The HW 30S.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 — Rekord trigger
Part 5 — lube tune
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
This report covers:
- The test
- The day
- Target
- Sight-in?
- JSB Exact 8.44-grains
- Adjusted the rear sight
- Air Arms 8.4 grain dome
- Second sight adjustment
- JSB Exact Heavy
- Why not shoot a fourth group?
- Discussion
- Summary
I will be attending the Arkansas airgun show in Malvern on October 8th and 9th, so if you are in the area, please stop by my tables and say hi.
Today I shoot the HW 30S at 50 yards with the peep sight. This should be interesting for those who are watching this air rifle.
The test
I shot off a sandbag rest at 50 yards with the rifle rested directly on the bag. I shot 10-shot groups today. I shot at AirForce Airguns, where there is a small outdoor range that’s mostly out of the wind, so I used my DOA portable shooting bench.
The day
The day was perfect for an outdoor long range test. There was barely a breath of air and the sun was shining bright. The temperature was in the high 70s, F, (25 C) so it was very comfortable for me.
There was some discussion by our readers of what kind of targets I should select, since I’m shooting with the AirForce Edge target peep sight. Since I normally use a scope at 50 yards, this isn’t common for me to try. At 25 yards I use 10-meter pistol targets whose bull is just under 2-1/2-inches in diameter. At that range the size is perfect but at 50 yards that bull is too small to facilitate precise aiming.
In the past I have used 50-foot timed and rapid-fire pistol targets whose bull is a little larger than the 10 meter targets. They worked well with my Remington model 37 Rangemaster target rifle, but just the sights on that rifle cost more than the HW 30S and the AirForce peep sight, combined.
I settled on a 25-yard slow-fire pistol target whose bull measures 5-1/4-inches across. At 50 yards it fills the peephole of the AirForce Edge sight perfectly, with a little white all around to center the bull with ease.
The 30S was on target at 25 yards, as we saw in Part 12, so I didn’t attempt to adjust the sights for the start of this test. I did have my Meopta spotting scope with me, because 50 yards is a long way and seeing a pellet hole is difficult — especially when it’s in the black.
JSB Exact 8.44-grains
The first pellet to be shot was the JSB Exact 8.44-grain dome that was very accurate at 25 yards. But I couldn’t see the first shot on the target, even through the spotting scope. That meant two things. First, the shot hit somewhere in the black and second, because the pellet is domed and not traveling very fast, the target paper probably closed back after the pellet passed through. Only one thing to do — walk down and look.
When I looked I saw that indeed the pellet had hit inside the 8-ring of the the black and also the paper had closed the hole. But this meant the pellet was hitting the bull, so I went back to the bench and fired 9 more shots without looking through the spotting scope again.
Ten pellets landed in a vertical group that measures 2.807-inches between centers. The lower 9 measure 1.699 between centers.
The HW 30S put 10 JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes into 2.807-inches at 50 yards. Don’t overlook that first shot in the black (arrow).
When I retrieved the target I saw that the group was low, so I adjusted the peep sight. And when I did I went the wrong way. I adjusted it without looking at the adjustment arrows.
Adjusted the rear sight
I adjusted the rear sight without thinking or looking at the arrow engraved on the knob. For a rear sight to go higher you twist the knob counterclockwise, no?
No! The Edge sight adjusts just the opposite, so the 10 clicks I put in lowered the impact about three quarters of an inch.
Air Arms 8.4 grain dome
The Air Arms 8.4-grain dome is a pellet I haven’t tested until now. Given the weight, I suspected it would be similar to the previous 8.44-grain JSB, but let’s see.
Ten of these pellets went into 2.283-inches at 50 yards. But that lower hole may be a pulled shot. The rifle did fire several times before I was ready. I tried to be on target before I touched the trigger, but mistakes happen. Nine of the pellets are in 1.262-inches and I believe that is more representative of what the 30S can do with this pellet.
Ten Air Arms 8.4-grain domes made this 2.283-inch group at 50 yards. The lower hole may have been caused when the trigger broke unexpectedly. Nine of the pellets are in 1.162-inches, which is better than one inch less.
I think this pellet shows a lot of promise. I plan to use it in future tests.
Second sight adjustment
I was about to shoot a much heavier pellet that I knew would drop lower, so I adjusted the rear sight 30 clicks up, and this time I did it by following the arrow on the adjustment knob. Ten clicks returned it to where it was before the last adjustment and 20 more clicks adjusted it even higher.
JSB Exact Heavy
The 10.34-grain JSB Exact Heavy pellet was the last one I tried at 50 yards. Hopefully the sight adjustment got the pellets landing high enough on the target. I should have paid more attention to the 25-yard test as this pellet also went to the left, but I made no adjustment correction for that.
Well, the pellets landed very low on the target. The Edge target sight has such fine adjustment clicks that 50 clicks up would have been more appropriate. Only 7 of the ten pellets hit the target paper. I could see one or two more at the bottom of the box just outside the paper and one probably missed altogether.
The seven pellets that did hit the paper landed in a vertical group that measures 1.423-inches between centers, but of course that’s not representative of ten shots. So I can’t say how accurate this pellet is in the HW 30s — only that it is probably too heavy for this rifle at 50 yards.
Even with the sight adjustment the JSB Exact Heavy pellets didn’t all stay on the paper. These seven are in 1.423-inches between centers. The top holes are three hits.
Why not shoot a fourth group?
Why didn’t I adjust the rear sight up more and shoot another group with this pellet? Two reasons. One, they were running short and I had a second rifle to test with them. And two, I wanted to get the second test done while the wind was still very light. So, I ended the test at this point.
I learned a lot from this test. First I learned that the HW 30S is probably not a 50-yard air rifle. Yes it can be shot that far, and if the shooter plays with it the rifle can do okay, but it is far more suited to 25 yards and under.
Next, I learned that the trigger is probably still set too light. The rifle fired before I was ready more than once in today’s test.
Finally I learned that the Air Arms 8.4-grain dome that I tried for the first time today is a good pellet. I will have to work it into other tests in the future.
I wanted to conduct this test so I can switch the Edge peep sight over to the HW 50S when the time comes. That will happen in the next couple of weeks.
I don’t know if I am done testing the HW 30S, but I’ve certainly given her a thorough look so far!
That’s pretty good with the peep sight at 50 yards.
I say one more test at 50 yards but with a scope. I bet the scope will tighten the groups a little more. And I would give the 10.34 grain pellets another chance with the scope and the trigger set a little heavier. From what I have seen with my hw50 it does group better with the trigger set a little heavier. And I usually like a light trigger. But the heavier trigger on my 50 is working for me. And remember my 50 is detuned.
I’m with GF1 and Siraniko on this; the 30s deserves a second chance at 50 yards with a scope.
RWS Superfield, H&N FTT, JSB Exact Express & JSB RS Diabolos have all done really well at 50m in my 30s.
By the way, the caption under the bottom photo states 0.423-inches, but should be 1.423-inches.
Yep definitely want to see what BB’s 30 does at 50 yards with a scope.
As long as it’s not windy, I wouldn’t be surprised if ole BB shoots sub-1.5″ ctc 10 shot groups with each of those 3 pellets!
And I hope he’ll shoot us a group with one of the lighter JSBs as a bonus (7.33 grain Exact RS or 7.87 grain Exact Express).
I think so too.
Thanks for that. I fixed it.
I have at 50 yds outshot or tied guys with 20x scopes with tech peep sites shooting 22 RF with a cheap marlin mag fed auto
I believe that. And I have also out shot guys with peep sights with a 4 magnification scope at 50 yards.
if I use the right size aperture in the front site of my FWB 300 that circles the bull with a sliver of white around it I cannot outshoot myself at 40 yds when I put a scope on the FWB
If I size my target to the scope mildot on my FWB 300s I can shoot better groups with the scope than a peep sight on the 300 at the same distance.
I too vote for a scoped HW30s at 50 yards. I suppose that “other” gun you were going to shoot at that range was the RAW HM-1000X? Hmm…Coincidentally could the HW30 be for 30 yards and the HW50s for 50 yards?
That is a good way to think about it. But I have had good luck out to 50 yards with my 30.
what about a test of the HW75 at 75 yards?
I think Weihrauch model numbers are not very logical 🙂
The Crosman Quest 1000 gets my vote.
Ha! That would be cool to see how far a diabolo pellet could even fly. I wonder if Chairgun could be used to figure that out.
Well that blows that theory out the door. 🙂
I do not recall what weight, likely 8+ grain.
I was using a mid weight. It is just that even with the little HW30S, you have to be aware of the recoil.
Well done, BB. This HW30 absolutely meets my pop can accuracy requirements with the peep. I could spend an afternoon with a rifle like this.
That has been my experience with the HW30S. It is extremely accurate out to about 25 yards. A feral soda can does not stand a chance at that range.
I have yet to test it yet, but I have just installed a TruGlo front globe sight and a Williams peep sight on this HW30S here at RRHFWA. It is very similar to what Hector did with this Diana 280 except I do not have the extension tube.
I cannot wait to zero this and try it on my new shooting tree. I wish this shoulder would hurry up and heal.
RidgeRunner, see my post to you on yesterday’s blog. It’s near the bottom.
I had put some old FWB rear peep on the HW30S and I had the same problem of it walking. I could not get them tight enough to stay. The HW30S has a surprising amount of recoil. I am hoping this Williams sight will stay in place.
Then that makes me ask what weight pellet your using in your hw30.
From what I have seen with the lighter pellets in my springers is the shot cycle is a harder quicker bump compared to heavier pellets in the same gun.
The hw30’s I have had hardly have any recoil. Definitely less then my hw50’s.
Uh, yeah. I have also found that once you get used to shooting sproingers, you hardly notice the recoil unless it is particularly harsh.
Don’t believe FM is going to try shooting the HW95 at 95 yards – or meters. But may install that glowy front globe and see what difference it makes at 25 yards.
May the Force of Healing be with you, RR.
You may have a hard time finding one of those front glowy thingy sights as TruGlo does not make them any more.
There are a few left here:
I took the plunge and bought 3 when it said 10 left, so there may be 7 or fewer.
That is a real good deal also. Even without a rear peep they should work well on an HW air rifle. Being able to tune it to your light conditions is pretty awesome.
A few months ago one of the blog readers mentioned them and for once FM acted pronto and got one. Maybe should pick up another. It pays to pay attention to this blog.
Check out Field Supply, also.
Thanks, Pacoinohio. I think Field Supply is the one selling them on eBay, if I’m reading the fine print correctly.
I shoot a modded FWB 300s out at 100 yards and also my .177 caliber TX 200. I can hit a 2 litre soda bottle once I get the windage and elevation hold right pretty consistently.
I put one of the true glow front sights on one of my 30’s. I didn’t like it. It was to big if I remember right.
I think I still have it. I’ll have to look and see. Maybe I should try it again just for the heck of it.
my LGU was 177. underlevers have a fixed barrel as you know but I think the major factor where the LGU was not hold sensitive at all was it was like a tuned rifle out of the box they buttoned the piston and other tuning methods at the factory. cant believe they stopped making them
They still make them. They turned up the hp and now have a synthetic stock instead of wood.
I’ll take the old slower fps wood stock LGU over the new LGU anyday.
FM will give the sight a shot see if it tames his inner Mr. Magoo. Also need to sight in that nice ‘lil PCP Airgun Santa sent FM. 😉
Gunfun1 tries so much stuff he can’t remember everything he does anymore. I may just be surprised if I try my Tru glow again.
And knowing Max I think you will get along just fine. Just don’t let Santa know that one of his elfs let this one slip through the system. On the other hand Santa usually don’t have a problem as long as he knows another has found that the air gun Dark Side really ain’t that bad of a thing. 😉
I am with Derrick. I want to see the Crosman Quest 1000 at 1000 yards, with a scope of course.
Will the HW30S do better at 50 yards with a scope? Duh, yeah. Should you try it? Only if you want to play with it some more.
I shot the Edge with the plenum extension and scope at 50 yards, using JSB RS pellets. They chronied at a little over 700 FPS and ten shots formed a nice, round group of .8 inches CTC at that range.
I need to get me another AirForce airgun.
That’s cool. I wonder how fast the pellets were going by the time they got to 50 yards. I like those JSB RS pellets too in my Beeman R9 (HW30S in disguise). But I am running low.
No idea. You can only get so much out of a sproinger. Even a gas sproing has a weird recoil you have to learn to deal with. If you want to stretch out there, you will have to go PCP.
Aren’t you curious? You mean to tell me that you don’t trust yourself to shoot over the chrony at 50 yards? C’mon, RidgeRunner. You can do it!
Will you buy me a new chrony if I hit it?
Nope. :o)
I shot an LGU at 50 yds into tiny groups with not going insane getting the right hold. just aim it no special hold. it was PCP accurate
Chris USA got my .22 caliber LGU with the wood stock.
It would often out shoot my TX 200 and Chris’s 200 also.
They are very easy to shoot underlevers. I still wish I had that wood stock LGU.
The LGU is one of a very small group of exceptionally shooting sproingers. Very likely anyone who has been into airguns for a bit can name them all.
B.B. on a calm day, would a lighter, faster pellet have a better chance at grouping at distance from a sproinger than a heavier pellet? I am thinking of HN’s Field Target Trophy Green or Baracuda Green non-lead pellets.
In my experience, no. Lighter pellets get blown around easily, while heavier pellet tend to stay on track. I know you said a calm day. but even then there is some wind.
Great 50 yard session with peep!
The vertical stringing on all of the targets more or less makes me wonder if the barrel lockup is ever so slightly loose. The only alternative explanation for the gun/powerplant doing that is because it isn’t broken in completely (hard to believe with all your testing) or never will be. I know it isn’t your shooting table/seat since the DOA is amazing; as stable as most fixed concrete ones in my experience.
BTW Do you have a clamp attachment for your spotting scope; I’m in the market for a very stable one…suggestions?
My spotting scope is a Meopta HD 80. It has a threaded camera mount to attach to a tripod.
Read about it here:
Thank you for the quick reply.
I was hoping you had a solution to the table)/bench mount vibration problem.
I have been using a HEAVY Bogen video camera tripod for years for my very Old Bosch & Lomb non zoom spotting scope. It weighs a few tons but with the right fixed magnification eyepiece selected causes almost no eye fatigue. If i ever replace it MEOPTA is probably going to get my business.
I think the vertical string is from the trigger set to light. That’s what my hw50 was doing at first when I had the trigger light.
Interesting. I’ll need to wrap my brain around your observation and the mechanical reason. Maybe it is spring gun specific an area I am just learning about…at long last. I just don’t immediately see the why. I have shot very light (too light) triggers and can’t remember vertical being the result; usually it caused scattering with no logical rhyme nor reason readable on the targets. Remember that shooting was done with firearms and pneumatic airguns not spring piston.
Even now I am just learning Gas Spring with 2+ lb trigger and not Coil Spring…I wonder…?
Think about this. You know how a adjustable trigger stop changes things when you shoot. Well so does trigger pressure.
It’s kind of a way to dail in your hold.
If I hadn’t spent hours and hours learning how to move my trigger fingers with the least possible connection to the rest of my hand(s) muscle actions I could get that. I’m still thinking on the vertical stringing; maybe B.B. will figure it out at some point.
One other thing did come to mind and that is the back and forth action of a spring piston powerplant making a gun have a nodding movement if on a hand or a bag… that’s a reach though…
Like I said. Think about a trigger stop and what happens when you adjust it. Then think about trigger follow through.
Trust me trigger pressure makes a difference.
Don’t make me ask why you haven’t seen that yet with all your studying all the time.
For the benefit of my fellow newbies, recently an airgun that I had shooting nice round groups suddenly started stringing vertically with known accurate pellets. I traced the problem to a peep sight that was getting loose in its vertical adjustment mechanism. I had to return it, and the replacement is tighter (for now). This is not likely to be B.B.’s problem, but it always pays to check that everything is tight before and after a shooting session.
O.K., let me tap into the combined wisdom here. I recently purchased a used .177 HW 30 in what appears to be very nice cosmetic condition. It chrono’s at an average of 671 FPS with Hobby’s.
It came with a set of Sports Match rings. I mounted an older UTG 3-9 BugBuster on it, putting two layers of black friction tape on the bottom half of the rear scope mount (as is my habit to compensate for the chronic barrel droop every springer seems to have).
I tried to optically center the scope on a mirror, but all I could dimly see was the circle of the scope offset to the side by about 1/4. I settled for counting the number of clicks L-R and Up-Down and setting it roughly in the middle.
To sight in, I shot RWS Meisterkugeln at 20′. The first two shots are 1 1/2″ left and 2 1/2″ high. My experience indicates that probably is going to require more adjustment than I’m going to make with the scope.
My options seem to be:
1.) Try another set of rings…could these rings really be off my that much?
2.) Try another scope…maybe this one is just screwed up?
3.) Bend the barrel to the right and down to bring it close enough to the point of aim that I can finish sighting in with the scope’s adjustments?
I’m wondering if the previous owner decided to sell it because he ran into a similar problem? I am, however, a determined “fix it” guy, so I’m going to do what it take to remedy this. But what is the remedy?
Thoughts from the group?
St. Louis, MO
If those Sportsmatch rings are two-piece there are several different ways to mount them to correct the problem. Swap them front and back and turn each around in its place.
If they are one piece rings all you can do is turn them around.
Your rifle is shooting high at 20 feet. Either back up to 10 meters or go closer to 10 feet. At 10 feet the pellet should strike at the center of the optical line and as far above the bore line as the optical line is (the center of the scope tube). At 33 feet the pellet should strike an inch high to be on at 20-30 yards.
Your rifle could have a bent barrel from firing while open. Sight along the outside of it and see if that’s the case.
If you swap the rings front to back then you can’t use the scope stop. Ok on a pcp, pump gun or Co2. But not a springer.
I would just try turning the rings 180 degrees on a springer.
Sure you can! Just put a scope screw or other piece of metal into the rear stop hole and slide the rear ring base against it. Then tighten it down. I have done it many times.
Ok kind of hoky though if you know what I mean.
I like my guns to look good if I take them somewhere.
I would not dare do what you suggested with the people I shoot with.
They would be shaking thier finger at old Gunfun1.
Drill and tap to add a stop to the other ring.
If you have a known good scope swap it like you said in your “2.)”
You could try to optically recenter the scope but this time light the mirror with a very bright light source. Counting clicks does much the same and as accurately.
Take the friction tape out and see if the rings are the issue. Turn the rings around one at a time, swap them front to back, reverse the rings, one change at a time. Shoot groups on a large target and see if they group. Then see if the groups move as you change things one change per group.
Hope you find the problem quickly and it doesn’t require bending anything!
I’m no expert, that’s for sure, but you mentioned rings, but not the base. If it were me, before I try bending a barrel, which is not a reversible change, I would probably try an adjustable scope base.
How does it shoot with iron sights? Perhaps the barrel is already bent or the bore out of concentric alignment with the barrel.
Bending the barrel is completely reversable. Not that it should be done carelessly, but it can be reversed in the same way that it is done.
Maybe so, B.B., but with my luck, I would end up with an S-shaped barrel, or I would bend it back the other way too far. Too risky, IMHO. So for myself, being relatively risk-averse, I would exhaust all other alternatives, first.
BTW, I have no pride of authorship, so if I am off base about the adjustable bases suggestion, I would appreciate being corrected. And thanks in advance.
Read my comment to BB about the scope rings and a springer above.
And don’t bend the barrel.
Bugbusters are very short scopes. Two layers of friction tape will jack in a lot of elevation.
Maybe you could try one layer or maybe no layers of tape.
You’ve already received some good advice. B.B.’s advice on turning your rings around, one at a time, and even swapping them front to back (if they’re two piece) works wonders sometimes.
Before doing this I’d suggest removing the scope and rings and shooting it with open sights to see if you have the same Point Of Impact issue.
Don’t be afraid of bending the barrel if necessary. Not sure why everyone is shaking at the idea of bending a barrel. It’s done at the factory frequently. Here’s a barrel bending machine:
Never had the need to bend a barrel so far…
If I had a jig like the one in the picture I wouldn’t worry about bending a barrel. Of course if I had the experience based skill of the guy in the picture i wouldn’t hesitate; not even for a New York minute!
I have read how Tom does it and I still like the control that the barrel bender offers.
Yep at the factory. But they bend it to make it straight. The old FX factory tour video was a good video.
My question always is why is that gun shooting off aim point.
Check all the other things first. Then if you think the barrel really needs bent then go for it and let us know how it goes. A positive barrel bend is something I’m always interested in.
That contraption looks just like a cottonwood tree that an acquaintance of mine uses to bend his barrels. ;o)
Roamin, shootski, etc.,
Don’t laugh. I’ve used the lower fork in an old cottonwood on my property to bend barrels. I believe folks are intimidated and are overthinking this process.
Barrel bending shouldn’t be your first choice for accuracy issues but it should be in your toolkit
I’m not laughing at you Kevin, I’m just making a good-natured tip of the hat to you. But I will admit to being too tired (lazy) to search the blog to refresh my recollection of whose cottonwood it was. Actually, I agree with you. My Embark is shooting to the right, even with the peep all the way to the left, but I am in a dialog now through P.A. with a tech from Air Venturi. We’ll see what he says. I also asked about drilling and tapping the Air Venturi Peep for a scope stop pin. More later. Until I exhaust other possibilities I don’t think I will try to bend my first barrel. But if this is to be my first, I’m glad the Embark is only a $100 gun. In fact, I have my Crosman 760 pump master from my youth that has kicked the bucket, and I could practice on that barrel first.
Thanks for all the great responses! I’ll let you know how it all works out. May take a while as I’m involved in some outside projects while the moderate weather lasts. When it rains I have time to work on the HW 30…
St. Louis, MO
All I have some news about one of our blog readers. He said I can say that we touched bases and let us all know what has been going on.
Chris USA has been dealing with a aggressive throat cancer. He said to not go into all the details
He said he has been wanting to get on the blog but other priorities have been keeping him from it.
We should all say a prayer for him.
Gunfun1, thanks for letting us know. My family will certainly include Chris in our evening prayers. That counts for 5x.
Absolutely prayers
Gunfun1, thank you for the notice. *praying for him*
I couldn’t say anything to him. I just said I would be praying and for him to stay in touch.
Sorry to hear about that. I been there. Ain’t no fun.
Best wishes and the best of luck to him.
It tears me up. Life’s hard enough and then that stuff happens. Just can’t stop thinking about it. I hate it. Hate is a strong word. But I do hate it.
Also, life is unfair as in “why do bad things happen to good people?” Adding him to FM’s ever growing “prayers-for-friends-and-family” list. 🙁
Yep pray.
Please share with Chris that he had been in my prayers to find a new job. That prayer will be moved to the back burner for now. I will pray that he beats this and has a good recovery.
That is a big bummer, thoughts and prayers for a good outcome.
Yep I was caught off gaurd when Chris told me what was going on.
Got to pray.
No need for me to let him know.
You just did wether he reads your comment or not.
That’s why we pray.
Much obliged all. Prayers are all I can ask for. It is what it is. I am getting top level care at OSU/Wexner. Staying with my brother due to treatment proximity,… but taking care of myself. Doing fine otherwise. I will be checking in and doing my best to beat this over the long term. Miss ya’ all and the regular banter.
Chris USA,
Thanks for taking the time and effort to contact us. Know that you are not alone and that a lot of people whom you have never met are praying for your recovery.
Glad you commented today.
Praying for ya.
Post when you can, we love to hear from you and your posts will be helpful to you and us. Carry on and the best to you.
Count on me being added to those praying for you. I know first hand the power of lots of folks praying for someone. We haven’t met but you were the first of many to help me with some airgun advice when I first got into airguns about 8-9 years ago.
I don’t think, these groups would be significant smaller by using a scope. Vetical strings normally mean, there is a problem with the rest. Often it comes from resting a springer directly on the sandbag. Somebody invented a thing called “artillery hold”. Maybe you should try it with your HW30S.
Tom, as a big fan of both lower-powered springers and aperture sights, I’ve REALLY enjoyed this series! Great fun with a great airgun…
Question: have you ever explored the accessories available for match diopter sights? The AirForce unIt has the standard Euro-spec eyepiece threading, so you could use the adjustable rear sight irises made by Gehmann and Centra. These can be acquired with colored filters, polarizers, and a focusing 1.5x magnifying lens, in literally any combination. Some of those goodies (especially the lens of course) are a BIG help to old codgers like me – and will bring the sight’s performance even closer to a scope.
Oh, and forgive me if you’ve covered this at some point in the past, but a really cool feature of the AirForce sight is that the diopter unit can be removed from its base, and mounted by placing its front “eyeshade” component into a 1-inch scope ring! Gives a lighter and more compact installation (though of course you give up some of the sight’s huge vertical adjustment range).
A reader asked me to check that a few weeks ago and I did. My Gehmann adjustable aperture with colored lenses does not fit the AirForce sight.
Wow! I didn’t know about the one-inch ring trick! Always learning from you, Mike.
Assume that’s the iris that I gave you in your living room. Are the threads on the iris too small or too large to fit your Air Force rear diopter sight?
I forget which. I’ll look later today.
Thanks Tom. That’s odd though, my AirForce sight has the standard 9.5mm x 1.0mm eyepiece thread, and takes all my old German eyepieces and aftermarket irises with no problems.
Here’s a shot of it with an older Gehmann iris installed:
I believe you can shoot better with peep sights than I can with a scope, LOL!
But I thought people might like to see a data point on a .22 caliber HW30S.
Hence, I dug out the ol’ gal, and measured off 50 yards. Those 13.43-grain JSBs are only leaving the muzzle at 485 fps, so there is quite a bit of drop at the 50 yard line; I found that holding up the 3rd mil dot puts me on target at 50 yards, but I find it hard to hold a dot in the center of an “X;” I find it much easier to hold a cross over an “X,” and that’s why you see the pellets hitting so far below the target. Also, it was windy today, and I noted that those big old slow .22 pellets drifted to the left. But these little HW30S rifles can shoot.
Take care & God bless,
Nice groups.
Thanks; not as good as a PCP could do, but not bad for a 7 fpe rifle. =>
I think it’s good. Like you said they are fun guns. Nice little guns to relax with.
Well that is good enough for shooting at cans. Animals, or FT not so much.
How about mounting your favorite Meopta scope and trying again?
With a decent scope, I took down plenty of squirrels with my .177 caliber R7 (Beeman’s version of the HW30S), between 10 and 20 yards. But now I have other more powerful guns for dealing with varmints. Where these little rifles really shine are in the category of “fun guns.” And whether we are talking airguns or firearms, I think we need more fun guns, since the more people we teach to have fun with a gun, the less anti-gunners there shall be. =>
Happy shooting to you,
Amen to that.
10-20 ain’t 50!
will you be going to the Malvern Ar airgun show Oct 8&9
Thanks Ron
Yes, that is the plan.
It’s inconceivable, but I’m still waiting for my new HW30S after buying it weeks ago! Something is wrong, HW cannot be bought in Germany! End of the world…
As always, you motivated me to do the zero check when I finally get it. My older son (8yo) is waiting for it and asks every day when he will finally be home. I will stay with the downpowered spring for him. I expect to have approx. 7J energy. Easy to cock and enough for 10m range. 🙂
Maybe this will bring you some luck.
Having problems again.