by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier
The Umarex Trevox is a single shot breakbarrel gas spring air pistol.
This report covers:
- The test
- Trigger
- JSB Exact 10.34-grain
- Sig Match Ballistic Alloy
- RWS Hobby
- Last test
- Sights
- Evaluation
- Summary
Today we test the accuracy of the new Umarex Trevox air pistol. I like this pistol so far, so if it is accurate it is a best buy.
The test
I shot off a sandbag rest from 10 meters. I rested the bottom of the grip on the bag for most of the test to take up the pistol’s weight, though I did try it completely handheld. I will describe both holds as we go.
The trigger pull reared its ugly head during this test. The pull is long and stacks up toward the end. I think the pull opened some of the groups a little.
JSB Exact 10.34-grain
First to be tested were the JSB Exact Heavy pellets that weigh 10.34 grains. The first shot hit to the left of the bull at 8 o’clock, so I fired 4 more without looking. After the first 5 shots I looked through the spotting scope (I use the Meopta 10X42 binoculars for 10 meters and 25 yards) and was impressed by what I saw. So I photographed it for you.
Sorry for the bad focus. I shot this with a fill flash instead of a hard flash and the camera moved. These are the first 5 shots from 10 meters. The first shot is at the lower left of the group and I believe shot 2 is just above it. This group prompted me to shoot 10-shot groups today.
That group prompted me to shoot 10 shot groups in this test. I had considered shooting just 5 per target, but I wanted to really see what the Trevox can do, so I went with 10.
At 10 meters the Trevox put 10 JSB Exact Heavy pellets in a group that measures 1.03-inches between centers.
Sig Match Ballistic Alloy
Next up were Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellets. They usually do surprisingly well, but in the Trevox they didn’t. Ten pellets went into a group that measures 1.56-inches between centers. The group is very open, telling me that this is not the pellet for the Trevox.
Ten Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellets went into an open group that measures 1.56-inches between centers. Not the pellet for the Trevox.
RWS Hobby
The final pellet I tested was the 7-grain RWS Hobby wadcutter. Ten of these went into 1.212-inches at 10 meters. This looked like a great group to me because 8 of the 10 pellets are in 1.063-inches.
Ten RWS Hobby pellets went into 1.212-inches at 10 meters, with 8 in 1.063-inches.
Last test
I wondered how contact with the bag was affecting the accuracy, so I shot one final group of 5 with the gun entirely held in my hands. My hands were resting on the bag, but the gun never touched it.
I selected the JSB Exact Heavy because it had grouped the best in the first test. I did adjust the rear sight 2 clicks to the right because all groups had hit to the left of center. But I left the elevation where it was.
Unfortunately this time the heavy trigger came into play, because it wanted to move the pistol at the end of the pull. Also, by changing the hold, the group dropped down by nearly two inches.
Holding the gun off the bag in my hands, the Trevox put 5 JSB Exact Heavy pellets into 1.663-inches at 10 meters. This is the largest group of the test and it contains just half the shots.
The dot sights were easy to fool (make black with lighting), but the rounded top of the front sight required careful aiming. I wish companies would just put non fiberoptic sights on their guns and let fiber be the option. These sights cannot be removed easily, so mounting an optical sight isn’t going to work. The dot would be centered on the front blade that does not come off the gun.
I think the Trevox pistol did very well today. In my opinion it is a best buy. I only tried three pellets and I only shot a single group with two of them, so there may be a lot more performance than we have seen. But the pistol gives me a feeling of confidence that it will hit what I aim at, and that’s something I look for.
The Trevox is easy to cock, is very quiet when it fires and is reasonably accurate. The pistol has very decent power. The trigger is heavy and has a long pull, but you can get used to it.
Trigger pull comment, re-read ‘reared’
Got it. Thanks,
I think you need to do something with the title.
There. That’s better.
What is your ruling on the ” Best Buy” issue? It doesn’t sound like you are too enamored with the sights or the trigger. Will there be a test at greater distance?
At this price you aren’t going to get a better air pistol. The trigger and sights could bet better, but they are what they are. And, this test is finished.
agree it is a decent economy break barrel. Not a fan of fiber optic sights either. Would be interesting to see a muti shot version, with a more powerful piston. could see this as a useful plinker and tin can destroyer with 7-8gr pellets pushing 600 fps. Could do worse than this pistol or the Diana Chaser that I think is THE best value for an accurate pistol at the under $100 price point
I remember a conversation awhile back (here) in which fiber optics can be quite good. Though they might not be actual fiber optics. I also seem to remember that they can be quite expensive,… as in maybe $100+. I am not an opens fan,… but I think that I might appreciate a high end paired set.
“Focus on the front sight and let the target be a bit blurry” just does not sit well with me. But hey,… the pro’s say it works,… so who am I to say? Answer?,…. no one.
Chris USA,
I think it was me that started the conversation about high-end fiberoptic sights. I was not referring to plastic tubes that could substitute for weed whacker string; it needs to be precision glass fiber and correctly mounted in well designed premium housing.
With Scopes and other optical systems on pistols I was taught to keep the target in sharp focus and let the dot just remain visable. There is much more to train/learn than that but it is all out there to be found with first rate instructors.
“I wish companies would just put non fiberoptic sights on their guns and let fiber be the option.”
i got spoiled just reading about the Diana 6 and the 6m, never mind an old fwb or such.
Yea, the low end never looked better, but I ask, is this pistol any better than your basic HW70?
No, but it is cheaper to produce, and has a silencer on it. I will pass on this one. Thankyou,
Hi B.B.
Group size of the black Bull at 10m is actually quite good for a non-match springer pistol, I feel.
I have a hard time keeping them all in the black with a Diana LP 5. And that was made with 10m target in mind.
So I am quite impressed.
I got a snow peak pp700 today. There is an air pistol I think you would enjoy testing 😉
That would be our Bandit? PCP on the Chaser frame?
The Snowpeak PP700 Carel refers to is a single shot external swinging breech like the HFT Mac1 except it in a pistol package. There is an image here:
That would be this guy.
pic was plucked off the internet.. =-)
Now that is a nice looking pistol! I hope these types become PPP soon.
Could it be a PPPP? Price point pcp pistol? It is only single shot, and although technically moderated it is not very quiet.
It is regulated though, and gets a good amount of shots with some fiddling with the settings. Consistent too.
Has very nice open sights (no fiberoptics) and a trigger that might not be a match trigger but can be adjusted to be very usable.
And you know pulling back a hammer before every shot is somehow very satisfying.
Did I say it is 12 FTP in .22?
PS; I am not trying to sell this to anybody..
Changing the hold dropped poi by 2″. And trigger pull.
Shows you how much repeatability of gun placement and trigger pull afrects poi.
And I found something more with my tethered pcp’s that I didn’t expect to get my group sizes tighter.
As smooth as they shoot they all like being pulled into my shoulder a bit with the hold instead of floating the butt stock on my shoulder like I have been doing.
And by they all I mean my 3 pcp’s I shoot. The Gauntlet, Maximus and Condor SS.
I just find it amazing that more is to be found in hold technique when I thought I done had it figured out for those types of guns. What next to find is what I keep thinking.
That’s interesting to me also. I can’t say that I have even tried different holds on my Urban to see if accuracy varied.
If you do let me know.
I know that you too demand repeatability, or confirmation of a good group. Understanding why an accurate group can or cannot be duplicated is the heart of the matter. Hold sensitive airguns need to be “artillery” held the same way for every shot but why a PCP? I don’t have the answer unless it’s human variation. Conversely perhaps it is as simple as recoil and too much time the pellet spends in the barrel. I do know that my FWB300S is the most consistently accurate air rifle I have. It does not care if I’m having a good or bad day. Others may outshoot it sometimes but not on average.
I especially have interest in your comments on accuracy. You shoot a lot.
My FWB 300 shoots the same for me.
But isn’t it funny how one gun likes something and another wants just the opposite.
I accidentally found out that pulling my Condor SS into my shoulder helped it’s accuracy. I was shooting it and I had the sun pretty well shining directly at me. So I took my off hand out from under my trigger hand that was supporting the gun to cup my hand over the occular lens to shade my eye. Well the butt of the gun started slipping down on my shoulder. So I pulled it in tighter to my shoulder. Then group size shrunk. So tryed it on my other pcp’s. And same to result.
So for now I’m going to use that hold unless I stumble on to something else.
Don’t know why I got the double post.
My FWB 300 shoots the same for me.
But isn’t it funny how one gun likes something and another wants just the opposite.
I accidentally found out that pulling my Condor SS into my shoulder helped it’s accuracy. I was shooting it and I had the sun pretty well shining directly at me. So I took my off hand out from under my trigger hand that was supporting the gun to cup my hand over the occular lens to shade my eye. Well the butt of the gun started slipping down on my shoulder. So I pulled it in tighter to my shoulder. Then group size shrunk. So tryed it on my other pcp’s. And same to result.
So for now I’m going to use that hold unless I stumble on to something else.
Cyber space did a gotcha