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Ammo BSA Scorpion SE: Part 2

BSA Scorpion SE: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Today’s report is Part 2 of the guest blog from Tyler Patner, a Pyramyd AIR customer sales and service representative and enthusiastic field target shooter. He’s finishing his report of a BSA Scorpion SE, and today’s blog is all about accuracy.

If you’d like to write a guest post for this blog, please email me.

Over to you, Tyler.

by Tyler Patner

Part 1

This report covers:

• Accuracy at 20 yards
• Accuracy at 40 yards
• Trigger and safety
• How loud is it?
• Final thoughts

BSA Scorpion SE beech stock
BSA Scorpion with beech stock.

In the first report, we used a chronograph to measure the velocity of the .25-caliber BSA Scorpion SE. Just looking at the chrony numbers, I would guess that .22 caliber is really optimal for the Scorpion SE. I’d bet a rifle in that caliber could put out the same energy as the .25 and maintain the same or better shot count. But don’t discount the .25-caliber Scorpion SE. While clearly underpowered, today’s accuracy testing will show just why the this rifle should be on your short list.

Accuracy testing was done at 20 and 40 yards. Normally, I would do 25 and 50 yards, but my current range has a max of 40 yards. The Bushnell Elite 8-32X40 scope was set on 16X, and the shooting began. I should note, I was using only a front bag rest and shooting off a very wobbly plastic table, but even those hindrances could not keep the Scorpion SE from impressing me! A .25-caliber hole is a bit bigger than I’m used to seeing. I shot 3 groups to warm up and then refilled for the 20-yard test.

Accuracy at 20 yards
The first pellet shot at 20 yards was the JSB King. They stacked 5 into a tight 0.43-inch group, starting things out nicely.

BSA Scorpion SE  JSB King 20 yards
Five JSB Kings went into this 0.43-inch group at 20 yards. This is a good start.

Next was the Benjamin Destroyer pellet at 27.8 grains. This is shaped similarly to their Destroyer in .177 and .22 calibers. Four shots went into a 1.30-inch group, with the fifth shot flying high about 2 inches. The overall size came to 2.60 inches for 5 shots, which is beyond poor. The Benjamins were not included in the 40-yard test for that reason.

BSA Scorpion SE  Benjamin Destroyer 20 yards
Five Benjamin Destroyers went into 2.60 inches at 20 yards, with 4 in 1.30 inches. This isn’t the pellet for this rifle.

The Predator Polymags did surprise me a bit. Not only did they just barely squeeze into the magazine, but they actually grouped pretty well. A 0.54-inch group of 5 at 20 yards made a nice-sized hole that would certainly be adequate for small game. The Polymags have proven, time and time again, that they’re the premier hunting-specific pellet and can smack small game with devastating results.

BSA Scorpion SE  Predator Polymags 20 yards
Five Predator Polymags went into 0.54 inches at 20 yards. This is another good pellet for the Scorpion SE.

The lighter-weight H&N Field Target Trophy grouped decently, with 5 in 0.79 inches. I pulled the fourth shot a bit, as my wobbly table wasn’t quite stable. I did shoot them at 40 yards, as well, but the results were not worthy of showing here.

BSA Scorpion SE  H&N Field Target Trophy 20 yards
Five H&N Field Target Trophys went into 0.79 inches at 20 yards. This is another good pellet for the Scorpion SE.

The pellet that surprised me the most was the H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme. With a cross cut on the head of the pellet, it’s certainly eye-catching, with major accuracy to back it up! A 0.35-inch, 5-shot group (basically one single hole) was more than enough to get my attention. Twenty yards is not a long distance for PCP guns; but when you lace 5 shots in a row through a single hole, it immediately gets your attention!

BSA Scorpion SE H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme 20 yards
This is what I wanted to see — 5 H&N Baracuda Hunter Extremes went into 0.30 inches at 20 yards.

Next up were the Beeman Kodiaks. Being made by H&N, I was pretty confident they’d group similarly to the Baracuda Hunter Extremes, and they did. A 0.32-inch group of 5 bettered the mark set by the Hunter Extremes at 20 yards. The two pellets are very similar in terms of shape; and aside from the cut out in the head of the Hunter Extreme, they showed little difference in accuracy at 20 yards.

BSA Scorpion SE  Beeman Kodiak 20 yards
Beeman Kodiak pellets put 5 into 0.32 inches at 20 yards.

Accuracy at 40 yards
I chose to go with the Kodiaks, Hunter Extremes, Predator Polymags and JSB Kings for 40-yard testing. The results were all very good, which shows the versatility of the BSA barrel. This is something I’ve come to appreciate about the BSA guns I’ve owned. They all seem to be very even-tempered in terms of pellet selection. All too often, I test guns that will shoot only one pellet, and everything else groups horribly. That’s all well and good, but only if the pellet the barrel likes is accessible, consistent from die to die and not too far on either side of the weight spectrum so your trajectory is reasonable. For testing at 40 yards, I shot two groups just to try to remove the potential for human error because we all know the gun is rarely the problem. It’s the jerk behind the trigger!

First up were the Beeman Kodiaks, and they did not disappoint — giving a 0.50-inch group. Bear in mind the pellet is half the size of the group, so you are looking at two holes at the end of the day.

BSA Scorpion SE  Beeman Kodiak 40 yards
At 40 yards, 5 Beeman Kodiaks went into 0.50 inches.

The Predator Polymags at 26 grains grouped very well at 40 yards, making a 5-shot group that measured 0.65 inches. I would be very confident with a magazine of these in the Scorpion SE if I was going out after squirrels or pest birds. Raccoons and opossums would also be well within the Scorpion SE’s game menu. Accuracy like this will pretty much assure you of a clean head shot or vital organ shot if you do your part. The extra bit of expansion the Predators offer would also come in handy.

BSA Scorpion SE Predator Polymag 40 yards
Five Predator Polymags went into 0.65 inches at 40 yards.

The overall best group of the day (and not just at 40 yards) was made with JSB Kings. After looking like the H&N/Beeman pellets would run away with the accuracy testing, the Kings came back in a big way. I managed to put 5 shots into a single hole measuring 0.27 inches. Basically, that’s the size of the pellet. The next group opened up ever so slightly, but it was clear that the Kings are the way to go.

BSA Scorpion SE JSB King 40 yards
JSB Exact Kings made the best group of the day, with 5 in just 0.27 inches! This is great for 40-yard accuracy.

The Baracuda Hunter Extreme was the last pellet tested at 40 yards, and they grouped well also at 0.42 inches for 5. That was the best I could manage; and if the expansion of the Hunter Extremes is better than the average domed pellet, then I would say they’re the most accurate hollowpoint I’ve ever shot in any gun past 10 yards. Generally, hollowpoints suffer a bit in the accuracy department; but I think that because the Hunter Extremes are not a complete hollowpoint, they fly just a bit better. Either way, these pellets work well, so H&N has a definite winner with them.

BSA Scorpion SE H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme 40 yards
Five H&N Baracuda Hunter Extremes made the best group of the day for hollowpoints, with 5 in just 0.42 inches!

Trigger and safety
The trigger on the BSA Scorpion SE was unadjusted since it came out of the box crisp and relatively light for a hunting trigger. It measures an average of 2 lbs., 2 oz. over five pulls. I know the trigger can be adjusted much lighter than this; but for the hunting crowd, that won’t be necessary.

The manual hunter-style safety is located on the left side of the action. I’ve seen the triggers adjusted so light that an engaged safety won’t stop the gun from firing when the trigger’s pulled. So, be careful when adjusting this trigger — or any trigger for that matter. Test it before you load the gun and make sure the safety still stops the gun from firing after adjustments are made.

BSA Scorpion SE safety
Manual safety

How loud is it?
On the subject of noise, the Scorpion SE is pretty loud. It’s not backyard friendly, and I would rate it a 7 out of 10 (10 being the loudest). If this were a 45-50 foot-pound gun, then the noise would be up in the 9-10 range; but at 30 foot-pounds, it’s fairly tame for an unshrouded gun. That said, the air stripper on the muzzle also doubles as a thread protector covering the 1/2-inch UNF threading that could accept a more useful air stripper or muzzlebrake if you choose to add one.  [Editor’s note: Silencers are subject to federal legislation. If an airgun silencer can be attached to a firearm and quiet the report, it must be licensed.]

BSA Scorpion SE air stripper
The air stripper/muzzlebrake covers 1/2X20 threads.

Final Thoughts
The Scorpion SE represents a step forward for BSA airguns. The new features like the redesigned magazine and gauge show that they’re listening to what their customers want and need. All the while, they’re not changing the things they know are proven to work. Their barrels are still some of the best out there, and their overall quality and precision shines through.

There are a lot of options in the mid-priced PCP realm, and the BSA may be overlooked because of its relatively low power level; but if you’re looking for a precision shooter with adequate power for small game, then I would highly recommend taking a look at the BSA Scorpion SE. My experience with BSA products has been stellar over the course of many years, and I’m confident you’ll come to the same conclusion after just a few shots behind the trigger of their PCP works of art!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

57 thoughts on “BSA Scorpion SE: Part 2”

  1. Thanks Tyler! Great job on the report. This could make it to the PCP short list. What’s wrong with 30 FPE anyway? How many sproingers are over 30 FPE? If you can hit a squirrel in the head, it doesn’t take much power at all. Everybody gets so hung up on numbers. The question I always ask is “What good is 500+FPE if you can’t hit what you are shooting at?”.

  2. That’s the way I have seen .25 cal. pcp’s shoot. I have always had the best luck with the Barracudas in .25 cal.

    And darn I wish you could of stretched it out to 50 yards. Maybe a little more power would help with the longer shots. Or not.

    No way for you to get anywhere to shoot the gun at 50 yards? I would like to see what happens with this lower powered .25 cal. pcp at some longer distances.

    • Not on this one sadly but on the next one I will be sure to stretch it to 50 and if the gun is capable (whatever gun that may be) maybe further! The 10 yard difference really shouldn’t matter too much on a .25. Just more drop to contend with but for group shooting, I would expect much change at all.

      • Tyler
        I like the idea of maybe farther than 50 yards. Everytime I see a gun that groups good at given distance always makes me want to stretch it out to see where it finally starts falling off. Its that curiosity thing in me that kicks in.

        But I wanted to ask something. You said you shoot field target. I don’t compete in field target but I like everything about it. Maybe you can do a guest blog about your gun or guns and equipment and the way you set it up and why. The more I know about it the better. And the best way to get accurate info is from somebody that does it. Do you think that could happen?

        • I will talk with Tom and Edith and see if we can make that happen for you. I would be happy to do so. It can be hard to get started, the biggest thing is finding a few people to shoot with or a local club. If you can do that, you will get more opinions than you could ever want LOL.

          I will be at Crosman for the NRFTC match this weekend, maybe when I get back I can write something up. Got this beautiful Air Arms FTP 900 sitting next to me…..haven’t seen many reviews on that yet 🙂

          • Tyler
            That would be great. And I know there are other people here that say they are interested in field target.

            Event coverage is something I definitely would like to here about. But what I would like to here is stuff like how and why you set a scope up a certain way. What you do to make the gun comfortable to shoot. And how and what ways you determine your pellets you use on a given day. And I guess also what features you look for in a field target gun. Like does somebody really need that 900 dollar gun to compete or can a person still do well with a given break barrel gun.

            You don’t have to worry about answering any of the things now but that’s just some of the things on my mind and maybe other people have other questions also.

            I asked BB if he would do some more article about field target in the past so maybe that would help take some load off of BB’s shoulder if you did some reports. Or you guys can do a combined report together. And you don’t have to cram it all in one report you could do multiple reports through out time. Of course if you would like. I think you said already though that you would be happy to. 🙂

            • GF1,
              From what I understand spring piston is a different class than PCP guns like kinda like pistols would be. I guess it depends on how the competition is set up and by whom.


    • Gunfun
      I got my fill fitting yesterday and the extra nag, yippee/ The bad part is I have to spend today packing and getting ready to take our trip to Georgia tomorrow. I did get the gun filled and the scope rings mounted on the ,the front mount had to go right in front of the mag well and luckily it was just thin enough to clear the mag and let it rotate freely. If I put it behind the mag there is not enough eye relief adjustment for the scope in the mounts so it fits just right in front. I did have to take the front sight off because you could see the top 1/4 ” of it in the scopes lower view and it just was to disruptive when sighting with the scope. I also went ahead and removed the rear sight because I could not see thru the scope mounts with the iron sights due to the front scope bell blocking the view.

      I am trying to find a piece of tube to go where the front sight slides on the barrel to make it the same diameter out to muffler so it will look better with put front sight and more like the QE model.

      It will be next week before I can get to sight it in, but I will have my firepower break barrel then also so I can kill two birds at the same time. I will keep you informed.

      Tyler excellent report on the Scorpion it appears to be a very accurate gun and it is good to know the H&N barracudas are an accurate pellet, I almost bought some to use in my new Hatsan but because they are a hollow point of sorts I did not think they would group good. I will give them a try now for sure. Thanks for the great report.


      • buldawg
        That’s what always gets me with guns with magazines. A little harder to get your scope mounted the way you would like. That’s another reason why I like the single shot trays that were available for the Marauders. I have them in my .177 and .25 cal. Marauders.

        And I will wait till BB does his part 2 report on the 2240 conversion. But I will say this I ordered another one of the hi-pacs yesterday just like the one I got for the 2240 with the 60 barrel. It was the one for the 2240 + 1 extension which was good for up to I think it was a 15” barrel. I’m taking my full length Disco barrel and steel breech off of my 1377 that has the See All sight on it and putting it and the 1399 stock on a 2240 that I’m getting from a guy at work. Does that tell you anything about the results I got with the one with the 60 barrel. I will try to post a picture today of my 2240 with the hi-pac installed. But running out of time so might not be able to till I get home from work tonight.

        But also have a safe trip and let me know how your Hatsan and Hawke scope do when you finally get some time on it and also that break barrel gun you got.

          • Reb
            Some years back when I was in the hospital and had to have a couple operations it wasnt a very fun time for me. Actually it was my worst finacial time of my life. Ended up with a lot less things after that happened.

            But I had to keep on going. Had no choice with my kids being young. Bit eventualy turned around and things got better.

            Maybe you will get lucky and find a 2240 or something and you can get you one of them hi-pack pcp coversions happening.

            Like I told you I got a good .177 barrel you can have if you start collecting parts to make it. Maybe a pawn shop will have a 2240 or something. Or you can make something out of a 1377 if you can find one. Hang in there and it will work out.

            Let me see what I got I may just have a 1377 that I can piece together for you. I think I got a little 3 to 7 power scope that is clear for how small it is and a extra 1399 stock. I will pull my stuff out and look tonight.

            • I’m alright, just kinda venting I guess. Don’t sweat my stuff,I’ve just got so many things I would like to do, those things come after the things I Have to do and I’ve gotta bunch of those. I’ve been holding off starting another gun project until I get the 3120 back together. The one with the collapsed pump-link rivet, I guess I need to get an anvil or big vise mounted and get back on it so I can get started on this QB-36. Your thoughts are appreciated, guess I just got in a funk.


              • Reb
                Well the offer still stands. But I wonder if its legal to give some body a air gun by mail. And I got thinking maybe were not suppose to talk about that here on the blog since PA sells airguns. Im probably in trouble again.

                • Gunfun1,
                  If you’re sure you wanna part with some stuff, how about a trade on a one of a kind Crosman 760 that’s been stroked with a Powermaster 66 pump-tube and hogged out for flow, it’s a little pellet picky, probably could use a fresh barrel and I lost the BB switch?


                  • Reb
                    You talked about your 760 before and it sounds cool. But I have been selling some of my guns. Kind of switching around to different kinds. So thanks but don’t really want to trade. But if you want the gun I will give it to you and get it to you some way. I will post a picture tomorrow if you want. Not feeling good tonight. Allergies or something going on.

                    And maybe I can email BB at the blogger email address he has and have him give you my email address. Then we can exchange phone numbers or something and home address if this is all ok to do and your interested. And I just don’t want to put my email address all over the internet if you know what I mean. Otherwise I would just give it to you now. We will ask Edith and BB tomorrow and see what they say.

        • Gunfun
          Yea I hoped you liked the hi-pac kit and yes you ordering another one does tell me that I need to find the parts to convert my 2289 into a PCP . I am going to get it done before to long.

          I understand about the single shot thing with repeaters and scopes, but my scope mount fit just right in front of the mag so I can still see how many pellets are left in the mag, if it was behind the mag then it would block the view of the pellet count in the mag so I am happy with where it is. it has about .010″ between the mags front edge and the scope mount and I can’t use the iron sights with the scope any way so it looks better with them off. I found a black piece of plastic tube that I got to fit where the front sight was so it will fill the gap between muffler and OD of barrel perfectly.

          I will give you update on both guns next week when we get back and I get some shot time in on them.


    • GF1,

      Although I have never shot a .25 cal gun I will say that in .177 and .22 I do not own a rifle that doesn’t shoot every bit as well at 50 yds than it does at 40 yds. The group may open up a tiny bit (1/8″max) but sometimes not at all.


      • G&G
        I believe people think the .25 cal. guns are not as accurate as the other calibers.

        So when I see one that’s doing good like this one is that Tyler is shooting it makes me want to know if the guns capable of more. It would be a bummer to not know what the gun shoots at farther distances. Maybe this gun will hold tight out to 80 yards. If you don’t try how will you know.

  3. With results like that, I may need to get one of I decide to venture into the .25 realm! And probably get Mike at tko to make up a brake for it to quiet it down to more friendly levels.


  4. Thanks, Tyler! Boy, that is some nice shooting with a very nice rifle!

    Are you perhaps giving edge-to-edge group sizes here? Is that amazing 40-yard JSB group a 0.02″ center-to-center group???

    Looking forward to your next guest blog!


  5. Tyler,

    I’m at the moment staring bug eyed at the 40yd. Target with JSB EX Kings. My God this is the type of group I dream of. Wouldn’t have believed it if not for the pictures. If I had that gun in my hands I would feel like Mack of Future Weapons!


  6. Tyler,

    Very nice shooting. Obviously a fine rifle. You say that you like guns that are not pellet fussy but I would point out that I consider this a pellet fussy gun. After the results with the JSB’s I would never shoot any other pellet in it, period. That is one fantastic group. Of course, I need to add that I am a target shooter only, not a hunter. I guess you are right that at least 3 of your pellets are hunting worthy. but for me JSB’s would be the only pellet. I guess that’s the life of a target shooter.

    Only other thing I would add is that I do wish you had shot 10 shot groups.


    • In reality, I would only feed the gun JSB Kings too. But when I say pellet fussy, I mean a gun that refuses to group at all with anything but one pellet. For example, I have a Steyr LG100 set up at 12 FPE that absolutely refuses to shoot anything but JSB 8.4’s. I mean 1″ groups or worse at 40 yards with everything but the 8.4’s. But with the 8.4s it stacks them into the same hole. That is a pellet fussy rifle.

      As for shooting 10 shot groups, not my style. I would almost definitely screw them up LOL. Maybe next time, it kind of depends on my patience level and if I can find that zen shooting zone that day.


  7. what a good looking everything! The stock is beautiful in my eyes and the craftsmanship is top notch from what I can tell.But the most important thing is it can shoot the eye out of a squirrel at the distance you shot on paper.Like the way you keep referring to this gun as a hunting gun and it is.A few more fps. would be nice but in the woods most of the time 20 Thur 30 yards is the most distance shot anytime by me because the trees are so thick.If I were in the market for a PCP,this one would certainly be considered.does the bolt click into place or friction shut? Beefy looking bolt and I like the looks of it.And I wish my rifle would put those polymags into one hole because the damage they do is unbelievable.I get a flyer about one in five or six and I don’t like that possibility when hunting. the 25 cal. baracudas do the job for me.Good report and pictures and I enjoyed it.

  8. Tyler@PA,I see earth magnets used in places like this mounted flush with the wood were the bold just touches the magnet.I have issues with my Mrod bolt being to lose and at times it will be in the unlocked position when walking in the Field and ya take your shot and ya don’t get all the power because the bolt had worked open while walking.I have the same problem with the talonP.Just seems like these bolts could be made to stay shut with a simple earth magnet put in the key contact area.One airgun company puts the earth magnet into the clip so when slid in,it clicks into place perfect.Just a thought.

    • I’m holding the underlever of my QB-36 up with one of these.The clamp/front sight is cracked so it doesn’t clamp it tight enough. I’ve considered getting the aftermarket aluminum one but that costs money.I have also considered inletting the underside of this piece(between barrel and underlever) to keep the magnet from moving, just may do that tonight.


    • steve
      If you look at that flat head screw at the back of the breech up on top on your Marauder. It is a ball detent.

      You can tighten or loosen that to put tension on the bolt. If I remember right the bolt actually has a little divit machined in it for the ball detent to catch.

      Only problem is you will probably have to take your scope off to get to it.

  9. BB, Edith,
    I see on BSA’s website that the Scorpion gets LESS shots in 177 than in 22. Pyramyd AIR has it the other way around. As a matter of fact all BSA PCPs get less shots per fill in 177.

  10. There a few 30fpe airguns available in .25 and although their power plant may be more ideally suited in .22 caliber, I find that is mostly due to the power hungry mindset of the consumers more so than the actual effectiveness during real field use. Most small game hunting is done at less than 50yds and a 3″ drop at 50yds is really not very difficult to compensate for especiially if you do your due dilligence in spec’ing your guns POI.

    All to often, airgunners get fixated on the idea that 900+ fps and more FPE is going to make their airgun more accurate. What many do not know, is that the typical airgun pellets are actually most accurate at approximately 800fps. I’ve often found this to be the case down to 700fps as well. Ive done a fair bit of 100yd shooting with my airguns, and my best groups (under an inch) were with JSB kings moving at 800-810fps.

    This leaves the Scorpion SE a little shy but I’m really curious what it could do long range even at less than 800fps. If is anyway similar to the previous BSA’s, It’possible it could be adjusted. But as is, it sounds fully capable to hunt with at 50yds and it would pack quite a punch with less pass through.

    Tyler, … If you would like to send to me for a long range trial. I woul be happy to submit an article and return the gun afterwards. I think you have my number.

  11. My buddy has a Scorpion SE .22. A very fine air gun. I would not get it in .25 caliber as it gets 15 fewer shots and is no more powerful. If you get 25 caliber in any PCP make sure it can shoot at least 830 – 900 fps otherwise get a .22 that can shoot that fast. Keep 830-900 fps as the goal on any air gun and you will be happier in the end.
    It is very accurate and very durable gun. The hammer forged barrel is strong, more like a real .22 gun than a air rifle. This means you can bump it and not have to worry about bending the barrel. The synthetic stock is one of the best I’ve seen on any gun including powder guns. Very nice stock with great feel.

    Air guns are 60 yards and under guns. Yes you can do 100 but you fight the wind and bullet drop.

      • Yes a .25 cal will hit harder than a .22 at the same fps. But when I see people shooting a .25 cal at 700 fps then I would rather have a .22 shooting at 880 fps. You want the fastest speed you can shoot a pellet which is around 900 fps before diablo pellets get unstable and open groups. So if you can get a .25 cal to shoot 850-900fps then its great. I think .22 is a a good compromise in terms of saving air and keeping high fps. I have a Daystate Regal in .22 that gets like 50 shots at 880 fps. I almost got it in .25 cal but my shot count would have been in the low 20s if that. The scorpions tank is pretty small and the one in this review was not shooting over 800 fps in .25. Id stick with .22 for the SE.

        • Rajod,

          I just got the Red Wolf (the red one) in .25. (2 months-ish). It likes the 25.39 JSB’s best thus far. The Scorpion is a fine looking gun. I also have a .25 M-rod done up tactical (sweet) and a .22 Maximus, which I love for the light weight and point ability. I did a Huma reg. on the Maximus. Very nice. All 3 very nice. I was set to get the .22 RW but A of A had a cancelation on a .25, so that is what I got and what I wanted the most. The limited herd was getting pretty thin by the time I pounced on it. It is to drool over and nothing less. Shoots pretty darn nice as well! 😉

          I do agree with what you are saying though.


          • Nice gun! Red wolf!! That gun with the big bottle in .25 sounds perfect. Its the cream of the cream air gun. If I got another PCP it would be that or maybe the Wolverine. My regal is about all i need though. I did a competition vs a FX Crown (with external reg + tethered) and a FX impact at 25, 35, 50 yards. I beat the impact and tied the crown. Basically its a point of diminishing returns on high dollar guns in terms of accuracy, they are no better than mine. But the .25 cal is going to buck wind better and hit harder if you hunt.

            • Rajod,

              I would have settled for (far) less. While looking, I browsed my way through all brands and cost levels. I shoot left and wanted a adj. cheek riser and the bolt or lever had to flip to the left. That knocked a lot of them out. I gave the FX line a very hard look. The RW has about anything you could want feature wise. I’m a looks guy too. I have to like the looks of something and like it to have some curves. The RW has that in spades. By the way, I topped it with the Athlon 8-32×56 FFP and am very pleased with it. My range is 20 steps out my front door and it goes too 100+, so bucking the wind was a factor a well. I had the M-rod in .25 already, so I knew what to expect. I just wish there more pellet selection in .25. I will say though, JSB’s have always won out in every gun I have had.

              The M-rod is the opposite of that (looks), but I had a RAI stock set up it ordered. It’s on a bi-pod, fore grip pistol grip, matching pistol grip and 6 position FAB Defense in the rear. UTG 4-16×56 on that.

              That Regal is very sharp. It reminds me of the TX200 I had in .22 before the PCP bug bit me and never let go. 😉


            • By the way, post on the (current) blog. Very few people will ever see this. I use the Comments RSS at the top right which allows me to see new post on old blogs, but few others do. Off topic is fine. See you there,….. Chris

              • I posted here to keep in under the Scorpion SE thread.

                Forgot to mention one of the reasons the SE is so loud is they put a muzzle brake on it. That makes the gun 2x louder as it diverts the noise to the sides and front. But its nice they have it threaded, a thread protector would have been a better choice. Put a TKO on it for 90.00 and its backyard ready.

                I guess I don’t understand blogs, I use forums mostly blogs to me seem like one big run on sentence.

                • Rajod,

                  You are doing fine. This is an older blog, so if you have a question or comment, very few people will see it, reply or have an answer for you.

                  (Any) comment or question can be posted on the most current blog, even if it has nothing to do with the topic. The blog runs M-F, so Fri. is a good day to post a question in the comments section. People will see your comment and have Fri., Sat. and Sun. to reply to you.

                  Just find the “recent post” section at the right side towards the top and click on the top article and it will be the most recent/current one. This is a good place to be with lot’s of helpful people.


                  • So if I posted the scorpion SE info in the general but new blog area and someone like me searched for scorpion SE would it not take them to where I went? The older section?

                    Even though its older section all the info pertaining to the Scorpion is in one tidy area.

                    If I put it in the new section would they not have to first read through the old posts here then somehow go to the new section then sort through them all to find my one scorpion content there?

                    Sorry maybe its my thinking to want to keep it all in one section. Or maybe I don’t understand blogs at all.

                    Is the idea to sort it all just by date and not by content? Sort of like getting a morning newspaper read the newest first regardless of what its about

                    • Rajod ,

                      Only a few people monitor the blog by RSS feed. Only they can see your posts. Posting on the latest blog even if it is off topic is no problem as long as the comment is family friendly. Discussions have occasionally gone off the rails as far as connection to the current blog topic. Think of the blog as a place you can visit where you get to know people and have conversations with them on any topic whether it is the current topic or a past topic. More can read and respond when you are in the current blog.


                    • Rajod,

                      Your reasoning is correct in that if someone was searching for a specific airgun in the search box they would be taken to that blog. But, only a small number of people might be doing that specific search. So you would not get any views from the vast majority of airgun aficionados who might have a lot of input. Some may have owned the airgun at one time and could have relevant information about it or answers questions. There are some very knowledgeable airgun enthusiasts in this blog. Many of them have several airguns in their collection, and most are very willing to help folks needing some expertise.

                      My suggestion would be to post your comment in the old blog if want, but then copy a link to that comment in the current day’s blog. You will notice that every post has a date & time stamp in blue. Once you post you comment, go back up to the blue date & time and the cursor will change to a hand. Right click on that time stamp and choose “copy link location”. Next, go to the current day’s blog and post a short comment, then right click at the bottom of your comment and choose “Paste”. Do this before you click the “Post Comment” button at the bottom. This will enter a link to your post in the old blog which is blue. When anyone clicks on that link they will be taken directly to your post in the old blog.

                      There are a few more tricks that can be used to expedite reading and keeping up with new posts in old blogs. That would be another lesson though. One easy trick you can use in any of the blogs is to press the Ctrl + F buttons and enter anything, or anyone, you want to search for in the current blog. I use this sometimes when I want to find all comments made by a specific person.

                      Hope I haven’t made this too complicated. Feel free to post a reply under any of my posts and I will receive an email notification with your comment in it. I will gladly to respond to any of your computer questions.

                      B.B. did a six part review of my Diana RWS 34P back in June-July 2017. I sent the rife to him for this review. Here is an example of how a link to an old blog would look:


                • Rajod,

                  Posted here so as not to run out of room. Too many comments in a string and then there is no reply option.

                  If you want, you can link the old article in your new post. That is helpful.

                  -Open new blog, click on the “leave a reply” at the bottom, make comment (do not hit post comment yet)
                  -Open old blog (in a new window), if you do not already have it open
                  -Right click on long address at top
                  -Hit copy
                  -Go back to the new blog and your comment
                  -Right click and hit paste

                  You will have provided a link to the old blog, but you will be posting on the new blog and everyone for the day will see it.

                  Really though, just post on the current blog. Off topic is fine. Go there and we can help you with the rest. Geo is our resident computer guru, so maybe he will see this and chime in?

                  Do not feel bed. I am about as dumb as a rock on computer stuff! 😉


                  • Chris,

                    Thank you for that comment about me being the resident computer guru. I do like to help whenever I can with computer issues. This week has been a busy week for me. I have done repairs on 3 laptops and 1 desktop computer.

                    I replied to Rajod’s comment. My “chime in” got a little lengthy but I hope it helps him understand what we are trying to convey regarding the posting in the current day’s blog.


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