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Diana Two-Sixty Breakbarrel, Image 1
Diana Two-Sixty Breakbarrel, Image 1

Diana Two-Sixty Breakbarrel Air Rifle

4.53 reviews
3 answered questions



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Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.22 (5.5mm)


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The Diana Two-Sixty Air Rifle is a value-packed breakbarrel airgun with convenient and adjustable features. Capable of lead-pellet velocities up to 755 FPS and power up to 17.7 FPE (in .22 caliber) this air rifle lends itself well to small-game hunting, pest control, and plinking.

The accuracy of this single shot air rifle is provided by the rifled barrel, and its spring-piston powerplant provides reliable and consistent operation without requiring external power sources such as pumps or cartridges. The ambidextrous all-weather synthetic thumbhole provides texturing on the forearm and pistol grip for an improved hold in the presence of moisture, as well as a rubber buttpad.

The Diana Two-Sixty has a two-stage DIT adjustable trigger that can be adjusted for take-up to yield a custom break, and the cheek piece adjusts for elevation to deliver a personalized cheek weld.

In order to offer improved sighting precision, this air rifle features a fixed TruGlo fiber optic front sight and a TruGlo fiber optic rear sight that adjusts for both elevation and windage. In addition, it comes with a milled 11mm dovetail optics rail, and this combo includes a Diana 4x32 scope and rings.

To get a reliable and easy to use airgun for pest control, plinking, and small-game hunting, buy a Diana Two-Sixty Breakbarrel Air Rifle from Pyramyd AIR today.

Diana Two-Sixty Breakbarrel Air Rifle

  • Spring-piston powerplant
  • Single shot
  • Breakbarrel action
  • Rifled barrel
  • All-weather ambidextrous synthetic thumbhole stock
  • Max. velocity: 755 FPS (.22 with lead pellets), 935 FPS (.177)
  • Max. power: 17.7 FPE (.22), 15 FPE (.177)
  • DIT adjustable trigger
  • Textured pistol grip and forearm
  • TruGlo fiber optic front sight
  • Adjustable TruGlo fiber optic rear sight
  • Elevation-adjustable cheek piece
  • Milled 11mm dovetail optics rail
  • Rubber buttpad
  • Automatic safety
  • Barrel length: 16.5"
  • Overall length: 42.1"
  • Weight: 7.3 lbs.
  • Includes Diana 4x32 scope and rings
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.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
935 fps
Muzzle Energy
15 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
7.3 lbs
Break barrel
Fixed/adj. power
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Fiber Optic
Rear Sights
Two-stage adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Body Type

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star

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3 of 3 Diana Two-Sixty Reviews

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Mine is not broken in yet,so I can not speak of accuracy.

Not that I know of for the money.

The only reason it did not get 5 stars is because it is being compared to my HW 97.

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The rifle is well engineered and is well built. The stock has pistol grip handle that makes it easy to shoulder and aim. It also has an adjustable cheek rest to aid in aiming the rifle. The TRUGLO sights are easy to use and adjust. The gun comes with a nice scope, but I don't intend to use it because I'm not going to shoot at anything over 50 feet. For me the TRUGLO sights are fine. This gun is backyard friendly once broken in.

Maybe equip it with an inert gas piston instead of a spring piston to make it quieter to shoot in the backyard. Accuracy could be better, but that is really a function of the shooter and type of pellet used.

I'm a multi-pump pneumatic fanatic and have been since I purchased my first Crosman 1322 in the summer of 1975. When we moved from SC to NC, I had to downsize my air gun collection, so I sold off all my spring and gas piston rifles and kept my multi-pump air guns. In our new home we have a rodent problem. Squirrels and rabbits wreak havoc in my wife's garden. I've kept them under control with my Crosman 362, but I ran into a situation where I needed a quick follow-up shot. Something that can't be done with a multi-pump air gun. I also need something with more power. I ran about 200 pellets through my Diana 260 before it settled down and quit dieseling when shot. I get about 16 fpe with most pellets I shoot and 1.5" c-t-c groups at 10 yds using a bench rest and 1.5" groups at 5 yds shooting off hand. (I get <1" groups with my Crosman 362). The Diana 260 shoots a variety of pellets well (Beeman, Crosman, Gamo, H&N, JSB, JTS and Predator) with pretty much the same results.

Milton Nov 24, 2024

After shooting more pellets with my Diana 260 I'm changing my accuracy rating to a 4. The more I shoot it, the more accurate it gets. Today I shot from a rest at 15 ft and got 0.75" c-t-c group using JTS Dead Center 14.89 grain wadcutters and 0.5" c-t-c group using Crosman 14.3 grain Piranha pellets. This is probably the most accurate spring piston rifle I have owned.

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Value for money

After a break in 500 pellets it's as smooth as the name Diana extremely accurate trigger feels good and breaks at 3lbs crosman premier 14.3gr have a average velocity of 803fps great Target and pest control rifle.

They should advertise gas ram not spring

Just a fun rifle to shoot it's Diana quality
Not pellet picky.

Warren Jan 12, 2025

I own this diana 260 and installed a new 25mm piston seal and my 260 is not a spring piston but a gas ram cylinder and is the same as the diana 250 which is also a gas ram I have had both of mine apart ...

Milton Nov 06, 2024

It is a spring piston. I have shot 155 pellets through my rifle, and it is still in the break in period. Not shooting very good groups yet but it is showing it is powerful enough for pest control. Right around 16 ft-lbs for the pellets I've tested. I plan to submit an objective review of its performance after it is broken in.

James May 16, 2024

So it is gas piston not spring air?

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