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Ammo HW 30S: Part 11

HW 30S: Part 11

HW 30S
The HW 30S.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 — Rekord trigger
Part 5 — lube tune
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

This report covers:

  • The sight inserts
  • The test
  • JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes
  • JSB Exact Heavy
  • RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle
  • Qiang Yuan Training pellet
  • RWS R10 Match Pistol
  • Discussion
  • Summary

Today will be interesting, as I replace the post insert in the front sight of my HW30S with an aperture. The question is — will it be even more accurate? I don’t know and I want to find out!

The sight inserts

The HW 30S came with a package of five front sight inserts, plus the one that was in the front sight, for a total of six. Two of the inserts have target apertures but only one is useful, The other one is a solid black plate with just a small hole in the center and it’s difficult to use because you can’t see most of the target.

HW 30S sight inserts
The post on the left was used in the accuracy test in Part 10. Today I’m using the aperture insert on the right.

The test

I tried to test the rifle exactly the same as I had in Part 10, even to the point of shooting the pellets in the same order. I shot the rifle off a sandbag rest at 10 meters, with the rifle resting directly on the bag. I shot 5-shot groups, just like before.

This time I was ready for the trigger and it didn’t fool me. I really like the way I have it adjusted.

JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes

First up were JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes. In Part 10 five of them made a 0.254-inch group. Today with the aperture front sight insert five pellets went into 0.163-inches. This turned out to be the second-smallest group of today’s test and it is also smaller than the smallest group shot in Part 10 (0.174-inches).

HW 30S JSB 844 group
Five JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes went into 0.163-inches at 10 meters. This HW 30S can shoot!

JSB Exact Heavy

Next up was the JSB Exact Heavy that was the most accurate pellet in the last test (0.174-inches for five shots). Today the HW 30S put five into 0.149-inches at 10 meters.  This is the best group of the test and this pellet remains the best pellet in the HW 30S. 

HW 30S JSB Heavy group
The HW 30S put five JSB Exact Heavy pellets into a 0.149-inch group at 10 meters. This is the only gold dollar group of the day.

Hunting Guide

RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle

The next pellet I tested was the RWS Meisterkugeln Rifle wadcutter. In Part 10 five of them went into 0.271-inches at 10 meters. Today five made a 0.249-inch group. Of the three pellets tested so far, all have delivered tighter groups with the aperture front sight insert.

HW 30S Meisterkugeln Rifle group
Five RWS Meisterkugeln wadcutters went into 0.249-inches at 10 meters.

Qiang Yuan Training pellet

In the previous test five of the Chinese Qiang Yuan training pellets went into a 0.326-inch group at 10 meters. Today another five went into 0.281-inches. That’s the fourth pellet that was better with the aperture front insert.

HW 30S Chinese Training group
The Weihrauch 30S put five Qiang Yuan Training pellets into a 0.281-inch group at 10 meters.

RWS R10 Match Pistol

The last pellet I tested was the RWS R10 Match Pistol wadcutter. In the last test they were the second most accurate pellet, with a five-shot group measuring 0.178-inches between centers. Today the 30S put five of them into 0.46-inches, which was the largest group of this test by far. The only explanation I can offer for why this happened is that I relaxed too much while shooting this pellet. I never saw a bad shot, but it’s clear I wasn’t trying my best. Of all five pellets this is the only one whose group didn’t get better with the aperture insert in the front sight.

HW 30S R10 Match Pistol group
Wow! I guess I blew up on this final target. Five RWS R10 Match Pistol pellets made a 0.46-inch group, where before five went into 0.178-inches at the same 10 meters.


I think today’s test proves a lot. First, it proves that the HW 30S is every bit as accurate as airgunners have been saying for years. And Beeman R7 owners can extend everything seen here to their rifles, as well. The R7 is different in name only.

Next, I think today’s test strongly suggests that the aperture insert is slightly better than a post front sight element when shooting bullseye targets. It is of almost no use for other types of targets, but for bullseyes, it’s the best. It just makes accurate aiming that much easier.

The Vortek PG3 SHO tuning kit was well worth the effort to install. I can tell that the power of the rifle has increased dramatically by how fast the pellet gets downrange. The shot cycle is quick and smooth. And I bought the Vortek piston seal to go with the kit. I can’t say whether it’s better than the factory seal, but as long as I was inside I thought, why not?

And finally I have to say that the way I adjusted the Rekord trigger makes it one of my best airgun triggers. It’s super-light and crisp at stage two. If it only had an overtravel lock it would be close to perfect. I know several ways to put one on, but I’m still mulling that one over in my mind.


I have a surprise for you guys. It’s coming tomorrow.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

31 thoughts on “HW 30S: Part 11”

      • Yogi,

        It isn’t appearing on your screen? I suppose the site is experiencing a glitch. The pic I posted pops up on my computer perfectly.

        I uploaded a photo of two pennies, a regular one and one of the “Nixon Pennies” someone marketed in 1974 as a gag riffing on the terrible inflation in the mid-1970s. The Nixon Penny is tiny, Get it? Nixon shrunk the penny with his monetary policy.

        Have you kept up with your regular software updates?

  1. BB

    I’m having issues posting a comment but will start over.

    You clearly demonstrated the advantage of aperture front inserts over posts when aiming at bullseyes. When I use them at 25 yards, I either choose a much larger bullseye target or the smallest I can see well. Light conditions get involved.

    When you get a HW50S I predict it will be just as accurate but mine took much longer to settle down. Initially I thought it was finding the best hold but TIAT improved the shot cycle so much it deserves the credit.

    That last group with the R10’s is a real head scratcher. I don’t think you caused it because no pulls were called. Your getting unfocused or tired can account for less accuracy but this difference is just too great. Do you know if the lowest flier was the first shot with the different pellet type? If so, I can better understand the large group size.


  2. I highly recommend the Air Arms Falcon 7.33 gr. for any HW30/R7. Usually the most accurate and smoothest shooting in my experience. I’ve had 5 or 6 and still have 3. Never had a .177 HW30 that didn’t like them. But I’m sure there are exceptions. Just my $0.02…

    • MarkinJHawkland

      I just tried the AA Falcon 7.33 grain pellets and got .60” with 5 shots at 25 yards in my scoped HW30S. Not bad but I stopped shooting at 5 because it was twice as large as the 10 shot group just before it using JSB Express 7.87 grain. I only have one of these rifles but I think you should try them in yours. Also the AA Express 7.87 grain does well in my rifle.


  3. B.B.,
    Great groups! I’m glad this rifle turned out so well for you, and that the Vortek kit really spruced it up. I would think about putting that kit in my gun, however, it’s so perfect “as is,” that I think I’ll wait till something goes wrong with it…although that day may never come…and I’m OK with that. =>
    Take care & God bless,

  4. B.B., this report is bitter sweet for me. One one hand I love the results you are now getting with the HW30s. On the other hand I’m disappointed in the fact that this brand needed “work” tune or whatever to get these results. I have never owned a “Quality” break barrel, just a Daisy that I think was made by Gamo (not sure on that). From all I’ve read on the quality, I thought this brand was one of the top quality brands. I would have expected no buzz or harsh shooting. But maybe a new one wouldn’t have done that.

    • Doc,

      I think this series is one reason this blog is so successful. I show you what happens — regardless of how it turns out. Sometimes things like what you have seen here will happen. It’s better to know that than to be hoodwinked and disappointed when you finally do take the plunge.

      Now, one rifle that has never disappointed me is the TX 200 from Air Arms. And, in the three years I worked at AirForce and the hundreds of their rifles I tested, I have only seen one barrel that was not accurate.


      • B.B.,
        and I thank you for that! The TX 200 is tempting but it’s just so darn heavy. All that said, I have bought firearms new that had problems also. Just some makes/models seem less likely to have problems than others.


    • A friend of mine once remarked, “Everything is relative, and I am an old child.” Relative to other guns at or below its price level, the HW30S is superb and a bargain. For example,, Gamos are known for having good triggers…after 1000 shots or more to break them in. I’ll venture to say that the Rekord trigger on the HW 30S is way better than any Daisy or Gamo trigger out of the box, and it’s adjustable. I’m sure there are some, if not many HW 30S guns that are out of the box without any buzz, but with every manufactured object, you have an issue of acceptable tolerances vs. cost. I doubt many of us would even detect the buzz B.B. described, but we have not tested and tuned as many airguns as he has. But to hand tune and test each gun that comes out of the factory would probably double or triple the price.

  5. BB, Nice shooting, a good way to start the day. Does it matter how far or near your eye is to the aperture when you are doing groups? I put a brow rest on my bench rest pistol so I can use a my hi mag scope. It attaches to the scope tube using a scope ring. It is nice not having any pressure on my face, and It is very relaxing and easy to hold a sharp image for many shots now. I am using a short piece of 3/4″ radiator hose as the pad, it slips on a 6″ piece of aluminum clamped into the scope ring. I am making a more adjustable version now. As far as bench rest goes, the pistol works as well as a rifle, but much lighter. having fun.

    • Hi Rob, are you able to add a picture of your setup? I’m interested to see your brow rest.

      For other newbies like me: the best description I ever heard of how to use a peep sight is to pretend you are looking through a hole in a fence. Ignore the hole and just focus on the front sight. Your brain will automatically do the rest. The hole is so small that it forces you to put your eye in the same place every time, effectively turning your eye into the rear sight, so all you have to consciously do is line up two things: the front sight and the target. With regular open sights, you have to consciously line up three things: rear sight, front sight, and target.

  6. Wow. Nice shooting. The Airforce Peep sight is working well it seems.
    I have two questions:
    Will a standard, adjustable rear sight iris/aperature from Gehmann, Centra, or Anschutz (like this one:
    work with the Airforce rear peep sight (/product/airforce-adaptive-rear-target-sight-fits-most-10-meter-3-position?a=2237) and the Air Venturi Rear Peep sight (/product/air-venturi-rear-sight-micrometer-adjustable?a=3191)?
    Next, I noticed that my Air Venturi Peep Sight’s aperature disc can be wiggled around with a light touch of my little finger, even though it is screwed on tight. Is this normal? It seems to me, sights should be rock-solid. I bought that several months ago from Pyramid Air. Is there anything I can do to fix it?

  7. Nice shooting, BB!
    This is turning out to be a real keeper.
    I posit that the difference between something like the HW30s (with the add-ons and effort to make it do really well) and a TX200 that comes out of the box ‘ready to roll’ is pretty much the difference in retail price between the two.
    Do you get satisfaction from making something your own, or are you a pragmatist who has decided that time is money and is willing to spend money to save time (that could be spent shooting)?
    Where on the curve does your ‘maximum utility’ lie?

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