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Is anyone hunting with their multi-pump?


This report covers:

  • The point
  • Two new multi-pumps
  • Open sights
  • Dot sights
  • What am I saying?
  • What about the Benjamin Variable Pump?
  • Used?
  • Summary

My first blog was published on March 2, 2005. The title was Hunt with the Sheridan Blue Streak air rifle. That was over 17 years and 4,600 blogs ago, and the Blue Streak has since passed into history. But we still have multi-pumps that are capable of the same energy and accuracy and even more. My question for today is — is anyone hunting with their multi-pump airgun?

I remember a shot I took with a Blue Streak back in 1979. A rabbit had invaded my garden and I shot him from about 35 yards away. From an offhand hold I got a perfect heart shot. The rabbit jumped straight up and collapsed where he had stood. If it hadn’t been the height of summer I would have eaten him, but the concern over parasites caused me not to. I have since learned that this fear may be unfounded when the meat is prepared correctly, but back then I didn’t have the internet to check things.

The point

My point is, back in 1979 I owned two air rifles — an FWB 124 and a Sheridan Blue Streak. Though the 124 was my most accurate airgun and the one that was scoped I considered the Blue Streak to be my hunting airgun.

Two new multi-pumps

Today we have the Crosman 362 and the Seneca Dragonfly Mark 2. The 362 is only available in .22 caliber and the Dragonfly comes in both .177 and .22. Both rifles are powerful enough to hold their own with the Blue Streak. If easy pumping is what you’re after, go with the Dragonfly Mark 2. If cost is an issue, the 362 is your rifle. The point is, you have a choice and both rifles are very worthy.

Crosman 362
Crosman’s 362 is a fine new multi-pump at a great price.

362 Baracuda 15
So far this is the best group of five shots. Six pumps put 5 H&N Baracuda 15s into a 1.149-inch group at 25 yards.

Open sights

I recommend using the installed open sights unless they are fiberoptic sights. If they are then you need to scale back the distance at which you hunt. In a moment I will contradict that with a report on a certain multi-pump, but my point is still, fiberoptics aren’t as precise as other open sights.

The 362 has conventional open sights that should be accurate out to at least 25 yards. So far the H&N Baracuda 15 has been okay, but I am hoping that another test at 25 yards will reveal at least one more accurate pellet.

The Seneca Dragonfly Mark 2 went even further — putting five H&N Baracudas with 5.51 mm heads into 0.585-inches at 25 yards. Cowabunga!

Dragonfly Mk2
The Seneca Dragonfly Mark 2 with fiberoptic sights has proven to be even more accurate than the Crosman 362 at 25 yards.

Right there BB negated what he said earlier about fiberoptic sights. On the Dragonfly Mark 2 they work just fine.

Dragonfly Mk2 Baracuda Match group
Best 25-yard group with the Dragonfly Mark 2 was 5 pellets in 0.585-inches

Dot sights

However, once I mounted a dot sight on the Dragonfly Mark 2 things went even better. And it certainly was much easier to shoot the rifle with the dot sight. In Part 8 of the Dragonfly test I put five Baracuda 18s into 0.549-inches at 25 yards.

A dot sight works on the Dragonfly because of how easy the rifle is to pump and also because the rifle allows you to hold it in the best place if the dot sight is small. The 362 requires the owner to exchange the plastic receiver for a steel one that has a dovetail cut into the top.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

What am I saying?

I’m saying that these two new multi-pumps are good airguns to hunt with. And you don’t need no stinkin’ scopes, either! Not that scopes are bad, but on multi-pumps I feel they are out of place.

The 362 is good because of its price and because it delivers the power needed for hunting small game at reasonable distance. I will define reasonable as the distance at which you can hold 5 shot pretty close to one inch between centers, give or take. For me that seems to be around 25 yards so far.

On the other hand I don’t think we have seen the limit for the Seneca Dragonfly, As I said at the end of Part 10, the Dragonfly Mark 2 with its scissors pump linkage is probably the best new airgun in the 21st century.

What about the Benjamin Variable Pump?

Benjamin’s new Variable Pump that is the direct descendant of the 392/397 is also an accurate rifle, but the high-comb synthetic buttstock it comes with is too high to use the rifle’s open sights. That caused me to have reader Vana2 create a wood stock with a standard-level cheekpiece for my new multi-pump. This stock has a lower comb that allows the use of the open sights.

Benjamin 397
The new Benjamin Variable pump.

My assessment of this multi-pump is — it’s accurate and powerful, but it fails to even come close to the advertised velocity of 1100 f.p.s. In .177 caliber it’s an almost-800 f.p.s. rifle at best.

And the second shortcoming is that the open sights are useless unless you change the buttstock. Maybe someone who is cadaverously thin could sight with them as they come from the factory, but nobody with plump cheeks like me has a chance.

397 with new stock
Reader Vana2 made the wooden stock for my Benjamin Variable pump, and it’s gorgeous.

I’m sorry, Crosman, but that synthetic stock and the unfulfilled claim of high velocity put the new Variable Pump on the no-buy list for me. I spent a lot of time and money to get my new Variable Pump into the favorable category, but with the 362 and Dragonfly Mark 2 on the market, this one doesn’t make the grade.


Okay — a lot of you readers bellyache about missing this or that when it’s available. Well, the old-style Benjamin 392/397 rifles are still around and they haven’t hit the inflation escalator yet. The Sheridan Blue Streak and Silver Streak have gone up in price, but they are still somewhat affordable. I personally think the Dragonfly Mark 2 beats them all and is the Sheridan Supergrade of the 21st century, but what do I know?

There are other multi-pumps worth considering, like the Crosman 100/101 (.177/.22 caliber). But here is the deal. By the time you get one of those oldies up and running you will probably be into it deeper than a used 397/392 and certainly deeper than a Dragonfly Mark 2. Get one if you like, because they sure are cool, but be aware that the newer rifle has everything you could want.


My summary of this report will be different. Instead of reviewing the things I wrote about, I’m asking you again — do you hunt with a multi-pump pneumatic? If you do, tell us what airgun you use and what you hunt.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

59 thoughts on “Is anyone hunting with their multi-pump?”

  1. BB,

    Count me out of the running because I’m restricted to plinking and occasional pest control (3 pumps works best if I’m shooting indoors).


    PS: Section What about the Benjamin Variable Pump? 3rd paragraph 2nd sentence, “Maybe someone who is cadaverously thin could sight wei (with? use?) them as they come from the factory, but nobody with plump cheeks like me has a chance.”

      • I’ve been doing some hunting, killing squirrels and rats on my feedplot at fifty feet running JSB 22cal. Jumbo Diablo 15.89 grain pellets through my Benjamin 392S with a UTG BugBuster scope.. The gun only needs 7 pumps for a clean kill shot at that distance. I sighted the gun in for 25yards at a public range to fine tune my scope..
        I bought my synthetic stock Benjamin 392S from Pyramyd two years ago.. They chronographed the gun using RWS Hobby 11.9 grain pellets, and reported 672 -682 fps maximum velocities with 10 pumps. By my calculations the Benjamin is a 12ft.lb. gun. Plenty of power for squirrels and rabbits. The Benjamin multipump has been around since 1962. I am disappointed that Crosman didn’t make some real improvements like a dovetail for scopes and decent rear iron sights. Why bother with the plastic monte carlo butt stock? I filed down the “speed bump” without damaging the stock. I installed a notched Williams iron sight that fits Sheridans.. I wasn’t happy to find black paint in the muzzle crown, but I cleaned that up. I did lots of bench rest shooting at 50ft sighting the gun, finding the right pellets and learning to shoot one inch groups consistently before I bought a Baker mount and installed a UTG BugBuster 3X9 scope on the gun. The gun shoots straight enough for me.
        If the Seneca Dragonfly Mk2 was around when I was in the market for a multi-pump I might have considered buying one. I wouldn’t waste my money on Crosmans 362, “how low can you go?”.
        Given the present technology, materials, labor and marketplace I don’t believe companies will be developing multi-pumps capable of more than 12ft.lbs. energy. There are entry level PCP guns that take multi-pumping/bicycle pumping to the next level for much the same money as a Dragonfly or Benjamin 392..

    • Yogi

      That would be for the second shot. You can pump these up and your first shot is whenever you want to take it. Admittedly,, the second shot is going to take a while and with the 362, especially, it is going to be a bit noisy.


  2. BB,

    Although I now primarily hunt with my .22 cal. HW 100, I have a Benjamin 397 that I got new back in 2010 when I was nine years old. It was the bane of countless House Sparrows, which came in considerable numbers to the chickens’ feed. Sadly, I knew nothing of Pellgun oil or brass barrels back then, and I used WD 40, a steel rod, and a brass brush to clean it on regular occasions. Needless to say, the seals failed after several years of neglect; then WD 40 served as my sealant for a while until the gun gave up completely.

    After it sat on the shelf for a couple more years, I got to thinking, “Surely someone sells replacement seals for this thing,” which led me to Pyramyd AIR and a much better paradigm of airgun maintenance. Now I have that gun in perfect working order (without using WD 40 and its accompanying bore scrapers!), and amazingly, it still shoots incredibly well, even after all the abuse that I, in my childish ignorance, could throw its way. The best shot it has made was a sparrow at 40 yards (with open sights), and when I shot it on paper earlier this year, it put three Air Arms Diabolo Field pellets touching at 20 yards.

    To this day, I might still be using that 397 as my primary hunting gun, but with a population increase of the invasive Eurasian Collared-Doves, I soon discovered the need for larger calibers, more power, and faster follow-up shots. Doves are tough! Yet my 397 always sits in the corner, with cartons of pellets ready in the cupboard alongside, waiting for the days when its light weight and simple open sights (and a troublesome sparrow) bring it to call once again.


  3. 2011 was the “year of the rat” at my house, although it was the Chinese zodiac year of the Rabbit. The previous year had rained extra in California, so extra grass and oats grew and the population boomed. These are the roof or black rat species, _R. rattus_, although here they are grey-brown with white bellies. There were rats everywhere: back yard, front yard, basement, attic, at the neighbors, and especially around the back porch where we housed two talking parrots. If you’ve ever kept pet birds, they are not tidy eaters like a cat or dog. For every seed or nut a parrot eats, two get dropped on the floor of their cage. I’ve seen videos of parrots in the Amazon, and they do the same thing, grab a berry or nut in the beak, take a bite, drop it and grab another one. Occasionally, they’ll hold a piece in the foot and consume it all, that rare perfectly ripe, plump morsel. A lot of the jungle forest ecosystem must be fed by parrots up in the canopy, dropping the bulk of what they find down to the capybaras or pacus or whatever below.
    Anyway, in this year of the rat, they were attracted to the spilled parrot food and became a problem. So as part of the control effort, the house got sealed up a lot better to keep them out, and a small war was waged. We had a particularly helpful Tortie cat at the time that caught a couple dozen, Victor (the Professional!) snapped a dozen, and I got a dozen with a Daisy 856 multi-pump that I bought off the local craigslist. After that year the local rat population dropped, as such populations do, and eventually we traded the parrots up for a good dog. That’s how I got into airgunning, from hunting rats in the back yard at 2 am. and practicing to not miss all the time. The multi-pump was perfect: very accurate and I could give it just enough pumps to dispatch the rat without destroying the porch behind it.
    For what it’s worth, I found a hot curry is the only way to stomach them.

    • The last two night time ratting kills were with a newer Daisy Model 35 smooth bore multi pumper with a Tasco 4-10 power scope with AO. Six pumps behind a Daisy wad cutter sent two monster sized rats off to meet their maker. They’ll be more to folliow.

    • I too pest with a scoped Dragonfly Mk1. I use a bait station so the rats come to the same place every time, and get nice and docile eating the bait. I use a harbor freight wireless motion sensor to let me know the rats are out there.

  4. As a child i hunted with my Benjamin 342 , By necessity the Benjamin taught me how to stalk. It took skill to get in range of rabbits and squirrels. At about nine years of age my Father got me a H&R .410 and in using it I felt as though I was cheating.

  5. I quit hunting long before I discovered airguns. I do have a 101 in my modest “collection”. So far, dollar wise I have a lot less in it than a new 362 would cost, unless you count my labor, which is a “labor of love”.

    If I was to buy a new multi-pumper for hunting, I would give serious consideration to a DF2, because of the power level it has over the 362 and how it would readily accept a dot sight.

    Having said that, I could not help myself and not do a little tinkering with the 362 if I had one. I put a metal receiver on my 2240. I would likely do the same with the 362 so it would take a dot sight. After a bit, I could see me putting a longer barrel on it.

    Now, I have done a little hunting in recent years, but that has been for carpenter bees and I often use my 1959 Daisy Model 99 for that. When they are buzzing around where I can reach them, I also like to use my racket ball racket for an invigorating game of “bumble ball”.

    • RR

      I will have to tell my wife that one of her favorite summer pastimes has a name. Bumble Ball! She is pretty good at it and has actually scored a twofer a couple of times.

      As for the 362 vs the Dragonfly, if one plans on putting in the metal breech and don’t happen to be as handy as you, the $40 breech and the $25 they charge to install it brings the 362 very close to the same price as the DF. I made that mistake, myself when I bought mine. While I find the one I have to be reasonably accurate, I think that I would have rather had the easier and quieter cooking of the DF.

      Other’s mileage may vary.


      • LOL! My wife is the one who came up with the name. We used to have a flowering tree just behind the house and the carpenter bees loved it. I would shoot them with my bb gun. Then I got the racket ball racket. There are still a few around here, but they stay up high.

        • I used to have a carpenter infested pergola. I hunted them with my 2240. Cut 1/4 ” cardboard wads, chamber a wad then pour a Lee powder measure(can’t remember size) of raw grits down the muzzle then add another wad on top. The grits gun would not kill them outright but it would take out the wings then you stomp them. I now have a nice al metal patio cover, miss the “hunt” but not the pergola or the bees.

          • I have tried similar methods with a sproinger before. I have a Bug A Salt, but it lacks the power and range. I recently bought one of those salt shooter attachments for my 2240 but have not had time to truly evaluate its effectiveness.

            When playing “Bumble Ball”, hearing and feeling that “pong” when you make a good swat is very satisfying.

  6. I have finally reached the age where I no longer hunt, but many a rabbit fell to my original Sheridan Blue Streak before it was stolen. I now have five Sheridans, two 392’s, a Benjamin/Sheridan 5mm and a Crosman 140. Maybe one of them needs to come out of retirement and shoot this squirrel that keeps running around here. If I use a multi-pump on the squirrel it will be one of the four Sheridans with the peep sight.

  7. I have a Benjamin Sheridan 397 and a Daisy 901. My go to rifle to hunt is the 901, the ingenious sliding linkage with gears makes it easier to pump up than the 397. I have got 1- 1/1/2″ groups at 40 yards and have taken many grackles coming to my house making loud noises,, they love to fight and scare away other birds.

    I saw a video of Tim McMurray of Mac 1 airguns, stating the Benjamin Sheridan multipumps have a longevity of 80.000 shots or 1 million pumps if properly used and maintained. If this is true, it’s the ultimate heirloom airgun!

    • Kevin,
      ” the ingenious sliding linkage with gears makes it easier to pump”
      Please explain. I was of the understanding that the Daisy 901 is more or less a Daisy 880 in a different shell. So the 901 has a gear pump? I can’t find where BB ever tested one.


      • Doc, I meant to say the sliding “wheels” on the cocking linkage of the 901 makes pumping the rifle easier.
        Kudos to the engineer who designed the mechanism! If you have a Benjamin Sheridan, pump them side by side and you’ll notice the difference. Yes, the 880 is the predecessor of the 901, it’s practically the same rifle, just revamped.

  8. BB,

    I’ve never shot a multi-pump air rifle and am thinking it’s time to add one to my collection.

    How long does it take to pump the Crosman 362 and the Seneca Dragonfly Mark 2 back up to hunting power level for a follow-up shot?

      • BB,

        So not only are these multi-pump rifles good valve for money, but just as some BB pistols are “CO2 misers”, these air rifles are pellet misers, allowing a sustained rate of fire of about 50 aimed shots per hour. That means one tin of pellets will be good for about 10 hours of shooting. That’s very good mileage. I burn through pellets at a frightful rate with my Baikal MP61 by contrast 🙂

  9. B.B. I haven’t yet tested my 362 at 25 yards or more, but in my 10 yard basement range, here are some pellets that hold promise at a variety of pumping levels. Some pellets work great at a certain number of pumps. But then the groups fall apart at different levels. Here’s 10 yard groups of Meisterkugelns:

    • Roamin,
      Now _that_ would be an interesting study: how does group size vary with the number of pumps, for different pellets? Can one “tune” a multi-pump for a specific pellet by picking the optimal pump number? Want to collaborate? We could put our data on a google spreadsheet. My arms hurt just thinking about it, but it would be cool.

      • I know you can. It is a similar principle, I imagine, to how one can tune a pcp to a certain pellet by adjusting the hammer spring tension or the regulator, which changes the amount and pressure of the air behind the pellet, and with CO2 guns, where I have seen groups suddenly tighten up as I adjust the valve spring adjustment on my Crosman Mark I and II pistols. And you are right about the pumping. While breaking in the 362, I have shot groups with many pellets with 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 pumps. I just took the best ones out of my stack to share today, since B.B. mentioned he might do some more testing at 25 yards. But I am interested in the pellets that do the best at all pump levels so that I can then hopefully work out a chart where I can increase the number of pumps depending on the conditions (quarry, distance, etc.) and have an idea of the trajectory.

        To do it right, you need to have several groups at each # of pumps and for each pellet so you can get a statistically valid results. Heck, we may be able to eventually keep up with Shootski in the fitness department…. NAH!!!

        • Roamin Greco,

          Some nice groups that will pay off on your apprehending the rifle to the MAX.
          You know you will need to go to larger shot counts per group eventually: /blog/2008/11/how-many-shots-in-a-group/#comment-234895 some of the reader reply are worth a read/study all by themselves.
          I had another HITT workout this morning so maybe if you up your shot count you stand a chance on the FITNESS quest. Those extra pumps are always worth more than the base Rep count.
          The elements of my workout today consisted of: 500 meter Ergometer (setting 10) MAX warm-up,row. 25 pound alternating dumbbell Snatches (from a Squat) to a one arm overhead press, 20 reps. 13 full BOSU BALL Burpies with Push Up. Bent over one arm rows in Plank position with opposite leg lifted off the floor, 10 per side,. All elements repeated in three rounds.
          500 Meter easy cool down row (setting 3) in 7 minutes…feels like rowing a Single on the water.
          I look at the work as an investment in my last 30 to 40 (103-113) years of life QUALITY.


          • Thanks for the compliment, Shootski, but I’ll never match that exercise regimen. Too much work. And it would not leave any time for shooting, because I have precious little time as it is. And according to Murphy’s law, if I did all that everyday, I would probably get hit by a beer truck at 50. But I do admire your efforts.

        • OK, Roamin! I made a spreadsheet. Please take a look at your convenience and add what fields you think.
          I hear there might be an issue with web links, so paste this after the docs dot google dot com:

          I might already have some data from my notes, and this will give me a good excuse to get some “benching” in this weekend!
          Here is my draft protocol:
          1. Patch clean barrel and oil felt wiper as needed for ~50 shots or so.
          2.. Shoot 5 pellet groups from some minimum practical number of pumps to the maximum, rested, with as much optics as is needed at whatever distance.
          3. Measure and record the group, as per BB’s instructions (“Measuring the sizes of groups”, March 29, 2022). I’ll probably take a picture of the target sheet at the end too. I have one of those cheap import chronographs that Ian reviewed (“No more excuses” July 12 2022), so maybe I’ll get velocity data too, but I won’t actually connect the chrony to the muzzle, I’ll just shoot through it.
          4. Go to step 1 with the next pellet type, gun or to replicate the results.

  10. I have two guns where the JSB Straton is the best pellet so far: a Crosman 362 and a Walther Terrus .22. I can find them online at about 3.5 cents per round. Perhaps P.A could start carrying them?

  11. Anyone,
    Leave in CO2 powerlet with pressure for storage of a CO2 gun? Or no? I always use a drop of Pelgun oil per BB’s guidance but I don’t remember about storage. TIA

    • Markin

      I have several CO2 guns and have had zero problems leaving CO2 cartridges in these guns so long as they are not empty. I do remove exhausted ones. Should you forget to remove the empty it may get stuck. I always put a drop of Pellgun on the tip of a new one and take care to keep it upright until punctured. Also be sure to leave the gun uncooked and safety engaged when done shooting.


    • Martin, if you leave CO2 in a gun, it could fire anything obstructing the barrel at dangerous speed, so my policy is that it should be considered loaded. I have several CO2 guns with unfinished CO2 cartridges in them. I put trigger locks on them (that’s how I can tell the difference between the ones with CO2 and the ones that are empty) and store them in a locked gun cabinet.

    • MarkinJ,

      I have a huge number of CO2 replica guns of recent manufacture, as well as older guns like the Mark I and Mark II and the Model 73 Saddle Pal. It has been my experience that leaving in a cartridge for any significant period of time (weeks, months, years) will leave an impression in the seal that makes it very tricky to get the next cartridge to seal properly. This becomes almost impossible to do if you use many different brands of CO2, as I do. They each have slightly different lip designs and don’t match up well with the impression left in the seal by another brand. One thing that I must mention is that many CO2 guns, like the Marks I and II don’t have a lip seal. They are designed so that the whole chamber the cartridge fits into gets sealed up by threaded caps equipped with O rings. Those guns and others using that design aren’t damaged by leaving in the CO2. Any gun that uses two cartridges butt to butt will be without a lip seal as well. Most recent guns DO use a lip seal though. I’ve had to replace so many cartridge seals over the years that I now make a point of NEVER leaving a gun with a cartridge in it. This is just my personal experience. Hope It helps you.


  12. BB

    I value highly any endorsements you make so I have refrained from raining on the parade until now. Maybe my Dragonfly MK 2 was not typical. The pumping cycle was a clickity clackity stop go stop go effort that showed no sign of breaking in. True the effort required after reaching the midway point was okay and never gets harder with added pumps. After a few dozen shots I was considering oiling the lever links but then the trigger/sear failed to release.. I returned it to PA for the failure reason.. I elected to not replace it because it was not going to be a fun gun to shoot. I am the spoiled owner of a Sheridan Blue Streak.

    Maybe some day I will try another if it stands the test of time.


    • My Crosman 362 was defective (front sight canted and loose) and I sent it back for a replacement, which works fine. I need to isolate and dampen the clickety clack. Gunfun1 has a pumping technique that reduces that clatter, but I want to try to eliminate it eventually.

      • Roamin

        The clickity clackity stop go stop go on my rifle occurred in the first half of the pumping cycle. Just to be clear the closing sound typical of all multi pumpers is avoided on this rifle because it only needs closing when pumping is completed.


  13. Lets see, do I hunt with or like MSP. Well , I have and shoot , and tinker with a Benji , 3020, 342, LE 392, 397, Crosman 101,102 140, 120, (including a 140 converted to .25, 766,2100,2200, a backpacker in .22, a Dragon Fly mk 1, Daisy 880,,22 SG , a Rochester , a small collection of Crosman 760’s,and two Sheridans.. Might have missed a couple , and I have duplicates of some of them and parts guns . So you could say I like them. They are slower for repeat shots and I personally feel a magazine for one is silly , and I never use steel BB’s in any of the .177 that will take them What would be better would be more (or any!) MSP in ,25 cal. My 140 converted .25 is a wacker on pests , and the Benji, 3020 is also as accurate with the .22 RB as are pellets in some of my other Benji’s. In that one I use “F” size buckshot, despite warnings by the “experts” that it is not air rifle shot. My advice for hunting with them is to use a cal. that starts with a “2”, absolutely NO BB’s, and lay in an assortment of small parts and seals, and learn to maintain and repair them. No counting shots either , and you can buy about three used Sheridans for the cost of a good compressor for a PCP. BTW, the gentleman who suggested the game would be gone before he pumped up his gun , needs to realize that you pump it up before you go hunting..

    • Hear, hear for a .25 multi-pump! If they can steroid tune a regular one to 18fpe or whatever, then .25 should be possible. How about a barrel and breech .25 drop in kit for the most popular models, like Crosman and Seneca?

    • Robert from Arcade,

      On you Crosman 140 conversion to .25 caliber did you do a valve modification to increase the volume? I would enjoy reading about your 140 modification as I used to modify a number of different MSP models to .25 caliber. I found it not as easy as just rebarreling and maybe spring changes and more pumps. Valve volume and FLOW were the big items that worked best for me.


  14. 1981 Benjamin 342-(st.Louis made). Purchased new, steroid/billet modified in 2003. The rifle likes 21 gr. Barracudas and Crosman field points. High 500’s with the heavies at 8 pumps, and 775 with the Crosmans at 12 pumps. Lovely light weight and accurate hunting rifle. Carry all day without fatigue and out to 30 yds, very effective.

  15. B.B.,
    You said:
    “I’m asking you again — do you hunt with a multi-pump pneumatic? If you do, tell us what airgun you use and what you hunt.
    I don’t hunt with a MSP anymore. I shoot my Mac1 STEROID regularly as well as the three other multi pumpers i own. They are now all collectables for one reason or another and also a backup for if the World goes South out of human stupidity or a natural occurrence.
    Why would I hunt now with multiple pumps since i have PCP from .177 up to .575 caliber.
    I have shot a large rat with a DAQ.58 ShortRifle at perhaps 22 yards with a Mr. Hollowpoint 350 grain hollowpoint…there was nothing left to put in the HOT Curry pot! So I guess that wasn’t even hunting…LOL!


    • Shootski

      The very thought of eating rats leaves me queasy,, and yet I love the taste of fried squirrel. Other than the fluffy tail,, there seems to be not a great deal of difference.. I think my perspectives may be skewed.


      • edlee,

        That Hot Curry reference was just a nod to Berserkeley Mike who said:
        “For what it’s worth, I found a hot curry is the only way to stomach them.”
        Even though I have eaten an extensive variety of things during various Survival training evolutions over the years i have never dined on rat. I guess I could if it came to that Ed.
        Just not raw…
        well maybe the eyeballs like the rabbit raw treat at SERE School in Rangeley Main.


        PS:. Rabbit eyeballs are very salty and not much else. An Army Ranger in our training group did loose his cookies when i ate them, the SEALS just grunted approval.

        • Shootski, you just reminded me (again) of my late Uncle Nick who was a Green Beret in Vietnam and subsequent military adventures. He used to gross us kids out with the stuff he would eat. At the traditional Greek Easter lamb roast, he started eating all the choice bits like the eyeballs, tongue (not bad), and brain, and the other unmentionable parts. But the best was when he showed up at our family’s bait shop, where I spent the summers of my youth working. Once he got his hands on the (live) minnows, then he moved down to the nightcrawlers, red worms, but we stopped him when he reached for the maggots.

  16. Very good point BB on the ‘Oldies’. I am $300 deep in my 102 and it looks amazing but still doesn’t work as I have mentioned before. I would trade it for a Dragonfly 2 right this minute and take the loss. It’s great when you can bring an old gun back to life easily but it stinks when you can’t and gets expensive real quick.

    I do not use pumpers to hunt. I don’t hunt much but when I do it’s a springer.

  17. As a kid I hunted small game with a Crosman 101 – thought it was the best weapon in the world! …But it sure did teach me to make the first shot count LOL!

    The 101 is retired now and my Benjamin 392 is reserved for plinking.

    Don’t hunt much anymore but for pest control the .22 caliber PCPs are my airguns of choice.


  18. I have a multipump airgun but do not qualify as a hunter with it.

    Today I only hunted for a result as far as beer goes:
    I tasted three of the recommended-to-me Belgian beers (by fellow reader Bill), that have a higher than average alcohol content, called ‘Chimay’, expecting that, at least, one of which would be condemned to flavour my barbecued chicken, Well, I am happy to report that I failed to not enjoy any as a beverage, ie no barbecue tonight. 🙂

      • Roamin Greco,

        Failed is NOT a Negative! It just means you didn’t try often enough.
        If hihihi tried enough beers he would eventually find at least one to brine the chicken in for the BBQ! So two negatives would cause a BBQ!

        Perseverance is in my Motto.


        • Wish this one were available to try in France, but only brewed/sold in S Florida. Good Ukrainian-style Imperial Stout, about 10% alcohol content. Remember, do not drink while shooting unless just using it for cooking – hot dogs, chicken or your favorite game.

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