Benjamin Assorted Hunting Pellets, .22 Cal, 400ct
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- Benjamin Assorted hunting pellets
- .22 cal
- 400ct
- Includes 100 of 4 pellet shapes: 14.3gr Domed Magnum, 14.3gr Hollowpoint, 14.3gr Super Point and 14.3gr Pointed Expanding
These pellets are the highest quality and are produced with a single die, so there's no variance in tolerances due to different die lots.
Try a variety of pellet shapes to determine what works best in your air guns. Pointed pellets and pointed expanding pellets are often the favorites of hunters, but they may not necessarily be the most accurate for the distance or gun you're shooting. This variety pack gives you several choices without locking you into a large number of pellets that may not work well for your needs.
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10 of 32 Benjamin Assorted Hunting Pellets, .22 Reviews
Is like Crosman.
Things I Would Have ChangedNo.
What Others Should KnowAssorted is good.
all pellets shot 3/8" 5-shot groups @ 13yards (the most I can get in my basement. Rifle is Benjamin Titan Np .22 with cheap C.P.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThe plastic tray makes it easy for the pellets to swap spots, so check the pellets to make sure you have the right one for grouping.
This is a nice selection and seems to be a good value for the money.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe packaging is terrible. It's a flimsy little plastic box with four compartments. It would be much nicer to have this in a canned that was divided into four sections. You will have to figure out how to move the pellets into their own little plastic bags or something once you get it.
Being able to try out a few new pellets in Benjamin brand.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe very flimsy plastic four compartment pellet holder. If you nudge or jostle this assortment, they will all be on the ground.
What Others Should KnowLove the idea. Going to get another mix pack from a different company. Great way to see what works in your gun or not without buying full tins.
A nice assortment of pellets to help you decide which your gun might like best.
Things I Would Have ChangedAs others have said, the packaging was awful. It was inadequate to keep the pellets separate, so I spent a great deal of time just separating the pellets into their respective groups.
What Others Should KnowI had my doubts about these pellets as you can easily see the mold lines on the pellets. If you look at pictures of these pellets, you can see them. I would think that this would affect accuracy. However, I found that they were fairly accurate. If you like anything but hollow points, good luck on finding a tin of any of the other types.
almost everything. good amount, really able to see if your rifle likes any of them. well made pellets in my opinion, very few if any damaged ones.
Things I Would Have Changedwhat sucks is my really pellet fussy gun LOVES the pointed ones BUT you cant buy them separately. i find it incredibly lame they give 4kinds of pellets in the sampler but you can only buy hollow point or destroyer/terminator style pellets. make 300 count domed and pointed pellet tins available asap. thanks
What Others Should Knowhope your rifle likes the 2 that you can buy more than a 100 of without buying 200-300 you don't want or need.
There is nothing great about it, other then a smaller amount of pellets in different styles.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe package had got to change. Vary flimsy and easy to mix the pellets.
The variety is good and the price was reasonable.
Things I Would Have ChangedLike the others I would say the packaging was inadequate. The tray slides out of the box, flops open and scrambles the pellets.
What Others Should KnowI have only used these in my break barrel springer on paper. About every 5th pellet was either very tight or almost loose enough I was worried they would fall out when the barrel was closing. The loose ones tend to fly 3/4" wide at 25 yrds. The hollow pt version shot very well in my rifle. If I did my part it touched the .22 inch bulls eye every time at 25 yards.
Cheap. Great if you're into spray and pray.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt was one of the worst ammos I used in my rifle. Shape, Size, and packaging wasn't good.
What Others Should KnowUsed in a Gamo Hornet Maxxim at 15 and 40 yards using an upgraded CenterPoint 4-16x40 AO Scope.
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Apr 11, 2021
By John
As I've said in the past, the sample pack is the right way to go if your looking for accuracy from your rifle. Nothing beats real shooting and testing each type of pellet in your rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedChange nothing.
What Others Should KnowIf your testing for accuracy save time and money and go with a sample pack if they make them in the type of pellets you are interested in shooting.