Moultrie Feeders Feeder Hog Light
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Shed light on the night and get in on a fun, challenging and increasingly popular sport with easily mountable LEDs that illuminate out to 30 feet. Help control the ecologically destructive wild boar population and continue your pursuit of hogs at night with this fully functional feeder accessory. Featuring high-powered green LEDs that light up a 30-foot radius with motion, photocell or manual activation, Moultries Feeder Hog Light is compatible with most Moultrie feeders as well as competing makes. Simply mount it to the bottom of your feeder or any other surface using the integrated strap loop and light em up! -35 high-powered LEDs with adjustable brightness illuminate game up to 30 feet away with motion, photocell or manual activation -4-way switch with on, off, dusk and motion modes; external power port -Attaches to most Moultrie feeders (Directional, Econo Plus, Pro Hunter, Pro Magnum, Deer Feeder Classic, Deer Feeder Pro and Deer -Feeder Elite) -Also comptible with most competing-brand feeders -Four (4) C-cell batteries required
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10 of 16 Moultrie Feeders Feeder Hog Reviews

Have had this light under a Moultrie feeder attached to the 6V micro power panel and it has never worked properly. Tried all setting and nothing works

When i set it to motion it just basically stays on all night. as soon as it goes through it's 3-5 mins cycle like it should it turns off for about 10 seconds before coming right back on. It does provide good light coverage and worked great at first. Going to try another light...

Love the light. It puts out plenty of light to see the hogs, but does not frighten them off.

I’ve owned two of these lights and neither one has ever worked reliably. The dusk setting is useless. The light has to be either on or off, No and when it’s left on for an extended period of time, the light overheats and shuts down.

I have used the moultrie light for 4years on two feeders. the first two years were good… the last two, not so much. It seems that the quality in the leds are slipping. They last two months or maybe four when the outside lights start going out. I have one now that has3/4 ot those lights out and it is less than 6 months old. The other is 5 months old and only the three middle lights work. Last year i purchased four lights for my hunting season. I’m disappointed.

The product is great, but the customer service is “ AWESOME “.

Have had one for over a year and works great. But does not work with their MFHP12349 solar panel.

You must remove the light from its mounted position on the feeder in order to change the batteries then reinstall. Not a huge deal but an aggravation.

All but one set of the perimeter LEDs have quit working.
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Nov 12, 2024
By Allen R.
I purchased the hog light with the ativator and cannot get the activator to work so the hog light is useless to me.