Legends P.08 CO2 BB Magazine, Fits Blowback Pistol, 21rds
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- Legends P.08 magazine
- Holds 21 steel BBs
- Fits only the Legends blowback P.08 CO2 pistol (UX-2251803 [Legends Blowback P08 CO2 Pistol,...])
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10 of 28 Legends P.08 CO2 BB Magazine Reviews
Well made and sturdy. Not plastic like some other mags.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing..
What Others Should KnowAs always, drop of oil on top of CO2 cylinder tohelpsealand preserve o-ring....This mag for the PO8 with blow-back is an essential item when You order the gun. I make sure to have extra bags for all my airguns...If they sell out, manufacturers take some time to re-supply
Works great, no issues.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowThe more mags you have, the more time for each one to warm up a littlebefore you load it again.
perfectly fit the pistol
Things I Would Have Changednone
What Others Should Knowfast delivery, good prices
Exactly like the original. Nice to have a spare.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it more affordable. The spare magazine is 40% the cost of the original gun & magazine & only has a 90 day warranty.
Extra clips are always handy!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing much you can change.
What Others Should KnowIf you're an avid plinker the more clips you have the more fun you'll have.
Excellent quality. Being able to drop the empty one out slip the full magazine in and keep shooting. Great fun. I have got spare magazines for all my air guns as I think that they are easy to lose or break just wish I could buy them here in New Zealand I can't so I am really pleased I found Pyramid Air thank you.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowNothing I can think of.
Works fine a little pricey but U get what U pay for
Things I Would Have ChangedAs others have said, most all Legends magazine need to have a follower stop for loading
The magazine works for the most part.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe two magazines I have one came with the gun and I bought a second both showed wear quicker that I felt they should have. Also I had a problem with double feeding after about ten uses.
What Others Should KnowThe magazine worked better then the gun. But I felt it showed wear much more quickly that I thought it should have. Like the gun I cannot give it better than two stars.
Perfect fit (just like the one that came with the gun). With multiple magazines, you can avoid the "cooling effect" of rapid fire.
Things I Would Have ChangedOffer a higher volume valve for a little more power, otherwise it is fine "as is".
What Others Should KnowA "tad" expensive, but no doubt as a result of the somewhat "complicated" mechanism.
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Dec 17, 2023
Solid, extra to have for mag reloading.
Things I Would Have ChangedNone.
What Others Should KnowSeem to work for extra mag, Use 1 drop CO2 oil no problems.