JTS COMP100 Portable, Image 1
JTS COMP100 Portable, Image 1

JTS COMP100 Portable PCP Compressor with Auto Stop

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The JTS COMP100 Portable PCP Compressor is a robust and capable unit with thoughtful design and useful features that fills PCP air guns quickly and easily. It uses advanced noise reduction technology to lower the overall noise level to 70dB, and makes an effective replacement for hand pumps, bottles, and lesser compressors that take more time per fill or are capable of less pressure.

This compressor allows use of both 110/220V power from a typical outlet and 12V power from an automotive battery because it features an onboard converter, and the rear of the unit stores the jumper cables on a cord wrap for easy access. It has an adjustable auto shutoff that stops filling the air gun at the set pressure for convenience, up to an impressive maximum fill pressure of 6,200 PSI to meet the needs of powerful air guns today and in the future.

The JTS COMP100 has a built-in moisture filter and a water separator to ensure the cleanest air possible, and it features an easy-refill grease tank and an easy-refill water cooling tank to make maintenance simple. It also offers continuous operation because of its multi-cool thermal dissipation system with high-flow cooling fan that lowers the overall temperature of the system.

The compressor also has a carrying handle on the top for portability, and the fill hose is stored on the cord wrap on the back that makes it easy to transport and store. It also uses a sealed needle-style roller bearing on the crankshaft that helps improve longevity and efficiency without increasing the size and weight.

To get a compressor capable of high pressure with an adjustable auto-stop and noise reduction technology for quiet use, buy a JTS COMP100 Portable PCP Compressor at Pyramyd AIR now.

JTS COMP100 Portable PCP Compressor

  • Advanced noise reduction lowers the noise level to 70dB
  • Max. pressure: up to 6,200 PSI
  • Adjustable auto-shutoff
  • Power source: 12V car battery or 110V/220V outlet
  • Built-in 110V to 12V DC converter
  • Moisture filter
  • Compressor includes carrying handle
  • Thermal dissipation multi-cool system with high-flow fan cooling for continuous operation
  • Easy-refill grease tank
  • Easy-refill water cooling tank
  • Built-in water separator
  • Jumper cables included
  • Includes fill hose
  • Sealed needle-style crankshaft roller bearing
  • Dimensions: 11.8" x 6.1" x 12.4"
  • Weight: 29 lbs.


29.0 lbs

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5 of 5 JTS COMP100 Portable PCP Compressor Reviews

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Ease of operation. Low noise levels. Built in inverter. Does the job on my air tanks.

Nothing so far.

Very well built unit. Longevity is yet to be determined.

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Easy Setup and works very well so far.

I think better instructions and procedures would help. Not bad, just probably could be done better.

The Box and shipping were excellent for protecting it.

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Easy maintenance 110 volt, fills to 6800 PSI with ease. Compact in size for the capability.


Best in class performance, best value for the price.

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Helpfull Review?(1)
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Very heavy for size Runs at a slower pace than Rove but seems to kick up about twice the air for each crank. Love the quality of the components especially the precision of the gauges. It is a high fan noise but the crankshaft noise is ness than a rove. It is fast and stays cool no matter how long a file it seems to me. Water cooled with greese dispenser onboard. Easy set up and ran for an hour first time to fill up 6 rifles and a bottle. Faster than anything I have used yet Everything Beast and water cooled Heavy and quality components and gauges This will sell

More robust instructions and larger diagrams Longer fill whip

I have have this ones little brother and two rove airs and they all work well but this new water cooled comp100 is fare And about the best and a great value if it lasts. I bought the fill 4 years service contract so I am feeling very comfortable so far!!!! But knock on wood it is still a compressor

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It is a real beast though but quite . It works at a different pace than any small compressor I know. This is a game changer for me and folks that need a compressor every day and needs it to work no matter how much you shoot in a day. Easy to set up and filled 6 guns and a 1 liter bottle to 300 BAR no problems right out of the box. I know what compressors have to do to get to 300 and the wear and tear they go through. This is water cooled and easy to use. I did get the full 4 year service plan because who else would I want to help me when I need it most? T

Not a thing

Anything P air sells they stand by even when it hurts We appreciate that in this journey

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