. In that case fixing an older gun is probably the cheaper option. However if you’re like me (AKA one of those sorts who can get it apart, but can’t figure out how to put it back together) you’re left with two choices: pay someone to reseal it or replace it. Depending on how much you have in the gun, it may be cheaper to replace it instead of paying shipping, parts, and labor to get the old gun fixed. Normally the example I give on this is the Crosman 760. New they run about $30-$35. (I got mine on sale a couple years ago for $20.) If it breaks and isn’t under warranty you’re looking at $10 to ship to company, maybe $20-$25 in parts and labor (if you’re lucky), and $10 shipping back to you. Which means its actually cheaper to buy a new gun. A Daisy 880 is closer to the bubble, but it probably still falls into the cheaper to replace category, unless I’m over-estimating the cost to have it resealed by a ‘smith.

  22. This has probably been one of the most “entertaining” posts I’ve read on here. Lot’s of Comedy, Drama and Action LOL. Somebody is going to win an award in Hollywood before this is over! That said, My old CO2 pistols don’t shoot as well as when they were new. My old BB guns don’t either (except for the one I’ve had rebuilt). Speaking of oils, I had a Crosman 760 I had gotten new as child. I used to pump it way past 10 pumps, this before I knew better. It finally started hissing and the seals let go. That said, I found I could still shoot it if I used Dad’s STP Oil Treatment in it. Doing so made it very hard to pump. Once pumped up, I still had to shoot it fairly quick as it would hold for just a short period and bam, all air would leak out all at once. I miss that old 760. It was all metal per say and had a brass bolt handle. That said, it was never as powerful as all my friends 880s. They could shot through my Dad’s metal barn and mine would not. Yes, that was firing BBs….not smart.

    • I meant to add, as for over pumping, James House warned against doing this in any pump gun. Said it will shorten the life of the gun. He always said to use just 8 pumps in the Daisy and Crosman pumpers since the velocity was just higher than 10 pumps. That was then. Crosman may have changed theirs to 8 now on the 2100…not sure.

  23. I’m utterly amazed at your patience b.b.
    So why all of a sudden are there a bunch of new people showing up, who haven’t the common sense to read through a few past blogs to see what this blog is all about…and who only want to complain that ‘you’re not doing it the way I (capital I) want’.
    People…b.b. tests lots of new airguns to see what you’re going to get for you hard earned dollar.
    He also tests guns that might be what you find at a garage sale for 5 bucks. If he thinks it may be a wolf in sheeps clothing he’ll go to the end of the world to see if it can be brought back to life.
    But face it..if you found a 15 year old 880 at a garage sale for 5 bucks and it didn’t perform well you’ll likely toss it…there will be one at another garage sale next weekend.
    This is the most civilized blog/forum I’m on…and I frequent quite a few.
    If you can’t play nice, there are lots of other blogs who love drama.

  24. I’d like to make some observations without contributing to the controversy.

    I’ve got a couple 880s. One made in the US, and a newer one made in China. The one made in the US needed rebuilding, which I did myself. It had developed a problem: the stock was loose in the receiver, and could not be snugged by tightening.

    When I disassembled the gun (it was my first airgun rebuild), I found the crosswise tubes that the screws go into to hold the receiver together had a defect. The mold had not filled fully, leaving the tubes not fully formed.

    I ordered new receiver halves, and a new shot tube/valve assembly for good measure. I’d like to add here that Daisy parts and service is very good. The total price of all the parts is equal to the price of the assembled gun.

    I personally like the 880, and its close cousin, the 856. Shooting these guns reminds me a lot of my college days, shooting a Remington Nylon 66. The 880 looks a lot like the 66, and is light to carry all day.

    Comparing the earlier US-made and the later Chinese 880s, I found a significant design flaw in the earlier gun to have been corrected in the Chinese production. The older gun tended to develop a loose stock/receiver fit. I corrected this on my old 880 by drilling a hole across the receiver and epoxying a brass tube inside the receiver in the upper corner. A bolt and nut hold it tightly- be sure to add the tube or the receiver will crack when you tighten the nut.

    The oil controversy: I oil mine with 30W non-detergent motor oil. I have Pellgun oil, but do not use it for this purpose. This oil is cheap and easy to find. I use a plastic condiment dispenser with a pointed snout for an oilcan (I tried to buy a real oilcan, but they seem to have gone extinct). 1 Qt. of oil gives me a lifetime supply. I used 30W because at the time, I really was a desertdweller, and shooting trips in 100F weather was not unusual.

    I bought both 880s and the 856 at Wally World. I still think the 880 is an attractive gun. The white pinstriping is printed, and wears away soon, so I repainted it with a small brush and white paint, then overcoated it with a clear coat. Now, it is very durable.

    I like the 856 even better, although it is a plain-looking “black gun”. The use of the forestock as a pump handle is much easier on the hands, and my late-model 856 is pellet-only, so there is not a bb port in the receiver for pellets to fall into. The early 856s were dual-ammunition, and had gold finelining on them. My buddy in NM has one I could not buy off him.

    The 880 is a very good beginner’s air rifle. For the money, I feel it is a lot more gun than the 760, and makes a good step up from that gun.

    I think a good progression for youngsters would be Red Ryder/760/880/entry level springer (Bronco?).


  25. All this 856 talk has me wondering, anyone on here have a Daisy 35 or a 901 pump? I know nothing about them. I don’t see the 856 anymore, but I do the 35 & 901. Looking at the prices, I assume the 35 is cheaper than the 880, so maybe a Crosman 760 fighter? And the 901 is higher in cost than the 880…So is this the 2100 fighter? I just wonder what makes the 901 better than the 880.

      • Reb, I did not know that. Sweet. I always like the feel of my Crosman 2100 in .177 & .22 cause they were metal. I’ll have to check out that 901. Maybe for my sons (yeah right, for Dad LOL) Thank You, Bradly

          • The only one I’ve ever handled was for sale at a local sporting goods supplier within the last 2 months. It did feel a lot like a 21/2200. Nothing like the 880. It was gone when I went back last week. Unmistakably solid gun. The next time you see one pick it up. If it doesn’t feel good, put it back.

    • Take this with a grain of salt and remember that its just my unsolicited $.02…

      Performance wise, the Daisy 35 and Crosman 760 are probably fairly close. But the Crosman 760 probably wins on cost. (Depending on what sales are running and where you look the Daisy 35 is usually about $35-$40, while the 760 is more like $30-$35.)

      I’d actually pair the Daisy 880 and the Crosman 2100 in terms of the market they’re competing for. The 880 is less expensive, but its also probably less durable. Power wise, they’re fairly close. Accuracy wise… Hard to say a lot depends on the condition of your gun. In my case, my 880 is more accurate than my 2100. But I’ll freely admit that I think my 2100 is a lemon. Tom may find the exact opposite to be true for him.

      I’m not sure exactly what the market for the 901 is. If I’m remembering correctly, it is supposed to deliver the same performance as the 880. Which kind of makes me think the only real difference is a different shaped stock, but I don’t know that for sure. I just know I wouldn’t plunk down the extra $15-$20 for the 901.

  26. 1993 daisy 880.
    cpl 7.9 grain
    five pumps ten pumps
    1)455 576
    2)452 573
    3)454 571
    4)465 581
    5)477 568
    6)481 567
    7)480 577
    8)481 567
    9)482 571
    10)487 544
    20 pumps=642
    2006 177x aka880
    five pumps ten pumps
    1)506 614
    2)531 625
    3)502 620
    4)510 626
    5)509 613
    6)508 614
    7)511 617
    8)515 618
    9)514 620
    10)509 613

  27. Thank you for an excellant blog and perfect timing. The New Crosman 760, soon to be released, and the Daisy Powerline 880 are on my to buy list. Yes, and I have AutoZone 30 WT ND Oil..
    Orcutt, California.

  28. To clarify, the testing of the 880 came about during the testing of the “100$ pre-charged” and was a discussion of old pumpers sitting in the back of the closet, specifically the 880, so that’s exactly what BB did, take his old 880 from the back of the closet and test it as is. He’ll get it fixed up and test it again. This test was NEVER about new airguns, quite the opposite in fact. So read back if you ever have confusion about what’s going on to avoid looking like a gump. Just to clarify.

  29. This “which” oil to use in a daisy is really interesting. I have a Daisy 990 “dual fuel” (Pump or Co2) air rifle. I don’t have the owner’s manual for it. That said, seems as though Daisy wants a 30wt ND oil. Yet CO2 guns seem to like Crosman pell gun oil. So which should I run in it? Maybe pell gun oil on the CO2 carts and 30W ND on the piston? I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, but interesting just the same.

    B.B., would you have ever thought a Pt 2 of a cheap USA pump gun would get over 100 comments?? Great job. Even though I don’t agree with all (or the way) people commented, it’s nice to see some passion for this Hobby/Sport. Thanks again, Bradly

  30. Greetings to all, I consider you as mentors for my 2 year old air gun obsession. I’m putting together a fairly good breakbarrel/underlever collection, but I also have two 880’s.
    So here’s a topic that I can join in on. Here are my chrony numbers for a 1 year old 880 that has only shot pellets and a 30 year old 880 that has shot thousands and thousands BBs but never a pellet until today. These are all 10 pumps with .177. Crossman Premier Hollow Points over a Gamma Shooting Chrony.

    1 year old 880:
    1. – 659.7
    2. – 661.0
    3. – 660.7
    4. – 658.4
    5. – 661.2

    Approx 1983 880:
    1. – 509.8
    2. – 504.2
    3. – 511.2
    4. – 505.3
    5. – 508.0

    I want to put in my vote for an article on how to replace the seals in my old 880. I’ve never worked an air gun, but I’d be willing to give it a try on this one. Another note, the old 880 weighs at least a pound more than the new one. It has a metal receiver and cocking handle, they are plastic on the new one.

  31. To other newbies like me, this is a discussion blog, BB picks most of the topics as this is his blog and he has more knowledge than most, but, others also give him ideas and do guest appearances. If your asked to take the lead and write a guest blog, FEEL HONORED and grateful and be respectful that your being given the opportunity to shine at the head of the class and write about your passions. This is a test and only a test, this isn’t a review, reviews are on the main pages of the Pyramyd website under each item along with specs and a description. If you wish to write a review about items go ahead Pyramyd will let you, BUT, your review is subject to consideration before it is posted, right Edith?,lol. Reviews are your personal OPINION but this blog is about finding facts and letting everyone have a voice in the discussion of FACTS. This test is of an older rifle as stated IN THE BEGINNING of the blog, if BB had a new one on hand i am pretty sure he would use it and give you the facts of what he found so we can talk about it and people who own one can chime in with their data. BB owns many rifles i’m sure and would love to shoot them all but he is a busy man with a big job to do like running around to shows to bring us news of the future of our sport and new products for our consumption. If he loves his guns as much as i love mine then i’m sure he thought the suggestion for this topic would be a chance to brake out an old friend for some play time. Also not to poke the bear BUT airguns are tools not weapons, don’t ever call your rifle a weapon, whether you hunt or not, people will get the wrong idea and our sport does not need anymore problems with the public. Also Chronographs are relatively inexpensive and if you can afford this rifle with ammo and oil(s) you can definetly save a little more and get a chrony and you only need a small amount of room to shoot and get numbers to bring to the table for this discussion. Sorry to vent but i read this blog to learn and share info with like minded people but when people beat a dead horse it sticks in my craw real bad. I truly hope no one takes offense, we are all here for the same reason, TO LEARN, whether we are talking airguns or everyday life stuff. PEACE.

  32. Well, I must say, from here in the UK, this has been fascinating reading, and it shows what regard and loyalty this little cheap airgun instills in shooters brought up on Daisy as their first introduction to shooting, I kind of sympathise, on this side of the pond we feel much the same about the BSA Meteor that was many of our first guns (I still have one happily doing 9.5 foot pounds, smooth as butter and BSA accurate) and was rather dismayed to see you had managed to find a dog rough one , us Brits hold it fairly sacred :-).
    The US airguns have never been wildly popular over here, clacking away at a pump to get what a clean sweep of the barrel on a similarly priced Webley or BSA (over here the 880 and Crosman 760 were medium priced guns) would acheive never made much sense to us, and, back in those halcyon days plastic was an anaethema.
    I would point out that though there are some differences in the posted figures and those linked to by one upset postee, they really aren’t earth shattering given it’s projected usage, Daisy don’t market this as a serious sporting gun, nor a target rifle, thus for back yard tin busting the odd 50fps is neither here nor there.

    • “The US airguns have never been wildly popular over here, clacking away at a pump to get what a clean sweep of the barrel on a similarly priced Webley or BSA (over here the 880 and Crosman 760 were medium priced guns) would achieve never made much sense to us, and, back in those halcyon days plastic was an anaethema.”

      Dom, its economics. Over here a good springer (AKA not a B-3) usually starts around $100. A Crosman 760 runs about $30-$35. A Daisy 880 runs about $45. So when parents start their kids with an airgun, they usually pick a cheap pumper because its a crap shoot whether Jr. will take care of it or even be interested in shooting in 6 months. So why spend a lot of money. And if Jr. decides (s)he really likes shooting, you can always buy a better gun later.

      “Daisy don’t market this as a serious sporting gun, nor a target rifle, thus for back yard tin busting the odd 50fps is neither here nor there.”

      Very true. For a plinker 50 or even 100 fps isn’t a huge difference. However bad as it may sound, the Daisy 880 sometimes does double duty with people taking it out to go hunting. I know saying that is going to be controversial, but the fact is it happens. And when it does the extra energy comes in handy.

  33. OK, I don’t know if this will help or add to the confusion but here goes…

    I pulled out my old Daisy 880. I don’t know what year it was manufactured but it has a metal receiver, no serial number, “PAT PENDING”, and there is no diamond in the forearm. The butt plate says ” Power King”. The box says “Daisy-Heddon, Division of Victor Comptometer Corporation”. Maybe someone knows the vintage? I purchased it from a gun shop about 2 years ago. It looked to be new in the box, stickers still on it. I resealed it, put in two pumps of air, and it has sat ever since.

    I ran this test twice as it seemed like the gun needed to wake up. I noticed the velocity was increasing with each shot. I chalked it up to the pump seal warming up after sitting in my cold basement. Here are the results from the second test.

    Crosman “brown box” Premier 7.9 grain

    No. pumps – velocity
    2 355.9
    3 426.1
    4 488.5
    5 525.0
    6 558.9
    7 580.1
    8 601.1
    9 611.3
    10 627.0*
    11 639.8*
    12 649.5*

    *No air remaining after this shot. However, I believe the 880 has a poppet type valve. Once the trigger is pulled it is open. It does not close again like a hammer-fired Crosman valve. Therefore I don’t think it can retain air after a shot no matter how many pumps you put in. This is the reason the 880 must be cocked before pumping. At least that is my understanding. Somebody correct me if I am wrong.

    Next I pumped the gun 5 times and fired 10 shots over the Chrony. I got an average of 528.7 fps. The low was 522.8 and the high was 532.4. The extreme spread was 9.68 fps with a standard deviation of 3.00. The individual shots are below.

    Shot # – velocity
    1 529.3
    2 532.4
    3 522.8
    4 527.3
    5 527.9
    6 525.5
    7 530.9
    8 528.5
    9 530.5
    10 531.5

    I also fired a few Crosman Copperhead BBs and got a maximum velocity of 656.4 fps.

    Hope this helps.

  34. I like inexpensive air guns and the 880 is on the very top of that list. Even the 880 deluxe models with real wood and metal receiver including the hard to find metal pump arm guns are still built cheap. These are not precision guns they rattle shimmy and all are prone to break or fail. They are however a good choice for youngsters, they are inexpensive easy to pump and lightweight. I own other pump guns like Benjamin 397, Crosman 147 that are built with better metal and overall quality that I consider a heirloom air guns and perform better. I had six 880 in my life time and each one performed different from one another. I know it is difficult to compare air guns and doing revues can create a buzz. I cant wait to see if BBs 880 barrel wiggles at the front sight.

  35. Can I also state that, if of any interest to the readers of this fantastic blog, and with Tom’s express permission I would like to perhaps enter an occasional guest blog entry, giving a perspective from a country where airgunning is the primary shooting sport, for obvious legal reasons, but also because we do not commonly enjoy the sheer space to shoot full bore on our overcrowded little island, nor is there any overwhelming desire to have lethal objects too close to hand.
    I currently have a Weihrauch HW35, an Air Arms S400 classic, a BSA Meteor and Supersport, though have owned many others including an ASI (El Gamo) Magnum, a Diana 23 smoothbore, Diana 27, various Rekord pistols, Webleys in both long and short arms, a few Airsporters…..even a Hatsan (the only rifle I couldn,t tune), over 35 years of hunting, field target, 10 metre, and general plinking.

  36. And yes Chris in ct, I can do an entry on those rifles, I had an Omega briefly, and the Spitfire is a facinating rifle, both have the same thing in common in that they were both responses to competition from distant shores and a changing market at a time when both venerable companies were struggling, and about to leap into bed with the Spanish and Turks respectively, (with rather mixed results in both instances), the Spitfire in particular is a fine little rifle with the traditional BSA pointability and handling and with a little tweaking of the internals to nudge it a touch closer to our legal limit makes a great hunter, where the lower shot count doesn’t matter so much.
    The Omega I wasn’t so impressed by, probably not helped by the fact I had the Weihrauch it so desperately wanted to be at the same time, though it was a beautiful looking rifle, the trigger let it down, despite being one of Webleys better efforts, and lacked some refinement in the firing cycle….though the barrel was good, and it was capable of great accuracy, it really brought nothing to the table that Weihrauch didn’t have totally covered to better effect…..and unfortunately at the time, as I recall, a slightly lower price point.
    But I digress, I will keep this, hopefully, to a guest blog, and allow you all to go on squabbling about velocity inconsistensies in a $50 pumper, lol.

  37. I’m also more than tempted to write an article on the Anschutz 335, specifically for those besotted by the New Walther LGV, proving that really nothing is new and that even when the world was black and white we had a super accurate, locking barrel, choke muzzled sporter with an elegant, low recoil, pressure tuned action 🙂

  38. @B.B.:
    I am aware that this is now somewhat old, though:
    As to the consisitancy of velocity issue; I have noticed that this could be an issue if the pump stroke does not pause slightly at the top of the stroke. The Air inlet slot in the tube is sometimes a bit to small for faster pumping.

    • I know this thread is a year old but I had so much fun reading it I had to post a reply anyway. Wow did this cause a firestorm. First off, I’m a D 880 fan. My favorite cheap plinker platform. Don’t care for the Cr 760. Feels too small and nowhere near as accurate….in my experience. I prefer the .22 versions of the D 8xx guns. However I do have a very old Sears Eldorado in the box and It holds a soft spot for me because I know the guy who got it for Christmas in 1972.
      This incredible thread lit a fire under me. I took out the ancient Eldorado (just a sears 880) and did a complete reseal on it so I could do my own chrony test. After it settled in for about a dozen shots, I chronyed a ten shot string. I was shooting CPP’s. The high was 634 fps and the low was 622 on ten pumps. Avg was 628FPS. I thought that was pretty good and fairly representative of the way these guns function when in top form. I like the 822/922/sx22 because they are so accurate for a dirt cheap plinking gun. My favorite is a wood stock 822 that does 525 Fps avg. I plink Co2 carts at 20 yards with it. I also have gotten very used to the trigger. I find that if I give slow and steady pressure, there is a bit of give just before it fires. I get past that bit of give and the next little pull fires the gun. I find this on all the D 8xx guns I’ve shot. Not a good trigger but one you can work with.
      There. I’ve had some fun and added my 2 cents worth. I wonder if anyone will even read it? 🙂

      • The fuse,
        Congratulations on the success of your rebuild! Welcome to the blog and be sure to talk to us during a current blog some time
        It looks like to got the hard worrk done by registering,I always wanted one of those.22 Daisy guns. But I’ve been testing my Crosman 2400KT for the last few days a nd I would never trade it for one. It’s even lighter than the Daisy guns,way easier to load and every bit as accurate, all without pumping!And in.22.

  39. BTW you wont be making a mistake to pick up a D 822. Lots of fun to plink with. I like Co2 as well. I have several including Cr 2240 and 2250B. Trouble is I live in upstate NY. I only get to shoot Co2 5 months out of the year. That leaves me shooting pumps and my Qb 57 on those beautiful 55 degree spring days. Just a plinker at heart.

  40. Since there seems to be so much debate over factory velocity for an out-of-the-box gun, I will post my chrony findings that I got today. I did not chrono any shots at 5 pumps, because I never shoot at 5 pumps. I did a 10-shot string with an average of 670 fps using 7.9 grain corsman premiers in the cardboard box. The standard deviation was 2 fps. Just as an experiment, I tried at higher pumps as well.

    11 pumps – 677 fps
    12 pumps – 698
    13 pumps – 716
    14 pumps – 719
    15 pumps – 721
    20 pumps – 767
    30 pumps – 789
    40 pumps – 803

    So, maybe a very old daisy 880 sees no velocity improvement from extra pumps, but my 1 year old model certainly does. Over 800 fps with a 7.9 grain pellet is smoking for a pumper. I also tested it at 10 pumps for a 10-shot string to see if it hurt the gun, and it shot an average of 671, with, again, a standard deviation of 2 fps.

    Just to reiterate, this is a bone stock gun other than a trigger job. No changes made to the piston, valve, springs, or anything else. I have a lothar walther barrel lying around that I may tried to adapt to this 880 to make a run in field target with. Wouldn’t it be a trip to show up and make a decent showing with an 880. I muzzle weight and some sand in the stock is all it needs after the easy trigger job.

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