Mendoza RM-2800, Grey Wooden Thumbhole Stock
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Power doesn't have to cost a fortune! Mendoza's RM-2800 rifle is ideal for hunting small game. The 7-shot mag always gives you a backup shot...just in case. Although this is a repeater, it is a breakbarrel and is not semi-auto. You must cock the gun by breaking the barrel open for each shot.
It has a thumbhole stock for a better grip, and the wood stock is painted grey. The raised cheekpiece on the left side of the gun makes it that much easier to acquire your target. (This gun is not ambidextrous.)
The fiber optic front sight is easy to see, and the adjustable rear sight ensures that you stay on target. If you want to get every bit of accuracy out of the RM-2800, add a scope on the 11mm dovetail.
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7 of 7 Mendoza RM-2800, Grey Wooden Thumbhole Stock Reviews
Awesome! Sweet! No need to buy an expensive PCP when the RM 2800 gives you eight powerful shots on one load. I ordered the ten for $10 certificate and six out of the ten shot were in the mid to high 900's fps. The Mendoza I received came with a black composite stock, not wood as described. The two stage trigger pull is excellent. The Mendosa Diabolo and Gamo Match pellets work well in the magazine but Gamo Hunter pellets are too large for the magazine.
Things I Would Have ChangedI could not get the iron sights to zero in, however, I put a Gamo scope on and it works great with the pre drilled recoil pin hole.
What Others Should KnowEvery once in a while,40 or so shots, the safety locks up. The safety disengages to off. the round in the chamber must be fired with extreme pressure on the trigger. I am not sure if this is caused by me doing something when cocking the gun or if it is defect in the gun. Right now I am not worried, if it gets to be a hassle I'll use the year guarantee to get it fixed. I am having way too much fun to return it.
Awesome, sweet. No need to have a PCP. I ordered a ten for ten and the fps with six in the mid to high nine hundreds with a low of 616.4 for the first shot, Mine came with a black composite stock, The blueing was first class.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe safety on my jams after thirty or so shots. I haven't figured out yet if it is me or the gun. I could not zero in the iron sights. I replaced them with a Gamo 4X32 varmit hunter kit, works great.
What Others Should KnowAt first I had jamming problems with the loader. I found that if you are careful loading the pellets and easy letting off the spring and checking to see that the pellet is seated before you close the barrel it works perfect. I used Gamo match diablo .22 cal 13.88 gr.with no problems. Gamo hunter's will not fit in the loader.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing! O.K., maybe underleaver pump with rotory clip semi-auto would be nice.
What Others Should KnowIn my whole collection of air guns, this is the most fun of em' all, deadly for rabbits,racoons, and even cyotes (head shot). The extra rounds to finish off pests quickly is awsome!!
The Magazine, Use smaller pellets for this gun, Crossman Premier Domed worked phenomenally, as well did RWS Hobby, larger pellets tend to jam the clip when they are being loaded into the barrel. (Half of the pellet is cut off and stays in the clip while the other half jams the mechanism, but its an easy fix if this occurs) The sights, they where at first annoying to me, but now I see how easy it is to shoot with them, and they also as I have noticed increase the shooters accuracy. The double trigger, you know exactly when the gun is going to fire when it is pulled, unlike other guns with creepy triggers suck as the Benjamin Sheridan Super Streak. The last great thing is the muzzle break, this makes it easier to cock this already easy to cock break barrel.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing much really, possibly allow the magazine to fit bigger pellets, by making the loader bigger as well, and a larger magazine.
What Others Should KnowThe gun is a little rough, but it will last long.
Many good designs on this rifle that others would do well to emulate. Just right size and weight with good gripping thumbhole stock making for a very ergonomic hold. Excellent auto safety that's very accessible, much better than the RWS type or other nonsensical placement of safety in a blade by the trigger! Speaking of the trigger, I really like the two splits coming together, the first acts as the first stage, once you pull it to reach the second you know tactilely the release point.
Things I Would Have ChangedKind of crude looking with welded on pellet magazine, sprayed rough grey finish on wood stock. The loading port of the magazine has an exact cut-out that few pellets will fit through or work with reliably thereafter. The magazine spring needs to be stronger to assure the loading of the seventh and last pellet. The power plant spring twangs and vibrates like a cheap Gamo, not a solid poof. The scope mount grooves may not be true parallel with the action.
What Others Should KnowThe weight, size, good hold and seven pellets capacity make it well suited for hunting. This has the potential to be a great gun with futher refinement. I've tested it with the Daisy flat nose where it's most accurate at short range. But the Daisy flat nose will not work reliably with the magazine, getting mangled and jamming the auto-loading. Almost as accurate and works best and most reliably so far in the magazine would be the RWS Superdome where it perfectly fits through the pellet-shape cut-out loading entrance of the magazine. Crosman Premier Hollowpoint will also fit through but falls off here and there when the gun is cocked - it also shoots all over the place. I've also tried the JSB Exact Jumbo, which would not fit through the magazine's pellet outline and as a single load drops variously below bullseye. Which brings up the fact that the rifle has a huge spread in speed anywhere from 400 fps to 1450 fps! when dieseling. I've been told that it takes a thousand rounds to settle down, hopefully that will happen. On its own without any dieseling, the fps with 14.x grain pellet seems to be around 700 and change. With just the right amount of dieseling frequently around early to mid 800 fps, sometimes 900s. The RWS Hpoint will not fit through the magazine loading port. Mount a short scope as the magazine will get in the way. As with any air gun, the lower you mount the scope the less parallax hassle given the short range.
power and comfort, the factory sights are quite accurate
Things I Would Have Changedlonger dovetail to accomodate wide objective lens scope or shorter magazine
What Others Should Knowthe linear magazine conflicts with a wide scope, I tried taller rings but the rifle became difficult to tune, so I settled for modifying my lens cover. now I can fire anything from wadcutters to crow magnums at 40yds with 2" groupings
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May 25, 2010
By bart
the repeater is awesome-the blueing is better then guns twice as much. the two blade trigger system is crisp and you know how far the travel is. i was blown away how great the quality is. the dove tail scope rail and cut perfectly, the sights are great but i use a 3-9x40 leapers this gun deserves to be shot at long range if i miss its my fault
Things I Would Have Changedthe stock is a little wierd...its wood but not "hard" wood.paint chips ...although it is very light which i do like..i want this gun to come out in nice hard wood stock so i can up grade it...
What Others Should Know3-9x40 leapers BARELY clears the lienar magazine with a HIGH scope mount..only use rws super dome or meiserkulgens....the clip will hold 7 i only use 6 so it wont jam.....DONT USE POINTED PELLETS!!! with my scope i punch tight groups 40 yards all day long this is my daily shooter