Benjamin 300-DIN Male Adapter, Fill Adapter, Fits Benjamin Carbon Fiber Tanks
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- Adapter for charging (filling) Benjamin 4,500 psi carbon fiber tanks
- Male Foster nipple connects to the fill station on one end and a 300-DIN male adaptor that connects to a Benjamin carbon fiber tank (model 81001 or 81002)
When you take your carbon fiber tank to be filled, you'll need a connector (adapter) to attach to the DIN valve on your tank that will fit the compressor at the place that fills your tank. This adapter should be a perfect match, but it's a good idea to contact your fill station in advance to make sure this adapter is the one you need to attach to their fill system.
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10 of 14 Benjamin 300-DIN Male Adapter, Fill Reviews
this adapter fit and worked as stated, easy to install and simple to workin
Things I Would Have Changedinclude an 90 deg. elbow to prevent connection problems that come and go
What Others Should Knowalways keep a spare stached away
It works at adapting the Air Venturi compressor to our DIN valve on our tanks.
Things I Would Have ChangedProvide a better plastic sleeve to protect the threads. The one sent doesn't work.
What Others Should KnowToo expensive.
I needed this to fill my BenJi Carbon fiber tank. I had only one problem. When fiiling the tank the adapter was leaking a little and tightening it didn't do anything. So I let it leak a little and filled my tank to 4500PSI with a extra 4 mins time. Once the tank was full I pulled it apart with two wrenches. Now they make 3 teflon thread tape. One is white and one is dark gray. The difference is the dark gray is thicker and use on this adapter. Which one or two wraps is fine. Using the white teflon tape maybe 3-4 wraps. The third I don't talk about is used for LP Gas. So White is .97 cents and dark gray 2.00$ home depot. My adapter was 100% as pictured. As for the leak it wasn't a big deal to bring to anyone's attention.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would test if leaks before shipping. Very simple, As some people could be clueless what to do. All in all worth the money and works as it say's. I may just change the foster valve with a one way foster valve. This valve just a standard. This way the foster valve you just wouldn't have to close the tank and just let the pressure release from the tanks bleed valve or the compressor. But all in all once you remove the adapter you better close the tanks valve first
What Others Should KnowBut this is for your Benji tank and you own your compressor it's great. Scuba shops your lucky up to 3600-3800PSI on a good day and when tank cools your pressure drop 200PSI...And where i'm at paint ball shops open only Saturday and Sunday. And they charge for each 1000PSI.
works great with pistol air tanks
Things I Would Have Changedshould have better protective sleeves on unit
Works great
Things I Would Have ChangedWould be nice if it was shorter be still good
No pressure loss, easy to affix to my "buddy bottle" and accomodates the "marriage" between my Benjamin Buddy Bottle to my Omega Super Charger well, (Omega Super Charger is from Airguns of Arizona).
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, it works great.
What Others Should KnowThe "Foster Fitting" is steel, not stainless steel, but I have no problems with it. I keep it lubricated with lithium spray and find it doesn't rust. Fits well with all my charging hoses.
can now fill small scuba bottles from ben pump and transfer from my 80 cf scuba tank to my 6 cf pony bottle super and a must have
Things I Would Have Changednot a thing
What Others Should Knowto check pressure in your 3000# scuba tank connect benjerman pump then pump up to to 3200 psi (5 to 8 pumps ) and gentle open scuba tank and watch pressure gauge on pump what it falls to is pressure in your tank close tank and bled off hose pressure and disconnect
It makes changing from filling my tank to charging up my guns easy.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe unit that I received did not have a finger knob as shown.
What Others Should KnowVery handy you will like it.
works great to adapt the din hole on my hand pump to work with the Air Venturi hose to fill my synrod. Threads on the adapter cut nicely, screws in smooth by hand.
Things I Would Have Changedmaybe make this from stainless steel. I think for the price of this that should be do-able.
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Oct 21, 2022
By Alex
Excellent build quality and value for the money
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThis is a very high quality piece of gear. Screws right into a carbon fiber tank, and it is very compact. More so than the images suggest