by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier
Hatsan Vectis lever action PCP repeater.
This report covers:
- Mounting a scope
- Scope solution
- Which pellets?
- The test
- JSB Exact King first group
- How many shots per fill? 2nd JSB group
- Predator Polymag
- Benjamin domes
- Predator Polymag
- Summary
Today I mount a scope on the Hatsan Vectis lever-action rifle and we see how accurate it really is. As you learned in Part 3, when I used the iron sights that came on the gun and I aimed at the center of the bullseye, the rifle didn’t do very well. A couple of you reminded me that the best way to used sights like these with a bead front sight is to stack the bullseye on top of the front bead, rather than to try to center it. I knew that of course — I’ve been doing it for decades. I don’t know why I aimed for the center of the target, other than to convince myself that it isn’t the right way to aim with a post and bead front sight.
Actually, I am not very impressed with these sights. The rear sight mounts way too far forward, so the peephole has to be much larger as a result. And then they put two green fiberoptic dots on it to help me center the red dot up front. The whole thing smacks of a shooting gallery gun to me. And several more readers pointed out that Backup Iron Sights (BUIS — also called Mechanical Backup Sights or MBUS) are widely available and will easily fit this rifle. My reaction to that is why would I ever mount iron sights on a potentially accurate precharged pneumatic rifle?
Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying. I appreciate iron sights in the right circumstances. On an M1 Garand or M1 Carbine iron sights are ideal and a scope is ridiculous — in my opinion. What 3-5 MOA rifle needs a scope for any reason? Even a Springfield rifle (a bolt-action repeater that was used by the military from 1903 to the end of WWII) is fine with iron sights. And, in all three instances, the rifles I have cited not only have iron sights, they all have a rear peep — just like the Vectis. But I wouldn’t put them on a rifle that’s capable of 1 MOA, unless it was a target rifle and I was competing in a match where optics were prohibited. I own a Remington model 37 Rangemaster .22 that has gorgeous original peep sights, but I have a period-correct 20X target scope mounted on it that I use all the time.
Mounting a scope
I ran into a problem selecting a scope for the Vectis. The circular magazine sticks up so high above the receiver that I had to find scope mounts that would clear it. It sounds like a simple task, but I worked for over an hour, first looking at mounts and then discovering that most scopes have a swelling right where the Vectis mag sticks up, so I had to be careful there, as well. Let’s look at my solution and perhaps you will understand better.
The scope has to be raised high to clear the circular magazine.
Scope solution
I used 2-piece BKL 30MM high rings that have thin caps with just 2 screws. They solved the clearance problem and, since the Vectis doesn’t recoil, they were perfect. The scope I chose looked like a 4-12 at first but turned out to be the Aeon 8-32X50 AO scope with trajectory reticle! It’s so small for all the power it has! And the price is great! I think it’s a best buy!
Which pellets?
Looking at the last test, I selected three of the 4 pellets I tested at that time for this test. Can you guess which one was chosen first — for sight-in? That’s right — the JSB Exact King. If you look at Part 3 I think you will see why.
The test
I shot off a rest at 25 yards. Today all my groups were 10-shot groups, as this day is the real accuracy day. I sighted-in with just 4 shots, starting at 12 feet and ending at 25 yards. Then I refined my sight picture with another 6 shots.
JSB Exact King first group
The first group of JSB Exact Kings was fired with the gun filled to 3,000 psi. I forgot that it only filled to 2900 psi, so all fills today were 100 psi over. Maybe that will satisfy those who wanted me to overfill the gun a little.
The first 10 shots went into a group that measures 0.469-inches between centers. That’s certainly better than the 5 shots that went into 1.063-inches in Part 3. It’s closer to the 4 shots in the same group that went into 0.431-inches, which is why I chose this pellet.
Ten JSB Exact Kings went into 0.469-inches at 25 yards. Not bad!
How many shots per fill? 2nd JSB group
Hatsan claims 35 shots per fill for the Vectis. I have been refilling after 10 shots in all the accuracy testing, so at this time I shot a second magazine of 10 shots with the same King pellet without refilling. This second group moved a little to the left and also opened up to 0.606-inches between centers. I don’t think it would open the first group up any more if it was overlaid on top of it, so there are at least 20 good shots per fill, as long as you only shoot to about 25 yards.
The second group of 10 JSB Kings, shot without refilling the gun measures 0.606-inches between centers. If overlaid on the first group I don’t think it would measure any larger.
Predator Polymag
I refilled the gun for each of the next two groups. When I chose JSB Kings as the pellet to sight in the gun I’m sure some of you felt I should have chosen Predator Polymag pellets instead. I will admit that after looking at the Part 3 targets it was a tossup, which to select. This time, though, 10 Polymags made a 25-yard group that measures 0.714-inches between centers. The lowest hole was the last shot. So, it appears that I made the right choice for sight-in.
Ten Predator Polymags went into 0.714-inches at 25 yards. The lowest hole was the last shot.
Benjamin domes
For the final pellet I chose the Benjamin dome. I had an average group size until shot number 10. That one went wide to the left, opening a 0.541-inch group to 0.81-inches — the largest group of this test.
Ten Benjamin domes went into 0.81-inches, with 9 in 0.541-inches at 25 yards. Once again, the final shot opened the group.
I think today’s test proves that the Hatsan Vectis is accurate. It’s also clear that testing the iron sights by holding the front bead on the center of the target doesn’t work. That’s why I dislike fiberoptics so much, because that is what they are designed to do.
All the pellets did much better with the rifle scoped and you have to agree that the scope I used was everything anyone could hope for. So, we have now established the accuracy of the .25-caliber Vectis, and it is good.
The .25-caliber Vectis I’m testing is primarily a hunting rifle, not a plinker. I say that for several reasons — the amount of air used per shot, the cost of the pellets and the accuracy. In that vein the magazine is reliable, the trigger is decent, the power is okay and the accuracy is good. The lever action works slick and fast and never stumbles.
On the downside, the shot count is low, the rifle is loud, the fill probe is proprietary and the iron sights aren’t up to the task — at least not in my opinion. The shot count and noise probably pertain only to the .25-caliber rifle.
All that said, I think the Vectis in .25 is a good PCP to consider if you plan to hunt and you want a .25. If you just want to shoot, choose the .22 or the .177.
If you love the lever action, even I think it is kind of neat, sounds worthy of consideration.
Otherwise it seems very average…
I’m a single shot kinda shooter, but of all the lever action air rifles I have tested, the Vectis is the best.
That’s sad. Oh, not that you are a single shot kinda shooter. I’m with ya there. “…the Vectis is the best.” Now that is sad.
The Career 707 used to be my top pick, but that was only after the action had been completely reworked and the heavy striker spring had been lightened to be manageable.
I stand by my statement that the Vectis is the best of what’s on the market today.
I am not disagreeing with you. I would want to see an excellent quality air rifle with a lever action. This would likely work well with a big bore.
Thanks for a look at an interesting rifle. The price is not bad. All in all,.. not bad. The high capacity mags./high profile mags. are an interesting trend. I believe FX uses a large one as well and one reason the I did not give them higher consideration. At least in that case, I believe that their lower capacity/profile magazine will work.
My Athlon scope has that type of reticle and I like it very much.
Good Day to you and to all,…….. Chris
The FX Monsoon uses the same mag as my Hatsan Bullmaster. They look basically like a Marauder mag but different color. And they are right at the same size.
So the FX mags not that big unless a different model FX gun might use a different style mag. Not sure. Haven’t looked into if FX does use different types of mags.
They do. The new Dreamline uses an 18 shot for .22 as an example. The whiners have asked for large capacity so FX is listening to them. Fortunately it will also use the smaller 10 mag. I would sooner have a 10 shot mag than an 18 shot mag. I am not going to be on a battlefield with it. I will very likely have plenty of time to reload the mag if I should need.
… unless there is a charge by a mob of feral pop-cans!! LOL!
I stand corrected.
Tell you the truth I don’t like loading big capacity mags.
But I know how I am. If I got a semi-auto or in this case a lever action. I want capacity.
Yes I know I’m hearing hunting with this .25 Vectis so the big capacity seems to be not worried about.
But the Vectis would be a heck of a fast action plinker in .177 or .22 caliber. And some of us would even like some fast action plinking in .25 caliber.
Remember that TV series “The rich and the famous”. Well ya know there’s always somebody that will step beyond the ordinary. Heck how about some semi-auto .30 caliber air gun plinking. I would go there after I got left a inheritance from a long lost relative of course. Or I won the lottery. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t have fun if it was available for ya. I don’t care what anybody say’s. I would. 🙂
Oh, I have thought about it long and hard. More than once I was tempted to pick up the M712 and the MP40. I have played with a M712 before. It is fun, but only for a couple of seconds.
When I seriously start thinking of buying any airgun, I recall the conversation I had with Gary Barnes many years ago. I was going to commission him to build me an air rifle. He asked me “What are you going to do with this air rifle?” Apparently he was not satisfied with my answer and did not build one for me.
Every time I get that itch I ask myself “What are you going to do with this airgun?” I have more airguns right now than I have time to shoot them. A semi or selective fire airgun would amuse me for a very short time, but then would end up not getting shot much and have to move on.
My preferred shooting is pinpoint accuracy at the longer ranges. Placing five to ten shots in a one inch circle at 100 yards brings me great pleasure. If I should find myself surrounded by a pack of feral soda cans I would pick off the leaders and the rest would likely scatter. A well placed butt stroke will take care of the ones foolhardy enough to continue pressing the attack.
I like switching it up. I do some long range shooting, then some target paper at 50 yards and then some spinners. And then even the those pesky feral cans. And that’s with my non semi-auto and semi-auto guns.
No time for board for me. Matter of fact I’m always looking for some new kind of targets to amuse myself. I’m definitely not a stuck on one thing kind of shooter. I like mixing it up. 🙂
Actually, these sights are designed to center the glowy thingy front dot on your intended target. It allows for a quick center of mass shot. OK for war maybe but not so hot for target. The two dots on the rear peep is an attempt to improve on a sight by someone who does not understand that type of sight to begin with. I myself am not sure if I would even waste a baggie on these things if I was to acquire a Vectis.
Now the lever action is something else to consider. I do think it is wasted on the Vectis, but a good quality air rifle with a similar lever action has promise as a hunter.
I have mounted a UTG 2-7X Scout Scope on my Vectis. The rear of the scope is just ahead of the loading port. The extended eye relief is a perfect set up for me on this rifle. This set up allows the supplied open sights to remain on the rifle if I should ever need them. I am not a big fan of the open sights that came with the rifle, but give Hatsan high marks for supplying them. I AM a big fan of the Scout Scope on this rifle. I have a 20 yard range at home and I get 1/2 inch groups with JSB 14.3 gr. pellets. I was getting 1/2 inch groups at only 20 feet with the open sights. I will try heaver pellets soon to see how they work. The more I shoot this rifle the smoother it gets and the more I like it.
Now that you mention it, I do remember a comment that a scout scope would work well. Oh, well! 😉
Talking heavier pellets.
The JSB 33.95’s are winning out with my Hatsan .25 caliber Edge.
And that is after shooting 25 up to 31 grain pellets in it. And with 3 different sighting systems.
” On an M1 Garand or M1 Carbine iron sights are ideal and a scope is ridiculous — in my opinion.”
I’m with you on that 100%!
At our gun club in Florida, we had a 600 yard range, that required an extra qualification for its use.
I was not qualified, but a military friend invited me to a “200 yard fun match.”
You could use any centerfire rifle, and scopes were allowed; but you had to fire standing, sitting, and prone.
I thought I was doing OK with my .308 BLR with a 4X scope.
But I was blown away by a gent in his 80s with his M1 Garand.
His groups were scary small!
I’m thinking he was in WWII, that was his rifle, and he’d been shooting it ever since.
This guy exemplified that saying, “Beware the man with one gun!”
I was both humbled by his performance, and happy to see a vet his age handle his rifle so well. =>
take care & God bless,
Yep — the man with one gun. Been beaten by him several times!
Hard to beat exsperiance. Especially when they learn to correct their thinking.
Correcting their thinking tends to be the hard part.
Roger that, Gunfun1!
I should have made it even clearer: this gent was shooting without a scope.
He was using the standard military receiver sight with which the Garand was equipped.
And he was blowing away guys with 6X and 8X scopes.
That ol’ boy could shoot, God bless him!
take care,
Love that. Would like to spend just one day with that guy. I’m sure it would be a interesting day. 🙂
For sure! =>
For years and years I wanted a Garand, nothing else would do.After watching “Private Ryan” and the belltower scene, many times, the Garand became a Springfield rifle.
The squad sharpshooter had one of those, and a scope. I cant remember but it may have had a quick detach feature, I think it would have been difficult to use that rifle that way with a scope mounted in the tower.
A scout scope would be fine on a Springfield maybe, but I would probably go for a shorter eye relief design.
The Vectis seems like 12gauge deerslayer for brush and wooded terrain, not a long range type rifle, I bet the scout scope works well on it.
The Vectis needs a dot sight.
✓ 🙂