FX No Limit Scope Mount, 30mm Weaver/Picatinny
Scope Mount:30mm Tube
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FX Airguns has taken the same innovative approach it’s always applied to building high-end, high-performance airguns and applied it to airgun optics accessories with its No Limit scope-ring lineup.
With 0.17-inch of vertical adjustment, these rings are the ideal solution for long-range air rifle shooting and help scopes retain their accuracy even after they run out of adjustment thanks to far-off targets.
At 100 meters, they allow for a 4-meter shift to compensate for crosshair movement. This is especially useful at greater distances, allowing shooters to use their crosshairs to find their scopes’ sweet spots and compensate for projectile drop.
If you’re looking to up your airgun’s long-range accuracy, these FX No Limit rings might be just the thing your setup needs.
Helpful resources:
- Tips for picking scope mounts
FX Airguns 30mm Weaver/Picatinny No Limit Scope Rings
- Adjust for height and angle
- Vertically adjustable 0.17 inches
- Angle-adjustable +/- 1.5 degrees
- Weaver/Picatinny mounts
- 30mm scope rings
- Easily adjustable with one screw located on each mount
- Overall height 0.875" - 1.045"
Overall Rating
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10 of 11 FX No Limit Scope Mount Reviews
Very well made.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGreat fit
Perfect for my scoped PCP. It needed a little bit more adjustment and it gave more than enough. Well made easy to adjust.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowA must have for those rifles and scopes with less adjustment and whose barrel angle is down. They work.
Great product. Exactly what I needed for my scope to clear my magazine.
Amount of adjustability because I go from 10 meters in my basement to 150 yds. at the range!
Things I Would Have ChangedHash marks so you can go to previous settings, Currently using feeler gauge to set.
I think they work real well on my PCP. , and on one of my springers'
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing .
What Others Should KnowThe adjustability is awesome for both of my air rifles.
Worked very well. I had run out of elevation clicks these gave me more than I needed.
Things I Would Have ChangedAs is they do the job.
What Others Should KnowSaw them on Ted's Holdover
I like the idea but bad design
Things I Would Have ChangedOn the screws to tighten the no limit part it down not go all the way across. I went to tighten the no limit part and before it got to the point where the scope would not move the threads strip out so its junk now.. I went to store got longer screw for the front ring and the back with a nut and machine a flat spot for nut to rest in so I can tighten.. they should have set in steel nuts into the housing and use a longer screw so there more thread to bit on..
What Others Should KnowSo if you get these please take the screw out before doing anything go to a hardware store and buy two black steel 1/4 inch longer so threads will have more tightening power.. once you strip it your screwed and you will have to add a screw but first you will have to machine it level for a nut to set.. I cant Believe I dont Hear more of this:/ take my word Im A Machinist for 30 years and I know how to tighten and know not to over tighten stuff.. or maybe one of the rings thread was Bad but I just think they do need longer screws because they take allot of torque to tighten so they dont Move .. bad bad design.. Poor engineering on FX OR MAID IN CHINA FOR FX
Dont know, I was sent the wrong item.
Things I Would Have ChangedI was sent wrong item. Ordered 30mm picatiny but received 1" dove tail. I was given returns authorization a week and a half ago and return but I have not even heard a thing since.
What Others Should KnowFollowup would be nice that the return was recieved and if they are working on getting me the correct item.
The rings are nicely built, wide enough as it was designed for 1913 rail or picattiny I cant compare it to the Sportsmatch as I dont have that, but as I installed it on my eagle claw, looks nice!!!
Things I Would Have ChangedNone!!!
What Others Should KnowThese rings will gave you the capability to shoot long range without so much adjustments on your elevation turrets !!!
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Jan 28, 2023
By Richard
Worked as advertised
Things I Would Have ChangedNone