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Education / Training My day at Sig Sauer: Part 4

My day at Sig Sauer: Part 4

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Sig Sauer’s new ASP20 gas spring breakbarrel air rifle breaks ground in many areas! The safety is on both sides of the stock. Photo provided by Sig Sauer.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

This report covers:

  • Update
  • Sig Super Target pistol
  • Sig X-Five
  • M17
  • It’s over!
  • Dinner
  • Summary


When we closed Part 3 I said I was done with the ASP20 until the test, but I overlooked a couple very important things. Several of you asked me where the safety is and it is shown in the pictures several times. It’s on the right side of the stock. And also on the left side! Yes, the ASP 20 is 100 percent ambidextrous. The safety is manual and slides forward and back.

I also forgot to mention that the rifle comes with a Picatinney rail welded on top, so scope mounting will be a breeze. This type of scope base is replacing the 11mm dovetail rail and most new spring guns have one.

Sig Super Target pistol

They tried to get the Super Target pistol ready for our trip to the range but were unable to. It has been through a lot as Sig has handled it and refined its appearance. This was more a problem of time than anything. So I didn’t get a chance to do more than dry-fire it.

When I looked at it this time, it looked different than at the SHOT Show. Ed told me they re-profiled the top slide, the part that is lifted and swung forward to charge the pistol, for better access to the breech for loading.

I was told that Chiappa of Italy is making the pistol. For those unfamiliar with Chiappa, they are a firm that makes a great many firearms and some airguns. They make the Fas-6004-pistol, which is another single stroke pneumatic target pistol, so the technology in the Sig Super Target is right up their alley!

FAS 6004
Chiappa makes the FAS 6004 single stroke pneumatic pistol, so the Sig Super Target will be familiar to them.

Sig Super Target
The Sig Super Target got a tweak in the slide profile at the rear to make loading easier. This is the old configuration. I can’t wait to get one to test!

Sig X-Five

You guys have been waiting patiently for me to finish the test of the Sig X-Five pellet pistol. Ironically, I shot it at the Sig range first. I was surprised by the accuracy, and I plan to finish the test for that pistol tomorrow.

Of the 12-15 shooters on the range this day, I was the only one shooting with one hand. It’s official — I’m a dinosaur! However, as fossilized as I may be, only one person out-shot me. John Bright of Highland Outdoors used two hands to shoot the tightest groups with the X-Five. I was a distant second.

Sig X-Five Tom Shoots
I’m shooting at the head. Photo provided by Sig Sauer.

The X-Five can shoot, no doubt about it. I can’t wait to test it tomorrow.


In 2017 the U.S. Army awarded their Modular Gun System contract to Sig for the P320 pistol that, in Army dress, is called the M17. The pistol can be chambered in .380 ACP, 9mm Luger, .40 S&W and .45ACP. The Army originally considered a more powerful round but decided to go with 9mm Luger in the end. Sig has already started delivering the pistol.

Sig M17
Sig M17 pellet pistol is similar to the X-Five I’m testing now.

There will soon be a pellet-firing version of this gun, and we were treated to a first look and shoot. It disassembles like the firearm and Dani Navickas took one apart for us.

Sig M17 disassembled
The M17 came apart in seconds.

On the range the M17 shot just like the X-Five. I think the two pistols share a lot of DNA. It was a pleasure to shoot, and old BB found himself pulling the trigger faster than he normally does in a formal test, because seeing the pellet smack the Shoot-N-See target sort of encourages you to shoot again.

Sig M17 Shannon shoots
Shannon Jackson, of Shannon Jackson Public Relations, draws down with the M17.

It’s over!

The range was the funnest part of the day, but every good thing has to come to an end. Or at least I thought it did. There was one final surprise — the Sig Pro Shop that is located at the ranges. I joked that my credit card was already on a respirator, but the folks at Sig showed no compassion. Into the candy store we all went.

Sig Custom Shop
Terry Doe holds the door, suspecting full well what is about happen to my budget.

Well, what do you supposed they sell in the Pro Shop? Not delicious jellies and jams — that’s for sure. I steeled myself into buying just a t-shirt, but that was because I only had carry-on luggage for the return trip the next day. I knew what they had done to me, and the day after I returned home I made arrangements to buy a 9mm P320/M17. Hello, my name is BB and I like guns!


That evening Sig hosted a fine dinner at Epoch in The Exeter Inn. I told you in Part 1 that Sig CEO, Ron Cohen, flew back from India to dine with us that evening. He wanted to hear what this group of writers thought about the ASP20, and we told him. But I got more than I bargained for.

Ron Cohen is a former member of the Israeli army — a soldier who has Been There and Done That. And he talks freely about what the experience did for him. He told us that every pistol that leaves the plant he imagines in the hands of a member of Seal Team 6. If called upon, it has to work!

He told Seal Team 6 that Sig doesn’t get it right every time. They do make mistakes. But when they do, stand back and observe how Sig differs from all other gun manufacturers!

I could see in his eyes that he meant what he was saying. That, more than anything, is why I bought an M17 firearm.


I have been on many such junkets to airgun companies, but this one stood out from the rest. I learned more about the company from its people than I did from the products they make. I look forward to associating with Sig Sauer for many more good years and to seeing and testing their remarkable new products.

As soon as my ASP20 arrives I will start testing it for you in detail. I suspect some things are going shock you, but until I conduct the tests and see for myself, I won’t talk about them.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

54 thoughts on “My day at Sig Sauer: Part 4”

  1. B.B.,

    Terry Doe’s smile as he is holding the door open speaks volumes of how the people at Sig treat their customers. You may be a dinosaur shooting single handed, but you still trounced nearly everybody else.


  2. BTW,…. Amen! on the industry trend to go to P/W rails over 11 mm.

    That will help a lot of newbies from ever experiencing scope shift/slip. No goofy P/W rail dimensions though and rings that have a square shaft cross bolt,… not some round shaft version of the tightening bolt.

    Long overdo.

  3. BB
    Can’t wait for you to get the ASP20 in your hands to test. Interested in hearing more about it. And that means that’s one step closer to getting the gun in our hands. Definitely will be waiting for the release date on this one.

    • I seen today that PA has a November available date listed now.

      That’s good. But was hoping sooner.

      And thinking about that. How long ago did Sig start the ASP 20 project?

      Did they ramp up quicker than other air gun makers. Or are they taking longer than usual. And I can think of multiple reasons why either way could be a positive or a negative.

      • GF1,

        Sig probably started this development sometime in 2017. This has been a clean sheet of paper all the way.

        The November release date surprises me, too. It sounds like Sig is holding up shipments until they have synthetic stocks, too. Either that or they have encountered a problem in production that needs to be addressed. If that is the case I doubt they will share it with me, and I wouldn’t blame them.

        I don’t know how this will affect my test rifle. But I don’t like testing anything that isn’t going to be available to the public soon after.


        • BB
          Good explanation about the ASP 20.

          And you say that about the synthetic stock. I just looked through the specs on the Pyramyd AIR page of the ASP 20. And the gun they got listed says synthetic stock.

          I do hope they don’t cancel out on the black wood stock. I really like the idea of that stock. I think that’s a unique idea.

          I really hope it all comes together soon for Sig and us.

              • Gunfun1,

                I agree that the black stain looks very nice. I have been thinking of some plain wood thing around the house I could try to replicate that look on. Certain woods don’t take stain well and get blotchy, but if the stain is black, maybe that wouldn’t matter too much.

                I have a Crosman 1077 with the wood stock. (Basically no grain at all, probably made from Monkeypod scraps from the Marauder room ;^). Hmmm.

                Hey, does anyone here know if the 1077 stock and Wildfire stock are identical? I’ve had an unopened Wildfire since whenever they first came out, waiting to just sell it when I sell off all my other PCP junk. But if I could put a regulator in it and slide it into a silky black stained wood stock . . . perhaps a certain type of refuse CAN be polished, after all.


                • Michael
                  The stocks are the same except for one thing. The WildFire has a hole in the bottom that’s in front of the trigger gaurd. That hole is for the pressure gauge.

                  So to put a 1077 stock on a WildFire you will need to drill the hole for the gauge.

                    • Michael
                      Was working great but took it out because it developed a slow leak. No more slow leak with it out.

                      But I’m getting ready to regulate it a different way. Going to tether a Air Venturi regulated HPA bottle to it. Should be alot more reliable.

  4. BB,

    I anxiously await to hear more about the ASP20 and Super Target. I have been considering allowing another air pistol to move into RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns. I have been looking at the FAS and the Compact as possible tenants. The Super Target is now also another possibility. Izzy has been kind of lonely for some company to play with. Of course an old Webley would be real nice.

  5. B.B.,

    Once I read that the ASP Super Target is being made by Chiappa, I immediately started thinking “What has Sig done to make the Super Target truly different from the FAS 6004?”

    I purchased a 6004 some time ago (before PA started carrying them). It is a capable SSP target pistol, but with some quirks that I found it hard to get past. For example, the gun cannot be dry fired unless the upper pumping lever is opened, swung through about a quarter of its arc, and then closed again. (This is much less convenient for practicing than my Weihrauch 75, which requires only that I cock the hammer back each time.) The FAS 6004 also needs time to “warm up” each time I shoot it. It begins shooting at about 300fps. Within about 30 shots, it will be shooting between 330fps and 340fps. That difference may not seem problematic, but the variance is just too much for me to have complete confidence that my point of impact won’t change over the course of a match-length shooting session. (At first I thought this quirk was just my pistol, but after contacting the distributor, he indicated that this was normal behavior for the pistol. I had never experienced another SSP that was quite like this.) Lastly, the finish on the FAS 6004 left something to be desired. It was uneven, and had been scuffed up quite a bit before it left the factory. (What can I say? I like pretty guns, which is one of the main reasons I later bought a new P210, even though I don’t shoot firearms near as much as airguns.)

    These quirks on the FAS 6004 were really unfortunate, because the pistol had so much else going for it. The ergonomics were great. The trigger adjustments were superb, allowing me to get the take up, weight, and overtravel just right for me. (The range of adjustability was amazing!) The sights were crisp–perfect for a target pistol. The barrel was good, affording very good accuracy. The loading port was easily accessible–much better than on any other pistol with a similar design that I have shot. And the fit of all the components was excellent (apparently the result of precision engineering with the CNC machines at Chiappa).

    All that to say, Chiappa has some exceedingly good technology to go into Sig’s ASP Super Target. If Sig’s specifications for the new pistol overcome the quirks of the FAS 6004, Sig will have something really special on their hands. I will likely purchase the Super Target as soon as it is available, because I am interested in a trainer for my P210. However, I will be thrilled if it turns out also to be a great target pistol in its own right. So I have my fingers crossed that Sig identified the quirks with the 6004 and worked with Chiappa to make improvements in the design instead of just asking for a 6004 with a “new skin” so to speak. If they did that, they may well have another world beater.

    Based on what you saw of the Super Target when you visited Sig, does it look promising?

    • General L,

      The Super Target sets the trigger exactly as you describe the FAS 6004 does. The pistol I saw at Sig this time was a rough engineering model that was just made for evaluation. It was unfinished and inoperable when I was there. But the trigger was better than I remember the trigger of the SHOT Show model being. It was almost as crisp as a real 10-meter target trigger, if a little heavier.

      I think this is more than just a reskin, though Chiappa and Sig would be foolish to throw away the better features of the 6004.


      • Indeed. I think the 6004 has a lot of good features to be retained, especially the trigger. In view of all you shared about the ASP 20, it sounds like we can have a lot of confidence in Sig to take something good (i.e., break barrel technology) and make something great. I certainly hope that holds true for this new single stroke pneumatic.

        From what I can tell of the Super Target, it looks like there is already one visible improvement over the 6004. The 6004 has a very small lever on the side of the gun that allows the overlever pump to open. It is a bit flimsy and not fully ambidextrous. However, the prototype of the Super Target at SHOT Show used the “hammer” to hold the overlever in place (much like on the Beeman P1). Pull back on the hammer, and the “slide” is released, ready to pump. It appears a more robust design, and it is certainly ambidextrous. Good job Sig!

        By the way, did they say anything about the anticipated MSRP? (I don’t necessarily care, but my wife sure does!)

        • General L,

          Yes, the Sig uses the hammer, much like the HW75. It works well.

          MSRP? Something in the mid-3s, I believe. I’m not sure Sig has locked it down yet. I did take a note on it, but all I wrote was 3 with a question mark.


          • That sounds very reasonable. Even $400-$600 would be fair if the pistol was an exceptional one. I have waited a long time for another good SSP (I got into airgunning right after the FWB 103 was discontinued), and I am hoping for a real winner!

            Thanks for sharing all about your experience at Sig. This has been quite a good series to read!

            • General L,

              I have a Beeman P17, Snow Peak S400, and Gamo Compact. All three look like they are basically the same as the Beeman P3, F.A.S. 6004 and Air Venturi V10. The Compact has the best grip, but the triggers are similar, as is accuracy, in my inexpert hands. The geometry of the Snow Peak makes it my favorite. I can cock it with one finger.

              The hammer-enabled dry fire would be nice, however.


  6. Thanks BB for another excellent report on your trip to Sig. It is so refreshing to see that ‘continuous improvement’ mentality and respect for the client attitude in today’s world that it is forcing me to take a second look at this company and their products.
    That ‘keystone’ locked rifle and scope combination are firs in line. Also, please slip a few comments when you get the M17/P320 in your hands.

    • Henry,

      Oh, believe me — I will tell you about the P320/M17! I am champing at the bit to tell you guys about this P365 firearm I have. I think it is the nicest handgun I have ever owned, and that covers a lot of ground!


      • Do you have mind reading powers too? The P365 is at the top of my list, although still being in short supply I haven’t been able to touch one yet. We will appreciate that report too!

        • Henry,

          While at Sig on the factory tour I was told the company is 100.000 backordered. That’s to dealers and distributors..

          The gun is phenomenal! You can rack it with two fingers! The trigger is crisp and light, the gun doesn’t recoil. And it is accurate! I find it as pleasant as shooting a .22 pistol.

          I’m just waiting on the BB pistol to report on the firearm.


  7. Got to report this. I would wait for another day so as to not interfere with the Sig ASP 20. But got to tell it now while should I say. I’m still in shock.

    My heart’s still pounding. Maybe it is all from my adrenaline flowing.

    Here it goes. I just finished a group with my FWB 300. The gun was setting on the bench bag. I stood up and was getting ready to pick it up and prop it up against the window like I always do. It’s where I always put it so it’s there ready to grab if I need it for a pest bird.

    I bumped it with my trigger hand. I tryed grabbing it as it was falling and tumbled head over heels right out the breezeway window. About 3 feet to the ground outside. I didn’t even want to look. I went outside and looked. The scope was still intact. There was loose powdery dirt all over the side it landed on.

    I picked it up and brushed it off with my hand and checked to see if anything broke or the scope got knocked loose. Surprisingly all in tact. Brought it in.

    I’m going oh my gosh. Wonder where it’s going to hit when I shoot it. I still felt my heart pounding away. I cocked and loaded it. Put it on the bag and shot. I shook my head. It hit dead on. Even as much as I thought I was shaking. I shot more. It still kept hitting. Three 10 shot groups later and it’s still on the money.

    I think I need to go buy some lottery tickets right now. Just totally unbelievable. You just don’t know how happy I am right now. And again I just had to say today. Sorry.

    • GF1,

      Back when I was 17, my father and I were on our way to hunt groundhogs for the day. Along the way a guy came around the turn on our side of the road and we had a very nasty head on collision which sent our Toyota Land Cruiser tumbling over a 10 foot bank. They had to literally chain the Land Cruiser together to tow it away.

      My father’s rifle, a Remington 700 Varmint Special chambered in .25-06 was in the back. It had a Weaver K-12 scope mounted on it. The ocular lens holder was damaged somewhat in the wreck. A few weeks later when we tried it out it was still spot on at 300 yards.

      • RR
        That was definitely not good at all. Lucky your still here to tell about that one. It sure can make you wake up.

        And I know the Remington 700’s are suppose to be heck of guns. But you can’t forget the scope mounts and the scope.

        I’m glad the Fwb 300 is built as tight as it is. And I need to say in the right places after seeing this happen. But next the scope and rings did what I thought would never happen if a gun got dropped that hard. Needless to say but I definitely glad about the gun build. The gun made a thump sound when it hit the ground. I think it did a cartwheel in the air and hit flat on it’s side.

        And it’s not even a heavy duty scope or rings on the 300. Or so I thought.

        Here’s the scope and the rings that came with the scope. And all I can say is I’m a happy camper today after this little fiasco. And it’s a wire reticle. Now to see if it all stays working.

          • RR
            My other scopes are Hawke and another of the one like in the link.

            All I know is I don’t want to do no more of that kind of unplanned testing.

            And I’m thinking my Gauntlet and Maximus might of faired different than the 300 if it happened to them. Maybe the Maximus might of survived. But knowing how shrouds are attached. I’m thinking the things might not of worked out for the best with the Gauntlet.

            All I know is I’m definitely going to be more careful from here on out when handling the guns. Or should I say when I’m not handling them. Don’t want that happening again to any of them.

            • GF1
              This just came out from Donnie Reed, Group Admin of All Things Airgun:
              We all know that Hawke makes some great scopes…but be careful what you buy! Baker Airguns is a Hawke distributor. We correspond frequently with them. Just today, we were told that the Vantage series IS NOT RECOMMENDED for springers over 12fpe. They recommend the Airmax line or greater for springers over 12fpe.
              Just FWIW – LMo

              • Larry
                They don’t make the Hawke scopes I have any more. Mine are what they called the Varmint line. They are etched glass reticles.

                I can’t remember how many years old they are now but had them on magnum springer and everything in between to pcp’s. Even had them on a couple 54 Air King’s which they say are scope killers.

                But they are still doing good.

                • Gunfun1
                  I really didn’t figure you would have a problem with this. I more-or-less borrowed your post to put in that FYI for anyone interested. Sorry. Seems I’m reading more lately about people talking about, and wanting, Hawke scopes. Personally, I’m not in the market – I ended up with more scopes than I have airguns and all I’ve been putting on my rifles lately are the Williams Peep Sites.

                  • Larry
                    All I can say is if Hawke still mad e the Varmint scopes I would get more. Love their 1/2 mildot reticle.

                    Plus they were cheaper than the newer Hawke scopes you mentioned.

                    And another think is Hawke has a very good air gun related baliatic caculater for air gunners.

                    Don’t think I recall seeing that with the other air gun scopes mentioned.

                    It was one more thing that sold me on Hawke scopes in that time frame of air gun shooting for me.

                • My Diana RWS 34P came with a Hawke Sport HD 3-9X50 AO MDIR with a etched glass reticle scope, now obsolete. At that time it was airgun rated and has a lifetime warranty. I have never had an issue with it on the Diana 34. It’s a nice scope, though a bit large and heavy. When I bought the Urban I wanted a new scope so I could leave the Hawke on the Diana. I noticed while researching for a new scope that several of the Hawke models now have a disclaimer of not being used on springs guns greater than 12 ft-lbs. My thought was that Hawke must have had too many warranty claims for damaged scopes.

                  I ended up buying a Leapers UTG 3-12x44mm swat compact scope with the etched glass reticle. It’s a very nice scope but in retrospect I probably should have not gotten the compact model. I wanted to keep the weight down on my Urban as must as possible but the regular model is only a few ounces heavier. It ended up costing me more because I had to order BKL offset mounts for the compact scope because of the short tube length. I just could not move the scope back far enough with standard rings. The compact UTG works really nice now and looks good on the Urban. I believe I posted some pictures back this spring of it.

                  • Geo
                    That is a problem.

                    Maybe sooner or later the other scope makers will run into the same problem.

                    The less liability they have. The more chance the company has to survive.

                    Probably sooner or later it’s all going to catch up and we won’t have warrenty’s anymore. As you stated the disclaimers.

                    I bet that’s something that isn’t talked about much. Warrenty abuse.

                    Think how many ways that could go. In a bad way for multiple reasons.

        • GF1,

          Wow! Is all I can say! You really lucked out on this one. It’s so easy to get a piece of clothing or something snagged on some part of the rifle and then unexpected things can happen. Afterwards you go back and think “What the heck was I thinking”. I had a Remington 48 20 gauge automatic shotgun when I was a teen. We had all tile floors in the house and my shotgun didn’t have a rubber butt pad. I didn’t have a gun rack and normally my gun was just propped in a corner.

          I used this shotgun with slugs to hunt deer. It was pretty darn accurate out to 50 yards and I could shoot a 2″ to 3″ group with it. Plenty good for taking deer. Well, I was out hunting deer and jumped the nicest buck I had ever seen out in the middle of a field with tall grass. He jumped up and stood broadside at no more than 30 yards. He looked like a picture on the front cover of Outdoor Life with a gorgeous rack. I drew down on him while he just stood there looking at me broadside. I shot and he ran off…it was a clean miss. I couldn’t believe it! How could I possibly have missed at that distance?

          When I got home I went over to the gravel pit to check my POI. My slugs were hitting 12″ high at 25 yards! What in the world could have happened? Well, I took the shotgun to a gunsmith and he checked the barrel and told me it had been bent. He straightened the barrel and when I looked through the barrel I could actually see where it had been straightened about half way down. It shot straight again after that. But I had missed the shot at the nicest buck I had ever seen.

          The only thing that could have caused the bent barrel was that someone, not me, had bumped my gun and it had slid down to the floor which was tile on cement. Got a gun rack then and never propped my guns in a corner anymore. But I can still visualize that buck standing there and me missing the shot.

          So glad that no damage was done to your FWB 300 when it fell. I think I would have had a heart attack! As for the scope, it is a UTG “True Strength Scope”. You just proved that for sure 🙂
          It is amazing that the POI stayed dead on though. When I just slightly bumped the barrel on my Urban accidentally, the POI moved 3″ to the right. And that was not a hard bump either, still upset me that I did it.

          Hey! Stuff happens. I’m sure you will be more careful and it won’t ever happen again…right?
          This is a good reminder to the rest of us to be careful with our rifles when staging them at a bench, or standing them in a corner.

          • Geo
            I bumped it with my trigger had as I was coming off the trigger after a shot. Basically hit the comb of the stock where I rest my cheek on the opposite side.

            But yes. Definitely going to be more careful. Still can’t believe it happened.

    • GF1,

      Glad to hear that all was fine. I too treat my air guns like my babies,.. and to have any of them take a tumble like that would be heart breaking and breath taking.

      • Chris
        Yep one part of me wanted to hurry up and go look at the gun. The other part of me didn’t want to look at all.

        Definitely don’t want to do that again.

    • GF1,

      The other day you said that you removed the HUMA reg. from the Maximus (because it was leaking) AND (that this is an occurring problem with that brand).

      No problem on my end. Same mod..


      1) Is the tank leaking past the reg. and the whole system is up to the same pressure?
      2) Or, is the air leaking out and the whole system is down?
      3) Where did you hear that this was an issue with the Huma’s?

      Inquiring minds want to know.


      • Chris
        You might be having a problem and haven’t noticed it yet.

        Rember the gauge on the gun is only showing regulated pressure. It’s not showing how much pressure is in the resivoir.

        What happened to me is I didn’t shoot my Maximus for about 3 days. Picked it up shot anout 5 shots and it was down under the regulated pressure. In otherwards the gauge on the gun showed like 800 psi after the 5 shots. And my regulated pressure was set at 1100 psi. So I fill the Maximus to 3000 psi. That means all that pressure leaked out.

        It was leaking out the air resivoir tube by the gauge. And I don’t remember where I read that other people had the same issue I just explained.

        • GF1,

          I assume you have an exploded view? 2 O-rings on the valve body and an O-ring at the end the air gauge stem. Or maybe it bled down at the fill port area? I don’t know. You have been messing with that gun a lot.

          If weather permits this weekend, I will check the fill on the Maximus and even shoot it some.

          • Chris
            If you remember I put the Huma regulator in my Maximus before you put one in your Maximus. And it’s been in there ever since. Haven’t touched it after I got the regulator pressure set where I wanted. So it’s been in for sometime.

            Now the WildFire has only had the Huma regulator in it for a couple months. And I haven’t touched it any kind of way either.

            And you forgot I guess when I mentioned this the other day about taking the regulators out. I did that to see if the WildFire and Maximus still had the slow leak down issue. Guess what. The regulators have been out for almost 2 weeks and (no more leak down issue).

            So had to be o-rings or something to do with the regulator. I didn’t change no o-rings on anything after I took the regulators out and reassembled them.

            All I know is I’m going the tethered regulated bottle. So basically I can shoot the guns tetherd for more shots and consistency. Or I can just unhook the bottle and shoot the guns that way with normal fill pressure that was used before regulating them.

            And yes as I said the other day. That is exactly how I’m going to run my Condor SS. I’m right now waiting for another Air Venturi bottle and the tethered adapter. Oh and also got some of those big blast caps. Going to try some of the two litre bottles filled with some water and see if I can make some of those water bottle rockets that was talked about the other day.

            But yep hook your buddy bottle up to your Maximus. Open the knob just enough to let it read what your Maximus has in it. But don’t fill it. Then you can see if it’s still where you was filling it too when you was shooting it.

  8. B.B.,

    Enjoyed this SIG visit blog to the Max, I have! (Nod to the Jedi Master Yoda.)

    As far as you being a dinosaur for shooting pistol with one hand I was at the range with my son this past week and got to shoot his MK IV Target. I shoot target with one hand (either) and he being predominently a Biathlon rifle shooter has predominently trained with two hand for his defensive pistol shooting. He was interested in shooting with one hand and after a short instructional discussion did well at 10, 15 and remained on paper at 25 using a B-18 target printed on 8×11 paper! He is now intrigued enough to do some single hand practice…maybe more folks should realize that there was/is a reason that, with practice shooting single handed, a shooter can often outshoot their personal best using a two hand hold; the reason I was given long ago is that fewer muscles engaged almost always twitch less.

    Perhaps we need a Back to the Future movement!


  9. B.B.,

    I think it’s the 10° X Gigawatts in the Flux Capacitor that you and i need to worry about attaining!

    I was digging around the SIG site and wound up on SUPPORT, FAQ! The very last entry in FAQs was a real eye-opener on SISs position on sight alignment for their systems other than target and competition. NO Pumpkin on Post, NO Half and Half…but FULL Coverage of the Bull!

    Did anyone talk about that to you on your visit?


  10. Hi B.B.,

    Have you had a chance to test fire the Sig Super Target yet? I’m curious because I have the Sig Sauer P210 and it’s one of my favorite pistols. But it would be nice to have something similar that I can shoot in the backyard to compliment one of my favorite pistols. I do own the FAS 6004 pellet and I must say Chiappa has put out a very accurate high quality pellet pistol for the price. One could only hope the new Sig Target is of similar quality.

    Thanks for all you do,
    Mike Stilinovich

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