Air Venturi Airgun Regulator, Fits 90 Cu In Carbon Fiber Tank
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1-year limited warranty
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- Air Venturi air regulator
- Fits 90 cu in carbon fiber tank
- ASTM-compliant high-pressure and low-pressure bottle burst discs
- Meets Dept. of Transportation (DOT) regulations
- 2900 psi +/- 10% output (not for paintball)
- For more info, see page 3 of your tank owner's manual
For professional installation only.
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10 of 10 Air Venturi Airgun Regulator, Fits Reviews
Fast service and a fantastic product.
Things I Would Have ChangedInstall a better air gauge
What Others Should KnowThe air pressure is not correct on this product. However, it is close probably within 200-400 psi.
It was very easy to replace the regulator that I broke foolishly. I have a few carbon fiber tanks and my Air venturi is the only one that you must use a different port while charging up the tank. If you try to fill the tank using the output port instead of the intake port you will eventually destroy the regulator. The warnings are all over the place. It's my fault but it was very easy to fix with this OEM replacement port.
Things I Would Have ChangedClearer instructions on what to expect when removing the old one and installing the replacement. If it's really tight you may think it's seized up or your doing something wrong. Your not. It is really as simple as unscrewing the old one and screwing in the new one the new one. You need to have the bottle extremely stabilized to get a good grip. I strapped mine to a deck post using a rubber strap to get the first turn started. It was very tight. But No tape or sealant needed. Hand tightening is sufficient. Could be a little less expensive. The bottle cost 300$ and this part cost 100$.
What Others Should KnowThe warnings on how easy it is to ruin your regulator are accurate and not overkill. It won't take long to ruin it if you try to fill your tank incorrectly but you can fix it. so it's not a total waste.
Seems to work pretty good , it's the only game in town to use a paintball size tank for pcp pellet guns .
Things I Would Have ChangedI have three reg. and all three are set at 2600 - 2700 psi . I wish they could be tweaked up to 3000 psi so I could get more shots per top off .
Is excellent...works very good. Is what I expect.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowI do not know.
it worked
Things I Would Have Changedmake it so you can use other fill stations not air venturi only or at least state that others wont fit
What Others Should KnowI bought this thinking it would work with my Benjamin fill station but it wont so I had to buy air venture fill station because the pin that opens valve wont reach with the Benjamin. i would buy elsewhere if you got a Benjamin you can get no name regulators online that will work with Benjamin that have 2900 psi output
Easy to assemble
What Others Should KnowOnly has to be put on hand tight. If you tighten it too much you may tear the seal.
Small size and easy to use
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI'm going to give it only 2 stars since I bought 2 of them and they both had the same problem.. They would not go beyond 2400ish psi so I had to break out the old pump to top the guns off.
Easy to install and works well.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowI bought a 4500psi paintball tank off of Craigslist and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work with my Mrod. Stacey told me that paintball tanks are regulated to 900psi so I replaced it with the Air Venturi and it works like a charm. Thanks Stacey for all of the help and info.
What Others Should KnowI must have gotten a bad one,will not fill my 3000 psi
rifle past 2400psi,the other one I ordered fills the rifle to 3000psi.
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Sep 27, 2020
By William
Good replacement part, as advertised
Things I Would Have ChangedSlow getting order, a lot of products back ordered