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Ammo Ruger Air Magnum Combo – Part 3

Ruger Air Magnum Combo – Part 3

by B.B. Pelletier

Photos and testing by Earl “Mac” McDonald

Part 1
Part 2

Hopefully, I’m getting this test finished in time for a few last-minute buying decisions for the holidays. I’m sorry it takes so long, but time being what it is, it’s the best I can do without turning this blog into an infomercial.

Today, we’ll look at the accuracy Mac was able to get from this powerful new übermagnum spring rifle. I know many of you were predicting it wouldn’t be very good, given the power output.

This is also the day when Mac will show you how to adjust the parallax of a fixed-parallax scope so you don’t have to buy a new scope to get what you want from the gun. Since that’s an interesting procedure, let’s do that first.

I was exposed to this trick back when I shot field target. Many shooters were changing the parallax on scopes with fixed parallax back then.

Simply unscrew the trim ring on the end of the objective bell.

Step 1. Remove the threaded trim ring on the objective bell. On this scope, you’re lucky, because that exposes a cross-slot on the objective lens unit that lets you insert a thin screwdriver blade. Because of the wide span that must be crossed, a thin knife blade is often the best tool for this job. By turning the objective lens assembly slowly in either direction, the entire objective lens assembly can also be turned.

Step 2. To adjust the scope for a different range, turn the objective lens assembly while checking the sharpness of the focus on an object set at the range you wish to adjust to. Turning this assembly out adjusts the focus closer — and in moves it out farther. Unless you completely remove the objective lens assembly from the scope, no nitrogen will be lost, as the extremely viscous grease on those fine threads perfectly seals the inner part of the scope. If the seal is broken, though, the scope will be compromised and will fog up unless it’s resealed.

Just get some kind of spanner (a thin knife will do) and turn the objective lens assembly in or out.

Step 3. Once you’re satisfied the scope focuses where you want it (i.e., the parallax is set where you want it), replace the beauty ring to lock the objective lens assembly. The job is now done.

Mac tells us that the rings that come with the rifle are nice and appropriate. They have four screws per cap and each ring has friction tape inside to prevent scope movement. Don’t do what Kevin said someone did and remove the tape because it doesn’t align quite right. Keep your hands off that tape! It’s there to do a job; and if it’s removed, the hole through each ring gets bigger.

Mac noted that the nameless scope seemed to be adjusted for the 30 yards he was shooting, so there was nothing more to do but sight-in. As first tested, the rifle shot just two inches low, with no noticeable left or right deviation. That little amount is what the scope knobs can do by themselves, so there was no need to adjust the scope mounts in any way.

Next, Mac started the testing with some Crosman Premier 10.5-grain pellets. Ten of those grouped into a pattern that measured 2.7 inches at 30 yards. Mac calls this poor, and I have to agree.

Ten Crosman Premier heavies went into 2.7 inches at 30 yards. Not a good group.

Next, he tried 10 RWS Hobby pellets that we all agreed are too light for this powerplant. They held 9 in a group measuring 2 inches even. A tenth shot was a called flier that missed the target paper altogether. This is another pellet not to try.

Except for the called flier, these RWS Hobbies grouped better than the heavy Premiers, but notice the dark edges of some of the pellet holes. Clearly, this pellet is wobbling on its way downrange –something that can’t be determined from the less-precise holes of the Premiers.

Then, Mac loaded 10 JSB Exact Diabolo heavies, the 10.2-grain domed pellets that often work best in powerful air rifles; and, again, they did their thing. They gave a 10-shot group that measures 1.1 inches at 30 yards, which is acceptable hunting accuracy.

Finally, a good pellet gives Mac what he was looking for. This is a 1.1-inch group of 10 JSB Exact Diabolo 10.2-grain pellets.

Just for the record, Mac also fired 10 RWS Superdomes and 10 RWS HyperMAX pellets at the same distance. The groups from both pellets were too poor to measure. We know that the 5.5-grain HyperMAX pellets were traveling over 1,400 f.p.s. and could not be expected to be accurate. But, why were the Superdomes also a problem?

RWS Superdomes are almost pure lead, plus their skirts are very thin. In a rifle shooting 800 to 900 f.p.s. that’s perfect, because the rear of the skirt blows out and seals the bore behind the pellet. But, in a powerhouse like the Ruger Air Magnum, it shoots them well above the sound barrier. The thin skirt is blown all the way out until the pellet resembles a cylindrical can with a slightly domed top. Since the wasp waist is where the accuracy comes from, it’s not good to lose it this way. The pellet is then free to fly wherever it wants, destroying accuracy. If Mac could recover some of these pellets without damaging them, that is what we would see.

But, that doesn’t matter, because Mac has found a good pellet for the rifle. Putting 10 shots into 1.1 inches at 30 yards is certainly good enough for hunting. At this power level and price point, I think this is one spring gun you’ll want on your short list.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

77 thoughts on “Ruger Air Magnum Combo – Part 3”

  1. I am glad that you told people how to adjust the scope for parallax. I have several scopes that I have done this to, in order to be able to use them in my backyard range. It is better than buying a new scope and if the power is below 4, the scope will easily focus from 10 yards to 100 yards.

  2. BB:
    The JSB Exacts come out real well in many tests and after your recommendation for my rifle I have been keen to get some.
    My regular Pellet guy doesn’t stock them unfortunately but my nearest gun store does.
    I have been hanging on till I go to Lincoln to pick some up but the weather has been appalling.
    However humble,I still like to keep my trade local if possible.
    In the meantime,my son in law has given me a full tin of RWS Super H points(lovely lad).
    Not had a chance to try them at 50ft because it is so cold even my indoor/outdoor range has been suspended.(my wife told me to shut the bloody back door.)lol

    • Dave,

      I’m sorry to hear about your weather. I suffered through similar weather for years in Maryland, which is the primary reason we moved to Texas. I understand your wife’s concern. Keep the back door closed and keep your sweater on.

      This, too, shall pass.


      • BB thanks to you and Mac for this great article. I learned this “trick” years ago from a FT shooter who adjusted my Leupold on an AA Shamal rifle. It had an AO but, the low end was parallax was 50 yards and the high end was infinity. He did just what you and Mac showed here and reset it to 10 yards at the low end.

        Everyday, this blog helps somebody go to the next level of airgun happiness.

      • Woohoo! First snow of the season! I’ve been watching the rest of the world git creamed by snowstorm after snowstorm after snowstorm, while my little corner remained stubbornly brown. Several big storm swept past out to sea. But now the snow is coming down!

        Sorry for being so enthusiastic, with you folks bad-mouthing the lovely white stuff ( 😉 ), but I just love the snow, especially with Christmas coming.

      • BB& Dave : As my Dad used to say ” June ,July ,August,Winter when discribing the weather where we live. We had 10-15 dgrees last night, and over 3 feet of snow in some locations here in last weeks storm. My idea of a dream state would be Alaska. However I’ve haven’t been able to convince my wife yet,Robert.

      • You don’t want to get an Englishman start talking about the weather.
        You will regret it 🙂

        Robert from Arcade:
        If your wife has heard the song ‘Anchored down in Anchoridge’ that could explain why she is not so keen. lol

        • Alaska can be such a fickle state. My sister spent a year in Anchorage and we traded weather reports forth and back and that year, at least, her worst winter weather was milder than Central Illinois’. However, all over town they have places to plug in your engine block heaters and I’m sure those don’t exist just to impress contiguous staters.

  3. B.B.

    It’s interesting that you mentioned what kind of damage that so much power does to a pellet’s shape.
    I had a piece of junk springer a long time ago that had the most wasted bore I have ever seen. The top of the rifling lands had a lot of pitts, and the sides of the lands looked like saw teeth.
    Anyway, since it was junk in the first place, I oiled it excessively with light oil and shot some pellets with serious detonation. I was able to recover a few that were in good enough shape to see that they did resemble what you described…a cylindrical shape with rifling marks down the sides.


    • I had a similar situation with a new Quest 800 I had ordered for my father. I decided to shoot it a bit to break it in for him. Knowing how loud those first dieseling shots can be, I decided to fire the first shots into a thick phone book in my basement workshop from about two inches away, rather than in the open in our neighborhood. The first shot was literally like a gun shot – I saw muzzle flash come out and singe the book, not to mention the massive amount of ringing in my ears. I was concerned about the potential for smoldering paper, so I proceeded to check it out and dig out the pellet. It was not only blown into a cylinder shape with full rifling marks down the side, the top was blown clean out leaving a hole all the way through the pellet – it was a real cylinder. IT didn’t travel far into the book, and came out quite pristine, although blackened and charred.

      Alan in MI

      • I have thought that the skirt could blow out and the head could seperate also. A two piece projectile, or leaving about half the pellet in the bore and blowing the front half out. Suoopse it has happened.


        • TwoTalon,

          The head did not separate from the skirt in my case. It all just blew out to the side, and it looked more like the head burned through than separated. I wish I still had the pellet – I lost it somehow. The pellet was an old Champion pointed pellet. No hunks of pellet were left in the barrel. Each subsequent shot got more normal quickly, and even the second shot did blow out the pellet anything like the first did.

          Alan in MI

  4. Morning B.B.,

    This, for me, is why didn’t I think of that. Turning the front lens ring to adjust the parallax and turning a thin skirted pure lead pellet into a cylinder with a domed top using a blast of air. Learned two things this morning before the first cup of coffee–thanks. It’s starting out to be a wonderful day!


  5. Thanks a lot BB and Mac for the tip to adjust the scope.

    It made a HUGE difference on my fixed gamo scope.
    I can now use the full (9x) magnification at close range (6m) instead of using at more than 30m (33 yards), because this scope was at default adjusted for 100 yards (said the manual).

    And as far as I could see the parallax error is significantly reduced, I had to see the black circumference border through the scope so I could know that I was watching through the center of the scope and minimize any parallax error. If I didn’t do this, I had a very high parallax error at close range, +- 10cm (4″) at 10m (9 yards).

    So in reality any fixed scope isn’t that fixed.

    Unfortunately in the manual there wasn’t any indication on how to adjust the parallax and the focus of the scope.
    Very stupid for Gamo to have their scopes adjusted for 100 yards instead of 30 yards.

    Its a shame that in my country I’m limited to air guns up to 24J (18 ft.lb) without license.

    • ZeChico,

      Are you from Spain? I believe that either Spain or Portugal has a 24-Joule limit of their airguns.

      The reason Gamo sets parallax on their scopes to 100 yards is they are expecting to sell them to rimfire shooters, for whom 100 yards isn’t too bad.


      • Hi BB, I’m from Portugal, but both Spain and Portugal have the same 24J limits.

        Yes I see now the reason for the scope to be set to 100 yards, I did more tests and the more you adjust for close range the worst it will be for long distances.
        In my case with full magnification (9x) in long distances it will be out of focus. We have to reach an optimal focus for the range we use.

        But still, there is always a need to use/see the black circumference to make sure we always see the scope in a center view and minimize any parallax error, I guess this will even make some difference in scopes with AO.
        This parallax error is very visible if the gun/scope is fixed or rested and we see through the scope without moving or touching the gun/scope, the cross (and consequently the Point Of Impact) will change (a lot) if we don’t see the scope in a center view, and so far the only way for me to make sure of watching in a center view is to use the black circumference which is generated if we watch the scope more closely or far.
        But I guess this need for a center view is minimized in AO scopes.

        As I said, the parallax error can produce an POI shift of 10cm in any direction at just 10m (11 yards, not 9 yards as I said) in scopes adjusted for 100 yards, so I guess this is a good tip for beginners or the ones that thinks their accuracy/gun is bad.


        • ZeChico,

          Welcome! We hope that you become a regular contributor to our blog. That our now includes you sir! For me it’s always fascinating to talk with folks from other countries and see what airgunning is like there. Are you a hunter, target shooter, plinker perhaps a little of each? I think your 7,5J limit
          is 19 foot pounds which isn’t too bad for hunting. However, for the most part we don’t have any upper limits in pellet energy. What type of gun(s) do you shoot?


          • Hello Bruce!
            I’m a bit of both, I have a Gamo Whisper X (typical 14-16 ft.lb of power). I hunt in my small propriety, mostly rabbits. Rabbits eat my vegetables and I eat them.
            In my house and near it I also put to rest some varmints, specially rats and mice.
            I don’t practice field target in any federation, but I like just shoot informal targets from time to time.
            My limits are 24J or 18 ft.lb (1 ft.lb = 1.33 J), according to our friend duskwight, the 7.5J limit is for Germany.


    • ZeChico

      Bom dia! I’ve been to Portugal thrice and I must say you’ve got a magnificient country, both continental and Madeira island.
      Portugal is more than three times better than Germany 😉 You know, they’ve got a 7,5J limit, so you mustn’t think that 24J is bad…


  6. This may seem like a stupid question but here it goes; does this actually adjust the parallax (error between image and reticle) or does it simple focus the image? Although this may be obvious to some of you seasoned airgunners im fairly new and this topic confused me.

    • Andrew,

      You have asked a good question, and one to which I am not entirely sure of the answer. I believe that when the target is in perfect focus, parallax is reduced as much as possible. So I would say yes to what you ask. But like I said, I’m no expert on this.


  7. B.B.

    Thanks for that parallax trick! I’ll try it on one old scope, that’ll be some good addition to my collection of spare parts and components.
    Concerning Ruger’s accuracy, well you can tell I’m spoiled with good accuracy 🙂
    Reading this I think I came to another thought: If I had some more time and money to spare, I’d like to buy this rifle just to make it shoot straight.
    My guess would be new barrel lock system, gas spring, recrowning, trigger rework, piston lightening, making it 2-2,5 kg heavier and shooting Eun Jins to make it as slow as possible, or I guess this kind of powerhouse needs .20 or .22 barrel, preferably Lothar Walther in a hardened sleeve.


  8. B.B.
    Sorry in advance for the long post but this Ruger Airmagnum reminds me so much of my airgunning history it isn’t even funny. When my wife and I were having problems with squirrels chewing up our storage shed I went and bought a cheap 10 pumper from Wally World and tried to shoot some of them but most would just run away laughing because I didn’t have enough power at 20 yards or it would take a few shots to put them down and the wife got very upset with that when she would see them suffer in pain. First thing we did was search online and found the Benjamin Super Streak which was my first break barrel air rifle I ever bought. I also ordered two different pellets for it which were crow magnums and rws hyper velocity pellets. I shot about 2000 pellets in less than 3 weeks and couldn’t hit anything plus my mainspring broke ( from shooting the lightweight pellets) and I returned the rifle for a refund since it was still under warranty. Then, when I was searching for a replacement rifle to purchase I stumbled across your blog and read all about the techniques like the artillery hold and choosing the right pellets for a particular rifle. You were also just reviewing the RWS 34 Panther and that is the rifle that I ended up purchasing. Since that time I have bought many others including a couple Ruger Airhawks, Benjamin Discovery, and other misc. cheaper break barrels. Sorry about being long winded but I really just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work with the knowledge you share with all your readers. If it wasn’t for you then I would have given up on the air rifle hobby after my first failure and just stuck to my powder burners. Magnum rifles like this one might be fun to some for bragging rights about velocity and I got sucked into that when I first started but I am very glad I found out quickly that you have to be able to hit what you aim at to be happy.

      • BB,

        Perfect!… “…if you miss with a hypersonic projectile, you’re no more danger than the wind.”
        This is so true to many other reasons people miss. Like too much handgun, too big a hurry to fire, poor fitting stock, etc, etc…

        In fact, you are the reason that I am now looking to reload for my .45. I am not hitting the target like I once was and am going to try some lesser loads. Either that or have my .45 worked over by a 1911 Guru, which may cost even more than the reloading equipment.


    • David,

      Many of us are in the same boat. Since discovering this blog I have learned an incredible amount of stuff. Even though I had a bit of firearm background. And yes, I too went crazy for the all powerful. Fortunately, I didn’t buy before searching this blog on the effects of the sound barrier. Saved me $$.


      • A big problem with shooting for many people is that no one ever showed them how to do it correctly.
        None of us were born knowing how to be a good shot and hit things consistently. Along with this is the fact that many that were shown things were shown wrong. So, if you are having trouble, get some training, no need to re-invent the wheel. One of the nice things about shooting is that once you understand the basics, it applies to most shooting.

        Merry Christmas!


    • David,
      Sounds like you have a lot of airguns. Usually you have to be on this blog a couple weeks before you you’re hooked into buying that many guns, You are either way ahead of us or an over achiever.

  9. Hi B.B.

    Since Mac made the comparison between the Ruger and the RWS 350, what are the chances of a review on an RWS 350 in .177 just to see how different the guns are? I know the 350 is “only” rated at 1250 fps, but it would be interesting to see how it’s accuracy holds up at those speeds.

  10. B.B., Mac,

    I’m curious as what was deemed the best way to handle this rifle for the accuracy tests, and if various way of holding the rifle were tried. Specifically:

    1. GRIP – How was the rifle gripped? For instance, was the hand wrapped around firmly? Was it held loosely?

    2. SHOULDER – Was it held tight into the shoulder, or loose?

    3. FOREARM HOLD – Loose (artillery), other?


  11. I’d say that with Mac behind the trigger, those groups are not too impressive.

    Victor, yes Feynman’s ideas were elegant, but I persist in thinking that there was something wrong with their exposition or that they were at least out of phase with their intended audience. (In his introduction, Feynman calls the Caltech students, “fairly smart.” Ha ha.) I did leap at their surface simplicity but quickly had the impression that I was running into an invisible wall. That is an interesting complication that Pete mentioned about the Messenger lectures which I’ve never heard of. So, he was better at the lower-level introductions than he was at the expert level. Strange. I remember that he received many accolades for his explanation of the O-ring problems for the Challenger space shuttle which was one of the last acts of his career. As an aside, I understand that he turned himself into an extra safecracker while working on the Manhattan Project–an all around interesting guy.

    Loren, 80 inch airplane eh? That’s intense. I would be petrified of smashing it the whole time I was flying something that big and valuable. I often wonder how well rc designs reproduce the flight characteristics of the originals. The basic design of the airframe must contribute something, but there are so many differences introduced with the different scale and materials that you can’t count on the similarities. My Corsair does reproduce the fantastic roll-rate of the original but I think that is more a coincidence that has to do with some linkage adjustments.

    Okay folks, off to Hawaii. Merry Christmas and see you in the New Year.


    • Feynman, together with his much younger friend Ralph Leighton (son of CalTech and JPL physicist who built the imagers on the Mariner IV spacecraft to Mars), put together a book of RPF’s adventures. The book is “Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman”, and it is delightful. Yes, he did learn how to do safecracking while at Los Alamos, and got quite good at getting past the simple combination locks used in the early ’40s.

      He also gives the inside dope on the Challenger O-ring story. Turns out he had a lot of help, and wound up playing the front man for a group of people who might have gotten the axe had they tried to sell NASA on the fact that a horrible engineering judgement had been made. It is possible that the Challenger story is in his second book with Leighton: “What do you care what other people think?” Both books are easily read and a lot of fun.

      The Wikipedia article is also pretty good: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Feynman

  12. Whoops, can’t go without replying to Slinging Lead. Your airport ride with the fast reflexes and Jedi intuition sounds exhilarating but a bit stressful. Did you know that Star Trek teaches us (an episode where Kirk is divided into good and evil halves) that decisiveness comes from our evil side? >:-)

    I have a horrified fascination with your tidbit about Justin Bieber. Can you hint? I’d say that he and herpes stand to make an acquaintance at some point. Apparently, these celebrities go through each other in belt-fed fashion. Even the venerable Barbara Walters in her biography compiles an impressively long list of people she ran around with. So, if Bieber and company are starting this early, I’d say their odds compare badly to Russian Roulette.


  13. are those slots there by design, so the scope’s parallax can be adjusted at the factory and by knowledgeable tinkerers only? or are the slots there for disassembly and we would be using this as a trick to our advantage? I had been involved with optics for astronomy and astrophotography for many years and never thought of using this method!


  14. One more question about the TX 200, which is having accuracy issues. I have not done nothing yet as I have been busy and I only want to mess with it when I have enough time in my hands.

    When cleaning the bore (with JB paste), do I better disassemble it first? I just get nervous of thinking of cleaning the bore from the muzzle while the rifle is cocked. It would be one of this critical operations that are always accompanied by an urgent phone call from your distressed grandmother.


    • T.E.

      What pellets are you using in your TX200? Mine much prefers Air Arms and JSB 8.4 gr. domes. When I clean the bore I use Hopes 17 cal. bore snake available at most sporting and gunshops. This way you realy should’nt need the JB treatment. If you use bore cleaner make sure you don’ get any down the the piston chamber. The brass brush on the snake should take care of any lead in bore. My rifle calmed down alot when I removed the spring and piston cleaned & lubed as per B.B.’s instructions in this blog somewhere.


        • T.E.

          Your bore is steel and the bore snake will not harm it in any way. But do try the air arms or jsb pellets they will not lead the bore like the cpl’s may be doing. If you want to use the crosmans try the cph they will run slower with less chance of leading your bore.


  15. B.B.,
    There is something bothering me about this Ruger. In fact, it might be more than this rifle, but Ruger’s philosophy around airguns. And their terrible TV ad campaign. We all know Ruger will sell more 1400fps rifles than ones advertised to shoot quarter inch groups at 20 yards. But at this price point and demography in which this rifle is aimed, (no pun intended) it should more than about sales (of this gun). It’s about planning for future firearm sales, and creating a legacy. Isn’t this the reason Ruger got into the youth airgun market in the first place? Marketing 101 teaches us instilling brand loyalty early reaps rewards later. My first powder gun, like a lot of us, was a 10/22. Nearly thirty years later, I still love it, and have been attracted to Ruger ever since. I lust after a No. 1 tropical, and it will be a good day when I finally pull the trigger on one. This new gun will not inspire future sales if a young shooter can’t hit anything with it. Wouldn’t it be cool if Ruger would make the financial decision to make their air rifles in Connecticut, with real Ruger tooling, and not import them pre-branded? That would be something to keep for 30+ years! Now if you’re still with me, I have to say more about the TV ads for Ruger’s Explorer. I’m sure some of you noticed the father and son shooting pellets into a live tree, but did you see the boy loading his break barrel without correctly holding the end of the barrel? Or how this kid slapped the trigger like it was a cheatin’ ex girl friend? Come on Ruger, pay attention!

    • hankmcrae;

      I have had experience with Ruger No. 1’s. They are neat rifles……..but……….their accuracy varies a lot from gun to gun. Some are great shooters, others won’t group at all. Most also shoot better with the forearm more loose than tight since this affects the barrel vibration. Some gunsmithing can improve them. So, prior to buying one I would shoot it if you can. It is so much better to start with one that already shoots.


  16. BB,
    I like this trick with “fixed parallax” scopes, but focusing at a selected range does not guarantee parallax is gone, because the ocular (or reticular) focus has some impact as well. The quickest way would be to adjust the objective so that objects at the selected range do not move when you move your head (the “head bobbing” technique); if the focus is sharp at this point, you’re done, otherwise you probably need to tweak the ocular focus. I once had a scope set up quickly that had some parallax at best focus, but corrected slightly out-of-focus (as verified with head-bobbing); the key was to adjust the ocular focus, as I found out from the A-team page, where there is a nice procedure for setting up FT scopes. Figuring this out cut the groups in half in that case (sorry, it was a rimfire), even before the ocular adjustment; afterwards it was just easier to see :).

    • I saw the small error too. When I was setting up my BSA Tactical Stealth with some extra range marks, when it looked to be at best focus, it had just a bit of parallax. Not much, but just a bit. Thought about adjusting the eyepiece , but did not. I adjusted the parallax out with the sidewheel and marked it. May redo it some day.


    • Michael,

      Because this is a magnum springer, it is just as loud as any other magnum springer. Think Walther Talon Magnum and RWS Diana 350 Magnum.

      If you have no frame of reference, these are the loudest springers of all and very audible 50 yards away.

      The JSBs fit the bore well enough.


  17. Did the heavy pellet calm the loudness down any? I live in the city and there are a lot of good woods to hunt in. My range is about 40 yards behind my house and I did not want to scare the neighbors.

    • ichael,

      Heavy pellet or light isn’t what makes the difference where sound is concerned. It is the RIGHT pellet that often is the quietest in a certain gun. Though I cannot comment on this rifle, which is on the lower cost end of things and is therefore made with looser tolerances, but when a precision springer like a TX 200 shoots the right pellet, the sound is often half what it is with other pellets.


  18. I am considering this rifle or a RWS 350 in 177. For a lower cost magnum springer do you consider this a good one. I am surprised by the group with the JSB. I read that they fit to loose in the breach. Also have you ever tried the TF 89 in .177 and if you have what are some quick thoughts on it.

    • Michael,

      Honestly, the Diana 350 Magnum will be more accurate than this rifle. For the money the Ruger isn’t bad, but the 350 is a more well-rounded and well-finished airgun.

      I have tested the TF 89 in .177 and I likened it to the Beeman R1. Since I wrote a book about the R1, that should tell you how much I liked the TF 89. A great air rifle in .177.


  19. I bought this gun refurbished and for well over a year it was nothing but a indomitable mule. Then the scope rail,which is spot welded from the inside,fell off. It seemed like the only thing I could do with the gun was use it as a fence post-all 48 inches of it. But I had luck and got the rail welded back on this time on the outside,then I sent for a $25 spring to maccari the drop in. The gun now after tuning ,sanding ,moly & tar is another rifle all together. I shoot it with crosman 10.5 – it’s no tack driver, now I can hit 2×2 inch targets at 75 yards ,and makes for me a great hunting rifle, coupled with the enormous power it puts out. Glad I did not discard it now it one my favorites. Hope this information is of use to some disgruntled Ruger Magnun owner,or prospective buyer. All in accounted its a good buy.

  20. Though this forum is over two years old, along with the RAM, I can proudly say that i am pleased with this rifle thus far after about 250-300 shots with it. The very first ruger air magnum i purchased had a huge chunk missing from the piston seal and after attempting to repair it with the piston seal from my ruger blackhawk my luck turned for the worst as i broke the locking mechanism from the safety pull….so a few months and paychecks later i decided to give the air magnum another try and purchased another new one from bass pro shop along with a 3×9×32 bear creek scope…this one seems flawless at about 15 to 20 meters and this picky magnum springer just loves the crosman ultra magnum 10.5gs. Anything much less goes hypersonic and neighbors are ready to call in a shots fired call to the police…love the mag, love the info…keep it up…

  21. It’s been a long time since anyone posted on the Ruger Air Magnum but I am new
    to this forum and have recently purchased a RAM. I thought I had made a mistake
    when I could only group 2″ at 20 yards with Gamo Match Grade 4.8 gr. pellets. That’s
    when I turned to this and other forums and really learned a lot. I have an ongoing pest
    problem with my horses and want to illiminate the problems, permanently. Thus the RAM.
    What I learned and steps I took were that lighter pellets don’t really work in Magnums at a
    longer range (40 to 60 yds). First I went to heavier pellets, round nosed was recommended
    as more accurate and at long range were much better but still even at 20 yds, not a good grouping.
    Wadcutters worked the best at close range (20 yds) but tended in my opinion to tumble at 30 yds..
    Thus, wadcutters were out of the picture for my longer range grouping. Crosman pointed premium
    grade 7.9 gr. unbelieveably held the best consistent elevation but were 5″ apart at 50 yds. consisently.
    Next was the Gamo Silent Cat Domed 10.5 gr. which was pretty consistent at 40yds. but again, had about
    8″ of drop from 40 to 40yds.. Lastly, I tried a pellet that every blog I read said would not hold good groups
    beyond 20 yds. and that was the Gamo Red Fire 7.8 gr. with the plastic red tip. At 40 yds., I could group
    4 of 5 inside a 1″ circle. The one that missed was a freak shot as I recently had a light stroke today was
    3 weeks ago and have had problems with my left side, but is now getting better daily. HERE IS WHERE THE
    ONCE READ “EVERY BARREL IS DIFFERENT”” COMES IN TO PLAY. From 40 to 50 yards, the Gamo Red
    Fire dropped only the thickness of the pellet which is 4.5mm. and stayed within a grouping of 1.75″. Bottom
    line is I have an order of the H&N Hornet 9.6 gr. on the way. I will let you all know how this turns out in 2 to 3
    weeks. My thinking is that while the weight of the Hornet will drop the trajectory, the weight itself will give me
    enough knock down power and I can zero at 50 yds. and will not be that far off at 40 or 60 that I can still hold
    over or under 1 mil dot on my scope and still be on target. Again, the design of the Red Fire and how well
    they are made works great in my barrel. Hopefully, the Hornet, having the same design and being more on
    the heavy side of the parameter may hold a better grouping at 50 where I want it and at the same time give
    me enough energy and penetration for a quick kill. Will advise in about 3 weeks what happens.

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