RWS Super-H-Point .22 Cal, 14.2 Grains, Hollowpoint, 200ct
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RWS Super-H-Point .22 Cal, 14.2 Grains, Hollowpoint, 200ct
- .22 caliber
- 14.2 grains
- Hollowpoint
- 200ct
The hollow point expands to produce devastating knockdown power--the ideal pellets for pest elimination.
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10 of 111 RWS Super-H-Point .22 Cal, 14.2 Reviews
Extremely accurate in the Gamo Swarm Maxxim at 20 and 30 yards.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
performance and consistent weight. I was able to keep groups inside a nickle with my Gammo Swarm. they also flatten well increasing stopping power.
Things I Would Have Changednot a thing
What Others Should Knowthese are a good value for the money. A good squirrel round.
These shoot nice tight groups out of my Huma regulated Prod. At only 15 ft.lbs of energy the weight is just right. I built the gun for shooting rats, the accuracy is there. Hopefully they are as effective on the intended target!
Things I Would Have ChangedCant think of anything
What Others Should KnowThese also do well from my Syn Rod.
shoots great in my p rod 5 in 1 hole @20 yds indoors. and shoots good in my m rod too.
Things I Would Have Changednope
Great pellets work really well in my rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedNone to note
What Others Should KnowSuper small grouping in my Umarex Ruger Impact Max Air Rifle.
Mushrooms out nicely.
Things I Would Have ChangedA few grains heavier.
What Others Should KnowTested these in a Crosman 2289 backpacker carbine. None expanded until pumped 7 times at a little over 500 FPS when shot in ballistic gel and then only slightly. When tested in a Crosman 2240 with a 24 inch barrel at a little over 600 FPS the pellets flattened out dramatically. Dont buy unless your gun produces at least 500 FPS.
Clean inside the tin, very accurate
Things I Would Have ChangedUse a tin with a screw top lid & some foam pads to keep the pellets from rattling
What Others Should KnowUsing a tuned Daisy 853 with a lighter trigger and a dot sight, getting 1/4" groups at 10 meters. I have the wood stock version, which uses a bolt to tighten the stock for a more stable platform
timely delivery
A great pellet for short range backyard use. It punches out holes in paper targets nicely and is accurate enough for any backyard pest. A nice alternative to Meisterklugen pellets, because the beveled edges feed through my FX Crown smoother. I save more expensive pellets for long range targets.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt would be nicer if orders could be filled faster. The 2 week wait for order to be shipped is a little long. Less marketing and more order full filment would be nice. 2 weeks to fill order is longer than the competitors 2 days to fill orders.
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Jun 25, 2021
By Dennis
Very accurate AND very lethal as well. I have over 20 air rifles in .177, .22, and .25 caliber. These are the most accurate pellets in the vast majority of all my rifles. They shoot very well in most any rifle I own.
Things I Would Have ChangedJust really wish they made them in .25 caliber.
What Others Should KnowNothing really except they come in an unthreaded tin. If by chance you accidentally drop the tin prepare to play 250 pellet pick up.