Gamo Raptor PBA, Image 1
Gamo Raptor PBA, Image 1
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Gamo Raptor PBA .177 Cal, 5.1 Grains, Round Nose, 100ct

3.5113 reviews
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$0.130 / Rd


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PBA ammo can damage and even penetrate many metal airgun traps & targets. If you must use metal traps or targets, use our Heavy-Duty Metal Trap, the A.G.E. Quiet Pellet Trap, or traps & targets designated for rimfire guns.
  • .177 caliber
  • 5.4 grains
  • Round nose
  • 100 pellets
True Gold
18 Karat gold plating eliminates barrel corrosion and enhances accuracy shot after shot.
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.177 (4.5mm)
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10 of 113 Gamo Raptor PBA .177 Cal Reviews

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They have a nice gold finish.

The price seems unjustified.

The weight.

This site says that the weight is 5.4 grains, but the package says 5.1 grains. Has the weight been decreased since the pellet was originally marketed? If so, why?

The package says "Supersonic", which is completely mindless. Like any other pellets, these will be subsonic when fired from some guns and will be supersonic when fired from some guns.

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Great selection, great service from Pyramid.. My RWS rifle shoots these pellets with great accuracy and velocity.

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They tend to be quite consistent in weight and size. It is a fairly hard alloy, so they keep their shape pretty well in the container. Very high muzzle velocity due to the low weight, which combined with the aforementioned hard alloy gives them very good penetration at short to medium ranges.

Stupidly expensive! No doubt at least partly due to the gold plating(They are only plated, not solid gold. There seems to be quite a few people confused about that.), which seems more gimmicky than anything. It does prevent oxidation, but that tends not to be an issue with lead free pellets anyway. These are very nearly .22 long rifle prices per shot, even in today's wonky ammo market.

While all airguns tend to be fairly picky about what ammo they like, I find these to have little in the way of middle ground. In a few of my guns they are incredibly accurate. In the others, they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Also, due to the relatively low weight, I would use a great deal if caution when trying them in an older spring gun. Newer springers and gas springers are probably fine with these, but older ones may end up with a broken mainspring. These pellets also tend to not be great at longer ranges. While the initial velocity is very high, they bleed it pretty quickly because of the low weight. They are also very sensitive to wind drift for the same reason. Overall, a pretty good pellet if penetration is your primary concern and your gun likes them. But there are better options out there these days, and at much better prices.

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Your service to customers is awesome. You actually follow up with contacting a customer after purchasing. Your product information is really organized. Thanks for being attention to your customers satisfaction.

You really cover alot of areas and easy to follow online information. Would not change anything. Keep communicating with your customers.

How about products repairs. I have hard time someone getting my equipment repaired.

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The sound they make

make them shoot better

I originally thought these were amazing, after putting 40 plus through each of my rifles they would not shoot consistent or accurately. Got them from the combo pack from gamo. These are 6.30 mm long so they will fit in the Magazine of the new Hatsan 1911 so im tempted to buy it and see how they do in a pistol. I assume the sounds with still be awesome. we shall see.

Ben-jammin Apr 17, 2018

These and all pellets I tried with the Hatsan 1911 did poorly. Only got 3 of these to fire in a row out of 12.

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I tried this pellet on my own and its amazing!! 177 and 22 177 is very loud but very good for hunting

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Very smooth unifirm in size clean handling light weight accurate and hard hitting at close range. Good fit in rotary magazines. . .Hammerli 850. Quiet shooting in co2 guns.

Lower price or larger quantity for the price.

Give these a try. . .

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Clean, smooth, fairly consistent size, nice weight & accuracy at close ranges up to 20 yds

Price for sure. Too expensive for the quantity received.

Would have to buy 3 get one free to minimize cost. Would also need free shipping. . . .otherwise much too expensive. However, they do shoot well (just started using in Hammerli .177 with excellent results). Accuracy and speed for knockdown power on pest birds in the Hammerli.

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I love shooting it out of my Gamo air rifle!!

Not a thing!!!

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the look of them the sound they make like a 22 and the distance and accuracy I can get.

the price

I have a Crossman fury blackout 2 with a Centerpoint 4-16 40 AO scope it shoots a miller light aluminum bottle at 250 yds on the UPC code in a half dollar sized group.

Jason Mar 19, 2021

I think he meant 25 yards.

Carlton Jan 21, 2016

I love it when people exaggerate. . .he probably meant 25 yds. . .

ronald Oct 23, 2015

Bull shit

Thomas Sep 17, 2015

Not possible

Gerardo Jul 16, 2015

Yeah, I would look to see this on video... If this is really true, give us your secret...

Jac Jun 01, 2015

250 yds? Really? That breaks down to a rough estimate of 1/2 minute angle. I would dearly love to see that claim first-hand.

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