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Hatsan AirMax PCP, Image 1
Hatsan AirMax PCP, Image 1

Hatsan AirMax PCP Air Rifle

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Built for the most shots possible, the Hatsan AirMax delivers incredible shot strings from its combined air cylinders wrapped into a rugged bullpup stock.

Ideal for small game hunting and long range target practice, the AirMax uses two cylinders; a 400cc bottle and a 90cc air tube housed below the receiver to keep the shots coming. Once these cylinders are filled, shooters can expect as many as 120 shots in .177, 95 in .22, and 85 in .25. All this airpower translates to 27, 38, and 42 ft-lbs of muzzle energy in each caliber respectively.  Each rifle includes two magazines to help reduce your reload times with 10 shots in .177 and .22 and 9 in .25 caliber.

With a smooth sidelever action built into unique hardwood stock, each AirMax features an adjustable cheekpiece that can be easily set with the press of a button for a custom cheek weld. Weighing in at 10.8 lbs, the stock is weighted towards the rear and to provide a balanced and secure hold against the rubberized buttpad. On the underside of the forend is a Weaver accessory rail and two integrated sling studs for easy field carry. The rifle features Hatsan's QuietEnergy Technology diminishes its report and makes the gun quiet enough for backyard shooting. Not to be understated, the AirMax also includes Hatsan’s famed Quattro trigger, a 2-stage adjustable system that personalizes your trigger pulls.

The AirMax is Hatsan’s answer to those who want big shot strings long after other PCPs have run out of air. If you value nearly endless shots from your PCP, take home this rock solid bullpup and send shot after shot downrange.

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Hatsan AirMax PCP Air Rifle

  • Precharged Pneumatic
  • 200 bar fill pressure 400cc bottle + 90cc air tube.
  • QuietEnergy Integrated Sound Moderator with fully-shrouded barrel–Shoots 50% Quieter.
  • Precision rifled and choked barrel
  • Ambidextrous bullpup wooden stock
  • Picatinny Accessory Rail
  • “EasyAdjust” Elevation Comb
  • Ventilated rubber butt pad.
  • Detachable 10-shot rotary magazine in .177 / .22 and 9-shots in .25
  • Built-in pressure gauge to monitor fill pressure.
  • Combo Picatinny and 11mm dovetail rail
  • Overall blued finish, black anodized receiver.
  • Manual & Automatic Safety
  • “Anti-double pellet feed”
  • Patented anti-knock system
  • Quattro Trigger: 2-stage adjustable trigger
  • Fitted sling swivels
  • Includes 2 magazines
  • Includes quick-fill nozzle supplied in the box

* Velocity and Energy results may vary due to pellet weight, pellet shape, pellet material, temperature, elevation, as well as other factors.

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Includes 2 magazine and quick-fill nozzle


.22 (5.5mm)
Max Velocity
1070 fps
Muzzle Energy
38 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Pre-charged pneumatic
10.8 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Cylinder Size
490 cc
Weaver & 11mm dovetails
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
10 round(s)
Body Type
Ventilated rubber
Operating Pressure
2900 PSI / 200 BAR

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

PCP Fill Options

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10 of 23 Hatsan AirMax Reviews

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For a first time pcp rifle owner it was kind of frustrating to set up. The air probe did not have a air vent drilled out, which confused me until I drilled one in. I used a hand pump and it took over 45 minutes to fill it. The wood has a dull finish, but once oiled it looks beautiful. I have shot 35 round in it so far and the groupings are around a .50 cent size and it is not broken in yet.

Properly finish the air probe, and use resin on the wood stock.

This lady is heavy, not from the stock, the components are built like a tank. Stock weighs around 1.5lbs. Place 2 drops of air gun oil in the air fill hole before even filling it to lubricate the inside. Clean out the barrel before using it, there was a little rust in my bore hole. I filled my rifle and let it sit for 23 hours before I fired it to watch for leaks. Place o rings on the probe and coat with silicone gel to ensure a stable connection. Make sure that there is a vent hole on the air probe.

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Very high shot count. Pretty accurate out of the box. Great for target shooting with enough power to pest/hunt. Not as picky with pellets as some of my other rifles.

I had a problem with one of the two magazines not cycling. Pyramyd Air was supposed to send a replacement, but I never received it. Hatsan USA did send a replacement magazine along with the anti hammer bounce mechanism that broke around 200 shots in. I knew the gun didn't come with a regulator either, so I bought a Huma regulator to get my shots tighter and power more consistent.

Hatsan USA has been excellent on their support. I received my replacement parts within about a week of contacting them.

Kevin Jun 26, 2023

The mags that won't cycle are most likely a little too thick. Hone the back of them with some 200 grit metal sandpaper on a flat surface.

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No es pesado, es comodo


Lo compre en calibre 25 pero el cargador solo cargaba un diavolo y no cargaba el segundo, asi que lo tuve que cambiar

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Rifle is very easy to cock and install the magazines. I have gotten more than 120 shots on one full. Velocity is dropping after 100 shots but still fun to shoot.

The cocking lever screw backs out about every 50 shots. I have not been able to secure it yet. It would be nice to have long hex wrenches to adjust the trigger without removing the stock.

This rifle is accurate with specific pellets. I have not found the best yet but have several that are very acceptable. Very powerful and shoots 1050+ fps on a chronograph.

Philip Dec 08, 2022

Blue Loctite is your friend for loose crews

Robert Oct 18, 2022

Hey Mark which screw do i need to adust to make the cocking easier ,right now i have to pull back harder till i hear the sear click .

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good shooting gun like the weight

trigger pull is long and a bit hard should be tuned at factory has a goofy ping

take the stock off there is only two screws to adjust the trigger-watch the sheer mine likes to shoot 15.89 round nose pellets

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Really nothing

Trigger weight, action feels rough

This gun was stupid heavy, not accurate with several different pellets. The trigger and action were gritty. I returned it and upgraded to an FX and am very happy with it. The FX was $600 more, but the Hatsan was so inaccurate it was useless to me.

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I like everything about this gun,guess you can say I am an hatsan fan boy,this gun I very accurate,I mean, it's easy to get nickel size groups at 50 yards,and the power is great,just now having an issue with an air leak,and I have had this gun for a couple years now,still shoot nickel at 50 years with the leak,still getting great shot count with the leak,the 25 cal is very powerful

Nothing much to change about this rifle,maybe except the weight and sounds it's very loud,would love to see hatsan do this one in a synthetic stock,with some upgrades,I would buy it immediately.......

Gun is heavy,but you get use to the weight,I am truly a fan of hatsan guns,my flash is great also,this air gun will be great in any airgunner collection,or hunting case....

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I really love this gun it shoots a lot harder than the typical break barrel and is 10x more accurate. For a first PCP airgun this is great because it has tones of shots per fill so you don't have to waste all your fun filling your gun up with air. It is definitely a bang for your buck

The only thing that could be changed on it would find a way to make the gun a little bit lighter but with you being able to put a sling on it that helps a lot

If you are filling it up with a hand pump it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to fill it from empty but that because you have to let the pump cool done so I would suggest not letting it get below that 100-150 bar range

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Very accurate. Side lever action is smooth and reliable. Magazines index nicely and are easy to refill. Adjustable cheek piece is very nice. Pressure gauge is NOT on the business end of the rifle like many others. The included strap makes carrying it around much easier.

I love the wooden stock but it adds quite a bit of weight to the rifle making heavy and not easy to go hunting with. A lighter synthetic stock would make this rifle amazing. It's the only thing keeping it from getting 5 stars.

A great, accurate, quiet rifle but wow it is a chunk to carry around. Despite that, it's an excellent gun and I'm happy to have it in my collection!

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Nothing at this point.

Hold Hatsan to a standard equal to what you are paying for. You are paying a premier price for a woodgrain stock. Mine arrived with a clear crack all the way through the buttstock. Re-glued by some employee at the factory smearing glue into the woograin. When finished both the crack and the smears of woodglue are clearly seen. The allen srewdriver was loose in the box and it proceeded to scratch the finish off the end of the barrel. Who packs a loose metal wrench to flop around in the box on its way to you? I love paying 600 bucks and getting a crap gun. These airgun re-seelers just box it up and send it out to you without a thought..

Don't buy a woodgrain stock gun from Hatsan. They have no quality control and will pass on poor workmanship to you. Like seeing a crack in your expensive woodgrain stock and smears of glue that could not be stained ...go for it!

Francisco Jul 23, 2021

Jacque, thank you for your review as it was more valuable to me than it shoots fast, hits hard, tack driver, a church mouse is noisier, etc.. You made up my mind not to get a Hatsan wooden stock, until you post again that it was corrected. Thank you

David Jul 02, 2021

Waiting on reply looks like good reading

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