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Education / Training Crosman 100 multi-pump pneumatic: Part 4

Crosman 100 multi-pump pneumatic: Part 4

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Crosman 100
Crosman’s 100 is a .177 caliber variation of the more plentiful model 101.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

A history of airguns

This report covers:

  • The test
  • Discussion
  • Summary

The last test of the Crosman 100 was back in December, when I shot a remarkable 5 pellets into 0.145-inches at 10 meters. That engendered the question of whether it was just a lucky group or the rifle was really that accurate. I said at the end of that report that I would return and shoot 10 five-shot groups at 10 meters with the same pellet, so we could see whether that target was a fluke or representative. I waited until my right eye was corrected again, to give the test the best chance for success. So, today is the day!

The test

I’m shooting the Crosman 100 at 10 meters off a sandbag rest. I will shoot 5 shots at each target and pump the rifle 4 times for each shot. The only pellet I am testing is the H&N Baracuda Match pellet with the 4.50mm head.

I normally show the pellet with every target, but since they are all shot with the same pellet, I’m only showing it with the first target. Here we go!

Baracuda target 1
First target is off to a good start. Five Baracuda Match pellets went into 0.18-inches, center to center at 10 meters.

Baracuda target 2
Second target isn’t quite as good. Five are in 0.274-inches.

Baracuda target 3
Third target shows 5 pellets in 0.232-inches.

I had hoped to shoot the first couple targets and get groups similar to the one last December. If that had happened, I would have ended the test and declared the rifle a winner.

I realize these are all great groups, but when we get to accuracy this special, we have to stick to the plan. I would accept the first group as similar in size to the group from the other test, but not groups two and three.

Baracuda target 4
This rather linear group measures 0.356-inches between centers.

Baracuda target 5
Ooops! Shoot enough targets and this will happen. The largest group of this test measures 0.447-inches between centers.

Baracuda target 6
The sixth target of the test measures 0.202-inches between centers.

Baracuda target 7
Group number 7 measures 0.256-inches between centers.

I have now shot 7 groups and not one has equalled the group shot back in December. I think we must rule that one to luck. That being said, this Crosman 100 is still incredibly accurate, and with the Baracuda pellet it’s sighted in perfectly. No need to apologize for anything.

Baracuda target 8
The eighth group was the best of the test. Five pellets are in 0.141-inches. This group is slightly better than the December group, though errors in measurement probably make them a wash.

Baracuda target 9
Target 9 measures 0.408-inches between centers.

Baracuda target 10
The final target shows a group that measures 0.253-inches between centers.


That’s 50 shots and 200 pumps! I do like multi-pumps for the relaxing way they operate, but this test was not relaxing. It was tiring!

Out of 10 groups I did shoot one that equalled the group shot last December. So, what is the conclusion? My conclusion is that the rifle is extremely accurate but will not consistently shoot groups as small as the one I shot in December.

The 10 groups averaged 0.2749-inches between centers. That’s probably a fair representation of the accuracy of the rifle with this pellet.


This Crosman 100 is very accurate with the Baracuda Match pellet I tested. My plan is to test it one more time from 25 yards. I will stick to 5-shot groups to keep the test time reasonable, but I might test a second or even a third pellet next time.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

74 thoughts on “Crosman 100 multi-pump pneumatic: Part 4”

  1. B.B.,

    Thank you for this ten meter test. I agree it is exhausting (and I’m just reading about it!). You previously mentioned you were getting a 25 yard range prepared nearby. Is this where you are going to do the next series?

    Since you’ve had your eye surgery done maybe you can schedule some time in your calendar to do the 100 yard test of your Generation 2 .25 caliber Benjamin Marauder?


      • B.B.,

        Special scope? I wonder what other useful feature can be added to a scope? Illuminated reticles – done. Adjustable objective – done. Internal level – done. Will await the unveiling.


        • Siraniko,

          It is a Meopta 4-16. The power isn’t the thing. It’s the clarity. When the finest quality optical glass is ground on machinery that makes military quality optics, the results are stunning.

          A typical lens-grinding machine might cost $60,000. These machines cost $1,200,000. The difference can be seen in the optics.

          Of course this scope retails for $1,700, but it is the equal of a Swarovski scope that costs over $3000.


          • B.B.,

            The Marauder will help push its limit of clarity for distance. I did think that Meopta might have been convinced to make an air rifle grade scope. I suppose this is not yet a done thing. Buttressed for the recoil of a springer and able to focus down to less than 10 meters is not something that happens overnight.


            • Siraniko,

              That fact is one of the reasons I respect Leapers so much. When I told them that airguns break scopes, they decided to make all of their scopes stand up to airguns. That because their standard.

              Meopta is faced with a challenge. Their scopes will handle the recoil of a heavy centerfire sporting rifle, but can they hold up to an airgun? And, if they fail while finding out, do they want to do it in front of a large audience?


  2. BB
    There is a song by a rock singer named Meatloaf. Don’t know if you know him. But in the song he says “Stop right there. What’s it going to be boy? Yes or no?”

    Well I say stop right there. You know why. Because the next time you shoot this same test 3 months from now or 6 months from now you might get similar results as today’s test or maybe better or maybe worse.

    But from what I see the 100 is accurate. At 10 yards anyway. 25 yards will certainly be a interesting test after what has happened so far.

    I think I’m going to sound like RidgeRunner. Are you sure you really want that gun. I could very well see myself getting into a older gun with this one. And as the song goes. ” I felt the urge come across me like a title wave.” And this is me now. But for some reason this gun has become interesting. 🙂

    • LOL! Now you are starting to understand. Yesterday afternoon I sat on my back porch, plinking at my spinners with my 1906 BSA, my FLZ Militia and my Webley MK3 Service. At 10 paces I was repeatedly flipping my 3/4″ spinner.

      I have begun the restoration of my Crosman 101. Right now I have it totally disassembled and have gathered up what new seals I need. Now I am going to start refinishing the parts and then assemble it. Hopefully by this spring she will be ready to join the others on the back porch.

      If you ever have the chance to handle one of these old pumpers, you will understand their attraction. They are very well made and quite robust. Oh by the way, if the accuracy does not suit you, you can easily replace the barrel with a Lothar Walther. 😉

      • RR,

        I just finished refurbishing my 101. Haven’t put it over the Chrony yet (lousy weather up here) but it seems to be shooting well.

        Ended up making a new leather cup for the pump and seals for the inlet and exhaust valves.

        70 + years old and exposure to humid salt air (Curacao) had the rifle in pretty rough condition – inside and out. Most of the internal parts needed cleaning up and polishing.

        I was going to refinish and repaint but I settled on sanding the stock and applying some oil. Like it as is.


        • Hank,

          As I said, I have mine all torn down right now. Things like remodeling the loft bathroom, the loft, other events in life, etc. keep taking up my time. Mine is a newer one with the black rubber seals. All of them seem to be in great shape with the exception of the o ring between the valve and the reservoir, which was shot.

          I am trying real hard not to rush this thing and slap it together and start shooting. I really want to do a nice finish job on this. This old gal really deserves it.

          • RR

            One thing you might want to check is the pump/sight pivot point. Mine was seriously worn and allowe’d quite a bit of sideways movement which moves the barrel. I redrilled the the pumptube, pivot arm and the sight in one operation and used the drill bit shank to make a new pivot pin.

            There still is some movement so I’ll likely dress the barrel (it’s worn as well) and bed the tube and sight with epoxy.


            • Hank,

              I will certainly keep that in mind, but I do not think it is going to be an issue with this one because everything was nice and tight. Other than the finish and the one o ring, everything is in pretty good shape.

              I do not know if I mentioned it, but my barrel and pump tube are steel. This is going to be sweet.

              • RR,

                Great! My barrel and tube are steel as well.

                Think that you are really going to enjoy your 101 – they don’t make’em like that any more. 🙁
                Real nice shooting rifles – great for rabbit and squirrel hunting!


  3. B.B.,

    Nice shooting. Looking forward to the 25 yard test. The groups should be a bit easier to measure. More than 4 pumps I presume for the 25?

    I do not see how you can make heads or tails out of some of those groups with all the shredding. As you know, I use duct tape on the back of my target paper, but when the shots are all that close, even it is not enough. Sometimes, the corrugated card board backer can yield a more precise view than the paper.

    Good Day to you and to all,….. Chris

  4. BB,

    Not bad at all. I am looking forward to the 25 yard test. I am also looking forward to finishing the restoration of my 101. I think it will be a nice addition to the back porch crowd at RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns. 😉

  5. B.B.,

    That is some fine shooting, both you and the gun. Nothing too surprising on the results of 10 targets. It just confirmed both you and the gun. You said earlier that you liked the 101 better, is that still the case? This old gal can still dance all night.

    Oh you have this as part 3 in the title.

    My experience with the pumpers is that more pumps will be needed for good accuracy at 25 yards. Not to ask for too much pumping but I would like to see at least one test group with the best pellet at 25 yards and pumping at eight pumps. It looks like from your previous velocity tests you are getting close to max velocity at 8 pumps with the way this gun is set up. If you are getting good groups at 25 yards with less than 7 or 8 pumps then there is no reason to go to 8 pumps as far as I am concerned.

    I hope to finally get to do some 25 yard shooting tomorrow with my 101. I am finally getting over the bug that laid me out last week. According to my calculations I need to move my peep sight 0.001 inches to the right. Those sights are sure fiddly especially if they are a little bent and worn in spots. I might just give it a slight rap with a mallet.

    Can’t wait for the 25 yard test.


  6. B.B.
    Those are great groups I love those vintage guns . I’ve gotta try those barracudas sometimes they are sold out I can see why. Have a great day can’t wait to see 25 yrd test.

  7. All

    I’m keeping an eye out for a “shooters grade” 101 to add to my group of “chump pumpers”. I have a 140, a 1400, c9, silver rocker and a modern 392. They are an ugly crew but they hold their own. In the order listed the accuracy can be described from soup can aggressor to bottle cap eraser. Depending on stance and how I’m doing that day dictates range. I shot indoor yesterday’s and was hitting drywall screw shanks at 16ft. (Lighting was adjusted to perfect; using a peep sight)

    I had my used daisy 880 out too. It shoots about as accurate as the 140. The 1400 barely edges out those 2 rifles. Although it could be pellet choice. I don’t have much in the way of. 22 air gun chow.

    I wonder how the dragonfly will stack up. Some of us are building that ag up in our heads quite a bit. It has also been almost completely ignored by the media I pay attention to. I just hope it can shoot. If it can’t I’ll hush up and buy another streak, for a premium it seems.

    I had some springers out as well. My Diana 25 is just too snappy. I’ll have to investigate the cracked stock as that is likely multiplying my issue. Plus I haven’t opened and lubed it yet. (No ball bearing sear here folks) Its holding less than an inch as I hold it(typical 10yd). My daughter will learn the hardships of Springer shooting with this one. 🙂 Next up was the slavia 631. It has decent balance and I like it for sitting at a bench. It is a lighter gun so it works best when I’m out of the equation. 12 pellets into .625 standing and braced. I then got out my diana 45. Hes famous for vertical stringing as i struggle with the korn sight. 5 meisters made a 1.5 pellet wide trail 5 pellets tall. Next up was the hw30. He’s still a tad snappy as I have never tightened it up inside. It’s still a joy tho. I put 5 in under 3/16 and yanked the 6th shot and opened it up to .25 I stopped that group there and shot it again at a junk target just to enjoy it. Last out was the pellet rifle I’ll never give up and shoot till I can’t. The venerable slavia 618! Yesterday the hw30 beat it. Alot of the time the 618 wins. The sights are perfect on that little jewel. All for $35!!! Come on! That’s an element of air gunning that gets me as excited as the tiny groups. One man’s trash….

    I didn’t shoot my marksman 70 or my bsf media. I will work the media in during the week.

    No air pistols shot yesterday. This early spring ill start making a new grip for my diana 5. Im tired of pretending to be right handed. my broken 760 powermaster hasn’t arrived yet but it is the other project I will focus on.

  8. BB,

    I have a rotator cuff problem that makes pumping painful after a few shots. I found the perfect solution: I use a pump assist that makes pumping effortless for me. You may want to employ your own pump assist to help you with all that pumping.

    I should probable wait for the replies asking what a pump assist is but I may not get a chance to get back to blog today. Pump assist = pumping assistant = my daughter. I haven’t got the bill from her yet. It will probably be a dosie.


  9. I would be very happy with that air rifle and the ability to group. 1/4″-1/2″ groups off a rest at 10 yards ain’t nothin to sneeze at! But, as I keep finding out with my new model Crosman 760, accuracy isn’t everything. I have a very practical purpose for an air rifle. Shooting rats at night that go into our chicken coop. I can do this at from seven to ten yards. I have the 760 sighted in at seven due to it’s smooth bore barrel. There is only one pellet that gives me practical minute of rat head accuracy with the 760 at seven yards, and that is the Crosman Premier Super Match. It’s a wad cutter type, and with eight pumps I use, will penetrate both sides of a heavy metal soup can.
    Something about taking a $30.00 air rifle, dropping a decent 4×32 AO scope on it, and shooting nice clover leaf groups at a practical distance. I have put some where around 2000 pellets down range with the 760 with nary a hint of a problem. I even bought a rifled drop in barrel for it, but I am having so much fun shooting it as is, that I may not do it. Is it my most accurate airgun? Nope. Not even close. Do I shoot the heck out of it? Yep.
    This beauty of an old Crosman Classic air rifle, with that great accuracy, is the best of both worlds. An all metal and wood multi-pumper (my personal favorite configuration) that shoots like yours does, is a keeper!

      • I can’t use open sights any more. Due to eye problems, I end up seeing two front posts. Makes it a might tough to choose which one! I originally bought the 760 to shoot pellets, and BB’s without having to worry about rifling damage. But, my 760 is about useless with BB’s. Maybe all right at 5 yards or something. But with that CPSM pellet, it does fine. I tried a ton pellets through it too. I even tried one H&N that I have a tin of. Barracuda Hunters, I believe. Nope. Back to the CPSM’s. The H&N’s cost about half what I paid for the 760.And, yes, I wish the 760 was all wood and metal, but it’s not going to happen, plus the price would skyrocket. But, for just plain fun, and shorter range practical use (night rattiing!), and a $30-$35 price, I just cannot complain. If mine breaks, I’ll get another the next day.

        • Birdmove
          For the longest time I stopped using open sights cause I was having trouble seeing the sights.

          But recently I made myself start using open sights again. And I have got my eyes working better. I have been kind of sighting with both eyes open like how I shoot scopes and dots sights. But I found if I squint my off eye I can bring things into focus. I really have been doing pretty good lately.

        • Birdmove,

          Not sure how long before you run out of rats but I would consider a cheep laser sight. It will mount right on the dovetail groves and will make shooting at night much easier. They are very fiddly to set up but the ones I have seem to hold good once they are on target.

          Just a thought sounds like you are doing great the way you have it set up.


          • I would have thought the laser would scare them off? Mostly I use a compact red LED flashlight mounted to the scope. They provide enough light to see the cross hairs, and, the best feature, they make the rat’s eyes glow brightly.

          • Don
            I have a very good green laser on my .22 Maximus.

            I can hit my squirrel field target on a bright day at 50 yards with no problem. So yep your idea of the laser on a 760 would work nice.

            I use my .22 Maximus at night if there is any pest like coon and such. The laser will make their eyes glow. Then you just position the laser between the eyes. So yep works good.

  10. BB, Ridge Runner, et al:

    GTA has 10M fun matches going for vintage air rifles and and 5M for vintage air pistols to show off the old guns. Vintage, in this case, means manufactured pre-1985.

    BB, I know you probably don’t have time to participate but I would love to see you post a score with your Crosman 100.

    Ridge Runner, your BSA would probably be the oldest rifle.

    Hope it is okay to post the links to the matches.




      • GF1,

        Jump on in. The water is fine.

        One of our regular shooters shoots a FWB 300s in the regular match.

        One of these days I would like to try a 300. From what I have read, they are great guns.


            • Jim
              I seen them from about $300 and up.

              I got a San Rafael FWB 300 that’s extremely accurate. It’s average on the action and the stock is fair. It’s got bumps and nicks on the stock but could be sanded and oil finished. I did the stock on my other 300 and turned out really nice. But it’s got a maccari (I think that’s how it’s spelled) spring in it. It’s got a little more power but easy to cock still. It’s the one I have the o-ring as a piston seal instead of the factory cast iron ring which I still I’ll have. Oh and I do have the factory front sight and a non factory rear peep site. And just for info it does have a dovetail for scope rings. And I have the cash factory springs and some other parts plus can extra o-rings if you want to use them instead of the cast iron ring.

              I would sell it for $275 plus shipping. So let’s say $300.

              If your interested let me know.

              • GF1,

                Let me talk to the boss lady.

                I’m glad it has a dovetail for scopes. I can’t see open sights anymore. I can’t get the back sight in focus. If I wear readers for the back sight, target becomes an unrecognizable blur, even when using a peep.


                • Jim,

                  I am pretty sure that all open sights components are (not) meant to be in focus, as ridiculous as that sounds. I did shoot the Red Ryder this weekend and could hold a descent group, for a Red Ryder. I do not like opens. I do like peeps. To me, every component of the sighting system should be in focus. Hence, my preference for scopes. Old eyes or not, I like precise and total focus.

                  • Chris,

                    My understanding is that the sights should be in focus and the target slightly out of focus. My problem is that if sights are in focus the target is basically invisible. Scopes only for me now.


                    • JimQwerty123, Chris USA, and Gunfun1,
                      If I may – I learned from zero at a Marine Corps rifle range using an M14 with the peep sight. We were told that the only thing that really is in focus is the front sight blade. Both the rear peep ring and the target are then slightly fuzzy. This carried over the next 9 years with the M16 – I shot expert all ten years.
                      Larry from Algona

  11. Nice report as always. I like to see how the vintage guns can perform.

    For those into PCP I thought I’d post a simple solution I found for checking tank pressure. The gauge on my Air Venturi tank only measures fill pressure. You can buy a pressure checker gauge for scuba all set up but this little fitting allows you to use any gauge and saves money. The tank fitting is 5/8 DIN. This adapts that to a 1/4″ npt.
    I had a gauge in my shop already so $11 got the job done.


    • Idaho,

      I am confused,… nothing new,.. 😉 Did you add a second gauge? A permanent set up? My Guppy from Joe B. has 2 and reads tank as well as filling pressures. Very nice to have 2 gauges.

  12. Gunfun1,

    I am going to have to pass on the 300 at this time. We had some unexpected medical expenses in January, and since the deducible had just rolled over, were not covered by insurance.

    Thanks for the offer,


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