Daisy Precision Max .22 Cal, 14.0 Grains, Pointed, 250ct
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- .22 caliber
- 14.0 grains
- Pointed
- 250 pellets
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10 of 52 Daisy Precision Max .22 Cal Reviews
These work supriaing well and hot harder then the exspensive pellets I bought
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing I like theme.
What Others Should KnowFor the price you can't beat these
Things I Would Have ChangedBetteer quality control. Approximately 20% of the pellets were unusable. Oily film on the pellets and some had defects on the skirts .
What Others Should KnowI feel these pellets would be more suited to a bold action rifle which would seat them better. If you want to use them in a break barrel, invest in a sizing die .
I compared 10-shot groups of this pellet with 4 other types of pellets, and in my Crosman 1322, this one has the greatest accuracy. The accuracy difference is small, but it was the cheapest pellet in my test, so now I have no reason to buy anything else. I also like the tin: screw-on lid that has no tendency to cross-thread (as some tins have for me in the past).
Things I Would Have ChangedThey got it right with this one
What Others Should KnowThe product image does not match the pellet I received. My pellets are truly pointed, without the "semiwadcutter" ridge shown in the photo. Also, mine had a blue and white label instead of the red, purple and yellow label shown in the photo.
These are NOT the old Daisy..now in blue and white tin. Pyramyd sent as back-order. They are not the old Daisy pells! Clean. Accurate . uniform shape.
Things I Would Have ChangedBest low price pellets out there. Try em!
What Others Should KnowI use in my lower-powered springers..good velocity cause of new alloy mix. Good change up from crosman premiers. Not as hard. You be pleasantly surprised...guaranteed.
I am not an expert so all I can say about this pellet is that it travels well.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI'm having fun, I hope you all are to.
Nice pellet for the price. If you want more consistency/accuracy, then plan on spending 3 times as much.
Things I Would Have Changed500 count tin would be nice!
What Others Should KnowAll air guns prefer one type of pellet. These may not shoot well in your gun/guns, but for the price of 1 tin, it's worth trying these.
Pellets appear uniform in shape and finish.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot sure, my gun does not like these.
What Others Should KnowNot accurate in my regulated Hatsan Bully. Wild flyers 2 out of 5 shots. Just all over the place. Shooting at 880-890fps. These may do better with a lower powered gun.
They are as advertised.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing needs changing!
What Others Should KnowYou buy them and they work.
Good pellet
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowNothing
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Jul 13, 2024
By Alton
Good price
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI don't know where PA got a weight of 14 grains. The pellet weight isn't on the can, and mine weighed 15.6-15.8 grains. So your gun isn't down on power, your pellets are heavier than you thought. Otherwise good pellets and good accuracy from a rifle not even broken in yet. For my purposes (plinking and the occasional rat) they'll do fine, and at this price they will be on my short list.