Feinwerkbau 800 Universal Air Rifle
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Do you have Olympic aspirations? If so, the FWB 800 Universal air rifle should be on your short list!
With accuracy of 0.04" (center-to-center), it's obvious the gun has the ability to deliver a gold medal. All you have to do is your part!
Powered by compressed air, the Feinwerkbau 800 is easy to cock, requiring only 2 lbs. of effort.
Serious competitors spend hundreds of hours dry-firing their guns, avoiding the waste of shooting thousands of pellets and tank after tank of air. This helps you improve trigger control, target acquisition and follow-thru. An economical, yet valuable training aid.
Manufactured by Feinwerkbau in Oberndorf, Germany, the FWB 800 Universal is produced in a state-of-the-art facility with the latest technological advances in the field of precision airgunning.
The open sights on this air gun are so fine and of such high quality that they cost more than most air rifles!
The finely adjustable trigger is user-friendly, and you can quickly make changes -- even in the middle of a match.
An Olympic rifle needs the best pellets available, which we've rounded up in our AMMO collection. Appropriate targets, cleaning gear and safety equipment are listed in the ACCESSORIES section.
Helpful resources:
- Learn about hunting with air rifles
- Tips for picking the right airgun for hunting game & pests
- Learn about airgun hunting laws in your state
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Feinwerkbau (FWB) 800 Universal air rifle
- Precharged pneumatic
- Single-shot
- Right-hand or left-hand grip
- Fully adjustable diopter rear sight
- Globe front sight accepts inserts
- 200 bar max pressure (2,840 psi)
- Removable air reservoir with integral manometer (air pressure gauge)
- 557 fps to 574 fps
- Trigger-pull is adjustable from 60 to 90 grams and from 60 to 150 grams (there are two places to adjust the trigger)
- Up to 27mm trigger shoe adjustment
- Laminated wood stock
- Adjustable buttplate and cheekpiece
- Overall length varies from 43.31" to 44.88" due to adjustable buttpad
- Dry-fire capability
- Meets ISSF requirements
- Inner absorber eliminates shooting impulse
- Includes hard case, small toolkit and fill adapter

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Apr 01, 2019
By Styckk
Everything about this rifle is top notch. The accuracy is amazing, outstanding trigger ( that has dry fire capability ) basically all features of this rifle exudes quality. Comes with custom lockable hard plastic case and all tools you may need to adjust the rifle to fit you. Benched at 10 meters one hole groups the size of .177 pellets are easily obtained. The trigger straight from the factory was well under a pound and must be experienced. There are adjustments to make it even better, but I have no need to do so. I have not counted the number of shots per fill but the number is more than adequate. I love everything about this rifle.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would change nothing.
What Others Should KnowThe rifle is heavy so it may not fit smaller shooters.