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Education / Training BB’s Christmas gift: Part 4

BB’s Christmas gift: Part 4

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Sheridan Supergrade right
Like all Supergrades, my new rifle is graceful and attractive.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

A history of airguns

This report covers:

  • No front sight
  • The test
  • Beeman Silver Jets
  • Sheridan Cylindricals
  • Crosman Premiers
  • About the same
  • Velocity
  • Variable pumps with Crosman Premier pellets
  • Stability
  • Conclusion

Well, after the last session when the pump mechanism and valve seemed to be fixed I was all set to start testing the Sheridan Supergrade for accuracy. The first thing I did was hoist the rifle to my shoulder, to see whether I could see the front sight through the rear peep. Oh no! I couldn’t see it! So I switched shoulders and looked with my left eye. Oh no! I couldn’t even see it with that eye — the eye I have been calling my good eye. Was there even a front sight on the gun?

No front sight

No, there wasn’t! How had this happened? Had I bought a Sheridan Supergrade without a front sight and just never noticed it until now? What a dope!

Later that same evening, as I was drifting off the sleep while wondering what I could put into the open slot where a front sight blade was supposed to go I suddenly wondered — had the sight blade somehow fallen out? One way to find out. Look at the pictures I took of the rifle on December 30, 2016 and enlarge them to see if there was a front sight blade.

I did that the next day and yes, the sight was there. So I grabbed a flashlight, turned around in my desk chair and looked on the carpeted floor where I stack the rifles being tested, looking for something that resembled a Sheridan Supergrade front sight blade. I found it in about 5 seconds! Five minutes later I had bonded it back in position and now I could verify that I can, in fact, see the it with my right eye. Yes, I can!

The test

I shot the rifle off a sandbag at 10 meters. I shot 5 shots per target because the pumping is tiring. I had a velocity test to run after this one. This accuracy test was run with 4 pumps per shot.

I don’t have many different .20 caliber pellets, so I selected some Sheridan Cylindricals, some Beeman Silver Jets and some Crosman Premiers — all vintage pellets that are no longer available. I imagine JSB domes would be better, but I don’t have any. I will order some with my next Pyramyd AIR order.

I had never shot this rifle for accuracy, plus I just remounted the front sight blade, so I had no idea where the pellets would go. Fortunately the first shot was in the bull I aimed at. I accepted that and never adjusted the sights for the rest of the test.

Beeman Silver Jets

First up were some Silver Jets. As I mentioned the first shot was in the black. That was the last time I looked at the target through the spotting scope until the test was completed.

Five Silver Jets went into 0.419-inches at 10 meters. The group looks tighter than it is because of paper tearing.

Sheridan Supergrade Silver Jet target
This 0.419-inch group of 5 Beeman Silver Jets at 10 meters looks smaller than it really is.

I will note that my right eye was seeing the front sight very clearly and of course the bull was a little fuzzy, as it is supposed to be.

Sheridan Cylindricals

Next up were the Sheridan Cylindrical pellets that were made for this rifle. They didn’t so as well today. Five of them went into 2 different holes at 10 meters, making a group that measures 0.64-inches between centers.

Sheridan Supergrade Sheridan Cylindrical target
Not quite as good as the Silver Jets. Sheridan Cylindricals gave me a 0.64-inch group at 10 meters.

Crosman Premiers

The last pellet I tested was the .20-caliber Crosman Premier that was one of the finest .20 caliber pellets ever produced. Five of them went into 0.54-inches at 10 meters, which is in the middle of the other two pellets.

Sheridan Supergrade Crosman Premier target
Five Crosman Premiers in 0.54-inches at 10 meters. Okay, but not the best.

About the same

It turns out that my Supergrade is just about as accurate as the other Supergrade I tested last year, though with that one I did shoot one phenomenal group. I expected these results, because I’ve never seen a Supergrade that would out-shoot a standard Blue Streak. But this test is not finished.


Remember my “fix” with the ATF sealant? I apparently get a lot of criticism on the forums for touting that stuff, but each time I test it, it works. So, who cares what the naysayers say? If my Supergrade has held up in velocity for the past week, I would say this stuff has fixed it.

Variable pumps with Crosman Premier pellets


Before ATF sealant…….After ATF sealant…….One week later

I would call that result a success. I think the ATF sealant has done its job. I may need to use it again from time to time, but this is so much better than having to find someone to repair a Sheridan Supergrade valve!


This test is also with Premier pellets on 4 pumps per shot. Again I show the results before ATF sealant was applied, just after and today’s results.

Before ATF sealant…….After ATF sealant…….One week later

It appears the rifle is more stable today than just after the ATF sealant was first applied, but remember that I did the accuracy testing first today. So the pump parts were already warmed up. I will take this result!


It seems I now own a stable Sheridan Supergrade. Maybe it isn’t quite what it once was, but I can live with that. At least is is stable and performing pretty well.

As I have now shown in several tests, the Sheridan Supergrade is no more powerful nor more accurate than a standard Blue Streak. That doesn’t take anything away from its cachet as a rare and desirable airgun, but it tells those who can’t ever own one exactly what they are missing.

Finally, my “fix” of oiling the pump with ATF sealant seems to be a wonderful cure for an old pneumatic valve. That, alone, is reason for celebrating this series.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

84 thoughts on “BB’s Christmas gift: Part 4”

  1. B.B.,

    Very nice. You found the front sight. You confirmed that your eye is working well. You proved that the ATF works and backed it up with chrony data at 3 points (before, after and 1 week). Yes,…. all are reasons to celebrate.


  2. BB
    Enjoyed the story about the missing front sight, had to laugh. I have been on many a hunting safari years ago in the tall green and black shag carpet field. Glad it’s gone now. I still go through the dirt emptied from my vacuum
    cleaner looking for missing bits and pieces I may have lost, like scope ring screws. Always working on something on the coffee table.

    Punctuation marks make for a wonderful read. I could just about hear your written words as you tell the story.
    Do I detect a closet Airgun collector here? Or, are we just in denial? How many guns does it take to make someone a collector? Are there varying degrees of collecting? Just kidding, I read the blog on that.

    “The most flagrant way a writer demonstrates contempt for his readers is by ignoring punctuation altogether. A close second is the abundant use of the exclamation point.” Moderation there.

    I think I abuse the second myself, I need to revisit the punctuation guide, been a long time.

    ATF seal repair will continue to soften a seal to oblivion if left immerged in it. A short term repair for a failing transmission. I would use it till it works then try to dilute it.

      • BB
        Perhaps they are not made of the same material used in a transmission seal, or the sealant has evaporated some of its additives and expired. I know seals used in phosphate ester aircraft hydraulic fluid are not interchangeable with other petroleum seals for example.
        I understand store bought additives may be weaker than commercial grade stuff. Glad it works well anyway..

  3. This is a bit off subject, but you can blame it on Chris USA as he wanted me to expound upon my comments yesterday evening concerning my new Air Venturi air compressor.

    Yesterday evening I finally had the opportunity to prep it and try it out. I filled the oil reservoir with a 5W40 synthetic oil and filled the water reservoir with a 50/50 antifreeze. I used a synthetic as it is supposed to degrade less and I used an antifreeze blend as other air compressors on the market do such, it is also supposed to aid in cooling and my compressor will be stored outside in my garage and it gets pretty chilly around here this time of year.

    I added an additional Diablo filter to the output of my compressor as I live where there is high humidity most of the year and I also wanted to insure it would be as clean as possible. I can be pretty anal sometimes. It is a tube with a male foster on the bottom and a length of hose with a female foster on the top. It is available at a well known airgun dealer in the SW USA.

    I hooked up my brand new Air Venturi 98 cubic foot carbon fiber charging station, turned on the cooling system, turned on the compressor, looked at the clock and went inside to watch the boob tube some. I periodically checked on it’s progress and the temperature, which started at about 12 degrees C and peaked at about 69 degrees C.

    One hour and two minutes later the compressor shut off and my tank was full. I turned the compressor off and left the cooling system running. I vented the compressor and to my surprise it discharged a tan foam instead of clear water. Apparently there was still some oil residue from the manufacturing process in the system. It probably did not make it that far, but I am glad I added an extra filter to the system. By time I had finished unhooking everything, the cooling system had brought the temperature down to about 20 degrees C and I shut it off.

    The manual is well written and easy to understand. You can download it from PA. It does not cover the spanner wrench for tightening the air filter housing and the spare parts.

    The compressor comes with a bag of spare parts and seals, but absolutely no explanation as to what to do with them. My advice is if you do not know what to do with them, don’t. Let someone who knows what they are doing, do.

    All in all, I am very pleased. Now to get some shooting in.

    • RR,

      Sure!,…… blame it all on me! 😉 Thanks for the review. Very impressive. Between B.B.’s review and your future updates,… we all will have some real time/real life/ongoing test info.. Hopefully the A.V. will hold up well over time. I am happy for ya’. Enjoy.

      • Chris,

        If it doesn’t hold up, you may rest assured that you and the rest of the world will here about it. It does come with a rather extensive spare parts/seal kit.

        I have hesitated for quite some time to move beyond the hand pump. I just could not pay what they were wanting for the Shoebox and even though it sometimes meant a lot of pumping, I got by. With this thing being almost the same price as the Shoebox, it was a no brainer. I would not be surprised if soon the price of a Shoebox dropped. I recall that last year there was another booster system that was beginning to become available.

        In my most humble opinion, this is a very well constructed system. I am indeed quite pleased with my investment in one.

    • RR

      Thanks “unboxing and set-up” comments for your new Air Venturi compressor. The 98cf tank is going to be great for out in the field.

      You had mentioned a concern about anti-freeze in the coolant system and I was curious about that – it gets a lot more than “chilly” around here. Sounds like it wouldn’t be a problem.

      Please keep us posted and to the performance of you compressor – congrats on your purchase!


      • Hank,

        Yes, around here, chilly would be considered an understatement in the winter time. In the question and answer section on this compressor on the PA site this was asked and they said it would be fine. The competitor’s air compressor actually comes with antifreeze.

        This system seems to be very well made. For just a few dollars more than a Shoebox, this is a no brainer. I could not bring myself to pay that much for that, but did not hesitate to buy this.

        If I find I have issues with it, you may rest assured that you and the rest of the world will here about it.

  4. BB

    I know that it is blasphemous to think about altering a rifle like your Supergrade but I can’t but help wondering how well it would shoot fitted with one of those “reamed and rifled” Maximus barrels.

    Happy Friday all!


    • Hank,
      If I had two or three of those Maximus barrels I may not come up for air for a couple of months.

      I think I have scrounged the parts for my poor man’s HPA pump. Now I just need to figure out where I put them and get motivated.


        • Chris U

          My plan if I decide to go down that path is to take two old swamp coolers I found to supply enough axles bearings and pulleys and a motor. Then make a wood pulley about 4 ft in diameter connected to my existing Benjamin hand pump. One thing holding me back is l like pumping by hand. It feels like I am paying for the pleasure of shooting. A little like reloading. I guess that sounds a little crazy. I am more interested in making the pump than using it. And I haven’t thought of a simple way for a reliable auto shutoff.


          • Don,

            Like you,… the (making it) part is often the most rewarding. It often starts with an idea, or seeing something,….. soon to be followed with,… ” Heck !,…. I could make that! “. That is then followed by research and part gathering,.. all the while asking questions. I have learned to be careful of such pursuits as it often becomes quite obsessive and time consuming.

            Very satisfying though. Chris

    • Hank,

      I do not think replacing the barrel will really help that much. Now perhaps the new JSBs or H&Ns will improve such. You need to keep in mind that these pumpers are pretty low powered and drop off pretty quickly. A longer barrel would indeed help and I am one of those that had hoped Crosman would take the Katana and make a pumper out of it. Oh well.

  5. BB,
    Would you like for me to send you some 20 cal JSB Exacts? That is what I shoot in my USFT Hunter.
    Glad you found the sight before you rolled your desk chair over it.

    David Enoch

  6. BB,
    About 60+ years ago, deep in those action-packed, fun filled days of the 1950’s, I was one of the firstish blind-as-a-bat kids to get the then new, high-tech, plastic contact lenses. Before that, they were made of glass and were a size that could jam a toe if one were to stumble on one while searching for a lost contact lens. The down side was the new light weight (near microscopic) ones, made of clear plastic were near invisible on a paisley-pattern carpet.
    I mention this only to illustrate how I independently developed (very) advanced search techniques that would have made NASA search & rescue proud. (Quadrent searches and all that. I also invented double-entry bookeeping, too, but that’s another story…”Damn, you say somebody already invented this…and did it better?”)
    My recovery record for contact lenses was a full year of the poor thing sitting naked in a high foot-traffic walk-in closet, unscathed before ultimate recovery. My duffy-est was a couple of years ago in Barcelona at the Sagrada Familia Cathedral when a surprise gust plucked it away, never yet to be seen again. But if I ever get back there, I’ll take a look, just in case… At least that one has some provenance.
    Point being, I’ve learned to keep a selection of useful items handy for recovering teeny little springs and ball-bearings and such (one each, pen-sized magnet, one each magnet strong enough to recover a small-block Chevy 327. Wet, with carb and exhaust.)
    Of course, that don’t work on plastic, brass, and living organisms, so one must be flexible. Not to mention some living organisms may object to the attempt. (See movie “Alien”.)
    Hemostats are handy, a simple roll of wide packing tape is useful, especially to pick-off all the lint and cat hair from your sweater picked up while crawling around on the floor.
    The only real problem to watch out for is mistakenly rescuing an item from a previous mission (sometimes maybe from the previous owner of your house) “that-just-plain-don’t-fit.” And never will, ’cause it’s a 1956 metric from a Webley and they don’t go with a Crosman.
    Next time, we’ll discuss why one should bone up on why electrical work on a 1962 VDub is not the same as a 1969 Karmmen Gaia.

  7. BB, I have some .20 cal pellets made by AM PELLS. They are old. I bought them around 1969 since they were the first .20 cal pellets I had seen other than the Sheridan pellets. They proved to be more accurate so I save them just for hunting. They are a rectangular cylinder with a wasp waist. I probably have about 60 left from the can of 250. It was the first and only time a have seen these. The can noted that the were made in Rochester, NY. Have you ever seen this brand?


  8. B.B.
    Nice bit of forensic analysis to determine that the sight was missing and good job finding it.
    I liked this report because it shows me that: any squirrels I missed with my Blue Streak,
    I would have missed even if I had a Supergrade. I can live with that. =D
    Thank you, & keep up the good work,

  9. BB and Fellow Airgunners
    I found today’s blog about your Sheridan Supergrade both informative, and entertaining. I think most of us can relate to looking for small items that mysteriously found their way from a gun, scope, or what-have-you, to the floor. The first method I use to find such a small item, is by getting on hands and knees, and “sweeping” the area with a good flashlight at floor level. Even a small spring will cast a long enough shadow to reveal itself. I also have a strong Earth Magnet on a telescoping pointer that works quite well with steel parts. I never work on my airguns over any type of carpet covered floor. Once a part gets imbedded in the carpet, it may stay lost for good.

    I also agree with Bob M no the use of proper punctuation. When I read your blog or a comment, I mentally listen to the sentences, and words. Proper punctuation can make all the difference when describing the topic of the day’s blog. I find BB’s writing is very entertaining because of your excellent grammar, and punctuation. Most commenters are also easy to “listen” to as well. This leads me to the conclusion that most airgunners are quite an educated lot. As for myself, I’ve been accused of using an excess of commas in my writing. I’ve taken a few creative writing courses with the idea of writing the great novel one day, Without proper punctuation, a potential good read will “sound” like someone speaking in a monotone voice without stopping to take a breath.

    The Sheridan Supergrade is the airgun I would have loved to own when I had my Slavia. Although I have never been a fan of multi pumps in the past, my view has changed with reading your features on this airgun, and other multi pumps. I’ve learned you don’t always have to pump them up to full power to enjoy shooting them. I’ve also become a fan of the .20cal pellet for all the reasons Dr. Beamon mentioned in your two part podcast interview of a few years past.

    • Titus,

      I do the flashlight thing the same way. This time I was just lucky to see the part right away.

      Thanks for the kind words about my punctuation. Edith and I went round and round about commas. She edited every blog I wrote and when she was finished she would tell me that she had removed all my commas, replacing them with commas in the correct places. We never came to agreement on where they should go, but I gave in for the sake of peace.


    • TG,
      You might want to research a locally (San Francisco) famous DJ, stage and film actor, not to mention voice actor, named Scott Beach who I was casually acquainted with at the legendary Bay Area Renaissance Faire. He was the owner of a classic “FM voice.”
      Not addressing commas, exactly but one his remarkable recordings was a flawless rendition of the “12 Days of Christmas” completely without an intake of breath. Think about that and, just for chuckles, try it oneself.
      A good way to become really “Blue in the Face.”
      Can’t be done, at least by a human.
      Blue whale maybe.
      But Scott cheated and VERY carefully using state-of-art mid 70’s tech, edited out every intake of breath. It rendered a recording that was guaranteed to make any listener short of breath.
      I haven’t the time right now, but well worth while to research this one.

  10. Off subject. But gun related.

    Was cleaning out my garage today and going through some of the box’s marked “garage” that I never unpacked from our move out here to the country.

    Ran across these in one of my old fishing tackle boxs’s I carried with me as a teenager I believe.

    Shot 3 shots at 50 yards with my Savage bolt action 93. They grouped real nice actually. About .700″ center to center on a rest. Didn’t get the chrony out but they sounded like they were in the 950 fps range. No info on the box other than they could carry out to 1 mile. Oh and they were patented in Canada and made in USA in Alton Illinois.

    Here’s the front of the box.

    Here’s the back.

    • GF1,

      Cool! “A blast from the past”,… literally. I would love to have some of the stuff from my youth. Made it to 66F today. Tomorrow the same. Just might have to go “walk about” with the Maximus. Today was Mom and Dad help out day and shopping. Priorities.

      • Chris U
        Same here today with temperature. But it made it to 79 yesterday. I was at work looking outside all day just think’n about shoot’n. But suppose to be 74 and sunshine. Matter of fact all week comming up.

        But the reason I posted about the bullets is I don’t really remember how I came about getting them. And there is no date on the box. Well 2 box’s actually. The one I took the video of is a partial box. The other box still has all 50 in it.

        I mostly wonder what year they were made and if anybody has heard of them. I guess I should search them and see. Just haven’t yet.

    • Wow just searched them and they are from around 1935 to 37 it looks like.

      Guess that’s why I still have them. Have no clue why. Maybe somebody told me where they came from when I was a kid. Maybe my dad’s dad? Just don’t remember.

      • BB
        They are shorts. Not long or long rifles.

        They didn’t crack when they shot. But did have a bit of sound to them.

        I guess 1100 fps they wouldn’t crack would they.

        It’s been a long long time since I shot a short. But they did shoot high compared to even my 1070 fps 40 grain CCI’s.

        • GF1,

          B.B. did say shorts. The fact that they shot higher might indicate what he said about the 1100 fps. That also may explain the difference in powder smell. My notes say 1050-1125 for the “crack” to happen. I do believe that humidity plays into that as well, with the crack more likely at higher humidity. That is cool that they might be from the mid 1930’s. I think I would hang onto that last box for nostalgic reasons.

          • Second thought, lower humidity would make more sense (air less dense = faster?). Not sure on that one. Maybe one of our own ballistic experts can offer some clarification on the subject?

            • Chris.

              That one is very counterintuitive. Turns out as humidity increases air density decreases. Water molecules are actually lighter than free oxygen and nitrogen. That is why more homeruns are hit at ballparks with very high humidity such as those found in the south. Weird, huh?

              • SL,

                Thank you for that. Yes,.. it is counter intuitive. I know high humidity days sure will slow (me) down. 🙁 A correction on my above comment of 1050-1125,.. I have it noted as that being the (trans) sonic range.

                Which, begs the question,… Are there 3 distinct (ranges)? Example: below 1050, 1051- 1125, above 1126. Of course, it’s all on a sliding scale depending on other factors. But, is the “trans” range a true range,.. or just a millisecond transition point?

                • Chris USA

                  Something like B.B.’s reply when I asked regarding the difference between a long stroke and a short stroke piston travel, it’s all relative.

                  I leave you with this nugget, “The amount of time between slipping on the peel and landing on the pavement is precisely 1 bananosecond.”


            • Chris USA,

              Based on my readings the speed of sound is faster the lower the humidity. So in high humidity you don’t have to travel as fast compared to where there is lower humidity.


          • Chris U
            No on the smell. The older Westerns has a different smell then the different brand bullets I have from present time.

            Plus the Aguilla .22 rimfire rounds smell differentthan the CCI’s, Federal’s and Winchester’s I have.

            The old Westerns I have definitely have the smell I remember as a kid.

            And from reading today it looks like the humidity and crack thing is more understanding from the comments.

  11. GF1,

    I picture,.. a (trade),.. with a slightly younger neighborhood “chum”,… something along the lines of: “I will give you 2 tubes of bb’s (yellow cardboard tube with black cardboard cap),.. “a” (well used) “Wrist Rocket” (with about a 1/2 dozen ball bearings,.. of various sizes). And,.. “Since I am a really nice guy,.. and you are my friend,.. I will throw in 3 Cokes” (glass bottle from the local store front pop machine), “and 3 candy bars of your choice”. “Come on,…. what do you say?” Of course,… I was insured 1 of those 5 candy bars and Cokes for my own personal consumption. This would be (after) the trade and I was telling him how awesome the bb’s were and how killer the Wrist Rocket was.

    I might have my “bartering memory” off a bit,.. but it sounds like it would have been good trade “back in the day” for 100 rounds of .22 shorts.

    That is the way I “rolled” back then. 🙂

    • Chris U
      I don’t know what your talking about. 😉

      But I do know this. I just got through mentioning to my oldest daughter how I remember that smell of the powder from those bullets. Those older bullets had different smelling powder. Somebody might say I’m crazy. But I just shot those bullets side by side and the new bullets definitely smell different than the older ones firing. And I don’t think it’s cause of age of the bullets.

    • BB
      I did a search on them and got a surprise.

      One box a 50 of the particular box I have is worth as the source says $150. And check this out. That’s only the box and (no) bullets. I can’t find any info on how much a box of 50 is worth (with) bullets still in the box.

      I have one completely full box and one box about half full minus the 3 bullets I shot to see if the still fired.

      But as Chris mentioned above. I will be hanging on to them for nostalgic sake. Hmm maybe I should start going through more of my old box’s I never unpacked. Maybe I put some money in a envelope and packed it away. I did find a hundred dollars in a envelope in one of my drawers one time. And for the life of me I don’t remember putting it there. But definitely came in handy at the time. 🙂

    • BB
      Well did more searching and all kind of different prices came up for that particular box of bullets. Seems that the condition of the box is what’s most important. And if it is a unopened box with bullets.

      Anyway as I said not getting rid of them. Just find it interesting the different information out there on the old rimfire bullets. Never really thought about searching it before. The one file I downloaded was from the Western company. Gives a real good run down on when the factory started and such. Pretty cool stuff.

  12. BB, is it possible to shoot 2-3 inch groups with a 12 fpe springer at 100 yards from bench rest position?
    I know the best springers will do better than that, but the gun I am talking about is nowhere near that, it is a cheap copy of Diana 35, just produces more power at around 12 fpe.
    And has the pellet shape performance series ended?

    • Riki,

      I just looked at my records and the TX200 got 2 1/8″ and 2 1/4″ at 70 yards. The LGU did 2 1/8″. I have not shot either at 70 yards very much and I am not the best shot with a springer, but not bad. That is 10 shot groups. Oh, and they are both .22. 100 yards is really pushing it, but I suppose it is possible. GF1 might be able to tell you as that “nut” 😉 is always shooting stuff way past what it is meant to.

  13. Chris, can that be attained at the aimpoint, or anywhere on paper? I shoot at 50 metres, but not much beyond that. I am worried that the pellets might tumble head first due to their front heaviness.

    • Riki,

      They might tumble and probably will. That is a long way. They are running out of “steam” pretty good at that point. As for the aim point,…. that is up to you. I (have) an aim point, but I do not really care if I hit it. Close is good enough. I will not be using either rifle for hunting at that range. Like any sighting in session,.. I want to see how well the gun will group first. I can always adjust my sight picture/scope.

      From my perspective,…. 70 and 100 yards is more about gaining some bragging rights (with a .177 or .22). It also speaks to skill of the shooter, and the gun, as any mistake is greatly amplified at those ranges.

    • Riki
      Out at a hundred yards I have not had as good of luck with the .177 caliber pellet. They seem to get blown around pretty easy.

      In .22 caliber I have had pretty good luck. And that’s if the pellet was in the 900fps or a little faster velocity. If the velocity started getting in the mid 800fps or slower it would start getting harder to group out at that distance.

      And with my .25 caliber air guns it pretty well was about like the .22 example I gave.

      What I do know also is that a little heavier pellet seemed to do better in all calibers out at longer distances. In .177 I use 10.34 grain pellets. In .22 I use 15.89 grain pellets. And in .25 caliber I use 33.95 grain pellets.

      But I also have found that to heavy of a pellet causes problems also. So basically you just need to experiment with what gun you have. I can’t say there is a correct weight or velocity for a piticular gun. You just have to shoot and see what works best for you and your gun.

      • Thanks guys. I will try out that with the JSBs. My gun shoots them right around the 900 fps mark. A guy said he has done it with a .22 with 580 fps at the muzzle and with a cheap gun. So I wanted to know if 100 yards was possible at all. Will try it out next weekend. As you said Chris, it is all about bragging rights. 🙂

        • Riki
          I like the JSB’s. That’s the pellet weights I gave above for the JSB’s I use in those calibers.

          You’ll have to let us know how it goes when go shoot the hundred yards. But remember don’t base your results that you get on one day. Conditions change as well as how a person shoots on a particular day.

          What I’m saying is go out and shoot the hundred yard distance on several different days. Keep your targets so you can compare the different days. And write down on each day’s target as much info as you can. Note wind direction and speed. If it’s sunny or overcast out. If humidity is high or low. Also if your shooting from in the shade or direct sunlight and also same for the target. And what direction is the sun located in. And even how you feel that day you shoot. It all makes a difference.

        • Riki,

          🙂 Have fun and good luck! You sound like a good shot and well practiced. Please let us know how you did. Me?,… it is 63F and sunny and I am heading out to shoot. Very rare for a February day in the Northern States.

          • Will let you know guys. 🙂 . I practice a lot, 2000 pellets a month, 1000 JSBs and 1000 Indian wadcutters. This year on import taxes on pellets have been removed, which helps me even more.

              • GF1,

                Back in. No “walk about”,.. but did do the Maximus at 50 yards. 1 3/4″, 2 1/8″ and 2 9/16″ with the last 6 of 10 dropping out. 1/2 dot H.O.. 24 shots looks to be it. The scope focused in good, but not as good/clear as a UTG. I have the “first” stage adjusted short, real short. I might bring that out some. I still want to lighten the spring. Man!,… I love that gun.

                I did the M-rod at 70 too. ‘Bout same, but a little worse. I may need a clean? I did do the 25.39’s since I have more of them. It seems to do better with the 33.95’s.

                At any rate, it was fun to get out and blow some air through the PCP’s.

                • Chris U
                  Yep I got the Maximus synthetic stock and trigger back on mine now again.

                  I took and cut about 2 coils off the coil spring that is behind the trigger blade. Then I bent the spring that holds the sear up and holds the safety button in place.

                  I got it bent just so it holds the sear up and the safety in. Now I can feel about a 1/16″ of movement in the trigger when I pull it. Then it comes to a complete stop. Just a little bit more pressure and the shot breaks. So definitely more controllable now.

                  And it’s dead calm here today. Usually I’m getting a little over a .500″ center to center 5 shot group at 50 yards with the Maximus and the .25 Marauder with a 5-8 mph wind. Today with it calm I’m getting easy one hole pellet touching groups. I had to shoot a little of to the side of my group to make sure I was hitting.

                  Definitely better with no wind. But not bad with wind either. But I can sure see my groups change as the wind speed increases.

                  • GF1,

                    .5″ at 50 yards with the Maximus is good,.. very good. I hope to get mine to do that well. If I pull the safety, the trigger is 1# or less. I may try that next time out. That, and give the first stage a bit more. And, might give the 18.13’s a try too. Then again,… I think it is fair to say that you are a better shot. For the 25 yard’ish Squirrel plinker I got it for, it is a sweet shooter.

                    • Chris U
                      Remember how I cut the synthetic stock off when I was messing with that Air Venturi bottle mounted to the gun. Well most of the Maximus air resivoir tube is not touching the stock. Only about 5 inches of the stock in front of the gauge touches. Forward towards the muzzle is exsposed. Also I moved the barrel band clamp back to where I cut the stock off. So far on this gun it’s working better with the barrel floating. So basically the stock as well as the barrel doesn’t contact the air resivoir tube in as much area like the factory Maximus does. I believe that helps some with the resivoir changing with air pressure change. And I believe the barrel doesn’t feel as much of the guns recoil movement with the barrel floating more. More natural in other words.

                      And you probably don’t know this either. I sold my wood stock Marauder and have had a synthetic stock .25 Marauder since a couple weeks before Christmas at the end of last year. Basically I took that rubber damper that fits in the space towards the muzzle of the stock to dampen the ping noise and moved it back in the spot right in front of the pressure gauge. So that guns resivoir tube floats away from touching in front of the gauge. Kind of like a built in artillery hold if you will.

                      But I think the less the main resivoir tube touches the stock forward of the breech the better. And so far both the Maximus and the Marauder are liking the floating barrel. Well that’s a given for the Marauder by design with the floating shroud and barrel.

                      But I do believe that is helping my particular guns. Don’t know if it would help other guns. Just something you would have to see.

            • Riki,

              How did that 100 yard go? Did you try it yet? Let us know on a (current) blog. 100 yards with a .177 would be real tuff. 6″ would be good, though I have never tried it. That is why I am interested to see what you were able to do. You shoot way more than me, and therefore should be better. Let us know,… Chris

              • Chris could not shoot 100 yards because had to travel for tests and also took part in gun rights for citizens activities. 🙂
                Did shoot at 80 yards though, which is the max range I can get from the field next to my house. In the beginning the pellets landed all over , and the “group” was something like 9 inches. After sending quite some pellets (100+) downrange, I did manage to get around 4-5 inches. I am thinking if I should stretch to hundred yards or not. Wish I had a better scope, but for now they are with customs. 🙁

                • Riki,

                  Thanks for the update. 4-5 @ 80 is good. I am surprised you got that. Good luck with getting the scopes through customs. Clarity does help and is a must for long range shooting. Even the UTG’s are plenty good for 100. Keep us posted

                  • Chris, did shoot at 100 yards. The absolute best I got after 4 days of shooting was 7.5 inches. 8-9 inch groups were more common. A few pellets landed close, but they opened up every time I reached 7-8 shots. I was shocked by the amount the group opened up by backing up just 20 more yards. I was trying even harder as I have been following the AEAC channel recently and the guy there gets some pretty darn good groups at 100 yards. But he has better and more powerful guns than me.
                    I finally did some plinking at tin cans at 100 yards, and when the pellet occasionally hit the target at that distance, it was quite enjoyable. 🙂

                    • Riki,

                      Good to hear from you. Glad you got to try it. You should comment on the current blog and let everyone know how you did. I am sure there is other people wondering how a .177 would do at 100. That is about what I would have expected.

                      Take care, Chris

          • Chris U
            Forgot. Did you go do your walk about in the woods today with the Maximus?

            It’s 72 here today. Were out shoot’n and ride’n the 4 wheelers. And it’s suppose to be this way all week long. I love it.

            • GF1,

              That is interesting about “floating” the barrels. We have spoken of this before. It is cool that you try all of that. I was not aware that you had swapped the wood M-rod for a Syn. one. I need to E the “Buldawg” and see whatever happened to his Super Rod. He had all the “goodies” and just had to put them all together.

              • Chris U
                Seems to of helped the Maximus even more accuracy wise. I say it’s about a very reliable 80 yards and in gun with starling sized targets. They really don’t stand a chance the way the gun is set up now. And I can hit bottle caps all day long at 50 yards and in. The .25 Synrod is a 100 yard and in starling gun. And yes it shoots just as well as the wood one I had. And it’s modded pretty much the same. I think you may remember that I said a guy at work got one for the farm he lived on to pest shoot without spooking his farm animals with his .22 rimfire rifle.

                And Buldawg has been working on some other projects. He hasn’t mentioned the super rod lately though. So don’t know why he ain’t done it yet. I know he’s got a bullpup on his radar next pretty heavy. We’ll see.

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