Crosman 3622 PCP Air Rifle
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Now you can test the PCP waters at an affordable price with the Crosman 3622 PCP Air Rifle. They come with a 2,000 PSI reservoir to offer up to 25 shots per fill. This bolt action rifle shoots .22 caliber pellets to 700 FPS. This is suitable for small pests or target practice. Helping the air gunner get on target is a rifled steel barrel and adjustable sights. Because it is compact at only 3.9 lbs and about 36 inches in overall length, it’s easy to get into and out of the field.
If you’ve always wanted a PCP air rifle but didn’t like the associated cost, here’s your chance to get one at an affordable price point. Buy your Crosman 3622 PCP Air Rifle from Pyramyd Air, today.
Crosman 3622 PCP Air Rifle
- Bolt Action
- Weight: 3.9 lbs
- Length: 35.625”
- Velocity: Up to 700 FPS
- Max fill pressure: 2,000 PSI
- Safety: Crossbolt
- Stock: Synthetic
- Front sight: Covered fixed blade
- Rear sight: Windage and elevation adjustable
- Barrel bands
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10 of 10 Crosman 3622 Reviews
What a fun gun to shoot. With just a little effort and using a hand pump a Benjamin hand hand pump, it can be pumped up very easily if you do it in a number of steps. Have not been able to shoot it over 45 feet, but at that range, it is very accurate. I am very pleased with this rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
It's size and weight. More of a youth size gun. Easy carry small carbine. Kinda like a truck gun. Ample power at shorter distances. I like the hooded front with the rear peep style sight.gets plenty of shots per fill.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt should have a gauge! Especially for a beginner.
What Others Should KnowThe rear sight can be a peep or open blade. It has no pressure gauge!! Also not able to put a scope on it.
If you are looking for 22 long rifle accuracy this is a rifle to consider BIG time. make of pellets do make a difference. The Hawk Destroyer has given me the best accuracy. I use a home made dove tail iron sight at the rear. Using open iron sights and a rest under the forestock you can get a half dollar sized grouping at 150feet with 10shots with 3 fliers (what I got).
Things I Would Have ChangedAn iron front sight.
What Others Should KnowThe pyramid air installed steel breech is very nice. It has a dove tail groove that allows installation of a open sight at rear keeping low profile to the rifle. When you purchase this rifle get pyramid to install steel breech if you think you want one. The plastic breech and cheap sights will work very well out of the box. If you go for an open sight at rear the one you can get from pyramid is for a pistol so the gap is a bit wide for my taste. Well actually it's too large for a good sight picture. Use Hawk Destroyer pellets for best accuracy although standard round nose Crossman pellets do pretty well. If you go for a scope the steel breech has the "old" style tiny groove mounts. I'd use them to keep the profile of the rifle low. Purchase a GOOD scope. This rifle can match it.
For starters. Why did it take this long for Crosman to do this. Reliable platform that has been around for ever. More factory and aftermarket parts made then you can buy. Easy fill with my bottle or compressor. The price is perfect for anyone who wants to get into the PCP side of air gunning. I get about 25 shots per fill. I haven't chronographed it yet or found the pellet it likes so far. Groups JSB about 3/4 to 1 inch group.
Things I Would Have ChangedFor the price. Nothing you could change to keep it under $200. Things I have changed. Steel breech. Trigger group. Now it shoots like it should. Great plinker and critter getter. Plenty of knock down power
What Others Should KnowGreat entry level PCP air rifle. Buy the steel breech and trigger upgrades. You wont be disappointed. Very accurate with just those 2 upgrades. Don't expect a $149.95 PCP to hang with $500-$750 PCP. For build or accuracy. I'm not saying the 3622 build isn't quality. Im saying its a polymer stock that doesn't care if it gets wet or banged around in the bed of the side-by-side or pick up.
Old-school simple. It's more accurate then I am. No frills, no gauge, doesn't need one. Both my hand pump, and my compressor have very good gauges.
Things I Would Have ChangedI'm a fan of longer barrels. I also mounted a scope. There are several ways to go about this, the metal breech and several different mounting adapters. Buck Rail, and Crosman can supply these.
What Others Should KnowAs a 71 year old Crosman fan, I'm very pleased with 3622, and recommend it highly.
LOTS OF CROSMAN AFTER MARKET PARTS AVAILABLE FOR THE 3622 & 362 SINCE THE 13XX AND 24XX ARE LIKE THE TINKER TOYS OF AIRGUNS..I HAVE A 3622, 362 and 367, I converted a 362 to .177 cal with a 24" barrell.
Things I Would Have ChangedAdd a fill pressure gauge uner the forend and charge $179 for the gun
What Others Should KnowIt's loud. If you're shooting in town you will need a moderator.
Need the steel breach and the better sight package!!! and that is after only 20 rounds. WOW rifle is light. Rifle is accurate even with the "standard" factory sights and plastic breech. You will love this rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedLike others have said steel breach and better sight package but that would raise the price. This is a really, really, nice rifle for the price.
What Others Should Knowout of the box using moderate priced pellets can put a quarter over the group of five at 75 feet. Bench (back of chair) rest. out of the box and a little sight adjustment.
Weight has slowly become the most important thing to me (I’m 72). This is the lightest air rifle I own, and is the lightest. Accurate.
Things I Would Have ChangedMetal breech and LPA sight. Also there is no air gauge on the gun. Wish it had the gauge and a regulator.
What Others Should KnowI had the tech services install the metal breech and LPA sight (extra charges) but thought it would be worth doubling the overall price of the gun. I had installed these myself on my old 1322 but felt $35.00 was worth it. I am very happy with this gun .
I absolutely love this gun. I purchased the kit with the hand pump included. I already have a Crosman 362 with a steel breech and 4 power scope. I transferred the steel breech and scope to the 3622 and easily put 5 shots thru the same hole at 33 feet, without having to pump the gun between shots. I pumped the 3622 up to 2000 psi and shot 20 shots. The gun loves crosman premium pellets. I checked the pressure after the 20 Shots and it was still at 1500 psi, 20 pumps with the hand pump and back up to 2000 psi.
Things I Would Have ChangedInclude the steel breech from the factory
What Others Should KnowFor the price point this a great fun gun for target and plinking!!!
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Nov 24, 2024
By James
I love everything about the rifle price easy pump up great for the backyard quick shipping plus I got a free case can
Things I Would Have ChangedI put a steel breach on