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Education / Training Benjamin Wildfire PCP repeater: Part 1

Benjamin Wildfire PCP repeater: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Benjamin Wildfire
Benjamin Wildfire.

This report covers:

  • Let’s get it straight
  • Different desires
  • PCPs
  • Actually
  • The rifle
  • Sights
  • Trigger
  • How difficult is it to fill with a hand pump?
  • A good way to enter the world of PCP
  • Yes, but a hand pump costs more than the rifle!!!
  • Today was not planned

Let’s get it straight

This is the season of the tax refund, here in the U.S. tax refunds come in all shapes and sizes. If you work for an employer, your options of controlling the size of your refund are few — just whatever choices the payroll service allows. Usually they can adjust it so the refund is as low as possible, but always a positive number, so you owe no additional money when your taxes are computed. Or if you prefer, more can be deducted each pay period so the refund is larger.

For those who are self-employed, the options are greater. You either pay your estimated taxes quarterly, or you wait until the end of the year and have a very large bill due. Or you hire a payroll service and they help you sculpt your withholding to whatever suits you.

Different desires

Every person is different. Some want to owe as little as possible, knowing they had the greatest use of their money during the year. Others want a large refund that they can treat as free money at tax time.


The term precharged pneumatic (PCP) is a lot like a tax refund. It can be large or small — the term doesn’t define what it is. But people who are new to our hobby treat it like it means something. They hear PCP and they start constructing new universes in their minds. If it’s a PCP is must be accurate. If it’s a PCP it must be powerful. A PCP must have a perfect trigger, and so on. So, when the new Benjamin Wildfire comes along, these people have already whipped up a fantasy world for it to inhabit. It’s a PCP, so it must be a great hunter. It’s a PCP repeater, so move over, Benjamin Marauder!


What the new Benjamin Wildfire actually is, is a Crosman 1077 that runs on air, rather than CO2. Instead of feeding 50-cent 12-gram CO2 cartridges every 60 shots, you pump it back up to 2000 psi every —?? — well, I guess that will be one of the things we will discover in this test. But you don’t pay for the air you use.

And, because it runs on thin air rather than thick CO2, you can expect higher velocity. The package says up to 800 f.p.s., and that is another of those things we will discover together.

The rifle

The Wildfire is a 12-shot repeating .177 air rifle that operates on stored air — a pneumatic that is pre-charged. The reservoir is a tube beneath the barrel that is pressurized to 2000 psi by whatever means you have, but a hand pump is ideal. That’s because pumping to 2000 psi is quite easy. I have more to say about that in a moment.

The reservoir is one small place where the Wildfire differs in appearance from the 1077. The air reservoir on the Wildfire runs almost to the end of the barrel, while the CO2 tube on a 1077 stops at the end of the firearm, many inches from the muzzle. Also, the Wildfire has a pressure gauge onboard, while the 1077 has no need of one.

Benjamin Wildfire gauge
The Wildfire has an integral pressure gauge. And — NO — just because you see CO2 written on the gauge face does not mean the Wildfire is a dual fuel airgun. Use air only.

Additionally, the Wildfire has an air degassing screw that allows you to bleed down excess air. You could just shoot it out like you have to with CO2, but the 2mm degassing screw that’s located next to the pressure gauge gives you a faster way of doing it.

The rifle is just shy of 37 inches long and weighs 3 lbs. 10-3/8 oz.  A better definition of a plinker I cannot imagine.

The stock and outer receiver are black plastic. The barrel, reservoir and rear sight are the only parts that are metal on the outside of the rifle.

This is a 12-shot repeater. It fires every time you pull the trigger through a long heavy stroke. The action of pulling the trigger both cocks and releases the striker to fire the gun and also advances the 12-shot plastic clip to the next round. The pellet fires from the clip (is not pushed into the barrel before firing) and the gun does not stop functioning when it is empty. You keep track of the shots yourself.

As far as accuracy goes, the 1077 is reasonably accurate and I expect the Wildfire to be similar. Expect to hit a one-inch target at 25 yards most of the time.


The sights are open — a post with green fiberoptic dot in front and a plain adjustable notch in the rear. The rear sight adjusts up and down via a stepped elevator and left-right via a screw in an oval hole. They are not precise, but are adequate for the accuracy and distance the Wildfire is expected to shoot, which is plinking to 25 yards, or so.

An 11mm dovetail atop the plastic receiver will accept scope rings or the base of a dot sight. I would keep the scope or dot sight small and lightweight because it is clamping onto plastic. I have scoped my 1077s for years and they have worked just fine.


I have covered this before but some people have not taken it to heart. The Wildfire (and 1077) action is a double-action only revolver. The trigger has to pull back the striker and advance the circular clip at the same time. The pull is going to always be long and, when the gun (or replacement clip box that most will call the magazine) is new, it is also heavy. That heaviness lightens as both the rifle and the clip box/magazine wears in. I have older 1077s whose trigger pulls are smooth and relatively light, but that relates to the trigger pull of a new 1077.

Clip box and circular clip that many will call the magazine. This mechanism drives a large part of the Wildfire’s trigger pull.

The good news is the clip box from a 1077 will fit this rifle, so if you have a 1077 that’s already broken-in you can improve the trigger right away by using the old clip box. I own 2 1077s and have had many others over the years, so I have several replacement 12-shot plastic clips, but they are available new because they are identical to the ones from 1077s. That’s not a guess. I have tried it and it works. The new rifle action still needs some breaking-in and it will also smooth out, but the older clip box that contains the broken-in double action mechanism does improve the trigger pull.

How difficult is it to fill with a hand pump?

The Wildfire is easy to fill with a hand pump! I know because back when we developed the Benjamin Discovery, I had Crosman’s attorney fill one with a hand pump, right there in the office. She was a young woman who stood less than 5 feet tall, and she had little difficulty filling to 2000 psi. I could fill the rifle with one hand while seated. Now, if you have severe arthritis or angina all bets are off; but if you can clean out the kitty litter boxes every day or mow the lawn, you can fill the Wildfire with a hand pump.

When the test rifle was unboxed it contained a maintenance fill of about 500 psi. It took 96 strokes of a G6 hand pump to fill it up to 2000 psi. I pumped slowly and deliberately, allowing the air to flow between all three stages of the pump. If you want to horse the pump like a madman, expect to pump it 140 strokes to achieve the same fill. I will report in Part 2 how many strokes it takes to fill from where you stop shooting (around 1000 psi), but I expect it to be around half what I did today.

Yes, but a hand pump costs more than the rifle!!!

Guess what? The gasoline you put into your car costs thousands of dollars, over the lifetime of the car. Each CO2 cartridge you install in a 1077 costs about 50 cents, so a hand pump stops costing you after 400 cartridges. That time comes sooner for some folks than for others, but it will come. Take care of the rifle and it will come. You’re just buying all the pressurized gas you’ll ever need (and a lot more) up front. And, because you are only filling the rifle to 2000 psi, that hand pump can be passed down to your kids, if you take care of it.

A good way to enter the world of PCP

Some people have said the Benjamin Wildfire is a great entry point to the world of precharged airguns. I agree — as long as your expectations are properly aligned. Remember what this rifle is and what you can expect from it and it will be the perfect way to get into PCPs.

The Wildfire will teach you how to fill a PCP with a hand pump. Also you’ll learn how to watch the pressure gauge at the start and finish of shooting. If you own a chronograph you will learn to determine the ideal pressure curve and number of shots per fill.

But, like the man who asked if he would be able to play the piano after having his carpel tunnel syndrome fixed, the answer is still, “Only if you could play it before the operation!” Just because it’s a PCP does not turn the Wildfire into something it is not.

Today was not planned

When I woke up this morning I had no intention of starting the Wildfire report. The box arrived from Crosman yesterday and I knew what it was, but I had planned to finish this week by doing a velocity test of the ASG Dan Wesson pellet revolver.

But I needed a way to explain what sort of gun the Wildfire is, and the idea of the tax return analogy came to me. So, I wrote it down and, when I looked up again, today’s report was finished. Oops!

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

105 thoughts on “Benjamin Wildfire PCP repeater: Part 1”

  1. B.B.,

    Great article. Nice analogy, reigning in of any “fantasy’s”, corrections and reminders on terminology. The 96 vs 140 pumps was surprise. Pumping 1 handed while sitting was even a bigger one. The 1″ @ 25 yards “most” of the time was good too. Looking forward to the remaining reports.

    So,… no 100 yard test planned? Not even a 50 yard? 😉 😉 😉 GF1 said he is getting one,… so he will have us covered on the “long range report”. 🙂

    Good Day all,…. Chris

    • Chris U
      Maybe might try some 100 yard shots here and there just for the fun of it. Definitely will do some 50 yard shots.

      But really the whole purpose of me getting one is it reminds me so much of shooting my Winchester 190 semi-auto rimfire .22 when I was a kid. I just want a light weight gun that I can plink with rapid firing as fast as I can at different targets. Mostly at the 35 yard distances. I don’t care about trigger pull. I will be doing mostly what I call reflex shooting with it. When I see the target I line of sight it real quick with open sights and pull the trigger. Then move to the next target basically as I’m already pulling the trigger.

      So for me the Wildfire will be a cheap way to have what resembles a fast shooting semi-auto. And pellets are cheaper and more readily available than .22 rimfire rounds.

      So that’s how I will shoot the Wildfire.

      • GF1

        I am starting another 1377 project and I was trying to decide what barrel to put in it, then I remembered your posts about the Maximus and how happy you are with it. Do you have any idea if the transfer port on the Maximus barrel is situated the same distance from the breech as the 13xx guns and if it has the same TP design? I put a 2260 barrel in my last 13XX project and it was an exact fit. (Thats the one that I gave my ex that I want back)

        I figured if anyone had torn into their Maximus it would be you.

        • SL
          Yep the Maximus barrel will fit anything a Discovery barrel will fit.

          Just remember to keep with the same caliber barrel that is on the gun your changing barrels because the bolt is specific to caliber.

          And yes I do think highly of the Maximus barrel. I don’t think you can get a Maximus barrel yet though from Crosman. I haven’t checked in a couple weeks. But last I checked they don’t have a Maximus parts diagram available yet. They might have it now though. Crosman will want a part number if you order. Let me know if you do get a Maximus barrel for your project though. I would like to know what you think.

          • GF1,

            Well, if it had a Maximus style barrel,…. it might have a fighting chance at 50. I knew that we could count on you to push the limits on it. Or,…. “stretch it’s leg’s” as you like to say.

            • Chris U
              I tend to push things to the limit no matter what I do. Just one of those things that’s burn’n deep down inside. And there ain’t noth’n going to put it out. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. BB,

    If you like the “rapid fire” plinking of CO2, this should be a great addition to a collection. I can see where this could be a transition to the world of PCP, but I would be very hesitant to recommend it as a first PCP for most as they will have expectations it will not meet.

    When you said “But you don’t pay for the air you use.”, I about lost it. Having bought an AirForce hand pump, a Hill hand pump, a 98 CF tank and an Air Venturi compressor, I had to beg to differ. High pressure air is not cheap. You did redeem yourself somewhat when you commented that you paid for your air up front. It is also true that until I went big bore, I did manage with just using hand pumps. Feeding a .357 air rifle with a hand pump means you are going to be pumping a whole lot and not shooting very much.

      • LOL! That is what they told me at work when the company stopped making a 25% contribution to my retirement. They insist it was not a massive pay cut. All I know is my financial contribution for employment was drastically reduced.

        • RR,

          It ain’t what it used to be. 2:1 or 1:1,…. then,…. 10% was great. Mine did away with it all together. Do what you can while you can. You were smart to take advantage while you could. I did too at 10%.

          • Chris,

            That was 25% of what I earned. For every dollar I earned, the company contributed twenty-five cents to my retirement fund. It was pretty sweet. Now it is a 401K. It is not so sweet anymore.

            By the way, below there is a little ditty about my new air compressor.

      • B.B.,

        With 3000 psi air rifles that cost $400 or more I would agree with Ridgrunner, but in the case of the Wildfire, I’m with you completely. The rifle itself is remarkably inexpensive, and for the vast majority of Wildfire owners the 2000 psi fill means a hand pump is all that is needed. No compressor or SCBA tank required. In the long run this should be an inexpensive air rifle to shoot and enjoy.

        I know I have been a vocal critic of the 1077 trigger, but I want to love this Wildfire, so I am more open than before to the “break-in” approach to the trigger and clip-forwarding mechanism. Besides, my 1077s are all very accurate, so the trigger doesn’t seem to affect what matters the most.

        I can’t wait to read more about this one.


  3. This is how I explain a large tax refund to the people who think they are getting free money and brag about it all day.

    You give the government more money than they need from you, all year long ! They take it, put it in the bank and it grows in value through interest payments the bank pays on it. At the end of the year the government gives you back all the extra money you paid them, except they ‘keep’ all the interest it earned all year in the bank…. and …you think you are a winner ? Some people truly believe they screwed the government out of money.

    I under pay them, around 10%, keep the money in ‘my’ bank and keep the interest. They receive what I owe them in April. Another benefit, there is never a delay involved in receiving any refunds.
    It’s hard to teach wisdom and most people just think of it as forced savings because they have no desire to control their money. Then again it’s not that much interest for most to worry about.

    There is a guy selling modified adjustable 1077 triggers on the Yellow Forum. It reduces the amount of ‘stage two ‘travel’ eliminating some heavy pull up front.

    I’m going to see if I can replace the 1077 I have inside an Airsoft M249 SAW with this one ! Just for fun.
    Glad you threw in the CO2 cost cut off figure for the cost of a hand pump, one of my first thoughts for the practicality of it, aside from some increased power and reduced power loss with rapid CO2 firing. Kinda like replacing the 88gr CO2 with a small regulated 3000psi bottle on the SIG MCX.

    The more PCP’s you own that replace CO2 the lower the cost cut off point for a hand pump.

    • I have gotten the HPA bottle for my sig MCX. Those CO2 cylinders are not svailable at the corner store and cost $10 each when you do buy them. As I allready have a pump, the air bottle is equal to ten 90 gram CO2 cartridges.

    • Yogi,
      I agree. Slap that Benjamin pump assist on it and turn it into a cheaper version of the FX independence.
      Fill it to 2000 psi and then pump as you shoot. If you have a dive shop close by you need not buy a pump. I guarantee that once they invest in the rifle they will eventually buy a pump. Remember also, sell 50,000 rifles @ $50 profit = $2.5 million. But Sell 200,000 rifles @ $25 profit you make $5 million.
      Another option would be to cut a deal with Wally World to offer a refilling service at say $5 a fill through their automotive center. Locating their air gun supplies in that area would also boost sales of pellets etc.
      A gun like this should target the mass market with the understanding that some of them will eventually upgrade to a more expensive PCP.
      I would buy this rifle in 22Cal.


    • Slinging Lead,

      Using BB’s recommended technique I was finally able to feel comfortable about not knowing exactly where my Nitro pills were when I was pumping. LOL Big difference!!

      • Halfstep

        I’m somewhat tall, so that gives me a good bit of leverage. As such, pumping has always been relatively easy for me– even to 3000 psi.

        My problem is that I horse it like a madman, instead of taking short breaks. Supposedly that can overheat a pump and wear it prematurely. I haven’t had any problems yet though, but I need to slow down.

        • Slinging Lead ,

          That’s what I mean by “using BB’s technique”. Taking a well defined pause at the top and bottom of each stroke allows the air inside the pump to completely transfer between the different stages that make up it’s design. I have found that my gun fills up significantly faster than if I pump fast. ( my understanding is this happens because you are now moving all the air through the pump instead of simply recirculating much of it back and forth within the pump,as happens when you pump as fast as you can) I may not be explaining this accurately or well, but I can attest that it works and according to BB, if memory serves, you don’t need to be concerned about overheating if you pump this way. I think I saw the video he made on the blog.

            • BB,

              Thanks for the refresher. I guess the reason I stopped worrying about resting was because now I fill my gun in well under 5 minutes. I,ll have to rest ,I suppose, if I get a gun with a larger reservoir.( mine is around 150 cc, I think)

  4. I just had a conversation with someone yesterday about the trigger being double action. And that the magazine is the culprit of the heavier trigger pull.

    Just as you said BB. The magazine will lighten the pull in time. I have had several 1077’s and they all did as you said.

    Yes I’m getting a Wildfire as soon as their available.

      • Gunfun 1,

        I’ve had my guns ordered since before the SHOT show (I think) and they didn’t have the info then. I had been watching for it and eventually emailed their customer service about it because I was getting antsy. They sent me that info Monday so maybe that’s why its there now.

        I really got them to shoot a homemade (I prefer “hand crafted”) Dueling Tree. My 1077s stop flipping the flags reliable as the co2 cools the gun in rapid fire. Others on this blog have suggested that pcp should not suffer that characteristic.

        • Halfstep
          Nope it’s been there since PA listed the Wildfire when you pull up the page.

          Believe me I been watching that since they listed it. Matter of fact everyday. Sometimes they come available sooner and sometimes later. I have it set up to email me a notification for when it gets in stock since I can’t remember when on the page. It’s right below the preorder button also.

          • I’ll take your word for it. The type is very small and I would have been expecting a larger font when I looked before. Guess I overlooked it. I looked closer after you told me it was there, I guess.

  5. I pre-ordered 2 of these so I could do some “winter” quick fire shooting outdoors with my grandson. My 2 1077s don’t really work that well in cold weather. Turns out, according to my wife, (who’s always right) the temperatures here in KY are going to be 70+ all next week. Won’t really need the Wildfires but I guess I’ll still get them to teach Al (my grandson) how much fun a G6 pump can be.:-)

    • The 1077 also has trouble in hot weather do to the CO2. Above 95 degrees it is less predictable power, and above 110 it is pretty much useless, making it a winter or early morning (before dawn) summer gun where I live. I am interested in the Wildfire for use in the summer.

      • David C,

        When it gets 95 F here the humidity and ozone make it unhealthy for us old farts to be outside, so I don’t expect I’ll ever personally confirm your assertion about predictable power. We don’t typically get that high, but it will happen a few days in the summer. Our winters typically stay below 35 F so spring, summer and early fall are best for co2 in my parts. The Wildfires will be for late fall and winter fun.

  6. B. B.
    Thanks for a very timely report. Wildfire is of great interest, even to those who would disparage it (good fun for them). We plan to buy one after the first production run has been absorbed by the market. We already have a 1077, and Wildfire appears to be a major improvement without adding too much weight or cost. The 1077 is really fun for the first couple of clips, and then the power drops to the point that it reminds me of of my old Daisy Targeteer pistol. If Wildfire will give us another 2-3 hot-shooting, rapid-fire clips, I’ll be happy.
    As long as Crosman markets (online) Wildfire as a recreational shooter, I don’t see any problem. Maybe add emphasis that it is not a hunter. If they want to sell it at big box stores, then some serious consumer education needs to be done. Not sure how that would work…
    We should have a working HPA powered EBOS by this weekend. If these new HPA products work, then it’s a new day for backyard plinking!


    • Walt,

      On Youtube there is a video from davpanable entitled “Crosman 1077 detent modified” that will get you a couple more clips worth of shots. If you tinker at all, you should find it an easy mod and I found the parts at Harbor Freight (if you have one nearby) in their Metric Oring and spring kits. The savings in co2 paid for the parts in short order.

  7. I am looking forward to the next parts. Finally having trouble with one of my Crosman Legacy 1000’s (loose shroud from having to palm it to pump with a scope mounted), I am grabbing my Crosman 1077’s much more again, and the 1077 has always been one of my favorites.

    If the Crosman Benjamin Wildfire does as well as the Crosman 1077 it will be on my short list 🙂 . Though it will have to wait until I can afford it and a pump at the same time as it is going to be my first PCP.


    If it is anything like the 1077, yes the trigger is heavy and long, though it is possible to shoot it accurately is simple. I have learned that you can take up the trigger and feel when it gets past the clip advance and the hammer is all the way back, thus giving a hold point just before the shot to improve the effect of the trigger on the shot making it easier to get a good accurate shot 100% of the time.

    I hope it shoots exactly like the Crosman 1077.

  8. Thanks, Tom, for starting your review of the new Wildfire. As a 1077 owner for 9-0 years, I have been waiting for the reviews to come out.
    A question about my 1077. I’ve never had a problem with it (as long as I didn’t leave the CO2 cartridge in place when storing the airgun). Until now. I took it out to shoot it, loaded the CO2 can, and though it fired, it was exactly as if the CO2 can was low in pressure and needed to be changed. I did remove the CO2 can, and it released gas as if it were, indeed full. I tried one more time with the same results. The shots were for sure, very low power ones, but it did shoot. So, something is obstructing the full pressure of CO2 gas from getting behind the pellet.
    I had read anything I could find here on the 1077 in the past, and mine has never shown the accuracy you are getting from yours. An inch at 25 yards would be great for this airgun considering the trigger action, but mine has never come close. My 1077 does show a preference for the very common Crosman hollow point pellets. Part of the reason I think is that these pellets are a perfect fit in the 12 round magazine. Some pellets of various brands fit much too loose and have been unusable in my 1077 for that reason.
    Thanks for this review. I know a lot of use are anxious to read your evaluation as always.

    • Your CO2 problem sounds like either your filter screen is clogged (just behind the seal where the CO2 powerlet seats), or something is obstructing the hammer travel. Either case is easy to fix.

      As to the accuracy, some 1077’s have a bit of a loose fit between the front sight inner and the soda straw barre, in which case you only need to stabilize the soda straw barrel inside the shroud. I have never had accuracy problems with a Crosman 1077, though I have had to stabilize the barrel on my newest one.

  9. Birdmove,

    Two things can cause that to happen. Either the room is very hot (90 degrees F or more) or the piercing pin has worn down. A look at the expended cartridge will tell you what the hole looks like. Maybe if you pierce the cartridge, then back off the cap 1/8 turn you’ll get a better gas flow.


  10. I think the people who buy this are going to be the ones that already have fill equipment and just want a plinker like a semi- auto .22 mentioned by gun fun. A 2000 psi fill level is real attractive to me because it means a lot more shots from a scuba tank, which I’ n actually thinking of getting before I get a gun. Do you have any plans to test the Xisico PCP? If it’s accurate and has a good trigger then I might consider it over the Maximus.

  11. I just finished treating my FWB 124 with Tune-In-A-Tube lube. It has really smoothed out the firing stroke. Much less vibration than before. I only have about 15 shots through it so far so the testing goes on. Its looking good so far.


  12. Stephen Archer did some testing on the Wildfire in Hard Air Magazine and did not rate it very high for a PCP but did make it clear it is designed to be a plinker. I think it was a case of, we created it because we can and it was well within budget.
    It may not be offered in big box stores due to the related equipment required to operate it. Knowledgeable bloggers may be responsible for it’s creation? People who shop for Airguns on line would lessen the problems with customers who know nothing about PCPs.

    One problem brought up was something close to a 12lb trigger pull. A negative side effect of modifying an existing rifle and not spending a lot of money on it. But it will be fine for its intended use, in my opinion. Air leaking around the mag when fired is another concern. Lower FPS then possible.

    If you are aware of it’s shortfalls before you purchase it, there should be no unexpected problems when you get it.

    • Bob M
      Had this conversation yesterday also about that review and the trigger pull plus shot count and other things in the review. I will not go into what I think of the review here and will leave it at that. And the person I talked to yesterday tested their 1077 and it was 7 pounds. Granted that it’s not a Wildfire. So we will have to see what BB comes up with.

      And I also believe like any other pcp that a fill pressure will need to be established for a particular Wildfire at hand. It might get 60 shots per fill. But I’m thinking more like 3 clips worth of consistent usable shots that don’t affect point of impact.

      In my mind the Wildfire BV will serve its purpose well.

  13. This is something I have thought about to with the Wildfire. Up above I made a comment how it reminds me of my days as a kid shooting my semi-auto rimfire rifle.

    Well I will say this. If I had a Wildfire as a kid I would of been in heaven. Of course that was a different time when a bunch of different firearm ammo was available and nobody really even thought about regulations or restrictions or shortages.

    But I sure would of been king of the hill with having a pellet gun that could plink just as well as our rimfire rifles back then. And of course the filling the pcp up would of been a concern.

    But if a hand pump available back then to fill a Wildfire. It would not of bothered me for a second if I had to pump it up. Back then I grew up on a farm and we did some pretty strenuous work to keep the farm going. Plus I was a kid and was very much into fitness and weight lifting and dirt bike riding which is a work out in itself depending on how you rode. So I would of welcomed the chance to get some more muscle and stamina back then. Especially to fill a Wildfire and have blast shooting. Yes pun intended. 🙂

    So I say it’s time for a PCP like the Wildfire and Benjamin hand pump to be on a Walmart shelf. And without absalutly no concern of what the pump plus Wildfire costs. It really is time for that type of gun to be on the shelfs. Better than some of the stuff that’s there now. Sorry just the way I see it.

    • GF1,

      Many good points. I agree overall. People say “education”. Yup,… that is factor. A well written manual would be a start. Web links would be a good addition as well. Heck,… if kids are more computer smart than most adults,…. I think that they can figure out a Wildfire and a hand pump. The online education would of course be filled with all of the other “step up” options, not a bad thing for sales. Package the “roll out” for success.

      Flyers that people could pull off (and take home) at the air gun shelf would be good. Kind of like those old tattered “filter” books in the oil/filter oil aisle that you look up what you need. Promo/web links/etc.. Interest could be based on web hits.

      • Chris U
        Yep that is a good way to look at the new way of how kids access things.

        I remember in the back of Feild and Stream magazines and others I would get as a kid. I would always start at the back of the magazines where all the advertisements were. I would look for anything that was air gun related.

        That’s how I got my first air gun catalogs back in the early 70’s. Of course as a 12 year old I never ordered any. But I sure had my dream guns picked out.

        But yes it’s way past time for the big box stores to step up the game and get some real air guns. And by real I mean air guns that actually perform. Not the wonna be air guns.

        Put a good PCP in a kid and adults hand for the first time and let them shoot it and see what they think of it. Bet they wouldn’t stop shooting a Wildfire if someone kept handing them mags full of pellets and another full filled PCP Wildfire to keep on pum’n out the lead at those targets. How could you not like that if you already are a gun enthusiast or even if your not. Heck somebody took me out shooting I would never turn that down. Especially if they were buying so to speak. 🙂

        • GF1,

          Just so long as you don’t count on anyone at Wally’s being around and knowing anything about what you are looking for. Yes, there are exceptions,…. but that is the rule from my experience. Crosman would have to roll it out with some thought to that whole environment.

          • Chris U
            I say put the Wildfire on the big box shelf and say in bold letters on the box the gun needs support equipment. Have a Benjamin pump listed as well as a the Crosman website. And maybe even a flyer of some sort in thehe box for additional resources like PA and even other places to get additional equipment.

            And also at the very least a Benjamin hand pump should be sitting on the shelf right next to the Wildfire. That would be a given.

            And the box that the Wildfire would come in would have to stress the point the benefit of the multiple shots it would get. The marketing of the gun would have to be well thought out and a hit you in the face type of details about what the gun is and how it performs. And of course that it’s a base model and there is more advanced guns of that type available that could be used with that support equipment when someone wants to expand and upgrade to a more higher end gun like the Maximus and Marauder and other pcp’s that Crosman has available. That should be another flyer in the box.

            So yes probably some team work is needed between Crosman and PA to get the ball rolling and headed in the right direction to get that knowledge of those type of guns on the shelf at the box stores.

            I still believe if you put it there people will buy it. If it’s not there then how will they even know it exists.

            • GF1,

              Maybe B.B. could put in a “word” for us in a Sales Management position? Something in the 6 figure range? Ok,… I would settle for high 5 figure. 😉

              The day I see a PCP show up at Wally’s is the day I will have a big grin on my face. I do not mind a near sure bet, but I would be hard pressed to guess when that might ever happen.

              “Get them in the door”,….(PCP),….. and the go for the “throat”. 🙂

              Been fun,.. out’a here,.. long week,.. Chris

              • Chris U
                That would be one of those things I would like to see before I go to the big happy hunting grounds in the sky.

                A PCP in a big box store. I really wonder if it will ever happen.

  14. To all who are considering buying an Air Venturi air compressor, pay attention.

    I filled the water reservoir with 50/50 antifreeze and filled the oil reservoir with 5W40 synthetic oil. I hooked up my new 98 CF tank and turned it on. Starting at 0 PSI, it took one hour and two minutes to fill my tank to 4500 PSI.

    I’m impressed.

    • RR,

      Very nice. Nice move on the synthetic oil. I will not be getting one since I have Shoebox 10 and a Guppy tank, but nice to know the facts on yours.

      – What did you think of the noise level?
      – Do you think it is a 2 stage or a 3 stage?
      – Is the manual written well?
      – I think it came with spare parts. Does the manual explain how and where to install them?
      – Does it look easy to work on?

      Hit me up here or on the current day blog. (The current day will get more awareness since it’s a weekender).

      Now,…. you just need some time to shoot a bunch and put that new toy to the test. By the way, do you plan to keep a time/pressure log to gauge the performance now and down the road? As I have said before, I keep a start press./time and a end press./time log.

  15. BB,
    Off topic question. Some time ago you you wrote about a Crosman legacy with a nitro piston that was very easy to cock and pleasant to shoot. Do you recall the fpe of that rifle?

    • Ton

      RWS Hobby pellets

      The first pellet I tested was the 11.9-grain RWS Hobby wadcutter. They averaged 536 f.p.s., with a spread from 531 to 542 f.p.s. That’s an 11 f.p.s. spread over 10 shots. At the average velocity, Hobbys deliver 7.64 foot-pounds of energy at the muzzle. Remember my comment about this being a modern Diana 27? They’re about the same power.

      Crosman Premier pellets

      The next pellet tsted was the 14.3-grain Crosman Premier. They averaged 477 f.p.s., with a low of 464 and a high of 493 f.p.s. The spread was 29 f.p.s. At the average velocity, Hobbys generated 7.23 foot-pounds at the muzzle.

      JSB Exact RS pellets

      The last pellet I tested was the 13.43-grain JSB Exact RS pellet. They averaged 527 f.p.s. with a low of 516 and a high of 537 f.p.s. That’s a spread of 21 f.p.s. At the average velocity, RS pellets generated 8.28 foot-pounds at the muzzle. They also seemed to fit the breech the best of the 3 pellets I tested. They’ll get a chance when we test accuracy


  16. I too believe it would be nice for the airgun shooting sport to expand, but think about it. PCPs are more or less adult airguns, some with deadly power and so far remain under the political radar. They surely would have to be offered along side real steel with proof of age and then you have a situation where they become associated with them as an alternative. Beyond a certain power and caliber they probable would be better off being sold in stores that sell firearms as well. I think the high price has kept them out of the hands of kids and criminals so far but that seems to be changing now.

    Sad to say but perhaps we should count our blessings for now until the political atmosphere turns pro gun and pro freedom. I also remember walking down country roads with my trusty 1894 Spitten Image on vacations away from NYC. Could turn into a life threatening situation today without pink paint !

    My Wildfire is on order !… and that Air Venturi compressor is looking good.

    • Bob

      I have to show ID at Wal-Mart just to buy pellets! So store policy would keep the guns out of the hands of the kids unless their pinhead parents bought them for their irresponsible little street urchins.

      But you’re right about one thing:

      stupid people + increased access to powerful airguns = more tragic accidents with airguns = more lawsuits = idiotic legislation restricting and regulating airguns = less fun for us

      For me, I am happy to buy my guns from Pyramyd. I just wish I could pick one out off the shelf personally so I could see what I was getting. But the arrangement favors people somewhat educated in the topic of airguns (for the most part) rather than your typical mouthbreather off the street. Which is good. And this blog helps people become even more educated, which is even better.

      • Slinging Lead
        Right there with ya. … I have about $25,000. in Bullseye Bucks I need to redeem with PA.

        The internet certainly changed the world of shopping, but these days it saves me a 70 mile round trip drive to a store, and it caused Pyramyd AIR to ‘Invent’ ( 🙂 ) the Godfather of Airguns to pick one up and personally show us what we are getting via the internet !! … and…. even answer any questions we have. A wonderful set up.

    • Bob M
      I had a .22 semi-auto rimfire rifle at 11 years old. It’s all about how a kid is taught. My daughter’s both had pellet rifles in their hands shooting at 7 years old.

      Now one is 19 and the other 16 years old. I trust them enough to handle a gun with no adult supervision and I know from experience that they have corrected some people that we have shot with about gun handling. And they have no problem with doing that as well as me.

      So to me I see no problem with a kid and parent spending a day shooting a PCP as well as a firearm.

      • GF1

        Bob is talking about “them” not about “us”.

        Last week I was at a bowling alley with a friend and the alley next to us had about 40 kids running around hyped up on amphetamines. (OK, there was only four, but it seemed like 40 and they might have been hyped up on sugar rather than amphetamines.) One of the little bast– uh… youths almost ran right into me while I was swinging a 14 pound ball. It’s mother was oblivious because she was not minding her kids whatsoever.

        Point is that unfortunately your parenting skills are not universal, and some parents have no business raising their spawn which they have no intention of doing anyway. The worst part is that the rest of us get dragged down by the lowest common denominator and their irresponsible actions.

        Your kids could probably operate a howitzer responsibly. Some kids can’t be left alone with a rubber band and a paper clip.

        • Slinging Lead

          Thanks for clearing that up for me. Of course I was talking about unsupervised, untrained kids running into a store and walking out with a hunting airgun to use for indiscriminate plinking around town.

          We had a rash of broken windows around town until we discovered the ice cream truck guy was selling sling shots to the kids.

          • Bob M
            And it wasn’t even a store. How about that a ice cream truck.

            I would bet that’s more the truth about how kids would end up with a hunting air gun as you say in their hands and doing the indescriminating plinking.

            So what’s the difference of what kind of airgun they would get at the store. You don’t think a Gamo Wham-O break barrel can’t be used for indescriminating plinking. It’s more on the lines of one of the kids getting access to a brothers or dads or mom’s air gun and taking it out on the town. Again that would fall into that proper training at home. I really don’t think a kid will save up his money and get a air gun for the purpose of going out on the town of district ion. It be more like get the air gun from someone BV and use their money for other purposes if you know what I mean. And don’t ask me to explain.

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