Crosman Destroyer Pellets, .22 Cal, 14.3 Grains, Pointed Expanding, 175ct
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- .22 caliber
- 14.3 grains
- Pointed expanding
- 175ct
Expanding pointed pellets have a special head that allows additional expansion over traditional pointed or hollowpoint pellets. Increased expansion is a benefit for hunters since it delivers a wider wound channel, resulting in a more profound hit.
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10 of 35 Crosman Destroyer Pellets, .22 Cal Reviews
tried them, not the most accurate; but the price is good
These pellets are very accurate. I have found that benjamin pellets work best in Benjamin air rifles for your best accuracy.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing great product!
I bought these for my Crosman 2400 KT for pest control. There seems to be more flyers the in mix when using them than I get with the Premier hollow points. I never rat past 20 yards with this gun for humane reasons, and the gun is usually very consistent. Not with these pellets however.
Things I Would Have ChangedGoing back to the hollow points. No one's fault they just don't like the gun. Perhaps they will work well in my old Crosman Fury springer.
What Others Should KnowPellets are anyone's guess. What works well in one gun, may be crap in another. You buy , you try, you test.
not much
Things I Would Have Changednot sure
What Others Should KnowI'm not sure what's up with my particular tin of pellets because I'm not getting the same great results as others apparently. none of my guns like these at all. other than a few obvious damaged pellets I can't see anything wrong with the pellets. Some fit tighter or more loosely than others. I've shot them out of my .22 Steel Eagle NP2, 392, 1322, 2400KT, and my Prod and none of my guns seem to like them. The NP2 shot them the worst. Hands down the worst pellet I ever tried in that gun. I can throw these by hand and group them better than my Steel Eagle can shot them. I was lucky to to hit the Do All Outdoors bullet trap I was shooting at at 15 yards. The Crosman Premier Domes, hollow points and the pointed pellets all grouped much better then these Destroyers. so i'm inclined to say the problem is with the pellet. but I can't say exactly why. I can't recommend them and i don't think i'd pay money to give them a second chance. There are other pellets that just work better in my gun
Not much. Inaccurate. Lots of flyers
Things I Would Have ChangedJust not a good pellet in my gun.
What Others Should KnowOther Crossman Premier pellets are better
Just started using these in .22 due to my great luck in my .177 Cal rifles. Excellent price, quality, quantity. Pliminary results so far are good.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing yet.
I shoot these pellets in my Benjamin Legacy 22cal rifle w/nitro piston. These pellets preform exelent in that particular air rifle. Good accuracy and devastating impact for me.
My Crosman 2260 loves these light weights. Pretty flat trajectory out to 35 yards. Cans rip apart when hit with them. Took down a large female squirrel and her lungs where destroyed. They also make good target ammo, nice clean holes in the paper.
Good looking pellet, punches a nice hole in targets.
What Others Should KnowWas hoping they would shoot consistently in Np Xl 1100, not good groups though.
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Jan 22, 2023
By Shane
These pellets are quite accurate tho they tend to drop a little on real long range shots 75yd or more compared to the hollow point which I believe are the most accurate pellets crosman makes
Things I Would Have ChangedAvailability of 500 tins
What Others Should KnowPyramid air knows how package each tin of pellets I received were individually wrapped in foam protection with cardboard around that I was super impressed with the packaging will order from them again just for that very reason