Patriot Javelin Slug Gen 2, .218 Cal., 23 Grains, Hollowpoint, 200ct
Projectile Weight:23 grain
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The Patriot Javelin Slug has an excellent ballistic coefficient for accurate long-range shooting regardless of windy or difficult conditions. It features a balanced design with an even and efficient tangent ogive shape that is compatible across a wide variety of airgun barrels.
This slug provides small-game hunters with superior expansion on impact due to the depth of the hollowpoint and the size of the flat interior area.
Patriot Javelin Slug, .218 Cal., 23 Grains, Hollowpoint, 200ct
- .218 caliber
- 23 grains
- 200 pellets
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2 of 2 Patriot Javelin Slug Gen 2 .22 (5.5mm) Cal Reviews
wanted to shoot them in a RWS 460 22 Cal shot clear of the target at 20 yards tried several times 10 -15 times scope wouldn't compensate. too far left tried a pellet seater still no good.They work OK in a Crossman 362 & a ruger airmag. & my Benjaman blue streak verry accurate in those ?
Things I Would Have Changedflat base would probably do better maby not
What Others Should KnowThay will shoot in a pumper. But it seems to need a probe, or a pellet seater seems lots of people are having problems with them in break barrels. Can't figure out why Thay work in my air mag. I pushed one down the barrel with an old cleaning rod to check the rifling's nothing there there accurate just a foot to the left 7 of them in a quarter
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Jan 03, 2025
By James
I been using these Slugs with the FX Impact M4 Sniper (Standard Superior STX 700 mm barrel). It first appeared that my POI drifted using these slugs and that the FX 25.4 pellet was more accurate but now I believe that it was barrel jump due to recoil. The fix was to and weight to the air rifle and limit barrel jump. It is working because now my POI is substantially better (from less than 3" to less than 2" at 100 yds).
Things I Would Have ChangedThe price is high but that maybe just the cost of production.
What Others Should KnowMy FPS is 950 and I am using 4 pounds of modular weight (iron sand) in sleeve to mitigate the recoil.