Air Venturi Tank with Adapter, 13 cu in, Aluminum, 3,000 psi
Model:Tank w/ Adapter
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For additional shot consistency and charging convenience, you'll love converting certain CO2 guns to high pressure air. Choose this exceptionally lightweight tank with it's integrated regulator and enjoy thousands of shots from the 3,000 psi charge.
The Air Venturi 13 oz. aluminum high pressure air tank is the perfect pairing for many airguns and a common modding accessory. It's particularly useful for QB79 owners.
Please Note: This high-pressure tank must be filled through the male quick-disconnect on the neck. Before buying, please contact your local air supplier to see if they can fill this tank. Paintball stores may be able to fill your tank, so you may be able to find a fill source through them. Many fill sites may be able to fill your tank but may need an adaptor to do so.
Air Venturi Tank & Adapter
- 13 cubic inch D.O.T. and TC approved aluminum bottle
- 3,000 psi maximum pressure (206 bar)
- Regulator output pressure of 1,100 psi
- Fill via male quick disconnect fitting fixed on valve assembly
- Bonnet thread
- DOT, low pressure burst disc
- Restrictor, bleed hole and safety groove
- Mini fill valve is hardened, plated
- Weight: .5 lbs
- Height: 9.5"
- Diameter: 2"
- Black
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10 of 13 Air Venturi Tank with Adapter Reviews
Didn't need any adjustments to get it to shoot ok. Shot count crazy good and improved accuracy even better than with CO2 cartridges.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe foster fitting had to be removed to install the cannister into the Hammerli M850 rifle. I would have liked to have not needed to cut the stock on the rifle to get the whole setup to fit but I didn't want to fiddle around with other adapters to make it so no stock cutting was needed.. You will have to make a decision on whether to cut the stock or get a different adapter to make it work for a clean installation.
What Others Should KnowThere are other PCP cannisters out there that you may want to consider that may work better and look better than this cannister such as the Ninja bottles so do a little homework on dimensions you will need to make for a clean installation on your rifles. Otherwise the cannister and adapter work good and regulated to 1100 psi on shots which is an improvement over CO2 cartridges and NOT temperature temperamental when using PCP. I used a compressor and filled the cannister to approx. 2700 psi and it shot very well.
Combined with an aftermarket drop block and valve nose, provides a quick-n-EZ conversion to PCP for Crosman 2300 and similar CO2 guns. Beaucoup benefits: 1. Increased pressure over CO2 2. Eliminate CO2 temperature variability 3. It's regulated 4. the pressurized gun tube now acts as a plenum for even more shot consistency
Things I Would Have ChangedGet rid of, or at least minimize, all the BS verbiage for improved appearance. (Of course, the lawyers won't let that happen, and we're warned not to use mechanical or chemical means to remove it, so we'll just have to live with it)
What Others Should KnowIt's okay to loosen the the two bright hex screws (2mm) in the bonnet to "clock" the bottle for the best filler/gauge alignment.
product came defective fill gage does not work. No replacement parts available from air venturi.
Things I Would Have Changedvendors
What Others Should KnowVery difficult since manufactures has no parts wanted me to send it in for repair but parts are not available. Disposed of the product.
I put this bottle on my Umarex fusion I have shot 500 pellets with it and it has worked fantastic
Things I Would Have ChangedI would not change any thing
The conversion works great. I put it on a Sig MPX so I would not have to keep buying c02. I am getting 300 shots from 3000psi down to about 1000-900. The bottle is better than the c02 because you pretty much get consistent air pressure over your whole shot string, unlike c02 where it starts dropping off after every shot. And the bottle is not effected by temperature like c02. Just better all the way around. I just plink cans and reactive targets in my backyard so it is perfect for that. I have a Umarex Ready Air compressor so filling it is no problem, now my Virtus has a little brother LOL
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing really it does what it is supposed to do.
What Others Should KnowIt makes the gun just a little bit longer by maybe an inch or two, not very noticeable but some people may not like it. Be sure to fill it up and let it sit overnight before installing it to make sure you have no leaks. I had a leak and had to send it back for a replacement. A little while after that I had a fill nipple leak and I called Air Venturi and they sent me a new nipple free of charge because I was in the 60 day window. Great customer service from PA and first time dealing with AV they were great too. I posted a picture of it you can see what it looks like. I added a DonnyFL Sumo moderator on it and it made it very quiet.
This tank lasts longer than the co2 cartridge does but doesn't seem to have as much pressure as a new cartridge does.
Things I Would Have ChangedBoost the pressure, make it shorter. This bottle adds at least 2-1/2 inches to the overall length and makes it difficult for some shorter armed individuals to to use comfortably. I would say make it shorter and increase the diameter.
What Others Should KnowThe adapter was a pain to attach to the bottle, it seemed like it was the wrong thread size or the treads themselves were not cut deep enough. I had to use a wrench to get it tight enough to allow the air flow out of the bottle. What a pain.
Nice build. And regular is modifiable.
Things I Would Have ChangedProvide a few washers, for adjusting the regulator if needed.
What Others Should KnowFor the Sig MCX the pressure was to high (1100 ) and may have caused a seal issue. Lowering the pressure to 900 is alot safer and better.
Nice build. And regular is modifiable.
Things I Would Have ChangedProvide a few washers, for adjusting the regulator if needed.
What Others Should KnowFor the Sig MCX the pressure was to high (1100 ) and may have caused a seal issue. Lowering the pressure to 900 is alot safer and better.
The tank it's self is Great! Holds air fine.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe adapter is the worst piece of machining I've ever seen. The threads are terrible. The first tank and adapter I worked on a little bit at a time backing it off each time until it should have been far enough to open the valve on the tank because it wouldn't go any further. Aired the tank up but still no air through the adapter. Then when I tried to remove the adapter it wouldn't budge. I contacted PA to return it. I didn't get a response. I ordered another tank and adapter and ran into the same issues with the threads on the adapter. I didn't try to work this one on. I ordered a different make adapter and what a nice piece of machining! Screwed right on and "I got air" the next day I carefully cut the jambed adapter off the first tank not to damage the threads and now I have 2 good tanks. The other adapter has three ports for the air to go through not just one like on these air Venturi ones. Two days after going through all this, PA finally sent me a RMA. Almost 2weeks later.
What Others Should KnowBuy the Air Venturi tanks but stay away from their adapters .... they are terrible!
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Dec 20, 2024
By Wilson