Air Venturi Cowboy, Image 1
Air Venturi Cowboy, Image 1

Air Venturi Cowboy Action Diamond Gong Airgun Target

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Test your quickdraw shooting skills with the Air Venturi Diamond Gong target.  Whether you're a beginner or a full-blown pistolero, the Diamond will help you sharpen your single action skills.  With each hit, the target emits a fulfilling gong sound that will bring a smile to any shooters face.  The natural downward angle design of the diamond means that rounds striking the plate will be directed down to the ground, and reducing the likelihood of ricochets.  

If single action airguns aren't your thing, no need to worry, the Diamond Gong will work with just about any .177 caliber air rifle or pistol.  Sling lead pellets or Air Venturi Smart Shot BBs all day and enjoy the satisfying sound of the Air Venturi Diamond Gong Target. 

Air Venturi Cowboy Action Diamond Gong Airgun Target

  • Height adjustable from 33" to 45" (measured from base to top of the diamond)
  • For .177 caliber lead pellets and low ricochet lead BBs only
  • Minimum distance: 5 yards
  • Target Dimensions: 12" x 12" Diamond
  • 3 anchor points on the target base to keep the target in place while in use
  • Comes apart easily for storage and transportation
  • 10.1 lbs assembled
  • Target is 1/8" steel plate
  • Assembly Required



10.1 lbs

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10 of 17 Air Venturi Cowboy Action Diamond Reviews

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This is an ideal target, particularly for the two Umarex Western style CO2 pistols and the Legends lever action rifle or similar CO2 gun. Easy to assemble, sturdy and very mobile. I purchased two of them. A real bargain for 30 bucks!

Wouldn’t change a thing!

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Great affordable gong target that you can stake down out at 15 to 20 yards and not worry about it. It holds up in all weather conditions as mine has lived through strong storms, several snow falls, etc and is still out there waiting for me to do some plinking. The angle of the diamond is perfect to deflect ricochets downward and not back at you.

Honestly, I wouldn't change much other than maybe include some heavy-duty stakes? I had to buy some heavy stakes in order to lock it down on my range since it doesn't come with any.

The steel plate is only rated for .177 caliber. I would advise against using your .22 calibers on this one. Other than that, it's great!

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Well made. I do target shooting and wanted something different to my CO2 range...This gong was perfect..


Make sure to use pellets as BB's will ricochet Wear your safety glasses. It's designed to reflect down but, you are shooting at a solid target not paper....

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Sturdy well made. Great price


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Great reactive target. I have 2 now. Keep one out at 75 yards for my magnum springers. Takes stick-on targets well, and can be spray-painted if necessary. Youll always know when you hit. Nice solid tone


Great target with pleasant feedback

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I was impressed with how simple the assembly was and how sturdy it was after being assembled. For what I spent on it, I was expecting some kind of cheap extendable/retractable mechanism with hollow metal tubes to house a smaller inner tube which would do the extending. But what you get are solid pieces of metal with holes, and nuts and bolts to fasten the pieces together. Nothing complicated like placing springs in the right spot, or fiddling with tiny screws. And since the metal is not hollow, the extra weight makes this thing quite sturdy. The whole thing is 14 lbs in total! The metal plate is a lot of fun to shoot. Firstly it's a whole square foot so you can accurately hit this thing from a fair distance if you wanted to. And secondly, it makes a very charming and satisfying "ting" when you hit it, always letting you know that you didn't miss. :) This product is well worth the price. You won't regret buying it.


Makes for an excellent platform to tape paper targets to if you need to sight in your scopes. There are also no worries of ricochet since the plate is tilted downwards.

Patrick Dec 16, 2020

Looking forward to receiving mine.

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Great for practicing with my single action revolvers.


Good for practicing drawing and shooting

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Does just what it's supposed to. Pellets, BB's deflect downward instead of random angles. This doesn't mean you can forgo shooting glasses at shorter ranges but with any kind of soft ground (ie grass) there shouldn't be any ricochet problem. I use mine in my shop with BB pistols. I put down a movers blanket about 6'x8' in front of the target and I've had no bounce back from appox. 7 yards.

I would like to have one a little larger say 18x18 or so.

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Directs the bb's/pellets downward and allows for collecting projectiles. I found mounting one in a big flat screen tv box works great and when you cut out the side your shooting in, all bb's go directly to the bottom of the box. I use this in the basement but would work just as well outside. When hitting the target, a noticeable "gong" sounds out unmistakably sounding a HIT!

Wouldn't change anything. Easy put together design, but solid as a rock. Perfect for this type of target shooting.

Purchased this from Pyramid air and manufacturer forgot to include the two bottom feet that hold it upright. When I contacted PAir about the issue, they had it corrected within the week. Extremely friendly customer service and stood by their product even though they are not the manufacturer.
"Perfect" target for Cowboy Action type airguns. Five Stars to PAir!

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