Outdoor Life Scree Folding Knife, Pocket Knife
Shipped & sold by Blackbird Products Group, LLC
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- 3.25 inch D2 bead blasted finish
- Black G10 handle with Orange pivot ring
- Tip up reversible pocket clip
- 4.0 inch closed length liner lock
Outdoor Life Scree Ball Bearing folder with D2 blade
Outdoor Life Scree is a 4" closed length liner lock and has a 3.25" D2 bead blasted finish blade and black G10 handles with an orange pivot ring and a tip down pocket clip. Introducing the Scree folding Knife: Your Compact Companion for Outdoor Adventures Crafted with the same rugged durability and precision as its larger counterparts, the Scree folding Knife is designed for those who value efficiency and portability in their outdoor gear. Despite its small size, this knife packs a punch, making it the perfect tool for tackling quick tasks and light cutting duties on the trail. Featuring a sharp D2 blade, the Scree is adept at slicing through ropes, opening packages, or whittling sticks for kindling. Its compact size makes it easy to stow in a pocket or clip to a keychain, ensuring that its always within reach when you need it most. The ergonomic handle is designed for comfort and control, with textured G10 grips to prevent slipping even in wet or slippery conditions. Whether youre setting up camp, preparing a meal, or tending to minor repairs, the Scree is there to lend a helping hand. Despite its smaller size, the Scree is built to last, with a robust construction that can withstand the rigors of outdoor use. From weekend hikes to extended backpacking trips, its the perfect companion for adventurers who demand quality, reliability, and versatility in their gear. So whether youre exploring remote trails or simply enjoying a day in nature, let the Scree Folding Knife be your trusted companion, ready to tackle any task with ease and efficiency.
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