Hawke Sport Optics 2-Pc Adapter, 3/8" to Weaver Rail
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If you need to convert your air gun's 3/8" or 11mm dovetail to a Weaver, this 2-piece set will do it and offer a firm, secure foundation for your optics.
Hawke Sport Optics 2-pc adapter
- 3/8" to Weaver rail*
- Includes 2 rails and hex wrench
- 3" / 76mm
- 0.9oz / 25g
- Black
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10 of 26 Hawke Sport Optics 2-Pc Adapter Reviews
They look nice
Things I Would Have ChangedI could not actually get these adapters to fit onto the Venturi pistol I had purchased.
This is the only mount I have found to work on my HW45 (P1) because of the extremely wide rail. I took one of these, took the screws out, worked it back and fourth to split (break) it down the middle. Then I took each half and along the center edge where it broke and rubbed the across a file to remove some of the metal so they fit together closer. Put each half on the rail and put the screws back in and tighten, then your rail sight will slide right on. Because it's two pieces now you can remove the sight easily without damage to the rail of of the gun. I know it sounds crazy but it really works and is an extremly low mount and doesn't take away the aesthetics of the gun.
What Others Should KnowI've tried almost every mount on my HW45 and this is the only one that worked. Some will go on it but way off center. This is the perfect solution.
I think this is one of the better adapters to go from 11mm to picatiny rail connection for scope mounting
Things I Would Have ChangedThere is a problem with the screw head sockets. The Allen wrench supplied doesnt fit in the hex socket of the screw. I think its the screw that has the problem. I had to replace the screws to make them work.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowGood tight fit. Really low best way to change to weaver rail.
Snug. Lowest profile adapters*
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowFit nice and tight.
AS I attempted to attach a red dot to my 1950's Sheridan, these mounts wount not tighten against the crossman 3/8" intermount, I had to saw through to seperate the top parts to allow space for closure/compression. After carefully cutting and finish filing, it was successfully installed.
Things I Would Have ChangedInclude alternate instructions.
What Others Should KnowBe prepared to inspect and MODIFY for your purpose. Difficult to find anything else that will suit my needs. Now my sheridan will aid my aging eyes.
I like these adapters. I have many sets of weaver / pic. rings for my powderburning rifles. I gave easily swap scopes with these. hey are low profile and sturdy. Good price.
Things I Would Have ChangedI like them, nothing to change.
What Others Should KnowNice, low profile adapter.
Good Quality.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowWorks as advertised.
Excellent piece of equipment used it for my bipod Works fabulous I also like the fact that they are 2 one piece mounts and fit firmly in place
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowWould not recommend using these if you have a Springer
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Oct 01, 2024
By Ray
I didnt
Things I Would Have ChangedN/A
What Others Should KnowI wont buy them again