MTM Case-Gard Jammit All-Weather Target Backer
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- Jammit all-weather target backer
- Weather-resistant polypropylene
- Will not tear, wilt or soften in wet/humid conditions
- Tape, staple or tack targets to backer
- Good for thousands of rounds
- Fits the Jammit compact target stand (MTM-CGJMCTS40)
- 17.5"x23"x.2"
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8 of 8 MTM Case-Gard Jammit All-Weather Target Reviews
Ease of use
Things I Would Have ChangedThe material needs to heal better. It tends to leave a hole or tears a piece of the backer out
What Others Should KnowThese are better than some plastic sign material, which shattered when the pellet hit it.
Great price, fast shipping.
I'd like to amend my review. I kept using the backer and discovered it was tougher than I thought. If I keep moving around the bulls eye and spread out the holes the backer doesn't crack or split. And the dew or rain doesn't affect it at all.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it thicker.
What Others Should KnowI'm testing a lot of different pellets in a new rifle and when I manage to get a tight group it blows a big hole in the backer. Your target will tear when it hits a hole that's already behind it, but if you aren't trying to keep accurate scoring it will last a lot longer than I thought the first time I tried it out.
It's stiff and waterproof.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake it thicker, and more durable.
What Others Should KnowThe description claims it is two inches thick. It is not. It's only 1/8 inch thick and though it is waterproof and stiffer than corrugated cardboard it is basically just corrugated plastic and gets chewed up as fast as cardboard. Unless you are going to be shooting in rain and snow, save your money and cut up old cardboard boxes.
REALLY saves on other materials used as "backstops" for paper targets. I actually have this behind a heavy-duty pellet trap to catch any flyers, so I expect it to last a good long time.
Things I Would Have ChangedOffer it in different sizes, perhaps?
What Others Should KnowI wouldn't consider this a must have, but it will surely save on cardboard, if that's what you're currently using. I find it leaves my basement range a lot cleaner, and easier to clean up.
Lasts way longer than cardboard and rain does not even both it;
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowHave been using these with stick on targets, left out in the rain and some of the targets started to peal off on the corners. You can put a whole lot of holes in these before they become worthless.
really haven't had a chance to use this yet, waiting for better weather. Looks and feels like it's very well made. good idea.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
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Dec 14, 2021
By Glenn
It works.
What Others Should KnowIt performs as advertised and lasts longer than cardboard. Works well with the stand.