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Ammo TX200 Mark III: Part 8

TX200 Mark III: Part 8

TX200 Mark III
The TX200-MkIII is a legendary underlever spring-piston air rifle.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

This report covers:

  • The test
  • Oh, oh!
  • Bushing 
  • JSB Exact 8.44-grain
  • RWS Superdomes
  • RWS Superpoint
  • Finish with the Air Arms 8.44-grain
  • Discussion
  • Summary

Today is pretty special. It’s one day shy of the one year anniversary of the last time BB tested his TX200 Mark III that’s been tuned with the Tony Leach kit! Today is a fun day — a BB day.

The test

Today I tested the TX200 Mark III with the Tony Leach kit installed (thank you, readers Gary S. and Bulldawg) once again from a sandbag rest at 25 yards. I shot 10-shot groups with each of four pellets. Two were pellets I knew were good and two were new.

You may not remember but my TX200 is now tuned to be almost recoilless. That’s what Tony Leach’s kit does. You decrease velocity (from 929 f.p.s. down to 767 f.p.s.) for this performance. The trigger is now adjusted to a 9.7 ounce pull.

There were no called pulls in any of today’s tests. The rifle was extremely stable.

Oh, oh!

I was looking forward to this test as proof of the Tony Leach kit. Could it survive a year in the rifle without being fired? 

When I tried to cock the rifle for the first shot, though, the cocking arm stopped in mid-stroke. The rifle wouldn’t cock. Not even close. Something was wrong! Had the Leach kit failed in some miserable and irreparable way? Oh well, at least I would get a report from tearing the gun apart and making whatever repairs were necessary — if I could find the fault and if I didn’t need parts I didn’t have!

I took the rifle out to my workbench, popped off the Meopta scope (UTG — thank you for those PRO 30MM rings — the spring action of the clamping jaws in their bases made dismounting and remounting the scope a less-than-one-minute drill) and I disassembled the rifle to the point that the mainspring was out. And that’s when I found it.


The front bearing on the Tony Leach sliding compression chamber had risen proud of the TX spring tube and was stopping the chamber in mid-stroke. It’s a split ring bearing that makes installation onto the sliding chamber possible and the open ends were out of the spring tube allowing for a slight expansion. I didn’t need to disassemble the rifle at all or even to remove the scope, but I did. 

TX200 Leach chamber
The bearing (yellow arrow) on the front of the Leach sliding compression chamber is split for installation and it rose up above the tolerance permitted by the TX spring tube ( blue arrow), stopping the chamber in mid-slide. Rotating the split so it was contained in the spring tube rather than being exposed, scrunched the bearing back to the correct size.

The entire problem, including disassembly and de-scoping then remounting the scope, took 20 minutes. The TX200 is a marvel of modularity and the UTG PRO mounts made the scope come off and go back on with ease. Because of that I got back to shooting for accuracy very quickly.

JSB Exact 8.44-grain

The first pellet I test for accuracy was the JSB Exact 8.44-grain dome. They did so well a year ago, putting 10 shots into a 25-yard group measuring 0.218-inches. But on this day I had already had my coffee and done several other things, so I wasn’t as calm as I should have been for an accuracy test.

I had dismounted and remounted the scope, so I expected the zero to be off. But the TX is very stable and the PRO scope mounts are very precise, so I figured I’d only be off by a little — maybe 2 inches at 25 yards. The first shot landed 2.5-inches away from my aim point and in just two more shots I was back in the bull where I wanted to be. 

This group should have been tight. There were no called pulls or defective pellets, but this time 10 pellets went into a 25-yard group measuring 0.436-inches between centers. Since the Meopta MeoPro Optika5 4-20X50 RD BDC3 scope is so clear I could almost see the pellets in flight. I did use the illuminated central dot to see the aim point.

TX200 JSB 844
Ten JSB Exact 8.44-grain pellets made a 0.436-inch group between the two farthest centers at 25 yards.

On the other hand, realize that I am complaining about a 10-shot 25-yard group that most other spring rifles would praised for shooting! This rifle is legendary.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

RWS Superdomes

The second pellet I tried was the first new pellet used with this Leach kit — an RWS Superdome. Ten of them went into 0.552-inches at 25 yards and, while that’s not that bad for springers in general, for this rifle it is.

TX200 Superpoint
The TX 200 put 10 RWSW Superdome pellets into a 0.552-inch group at 25 yards.

RWS Superpoint

The next pellet I tried was the RWS Superpoint. Why? Because, like Superdomes, I have sometimes found that Superpoints are surprisingly accurate. Not in this rifle though. Ten Superpoints made a 1.041-inch group at 25 yards.

TX200 Superpoint
Ten RWS Superpoints made a 1.041-inch group at 25 yards. It’s the largest group of the test.

Finish with the Air Arms 8.44-grain

The last pellet I shot was the 8.44-grain dome from Air Arms. These look like the JSB 8.44-grainers and they are even made by JSB, but in every test I have ever done they have performed differently, if ever-so-slightly. Maybe that’s a mental bias of mine (it probably is) but maybe it’s real; I don’t know. In Part 7 ten pellets made a 0.28-inch group, but today they were the most accurate pellet. Ten went into 0.255-inches at 25 yards.

TX200 AA 844
Air Arms 8.44-grain domes were the best in the TX200 today. Ten made a very round 0.255-inch group at 25 yards.


I shot the TX200 Mark III today just because I wanted to. Also I did want to see how the Tony Leach kit stood up over time.

I tried two RWS pellets that turned out not to work well, but that’s what these tests are for. You don’t know what you don’t know until you know; you know?

Will I come back to this rifle again? I want to. I’m just looking for a good reason.


The Air Arms TX 200 Mark III is hands-down the finest spring-piston air rifle in the world. I have turned it with an aftermarket kit that’s altered its personality to become a smooth-shooting target rifle, though the standard TX doesn’t have that far to go. Should I next install the factory parts and test it again?

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

124 thoughts on “TX200 Mark III: Part 8”

  1. “Should I next install the factory parts and test it again?”
    I, for one (and I doubt I’ll be the only one that feels this way), would like to see that.
    And you know you want to! 😉
    Blessings to you,

  2. I was told by a “knowledgeable” soul that following the Vortek tune on my TX200, I should run 500 pellets through it before expecting it’s best accuracy. True? I don’t know, but chronographing so far, it shows it shooting an average around the 750 fps after a couple of hundred pellets. The accuracy is wonderful and without a “twang” to be heard . . . just a nice solid “thunk”. Another thing I was thinking, BB, could your new spring have taken a “set” after sitting for the year? I don’t know, this is just me thinking again. Orv.

  3. BB
    You now have a TX 200 Mark III in name only. May I suggest adding DTR after the Mark III. Dedicated Target Rifle. Or a removable tag if you switch back.
    I really may have to wait till spring to shoot mine. 51/2 feet of snow in the mountains and 5 inches of rain with more to come. 32 degrees outside. The air hurts my skin! This is not the San Diego I know.
    According to your summary, I may be disappointed with every other springer I own or may get after shooting this. Not sure how to take it. But then again, mine is not a … DTR.

    Change it back or not. I’m still keeping mine as is. Test again with different pellets perhaps.

    • Bob M,

      The weather is all discombobulated. We finally had a little taste of winter here. Outside water actually froze over. We have had days in February in the 60s and 70s. We have not had any snow this winter.

    • Bob M

      Just drive east on interstate for an hour and do some cross country skiing. My son and wife did exactly that yesterday. There is 20+ inches of snow at 4,000 feet.


  4. Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier), I agree about the precision of the TX200-MkIII. 🙂

    It can give great accuracy to someone as capable as yourself (!), despite “..I wasn’t as calm as I should have been for an accuracy test.”

    I wonder how much coffee (and doing other things) before you notice an accuracy impairment? 🙂

  5. B.B.

    Funny about you mentioned mental bias when shooting various pellets.
    If you think they are the most accurate then they probably will be!
    In one gun it shoots the dimpled Crossman Premiers well, while it shoots the domed Crossman Premiers poorly. Is it me or the pellets?


  6. BB,

    You did not test the new JTS pellets in this one. How disappointing. Now you have to test it again with these pellets AND test it again with the factory parts. What a horrible thing to have to go through. 😉

    P.S. The Air Arms pellets usually shoot differently for me than the JSBs. I do not think it is a personal bias.

    • singleshotcajun,

      I think the split was always exposed, but probably closer to the edge where the split went into the spring tube. Of course I have no way of knowing.


  7. Tom,

    What I am about to confess is something I am slightly embarrased about. (No, while I was once in Reno, I was only six years old at the time, so I did not shoot a man just to watch him die.) I own a gorgeous, near-mint condition, walnut stocked, left-handed TX200 MK III that has never been scoped. I have plenty of excuses for not scoping it, but no one wants to read those. I indulged in purchasing it because it was pre-owned by a highly motivated seller and had a very low price, and I used the excuse of it being a birthday present to myself.

    But I have shot my TX about 200 times just eyeballing down the barrel shroud, and it is quite acccurate. Incidentally, it is also very smooth shooting, despite it usually sitting for long periods and that it isn’t fully broken in. I am a poor shot in general, so it’s being accurate with no sighting mechanism is not because of some freakish ability I have. I don’t. And I have not studied and practiced Lucky McDaniel’s techniques.

    Is it a testament to the TX200 accuracy that even a fool like me can hit a soda can at 20-ish yards from my patio table perhaps 97 percent of the time with no sights? I know a lot more about air guns than I do about shooting technique. What do you think?

    My apologies for asking such a zany question. I will blame it on my recently switching to decaf coffee (Ugh!) for health reasons.


    • Crazy Michael,

      Hello, Michael!

      I am so glad you decided to come clean on this. Lord knows I have never don’t anything crazy like that. At least not anything I will admit to. 😉


    • Hehe Michael, I LOVE it – what a fun way of plinking! 🙂

      Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier), do you not agree that Michael’s confession could be validated as a suggestion for further testing?

    • *** hit a soda can at 20-ish yards from my patio table perhaps 97 percent of the time with no sights? ***


      You were shooting instinctively, with no sights to interfere, your focus was (totally) on the target. After a couple of hits your subconscious knew the correct sight picture, you accepted that and you were off to 97 percent.

      “Instinctively” is the way you shoot a (bare) bow or a slingshot (or a gun). It’s fast and precise – perfect for small moving targets or snap-shooting soda cans. No magic, everyone can do it.

      I recognize four (gun) shooting “zones”: Instinctive, sights are referenced, sights are used and beyond my maximum effective range (MER). The size of those zones are dynamic depending on the target, equipment, conditions and the shooter.

      I shoot instinctively most of the time and actually have difficulty shooting “deliberately”. To consciously align the sights on the target, think about and make the compensation, then manually press the trigger to break the shot feels awkward. Within my instinctive zone, I just focus on the target and snap-shoot in one smooth motion. It’s like game bird hunting but with a rifle instead of a shotgun.

      Most people shoot, plink and hunt within their instinctive zone because that is where they are comfortable/confident. Practice increases confidence/experience and increases the zone size.

      Wow, too heavy for a Monday AM …need a coffee!

      Happy Monday all!


      • Hank,

        It makes sense. But that accurately? Me?

        That is the technique, instinctive shooting, that Lucky McDaniels taught. He was hired to train the U.S. Army in it, and at first the soldiers chuckled at this guy with a Daisy BB gun with no sights, but then he tossed a Quarter in the air and nailed it. Then another. Then another. Then another. That got their attention.





        • Of course YOU – why not?

          You (everybody) has the skills and uses them daily.

          Shooting is a mind game. I’ve taught dozens of people to shoot, the biggest impediments to shooting well are confidence and lack of proper, systematic practice.

          Without confidence and practice people look for ways (tools, gadgets, better equipment) to make achieving their goals easier. It’s also natural to want to take the easy way. Unfortunately you can become (mentally) reliant on those aids which undermines your confidence to do it on your own.

          I’d never heard of Lucky McDaniels until Dave (thedavemyster) pointed him out to me. Yeah, I agree with him. With some instruction, shooting coins out of the air not that difficult – but there’s no time to use sights and shoot deliberately, you have to do it instinctively. I used to shoot decent skeet scores (20-22 out of 25) with a .22 rimfire. Won a lot of bets doing it 🙂

          Your 97 percent was not luck Michael, it was skill. You’ve shot guns forever, with no sights to distract from making the shot, with no pressure to make an “impossible” hit, you relaxed and let your subconscious work with that experience by not interfering with it. That’s the key. …Now, do that again!

          Suggestion – start CLOSE (5 feet) with a small target (1/2″) and shoot 5-shot groups. Don’t worry about hitting the target, watch where each pellet hits to learn the sight picture. When you can “feel” where the hit will be, take two steps back and start again.”

          Systematically learning/experiencing the difference between the point of aim (POA) and the point of impact (POI) gives your subconscious the information it needs to do the compensation when you focus on what you want to hit.

          Just my 2 cents.


  8. BB

    Count me as another who looks forward to your retesting this rifle with original components.

    I have never had good paper target accuracy with the Superpoints or any pointed pellets.

    I echo your comments on JSB and AA. Their 8.44’s and 10.34’s are all excellent pellets for accuracy but they are ever so slightly different. One rifle may favor JSB and another favors AA. For example my FWB Sport likes both brands in 8.44 grains. The JSB was best a few days ago at .29 inches 25 yards 10 shots. But AA put 9 of 10 in .15 inches. One pellet doubled the group size ruining what would have been a record best.


    • I’ve examined AA and JSB pellets very carefully under a scope, and there was a difference in them, mostly seen “under the skirt”, and whether this is due to the factory using special tooling is unknown. There are couple of friends I know from competition who are sure that the AA are more consistent.

      • Maybe AA contracted with JSB to operate AA’s dies. This once was not unusual in some industries and maybe still is. Thinking BB has said as much. I have noticed a difference even when loading a pellet by hand JSB Express and AA Express 7.87 grain.


        • Mine were .22. I bought a Walther Terrus in .22 (because B.B. enabled me when he said it was a world beater), and the best pellets, even over many types of domed pellets were the lighter Stratons from the JSB multi-pack. That was OK with me because I bought the rifle for pest control. But then I bought a few full tins of Stratons and they are not equalling the multi-pack Stratons. They are good, just not AS good. Now I have my Father in law’s R9 back in the house and my Crosman 362 and we can see how they fare in two other guns.

  9. Tom,

    If you intend to test this TX again, would you consider trying to shoot it at 10 meters with no scope, just a glance down the shroud to align it and then focus on the target? So far when I do it I take my time between shots, but I do try not to concentrate too hard.

    After it stopped raining a while ago, I went out back and stepped off the distance to where I usually toss the soda can. Rather than 20ish yards, it’s more like 45-50 feet. I think if you try it, you should go with 10 meters because you have already established that as a baseline.


      • At the end of the blog at the bottom, you felt the need to say:
        “Adjustable open sights without fiberoptics”

        And you were right; when people say open sights or iron sights, it can still mean the sights might have fiber optics. Isn’t it time for a general one-word-term that excludes the fiber-optics from all the sights? So whatever the type of the sights are, when we hear that term, we will know there are no fiber-optics involved in the design.


        • Fish, I submit that only the sights that differ from open sights require differentiation.

          For example, I would expect “decaffeinated coffee” to be coffee with caffeine removed, whereas “coffee” is, well, it’s coffee, isn’t it. 🙂

          The fact that nowadays it is almost impossible to purchase a “coffee” is a whole other story that involves a big soap box… ! 🙁

          • hihihi,

            We call that black coffee.

            When you say open sights, I only think of the ones with the rear sight distant from the shooter’s eye. For example, peep sights don’t come to my mind at all. I hope I am not confused or mistaken. However, I’ve seen an OEM front fiber-optic sight meshed with a peep rear sight. So, I still feel the need to have an overall term for the sights without fiberoptics.

            Matte sights, maybe?

                • Michael, I call my peep sights open. What I mean by that is, they’re solid frames with an open hole to look through, or, in other words, they’re like an open window. 🙂

                  I know there are some peep sights that can include a lens or lenses of sorts, and those I would not consider to be open sights.

                  That’s just my interpretation of the word open.

                  Maybe I’m wrong and it should be a description of whether there are any sight enhancers present, in which case, a peep sight sharpens the picture, even without any magnifying lenses.

                  I’m only thinking out loud here… 🙂

                  • Here is my reasoning, correct or not: I think of “open” as in an open boat. Columbus’ Santa Maria was a small ship, with a below deck and hold. The Nina and Pinta, on the other hand, were open boats with no deck. It was open air. Therefore, I think of an aperture as being a closed circle with an interior. A groove that opens at its top I consider to be open.

                    Just the way my eccentric mind works.

                    • I wrote a comment but then deleted. Getting sidetracked. There are too many kinds of sights.

                      My concern is even we just call sights ‘open sights’ or ‘iron sights,’ they may still contain fiberoptics. I was hoping for a single-word-term that says, “Look, these sights don’t contain any fiberoptics,” regardless of what kind of iron sights they are.

  10. Just going to have to bite the pellet and get immunized against EV – Enablement Virus – after reading this report about a fine air rifle. The “modularity” is one of the most appealing things about it. On second thought, FM be anti-vaxxer and will take a chance with exposure to EV on an almost daily basis.

  11. BB, to encourage you to shoot this rifle again soon, I suggest you come out to ASC and shoot an FT match with a bucket and sticks. You can shoot in our Unlimited class and use a range finder if you like and you can click and whatever else you’d like to do is fine.

  12. B.B. I recently purchased a TX200 Mark III, used. I haven’t shot it much, yet, being engrossed with other projects, but I did test fire it a few times and wiped it down with Ballistol.

    However, it seems to not want to cock every time I pull back on the underlever. Sometimes it cocks, but I would say a majority of the time it doesn’t. Would that be because the trigger was set too light by the prior owner? Any other reasons you or others might think of?

      • B.B. I think you are right, I made a few adjustments to the trigger screws and only got the gun to cock once in about 30 pulls of the cocking lever. I did confirm that the safety is not engaging automatically. I’ll have to pull all your blogs on the TX200 and take it apart. I think I got a good deal on this rifle if all that it needs is correct reassembly or replacement of the safety spring. It seems otherwise in excellent shape.

        • Roamin,

          Okay. Read this report to see that safety.


          It’s a spring-driven crosspin like the Rekord safety, but in the TX it’s located differently.


          • B.B., is there a certain direction the pins need to be punched out? I know that is true for sights that are dovetailed perpendicular to a barrel’s bore, but is there a certain direction for these pins (and is it the reverse of the way the US does things because this gun was made in the UK)? Sort of joking, but not really. I don’t want to mangle the pins or their holes with my indiscriminate hammering.

          • B.B. oK, I got everything apart. Man, you are right about those pins being tight!!
            The trigger was awash with dirty oil. I may have to hose it off with gunscrubber tomorrow, but the rear sear seems to be rubbing against something it is a bit rough.

            How do I reassemble the safety and the trigger group back into the end cap? Is there a trick to the trigger and safety that perhaps the last owner overlooked?

            • Roamin,

              You cock the trigger. Use a screwdriver to press down the rear of the piston hook until the sear catches it.

              The safety pin goes in just before the trigger unit is in all the end cap the way. Use a finger to hold it in against the coiled spring pressure as you slide the trigger assembly all the way in and align one of the two crosspin holes. With one pin installed you should be able to release the safety to align the other pin hole.


              • OK, thanks. I recall something about pulling the trigger at some point in the process, but perhaps I am thinking about a different air gun.

                My uneducated opinion is that someone messed with this trigger. It does not seem right. It seems to require a lot of force to get it to cock. I can’t seem to figure out how the safety automatically engages upon cocking. It almost seems like the rear lever and the safety are not functioning properly,, but I’ll give it another go.

                If I wanted to have an expert look at it and replace the trigger if needed, where would one send it? P.A.?

              • B.B. last night I went back and tried to put the TX200 back together and adjust the trigger. I hosed off the modular trigger group with gunscrubber to get rid of all the oil and brown crud in there. Then I found the rear-most cocking link was moving roughly, like it was corroded. So I put a dab of moly on the big cylindrical bearing and on the trigger weight adjustment screw where it makes contact on the bottom corner. After working it a bunch of times, it seemed to smooth out. Then I adjusted the trigger to have a long first stage and a short second stage.
                Thanks again for the advice. I was able to get this Tx200 from non-functional to phenomenal!

    • Roamin’,

      Easy enough to make a half turn trigger weight adjustment and see if it holds. If not, another half turn. If that doesn’t do the trick, then I’d go with B.B.’s diagnosis, not that I’d personally recognize that spring if I stepped on it. But I can handle adjusting a trigger.


  13. I thought about going snow skiing, even though I never have, but you never know if you are going to encounter Shootski doing some downhill shooting. 🙂

    You know, I feel like I have been given the key to the “Members Only” room at the Airgun Shooting Club when I purchased the AA TX200. I can finally open those two large, engraved oak doors and step onto the red carpet. I have ‘Talked the Talk’ but now I need to ‘Walk the Walk’ and my trial period is fast approaching. Need to get some proper ammo ASAP and pray to the rain God.
    But the second I walk in I realize; I am totally not dressed for the occasion. I still have all my battle gear on, a Sig X5 in my leg holster, and a high powered full-auto black PCP AR by my side. Time will tell.

    How about Legacy, Vintage or Traditional sights. Black non glowing Thingies.

    So, I imagine instinctive shooting from the hip is possible too and all that fancy western shooting in the movies is entirely possible. Actually, I recall seeing the guy who is currently the fastest draw in competition so it must be.

    • Bob M,

      Only ski uphill all the way around the course and shoot downhill standing and uphill prone!

      If they put some snow down I’ll ski into the ASC through those fancy oak doors with my TAB Gear BIATHLON Sling holding my SSG SIG ASP20 and my SIG XFive in my drop leg holster right behind you to keep you safe.


      • Michael
        Learned about the problem with Rapid Water Displacement when I jumper off the roof of a pier building into New Yorks East River. Had to throw my bathing suit away.
        Actually learned the proper way to enter the water from a high position, a ship, in the service afterwards but to be honest, it may not have helped. I was waiving my arms and legs around like crazy trying to stay upright when I hit. Thought I would never stop falling. Shivers thinking about it. Young and dumb.

        • First, I have heard swimmers in the East River are more likely to dissolve than drown.

          Second, I remember the big clock at the opposite wall of the diving pool. Go up 40 feet, make sure your Mae West is tightened properly and that the laces on your boots are tight as well. Then, focus on the clock and walk forward off the platform. As soon as you drop, squeeze your knees and ankles together as tightly as you can. Stay upright so you enter the water boot soles first. Congratulations! You’ve just learned how to jump off a ship. :^)

          That’s the qualifying test most recruits dread the most.

          Is that right, shootski? I believe he would know.


          • Michael,

            You need to unzip all the many pockets on your flight suit. (Just to make it harder.)
            Cross straight legs below the knees.
            Cross arms over chest.
            Do NOT look at the water – eyes on horizon. (Water impact will knock air out of you lungs without arms protecting chest and mouth on water entry.) resulting in dead sailor.
            Once in water the oil is burning on surface so swim underwater as far as posible. If out breath do surfacing splash outward with arms draw short breath if able and dive and swim IF still alive.
            Keep swimming, if lucky, underwater until clear of all fire/oil.


            PS: Survival Vest/LPA combination replaced the Mae West half a century ago.

            • The Mae West was all we had! The clock on the opposite wall was to represent the horizon. “Focus on the clock!” I had forgotten about crossing my arms until I read your comment. Man that was a long time ago!

          • Michael,

            The East, Harlem, and Hudson are all cleaner than you think. There are many swimmers who regularly do the ’round Manhatten swim well into their eighties.
            Even Ted Stossel jumped into the Hudson River.


          • The scariest thing was swimming around an oil slick. You never knew how big it was when you came upon it in the water. I was really hoping a floating chunk of a pallet did not pop out from under the pier on my way down.
            The river was dirty in the 60’s but the Newtown Creek between Brooklyn and Queens that emptied into it was deadly. Totally covered in oil and sewage then. The smell would gag you. Greenpoint always smelled like an oil storage refinery. Mainly because it was one. Don’t know how I survived.

            • Bob,

              Gah! Why’d you do it? Youthful lunacy?

              Did you get some skin infections? When I was probably a pre-teen we had a serious flood in town after two or three days of very heavy, steady rain. I walked through some pretty deep puddles in ther streets near my house, but I didn’t get to shower clean for an hour or two.

              The next morning when I got out of bed, the skin from my knees on down was sloughing off in sheets. My mom freaked out and insisted I go to the doctor, but I persuaded her to call him first to ask about it. She did, and he said to peel it off but stop if the pink turned to red and then wipe me down with Isopropyl alcohol. That’s what we did, and by the next day I was fine.


      • Michael,

        Nah, not me!

        Too much clothing!
        Needs to learn to ski Alpine without Poles!
        Bend ze’ knees more!
        Opened chute way to early!
        Wrong country logo on silk!
        Opened chute to soon!
        Didn’t stick the standing landing!

        Score 3.5 out of 10


        PS: you need at least 25 Knots to barefoot, and 30 to do a butt spin…lost a bathing suit (costume) or two doing that back in the day on Escambia Bay ;^)

  14. Fish, heck, can’t even call them “iron” sights anymore. My suggestion:

    Traditional open sights.

    One can always make that more specific if desired, for example “traditional open sights with fiber optic inserts,” or “non-fiber optic, traditional open sights,” or “semi-buckhorn, traditional rear open sight.”

  15. BB
    I have been reading this blog for a while now (years?!!). I really enjoy being able “look over your shoulder” and “read your thoughts” while you do lots of fun stuff.
    It’s fun being able to vicariously experience things that I might not know about, or even be able to afford.
    Keep up the good work, BB! If you’re not bored doing it, I probably won’t be bored reading about it.
    Thanks again.

  16. B.B.,

    I get excited every time you do a report on the TX200, which I own, in no small part, based on your endorsement of the rifle. I love it. Thus, I say, the more reports you make about the TX200 the better. Since you seemed to be asking for feedback about how to test this rifle going forward, I will add that in addition to enjoying reading about you working with the stock parts again, would also love to read about how one would go about making a set of custom spring guides for the TX200 (or for any spring piston gun for that matter). I don’t know if this is something you can produce an instructional series on, or know someone you can call upon to write a guest blog about, but I bet there would be a lot of interest in this helpful topic. Just food for thought. Thanks for the daily education.


  17. Tom, I must respectfully disagree. The hands down finest spring piston gun on the planet is the HW30. Less expensive, easier to cock, accurate, no expensive aftermarket tune up kits required, no disassembly needed, just shoot it right out of the box with or without a scope and at least as much fun to shoot. Yes, I own a TX200. Nice gun, but I shoot my HW30 more often.

    Eastern MO

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    Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

    Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

    View Shipping Info

  • Shipping Time Frame

    We work hard to get all orders placed by 12 pm EST out the door within 24 hours on weekdays because we know how excited you are to receive your order. Weekends and holiday shipping times will vary.

    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

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  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

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  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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