H&K MP7 Break Barrel Pellet Gun
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The H&K MP7 Break Barrel Pellet Gun is an airgun version of the renowned and very recognizable military machine pistol used by special forces and militaries worldwide. It is capable of maximum velocities up to 490 FPS to deliver ample accuracy for exciting target shooting and backyard plinking, and in contrast to most firearms replicas, it shoots pellets instead of BBs.
This breakbarrel air gun utilizes a textured faux suppressor that both serves to heighten the overall tactical look and lessen the cocking effort by extending the length of the cocking arm for easier operation. Although this pellet gun is compact enough to be used by properly-supervised children, it also features a collapsible wire stock to give adult shooters an adjustable length of pull for maximum utility and comfort.
The H&K MP7 Break Barrel gives shooters options when it comes to adding optics and accessories. It has a full-length Picatinny optics rail along the top, and it also comes with an Axeon Optics 1XRDS 1x30 Red Dot Sight that features 11 levels of brightness for various lighting situations, a 5 MOA red dot, and a 30mm 1x field of view, as well as being elevation and windage adjustable. In addition, Picatinny accessory rails on both sides of the front allow for attaching items such as flashlights and lasers.
To get a pellet-shooting breakbarrel airgun that delivers the excitement of using a gun with a similar look to its military cousin without having to purchase 4.6x30mm cartridges, buy the H&K MP7 Break Barrel Pellet Gun from Pyramyd AIR today.
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
H&K MP7 Break Barrel Pellet Gun
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- Uses .177 caliber pellets
- Collapsible wire stock
- Faux suppressor
- Max. velocity: 490 FPS
- Textured pistol grip
- Includes Axeon Optics 1XRDS 1x30 Red Dot Sight
- Full-length Picatinny optics rail
- Forearm Picatinny accessory rails on both sides
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
Overall Rating
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10 of 10 Heckler & Koch MP7 Reviews
Things I Would Have ChangedWhile it might change the authenticity I would like a longer barrel without the suppressor. I would also like the Red Dot replaced with flipup iron sights. That's what I did.
This was my second purchase of this gun and it was defective just like the first one was, The concept of the gun is great the quality is just not there.
Things I Would Have ChangedGet a new manufacture to produce the gun.
What Others Should KnowDo not waste your time or money.
Love H&K guns and this is a very inexpensive copy of an MP7! Like all SSP power plants they focus on the single shot experience. This is an excellent copy of an MP7 with the exception of the rather large barrel 'suppressor'.
Things I Would Have ChangedThis is a fun Springer but we all would love a semiautomatic/full auto BB version of this model H&K machine pistol, or submachine gun. Wouldn't it be fun to slap a new magazine into the grip well and spray BB's at a target in our home range! Hint hint Umarex.
What Others Should KnowDon't overlook this airgun due to the fact that it is a large springer. After all many work springers tend to be a handful.
Its a very cool gun. I really loved the looks and the accuracy within 15 meters. However, collapsible stock lock broke after mild use. Now I cannot lock the collapsible stock in position. Will exchange for another one. I kind of still like the gun.
Things I Would Have ChangedCollapsible stock mechanism has to be redesigned.
What Others Should KnowBe careful with the collapsible stock. It does not stay in position and the one at my rifle broke.
cool factor light weight very easy to shoot and accurate to 15 yards
Things I Would Have Changedbetter quality materials scope screws sheared off after 75 shots had to return for refund
What Others Should Knowbeware of umarex air guns i had three and all failed.
I like the size, weight and feel. Easy to cock and fire. I would recommend this.
Things I Would Have ChangedI do not like the shoulder stock. I feel it is to weak and will eventually break of it is extended when trying to cock the gun. I would feather a full stock put on or at the very least a buffer tube.
What Others Should KnowIf you like break barrels but do not like how long and heavy they can be, then get this one. You will like it.
Light and simple
Things I Would Have ChangedThe stock has up and down movement when it is extended, so to shoulder it needs extra attention to be very light. The trigger is unpredictable one stage trigger, I hope it will get better after many shots.
What Others Should KnowIt is fun to use it and it is very backyard friendly.
Nice wieght
Things I Would Have Changed. straight out of the box attempted to cock it and the fake suppressor slid right off..,#Some Krazy glue and 24 hours later all good.
What Others Should KnowNo CO2!! Nuff said..
This a fun little plinker and for what it is its pretty accurate at 30 yards. The fun factor is off the charts!
Things I Would Have ChangedTo get the most out of this gun I put on better optics.
What Others Should KnowThis little jewel was made for plinking and is
good at it. It is not a hunting gun.
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Feb 06, 2025
By Dyeshan
It's very nice heavy like it's feels really realistic.its a break barrel no CO2 is needed so you can plink all day save money.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would definitely up the fps on it just a just a tad bit I don't hunt but I have a pest problem and I managed to pluck a nice size rat about 8 feet away
What Others Should KnowThis feels really good in your hands it's not a toy be careful at all times