Air Venturi Parts Kit for 13 ci Tank & Valve
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Air Venturi Parts Kit for 13 ci Tank & Valve
- Fits Air Venturi 13 cu in tanks (PY-A-7882) DOM 2/2021 (Feb. 2021) and newer
- Does not fit tanks dated prior to/older than 2/2021 (Feb. 2021)
- Includes replacement burst disc, fill valve assembly, fill port cover and necessary o-rings
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5 of 5 Air Venturi Parts Kit for Reviews
need it for my pc bottle
Things I Would Have ChangedCost?.Bought 4.They seam to not Last?.Or sell the O- Ring ,O-ring dont last?Need replacement rings kit. would be Nice.
What Others Should KnowCost
Fits Works Great
Things I Would Have ChangedWish they would give at least 1 Extra ,O-Ring repair kit,There very tiny,for the Price.Thank you
What Others Should KnowProduct Fit on 13 CI-1300psi bottle ,Make sure Fill Probe is Attached secured! And have enough pressure to In gage the Valve or its not going to fill .(Be carefull)
Easy to install
Things I Would Have ChangedNo other option for the 13ci bottle...seal is not available
What Others Should KnowI have several fill ports from other manufacturers on different rifles...most are years old and work perfectly...I have 3 of these Air Venturi bottles that require this fill port...so far in 3 years have gone thru 10 of these fill ports...they typically last less then 6 months and start to leak...the silicone gasket is replaceable, but a unique size, and Air Venturi does not sell just the seal..so these bottles get expensive fast
Its a fill value..does one job, not much to like as long as it works
Things I Would Have Changedwhich leads to why I dont like it..gone thru 3 of these in the last 180 days..the last ONE ONLY LASTED 22 DAYS..it has a proprietary seal that cant be replaced without replacing the entire assembly
What Others Should KnowIf I had to do again, I would buy the ninja bottle and just bump up the pressure on the regulator
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Jun 12, 2024
By Winton
Solidly Built
Things I Would Have Changed0
What Others Should KnowNeed O-ring replacement kit or Provide at least 1 or 2 extra O-rings. 4 the price.