Swiss Arms SA92 CO2 Stainless Pistol, Brown Grips
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This is a fun gun. It's accurate, has a reliable mag and feels like a model 92 firearm. Not a lightweight gun, it actually weighs a bit more than the firearm when you've loaded it with a CO2 cartridge and BBs.
Swiss Arms SA 92 CO2 Pistol
- 20rd BB mag
- Semiauto
- Fixed front and rear sights
- Textured polymer grip panels
- Blowback
- Accessory rail
- Includes steel BBs, hex wrench and CO2 cartridge cap*
- Do not shoot steel BBs at hard objects
*The CO2 cartridge cap connects with the bottom of the CO2 cartridge (which is in the magazine) and is used to screw in the cartridge so it's properly pierced. The gun comes with 2 of these caps.
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10 of 15 Swiss Arms SA92 Reviews
I really like this replica of the 92. The accuracy with the sights as it comes are not anywhere near what they should be for what this pistol is capable of. With a laser sight it becomes a five star Pistol. I like the finish on this pistol, ware will not be so obvious. The trigger is light and consistent in both single and double action.
Things I Would Have ChangedSights that work with this pistol. Better magazines.
What Others Should KnowTakes a little time to break in. Lube rails this helps. The magazine is a problem loading many others have said the same. They should have changed the design years ago and would have sold many more of these.
Build quality, realistic weight, and an excellent practice weapon especially if you also have a 9mm real steel M92 type pistol.
Things I Would Have ChangedReal wood grips would be nice, although these synthetic 'wood' are attractive. But you gotta love the feel of real wood grips. Maybe more models will offer a wood grip ootion?
What Others Should KnowOwning any replica copy of a favorite handgun is an extremely helpful way to do our part in easing the high demand with the powder burning ammo. But still enjoy shooting on a regular basis in your own home with CO2 powered pistols.
Love the color and how nice it shoots.
Things I Would Have ChangedI want to change the grips to wood grips. The pistol seems a bit heaver that the real pistol, mind you I have not shot the real one in over a year.
What Others Should KnowThis is a fun air pistol and I am happy I added it to my collection.
Nice overall quality as a replica. Loved the color combination. Weight and feel are very nice. Performance is great.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe spring is weak, blowback is not responsive. Change the spring to enhance the blowback action. Magazine to match gun color will score higher point.
This is a good looking QUALITY GUN. It is made from solid materials. If fires well with a crisp blowback plus it looks quite nice.
Things I Would Have ChangedIf Im honest Id polish the shiny bits. The finish on that part is quite rough. A little polishing would go a LONG way to really making those bits pop!
All metal construction. Affordable 92 and nice replica.
Things I Would Have ChangedMagazine BB spring tension pin should not have play that allows BBs to get jammed underneath pin. I had to take the spring mechanism apart to free the BB. Load only 18 BBs not 21 max as mentioned in the manual and make sure the slide clears the BB loading opening to avoid a jam.
What Others Should KnowThe safety is very hard to engage/disengage. A bit tricky but I got it to work by racking it.
Shoots low. At 3m need to aim at #6 12 o'clock on the 5-1/2" x 5-1/2" Air Venturi paper target. Rapid fire aiming there gave me a 1-1/2" grouping in the at the bullseye with the majority in a 1" group at center.
I'm sure I would have liked something about this pistol, but at this writing, I've not received it.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe use UPS as your carrier, because Fed-Ex is not up to handling the small task of delivering one item to my address!
What Others Should KnowPyramid Air is my number one source for airguns and accessories... it's not the fault of P.A. if you don't receive your purchase, I blame the "carrier" for the issue. I have purchased dozens of products from P.A., and have spent thousands of dollars with them, and will continue to do business with them. Just keep a close eye on the tracking & whereabouts of your valued purchase. Pyramyd Air has been great about handling this issue with me, and for that... I thank You!
Looks very authentic
Things I Would Have ChangedSight quality
What Others Should KnowGun shot very low, had to file down front sight. Now I just use a laser sight. Very disappointing.
Everything. This is a top of the line pistol.
Things I Would Have ChangedMag should be silver at the base.
What Others Should KnowUltra premium ultra realistic Beretta style air pistol. Can't go wrong. I also have the Swiss Arms sa1911, same as Tangfoglio Witness, another great gun
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Sep 18, 2023
By George
The SA92 is a good looking pistol. The weight is good and shoots good. The grips are not the best but work.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe magazine and loading are in need of some work.
What Others Should KnowMake sure you put some silicone on the rails helps run smoother